blob: 17f11ff971e0b477231397bcaa92279752248e16 [file] [log] [blame]
== Overview ==
This project explores using SolrJ to work with a Blur installation.
== Mismatches ==
o) Commits - Blur commits on an update; Solr expects an explicit commit and rather
than buffering, I've chosen to go ahead and follow Blur's model.
o) Optimize - Solr offers waitFlush, waitSearcher and Blur just offers maxSegments.
o) Deletes - The id's being passed to delete are understood to be RowIDs. I gather that
Solr can delete child docs directly using this method but I don't yet see a safe way
to do that for us given only a single id. Maybe there's a way to do record deletions
by establishing a convention (e.g. "1->5", would be recordid:5 row:1)?
o) Row/SolrInputDocument/SolrDocument:
- o) Indexing:
- - o) SolrInputDocument supports a Parent/Child document similar to Blur's Row/Record
relationship, only in Solr the parent is a "real" document that can itself have fields.
- - o) The mismatch is currently addressed by throwing an IllegalArgumentException if a parent
document is passed with fields. Given the need to round-trip the data, this seemed
the only reasonable compromise.
- o) Searching:
- - o) At the API level, Solr doesn't seem to support the notion of a Row (or parent document)
query, so searching is currently all Record queries. Need to figure out if there's
a way to expose Row query through SolrJ without parsing the query for the join syntax -
which would again expose a mismatch because of the lack of child docs on returns.
== Usage ==
= Create a server =
SolrServer server = new SolrLookingBlurServer(miniCluster.getControllerConnectionStr(), table);
= Add a document =
SolrInputDocument parent = new SolrInputDocument();
parent.addField("rowid", "1");
SolrInputDocument child = new SolrInputDocument();
child.addField("recordid", "1");
child.addField("fam.value", "123");
= Or add in batches =
List<SolrInputDocument> docs = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
//follow above example...
= Delete row/rows =
List<String> ids = Lists.newArrayList("1", "2", "3", "4", "5");
= Search (records) =
SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("value0-0");
QueryResponse response = server.query(query);
System.out.println("Total result count: " + response.getResults().getNumFound());
SolrDocument docResult = response.getResults().get(0);
assertEquals("0", docResult.getFieldValue("recordid"));
assertEquals("value0-0", docResult.getFieldValue("fam.value"));
Collection<Object> mvfVals = docResult.getFieldValues("fam.mvf");
assertTrue("We should get all our values back[" + mvfVals + "]",
CollectionUtils.isEqualCollection(mvfVals, Lists.newArrayList("value0-0", "value0-0")));
== Notes ==
**caveat is that I don't have experience with SolrJ, so this may very
well be dangerous.