blob: e5c05a7e9080be878c43dcd3cc59d639589ea50d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.amaterasu.common.configuration
import{File, InputStream}
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.Properties
import org.apache.amaterasu.common.logging.Logging
import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException
import scala.collection.mutable
class ClusterConfig extends Logging {
val DEFAULT_FILE: InputStream = getClass.getResourceAsStream("/src/main/scripts/")
//val DEFAULT_FILE = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/")
var version: String = ""
var user: String = ""
var zk: String = ""
var mode: String = ""
var master: String = ""
var masterPort: String = "5050"
var timeout: Double = 600000
var taskMem: Int = 1024
var distLocation: String = "local"
var workingFolder: String = ""
var pythonPath: String = "python3"
// TODO: get rid of hard-coded version
var pysparkPath: String = _
var Jar: String = _
var JarName: String = _
// the additionalClassPath is currently for testing purposes, when amaterasu is
// not packaged, there is a need to load the spark-assembly jar
var additionalClassPath: String = ""
var spark: Spark = new Spark()
val webserver: Webserver = new Webserver()
val mesos: Mesos = new Mesos()
//this should be a filesystem path that is reachable by all executors (HDFS, S3, local)
class YARN {
var queue: String = "default"
var hdfsJarsPath: String = ""
var master: Master = new Master()
var hadoopHomeDir: String = ""
def load(props: Properties): Unit = {
if (props.containsKey("yarn.queue")) queue = props.getProperty("yarn.queue")
if (props.containsKey("yarn.jarspath")) hdfsJarsPath = props.getProperty("yarn.jarspath")
if (props.containsKey("yarn.hadoop.home.dir")) hadoopHomeDir = props.getProperty("yarn.hadoop.home.dir")
class Master {
var cores: Int = 1
var memoryMB: Int = 1024
def load(props: Properties): Unit = {
if (props.containsKey("yarn.master.cores")) this.cores = props.getProperty("yarn.master.cores").toInt
if (props.containsKey("yarn.master.memoryMB")) this.memoryMB = props.getProperty("yarn.master.memoryMB").toInt
val Master = new Master()
class Worker {
var cores: Int = 1
var memoryMB: Int = 1024
def load(props: Properties): Unit = {
if (props.containsKey("yarn.worker.cores")) this.cores = props.getProperty("yarn.worker.cores").toInt
if (props.containsKey("yarn.worker.memoryMB")) this.memoryMB = props.getProperty("yarn.worker.memoryMB").toInt
val worker = new Worker()
val yarn = new YARN()
class Spark {
var home: String = ""
var opts: mutable.Map[String, String] = mutable.Map()
def load(props: Properties): Unit = {
if (props.containsKey("spark.home")) home = props.getProperty("spark.home")
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
for (key <- props.propertyNames()) {
if (key.toString.startsWith("spark.opts.")) {
val value = props.getProperty(key.toString)
val newKey = key.toString.replace("spark.opts.", "")
opts.put(newKey, value)
class Webserver {
var Port: String = ""
var Root: String = ""
var sparkVersion: String = ""
def load(props: Properties): Unit = {
if (props.containsKey("webserver.port")) this.Port = props.getProperty("webserver.port")
if (props.containsKey("webserver.root")) this.Root = props.getProperty("webserver.root")
if (props.containsKey("spark.version")) this.sparkVersion = props.getProperty("spark.version")
class Mesos {
var libPath: String = ""
def load(props: Properties): Unit = {
if (props.containsKey("mesos.libPath")) this.libPath = props.getProperty("mesos.libPath")
class Jobs {
var cpus: Double = 1
var mem: Long = 1024
var repoSize: Long = 1024
def load(props: Properties): Unit = {
if (props.containsKey("jobs.cpu")) cpus = props.getProperty("jobs.cpu").toDouble
if (props.containsKey("jobs.mem")) mem = props.getProperty("jobs.mem").toLong
if (props.containsKey("jobs.repoSize")) repoSize = props.getProperty("jobs.repoSize").toLong
class Tasks {
var attempts: Int = 3
var cpus: Int = 1
var mem: Int = 1024
def load(props: Properties): Unit = {
if (props.containsKey("jobs.tasks.attempts")) attempts = props.getProperty("jobs.tasks.attempts").toInt
if (props.containsKey("jobs.tasks.cpus")) cpus = props.getProperty("jobs.tasks.cpus").toInt
if (props.containsKey("jobs.tasks.mem")) mem = props.getProperty("jobs.tasks.mem").toInt
val tasks = new Tasks()
val jobs = new Jobs()
object AWS {
var accessKeyId: String = ""
var secretAccessKey: String = ""
var distBucket: String = ""
var distFolder: String = ""
def load(props: Properties): Unit = {
if (props.containsKey("aws.accessKeyId")) accessKeyId = props.getProperty("aws.accessKeyId")
if (props.containsKey("aws.secretAccessKey")) secretAccessKey = props.getProperty("aws.secretAccessKey")
if (props.containsKey("aws.distBucket")) distBucket = props.getProperty("aws.distBucket")
if (props.containsKey("aws.distFolder")) distFolder = props.getProperty("aws.distFolder")
object local {
var distFolder: String = new File(".").getAbsolutePath
def load(props: Properties): Unit = {
if (props.containsKey("local.distFolder")) distFolder = props.getProperty("local.distFolder")
def load(): Unit = {
def validationCheck(): Unit = {
if (!Array("yarn", "mesos").contains(mode)) {
throw new ConfigurationException(s"mode $mode is not legal. Options are 'yarn' or 'mesos'!")
def load(file: InputStream): Unit = {
val props: Properties = new Properties()
if (props.containsKey("version")) version = props.getProperty("version")
if (props.containsKey("user")) user = props.getProperty("user")
if (props.containsKey("zk")) zk = props.getProperty("zk")
if (props.containsKey("master")) master = props.getProperty("master")
if (props.containsKey("masterPort")) masterPort = props.getProperty("masterPort")
if (props.containsKey("timeout")) timeout = props.getProperty("timeout").asInstanceOf[Double]
if (props.containsKey("mode")) mode = props.getProperty("mode")
if (props.containsKey("workingFolder")) workingFolder = props.getProperty("workingFolder", s"/user/$user")
if (props.containsKey("pysparkPath")) pysparkPath = props.getProperty("pysparkPath") else pysparkPath = s"spark-${props.getProperty("spark.version")}/bin/spark-submit"
if (props.containsKey("pythonPath")) pythonPath = props.getProperty("pythonPath")
// TODO: rethink this
Jar = this.getClass.getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource.getLocation.toURI.getPath
JarName = Paths.get(this.getClass.getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource.getLocation.getPath).getFileName.toString
val jobsss = new Jobs()
distLocation match {
case "AWS" => AWS.load(props)
case "local" => local.load(props)
case _ => log.error("The distribution location must be a valid file system: local, HDFS, or AWS for S3")
object ClusterConfig {
def apply(file: InputStream): ClusterConfig = {
val config = new ClusterConfig()
def apply(): ClusterConfig = {
val config = new ClusterConfig()