blob: dff4b8a36a5706d966cfd1a714e9ceeeb5f54392 [file] [log] [blame]
module Sass
module Selector
# The abstract superclass for simple selectors
# (that is, those that don't compose multiple selectors).
class Simple
# The line of the Sass template on which this selector was declared.
# @return [Integer]
attr_accessor :line
# The name of the file in which this selector was declared,
# or `nil` if it was not declared in a file (e.g. on stdin).
# @return [String, nil]
attr_accessor :filename
# Whether only one instance of this simple selector is allowed in a given
# complex selector.
# @return [Boolean]
def unique?
# @see #to_s
# @return [String]
def inspect
# Returns the selector string.
# @param opts [Hash] rendering options.
# @option opts [Symbol] :style The css rendering style.
# @return [String]
def to_s(opts = {})
# Returns a hash code for this selector object.
# By default, this is based on the value of \{#to\_a},
# so if that contains information irrelevant to the identity of the selector,
# this should be overridden.
# @return [Integer]
def hash
@_hash ||= equality_key.hash
# Checks equality between this and another object.
# By default, this is based on the value of \{#to\_a},
# so if that contains information irrelevant to the identity of the selector,
# this should be overridden.
# @param other [Object] The object to test equality against
# @return [Boolean] Whether or not this is equal to `other`
def eql?(other)
other.class == self.class && other.hash == hash && other.equality_key == equality_key
alias_method :==, :eql?
# Unifies this selector with a {SimpleSequence}'s {SimpleSequence#members members array},
# returning another `SimpleSequence` members array
# that matches both this selector and the input selector.
# By default, this just appends this selector to the end of the array
# (or returns the original array if this selector already exists in it).
# @param sels [Array<Simple>] A {SimpleSequence}'s {SimpleSequence#members members array}
# @return [Array<Simple>, nil] A {SimpleSequence} {SimpleSequence#members members array}
# matching both `sels` and this selector,
# or `nil` if this is impossible (e.g. unifying `#foo` and `#bar`)
# @raise [Sass::SyntaxError] If this selector cannot be unified.
# This will only ever occur when a dynamic selector,
# such as {Parent} or {Interpolation}, is used in unification.
# Since these selectors should be resolved
# by the time extension and unification happen,
# this exception will only ever be raised as a result of programmer error
def unify(sels)
return sels.first.unify([self]) if sels.length == 1 && sels.first.is_a?(Universal)
return sels if sels.any? {|sel2| eql?(sel2)}
if !is_a?(Pseudo) || (sels.last.is_a?(Pseudo) && sels.last.type == :element)
_, i = sels.each_with_index.find {|sel, _| sel.is_a?(Pseudo)}
return sels + [self] unless i
sels[0...i] + [self] + sels[i..-1]
# Returns the key used for testing whether selectors are equal.
# This is a cached version of \{#to\_s}.
# @return [String]
def equality_key
@equality_key ||= to_s
# Unifies two namespaces,
# returning a namespace that works for both of them if possible.
# @param ns1 [String, nil] The first namespace.
# `nil` means none specified, e.g. `foo`.
# The empty string means no namespace specified, e.g. `|foo`.
# `"*"` means any namespace is allowed, e.g. `*|foo`.
# @param ns2 [String, nil] The second namespace. See `ns1`.
# @return [Array(String or nil, Boolean)]
# The first value is the unified namespace, or `nil` for no namespace.
# The second value is whether or not a namespace that works for both inputs
# could be found at all.
# If the second value is `false`, the first should be ignored.
def unify_namespaces(ns1, ns2)
return ns2, true if ns1 == '*'
return ns1, true if ns2 == '*'
return nil, false unless ns1 == ns2
[ns1, true]