blob: 81d3f9eb784d64dd04fd786422090e380071b037 [file] [log] [blame]
require "test_helper"
require "public_suffix"
# This test runs against the current PSL file and ensures
# the definitions satisfies the test suite.
class PslTest < Minitest::Test
ROOT = File.expand_path("../../", __FILE__)
# rubocop:disable Security/Eval
def self.tests
File.readlines(File.join(ROOT, "test/tests.txt")).map do |line|
line = line.strip
next if line.empty?
next if line.start_with?("//")
input, output = line.split(", ")
# handle the case of eval("null"), it must be eval("nil")
input = "nil" if input == "null"
output = "nil" if output == "null"
input = eval(input)
output = eval(output)
[input, output]
# rubocop:enable
def test_valid
# Parse the PSL and run the tests
data =
PublicSuffix::List.default = PublicSuffix::List.parse(data)
failures = []
self.class.tests.each do |input, output|
# Punycode domains are not supported ATM
next if input =~ /xn\-\-/
domain = PublicSuffix.domain(input) rescue nil
failures << [input, output, domain] if output != domain
message = "The following #{failures.size} tests fail:\n"
failures.each { |i, o, d| message += "Expected %s to be %s, got %s\n" % [i.inspect, o.inspect, d.inspect] }
assert_equal 0, failures.size, message