blob: fdb3beeddcec8faf3c372b5bbe4ac11141b4b079 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Thomas Leitner <>
# This file is part of kramdown which is licensed under the MIT.
require 'strscan'
module Kramdown
module Utils
# This patched StringScanner adds line number information for current scan position and a
# start_line_number override for nested StringScanners.
class StringScanner < ::StringScanner
# The start line number. Used for nested StringScanners that scan a sub-string of the source
# document. The kramdown parser uses this, e.g., for span level parsers.
attr_reader :start_line_number
# Takes the start line number as optional second argument.
# Note: The original second argument is no longer used so this should be safe.
def initialize(string, start_line_number = 1)
@start_line_number = start_line_number || 1
@previous_pos = 0
@previous_line_number = @start_line_number
# Sets the byte position of the scan pointer.
# Note: This also resets some internal variables, so always use pos= when setting the position
# and don't use any other method for that!
def pos=(pos)
if self.pos > pos
@previous_line_number = @start_line_number
@previous_pos = 0
# Return information needed to revert the byte position of the string scanner in a performant
# way.
# The returned data can be fed to #revert_pos to revert the position to the saved one.
# Note: Just saving #pos won't be enough.
def save_pos
[pos, @previous_pos, @previous_line_number]
# Revert the position to one saved by #save_pos.
def revert_pos(data)
self.pos = data[0]
@previous_pos, @previous_line_number = data[1], data[2]
# Returns the line number for current charpos.
# NOTE: Requires that all line endings are normalized to '\n'
# NOTE: Normally we'd have to add one to the count of newlines to get the correct line number.
# However we add the one indirectly by using a one-based start_line_number.
def current_line_number
# Not using string[@previous_pos..best_pos].count('\n') because it is slower
strscan =
strscan.pos = @previous_pos
old_pos = pos + 1
@previous_line_number += 1 while strscan.skip_until(/\n/) && strscan.pos <= old_pos
@previous_pos = (eos? ? pos : pos + 1)