blob: 151fea8389b4548c3fdc112b6cf86488d2dbaa09 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Thomas Leitner <>
# This file is part of kramdown which is licensed under the MIT.
module Kramdown
module Converter
# == Container for Syntax Highlighters
# This module serves as container for the syntax highlighters that can be used together with
# kramdown.
# A syntax highlighter should not store any data itself but should use the provided converter
# object to do so (See Kramdown::Converter::Base#data).
# == Implementing a Syntax Highlighter
# Implementing a new syntax highlighter is easy because it is just an object that needs to
# respond to #call.
# The method #call needs to take the following arguments:
# converter:: This argument contains the converter object that calls the syntax highlighter. It
# can be used, for example, to store data in Kramdown::Converter::Base#data for one
# conversion run.
# text:: The raw text that should be highlighted.
# lang:: The language that the text should be highlighted for (e.g. ruby, python, ...).
# type:: The type of text, either :span for span-level code or :block for a codeblock.
# opts:: A Hash with options that may be passed from the converter.
# The return value of the method should be the highlighted text, suitable for the given
# converter (e.g. HTML for the HTML converter).
# == Special Implementation Details
# HTML converter:: If the syntax highlighter is used with a HTML converter, it should return
# :block type text correctly wrapped (i.e. normally inside a pre-tag, but may
# also be a table-tag or just a div-tag) but :span type text *without* a
# code-tag!
# Also, a syntax highlighter should store the default highlighting language for
# the invocation in the +opts+ hash under the key :default_lang.
module SyntaxHighlighter