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<h1><a id="title" href="/" style="color: #FFF !important;">Apache Pony Mail&trade; (Incubating)</a></h1>
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<h1 id='ponymailarchiveapi'>Pony Mail Archive API<a href='#ponymailarchiveapi' style='color: rgba(0,0,0,0);'>&para;</a></h1>
<h3 id='fetchingaspecificemail'>Fetching a specific email:<a href='#fetchingaspecificemail' style='color: rgba(0,0,0,0);'>&para;</a></h3>
<code>GET /api/email.lua?id=$mid[&amp;attachment=true&amp;file=$hash]</code></p>
<p>Parameters: (cookie may be required)
- $mid: The email ID or Message-ID: header
- $hash: the file attachment hash</p>
<p>Response example:</p>
"references": "<>",
"from_raw": "lewismc <>",
"message-id": "<>",
"@import_timestamp": "2015/10/04 09:52:41",
"body": "Body of email here...",
"request_id": "06b318af97ca96c115e878c14d0814a53407751c31388410421c1751@1441467256@<>",
"@version": 1,
"attachments": {},
"list": "<>",
"date": "2015/09/05 17:34:16",
"from": "lewismc <>",
"gravatar": "a676c0bf448fcd49f588249ead719b4c",
"in-reply-to": "<>",
"epoch": 1441467256,
"subject": "[GitHub] any23 pull request: Gsoc 2015 Microformats2",
"mid": "06b318af97ca96c115e878c14d0814a53407751c31388410421c1751@1441467256@<>",
"private": false,
"tid": "06b318af97ca96c115e878c14d0814a53407751c31388410421c1751@1441467256@<>",
"list_raw": "<>"
Note: date and epoch are in UTC
<h3 id='fetchinglistdata'>Fetching list data<a href='#fetchinglistdata' style='color: rgba(0,0,0,0);'>&para;</a></h3>
<code>GET /api/stats.lua?list=$list&amp;domain=$domain[&amp;d=$timespan][&amp;q=$query][&amp;header_from=$from][&amp;header_to=$to][&amp;header_subject=$subject][&amp;header_body=$body][&amp;quick][&amp;emailsOnly][&amp;s=$s&amp;e=$e][&amp;since=$since][&amp;dfrom=$dfrom&amp;dto=$dto]</code></p>
<p>See below for details of <a href="#Timespans">timespan</a> values</p>
<pre><code>- $list: The list prefix (e.g. `dev`). Wildcards may be used
- $domain: The list domain (e.g. ``). Wildcards may be used
- $timespan: A [timespan](#Timespans) value
- $s: yyyy-mm start of month (day 1)
- $e: yyyy-mm end of month (last day)
- $query: A search query (may contain wildcards or negations):
- `foo`: Find all documents containing `foo` in headers or body
- `-foo`: Find all documents NOT containing `foo`.
- `foo*`: Find all documents containing `foo`, `fooa`, `foob` etc
- $from: Optional From: address
- $to: Optional To: address
- $subject: Optional Subject: line
- $body: Optional body text
- $since: number of seconds since the epoch, defaults to now.
Returns '{"changed":false}' if no emails are later than epoch, otherwise proceeds with normal search
- $dfrom: days ago to start
- $dto: total days to match
<pre><code>- quick: send statistics only (exclude participants, threadstruct, word-cloud, emails apart from epoch)
- emailsOnly: return email summaries only (omit thread_struct, top 10 participants and word-cloud)
<p>Response example:</p>
"took": 437179,
"firstYear": 2015,
"emails": {
"list_raw": "<>",
"gravatar": "66cf545ca7a1b8f595282bb9d8a59657",
"id": "b1d6446f5cc8f4846454cbabc48ddb08afbb601a77169f8e32e34102@<>",
"epoch": 1474883100,
"subject": "Re: Missing tag for 0.9 release",
"message-id": "<>",
"private": false,
"irt": "<>",
"from": "Daniel Gruno <>",
"attachments": 0
"no_threads": 10,
"domain": "",
"participants": {
"count": 3,
"name": "Daniel Gruno",
"gravatar": "66cf545ca7a1b8f595282bb9d8a59657",
"email": ""
}, ...
"lastYear": 2015,
"name": "dev",
"cloud": {...},
"hits": 25,
"nest": 2,
"children": {
"children": {
"children": {
"children": { },
epoch: ...,
tid: ...,
nest: 1
epoch: ...,
tid: ...,
nest: 2
"epoch": 1474883100,
"tid": "b1d6446f5cc8f4846454cbabc48ddb08afbb601a77169f8e32e34102@<>",
"nest": 2
epoch: ...,
tid: ...,
body: ...
"max": 5000,
"searchlist": "<>",
"list": "",
"numparts": 0,
"using_wc": false
<h3 id='anametimespansatimespans'><a name="Timespans"></a>Timespans<a href='#anametimespansatimespans' style='color: rgba(0,0,0,0);'>&para;</a></h3>
<p>Timespans supported by the &amp;d= parameter.</p>
<pre><code>- d=yyyy-mm =&gt; equivalent to &amp;s=yyyy-mm&amp;e=yyyy-mm
- d=lte=n[wMyd] (less than n[wMyd] ago, inclusive)
- d=gte=n[wMyd] (more than n[wMyd] ago, inclusive)
- d=.*dfr=yyyy-mm-dd.* (start date for search, inclusive)
- d=.*dto=yyyy-mm-dd.* (end date for search, inclusive)
- [wMyd] = weeks, Months, years, days
- lte and gte are mutually exclusive
- dfr and dto are normally both present
<h3 id='fetchingpreferencesandquicklistoverview'>Fetching preferences and quick list overview<a href='#fetchingpreferencesandquicklistoverview' style='color: rgba(0,0,0,0);'>&para;</a></h3>
<code>GET /api/preferences.lua[?logout][?associate=$email][?verify&amp;hash=$hash][?removealt=$email][?save][?addfav=$list][?remfav=$list]</code></p>
<p>Parameters: (cookie required)
- logout: Whether to log out of the system (optional)
- associate=$email - associate the account with the $email address
- verify&amp;hash=$hash - verify an association request $hash
- removealt=$email - remove an alternate $email address
- save - save preferences
- addfav=$list - add a favourite $list
- remfav=$list - remove a favourite $list</p>
<p>Response example:</p>
"lists": {
"": {
"user": 5,
"dev": 36,
"commits": 279
"descriptions": {
"preferences": {
"displayMode": "threaded",
"hideStats": "no",
"theme": "default",
"notifications": "direct",
"sortOrder": "forward",
"compactQuotes": "yes",
"fullname": "Daniel Gruno",
"groupBy": "thread"
"took": 38487,
"login": {
"notifications": 0,
"credentials": {
"fullname": "Daniel Gruno",
"email": "foo@bar.tld"
<h3 id='fetchingnotificationsforaloggedinuser'>Fetching notifications for a logged in user<a href='#fetchingnotificationsforaloggedinuser' style='color: rgba(0,0,0,0);'>&para;</a></h3>
<code>GET /api/notifications.lua[?seen=$mid]</code></p>
<p>Parameters: (cookie required)
- $mid: id of the message to be marked as having been seen</p>
<p>Response example:</p>
"notifications": {...}
{"marked": true}
<h3 id='fetchingamonthsdataasanmboxfile'>Fetching a month's data as an mbox file<a href='#fetchingamonthsdataasanmboxfile' style='color: rgba(0,0,0,0);'>&para;</a></h3>
<code>GET /api/mbox.lua?;date=2016-06</code></p>
<p>Response example:</p>
<h3 id='getatomdataforlistoremail'>Get ATOM data for list or email<a href='#getatomdataforlistoremail' style='color: rgba(0,0,0,0);'>&para;</a></h3>
<code>GET /api/atom/lua(?list=$lid|?mid=$mid)</code></p>
<p>Parameters: (cookie may be required)
- $lid: the list id, e.g.
- $mid: The email ID (Permalink)</p>
<p>One of the above is required.
In the case of the list id, data is returned for the last month.
For email ID, the thread is returned.</p>
<p>Response example:</p>
<div style="display: inline-block; background: #BBB; margin: -10px; padding: 10px;">
<h4><a id="disclaimer"></a>Disclaimer</h4>
<div style="width: 65%; float: left;">
<p style="line-height: 12pt;">
Apache Pony Mail (Incubating) is an effort undergoing incubation at
The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the <a href="">
Apache Incubator</a>. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects
until a further review indicates that the infrastructure,
communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a
manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While
incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the
completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the
project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
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