blob: 8a0dfe513a41258adb6b66fd53c38baf3388e3ad [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Management endpoint for GDPR operations"""
import plugins.server
import plugins.session
import plugins.messages
import plugins.auditlog
import re
import typing
import aiohttp.web
# N.B. the update/delete database operations are performed with the setting refresh='wait_for'
# This is was done to make testing easier.
# There are very few such changes so this should not affect performance unduly
LISTID_RE = re.compile(r"\A<?[-_a-z0-9]+[.@][-_a-z0-9.]+>?\Z")
def user_error(msg):
return aiohttp.web.Response(headers={}, status=400, text=msg)
async def process(
server: plugins.server.BaseServer, session: plugins.session.SessionObject, indata: dict,
) -> typing.Union[dict, aiohttp.web.Response]:
action = indata.get("action")
docs = indata.get("documents", [])
doc = indata.get("document")
if not docs and doc:
docs = [doc]
if not session.credentials or not session.credentials.admin or not server.config.ui.mgmt_enabled:
return aiohttp.web.Response(headers={}, status=403, text="You need administrative access to use this feature.")
assert session.database, "No session database connection could be found!"
# Viewing audit log?
if action == "log":
numentries = int(indata.get("size", 50))
page = int(indata.get("page", 0))
actionFilter = indata.get("filter")
if actionFilter:
actionFilter = [actionFilter]
actionFilter = ["edit","delete","hide","unhide"]
out = []
async for entry in plugins.auditlog.view(session, page=page, num_entries=numentries, raw=True, filter=actionFilter):
return {
"entries": out
# Deleting a document?
elif action == "delete":
delcount = 0
for doc in docs:
assert isinstance(doc, str), "Document ID must be a string"
email = await plugins.messages.get_email(session, permalink=doc)
if email:
if "id" in email: # id is not a valid property for mbox
del email["id"]
if server.config.ui.fully_delete and email["mid"] and email["dbid"]: # Full on GDPR blast?
await session.database.delete(
index=session.database.dbs.db_mbox, id=email["mid"], refresh='wait_for',
await session.database.delete(
index=session.database.dbs.db_source, id=email["dbid"], refresh='wait_for',
else: # Standard behavior: hide the email from everyone.
email["deleted"] = True
await session.database.update(
index=session.database.dbs.db_mbox, body={"doc": email}, id=email["mid"], refresh='wait_for',
lid = email.get("list_raw", "??")
await plugins.auditlog.add_entry(session, action="delete", target=doc, lid=lid, log=f"Removed email {doc} from {lid} archives")
delcount += 1
return aiohttp.web.Response(headers={}, status=200, text=f"Removed {delcount} emails from archives.")
# Hiding one or more emails?
elif action == "hide":
hidecount = 0
for doc in docs:
assert isinstance(doc, str), "Document ID must be a string"
email = await plugins.messages.get_email(session, permalink=doc)
if email:
if "id" in email: # id is not a valid property for mbox
del email["id"]
email["deleted"] = True
await session.database.update(
index=session.database.dbs.db_mbox, body={"doc": email}, id=email["mid"], refresh='wait_for',
lid = email.get("list_raw", "??")
await plugins.auditlog.add_entry(session, action="hide", target=doc, lid=lid, log=f"Hid email {doc} from {lid} archives")
hidecount += 1
return aiohttp.web.Response(headers={}, status=200, text=f"Hid {hidecount} emails from archives.")
# Exposing (unhiding) one or more emails?
elif action == "unhide":
hidecount = 0
for doc in docs:
assert isinstance(doc, str), "Document ID must be a string"
email = await plugins.messages.get_email(session, permalink=doc)
if email:
if "id" in email: # id is not a valid property for mbox
del email["id"]
email["deleted"] = False
await session.database.update(
index=session.database.dbs.db_mbox, body={"doc": email}, id=email["mid"], refresh='wait_for',
lid = email.get("list_raw", "??")
await plugins.auditlog.add_entry(session, action="unhide", target=doc, lid=lid, log=f"Unhid email {doc} from {lid} archives")
hidecount += 1
return aiohttp.web.Response(headers={}, status=200, text=f"Unhid {hidecount} emails from archives.")
# Removing an attachment
elif action == "delatt":
delcount = 0
for doc in docs:
assert isinstance(doc, str), "Attachment ID must be a string"
attachment = None
assert session.database, "Database not connected!"
attachment = await session.database.get(
index=session.database.dbs.db_attachment, id=doc
except plugins.database.DBError:
pass # attachment not found
if attachment and isinstance(attachment, dict):
await session.database.delete(
index=session.database.dbs.db_attachment, id=attachment["_id"], refresh='wait_for',
lid = "<system>"
await plugins.auditlog.add_entry(session, action="delatt", target=doc, lid=lid, log=f"Removed attachment {doc} from the archives")
delcount += 1
return aiohttp.web.Response(headers={}, status=200, text=f"Removed {delcount} attachments from archives.")
# Editing an email in place
elif action == "edit":
new_from = indata.get("from")
new_subject = indata.get("subject")
new_list = indata.get("list")
new_body = indata.get("body")
attach_edit = indata.get("attachments", None)
# Check for consistency so we don't pollute the database
if not isinstance(doc, str):
return user_error("Document ID is missing or invalid")
# Allow for omitted values
if new_from and not isinstance(new_from, str):
return user_error("Author field must be a text string!")
if new_subject and not isinstance(new_subject, str):
return user_error("Subject field must be a text string!")
if new_list and not isinstance(new_list, str):
return user_error("List ID field must be a text string!")
if new_list and not re.match(LISTID_RE, new_list):
return user_error("List ID field must match listname[@.]domain !")
if new_body and not isinstance(new_body, str):
return user_error("Email body must be a text string!")
# extra list validation
if new_list:
new_forum = new_list.strip("<>").replace(".", "@", 1)
if not new_forum in
return user_error(f"New list id: '{new_forum}' is not an existing list")
email = await plugins.messages.get_email(session, permalink=doc)
if email:
changes = [] # what changes have been seen?
new_private = indata.get("private", True) # This allows it to be omitted; assume private
# the property could also be a string, in which case look for explicit public value
if not isinstance(new_private, bool):
new_private = (new_private != 'no') # True unless value is 'no', i.e. public
old_private = email.get("private")
# if property is absent, we want to set it, so don't default it
changed_private = (old_private != new_private)
if changed_private:
changes.append(f"Privacy: {old_private} => {new_private}")
email["private"] = new_private # this does not require the source to be hidden
hide_source = False # we hide the source if any of its derived fields are changed
# have any derived fields changed?
if new_from and not email["from"] == new_from:
email["from_raw"] = new_from
email["from"] = new_from
hide_source = True
if new_subject and not email["subject"] == new_subject:
email["subject"] = new_subject
hide_source = True
origin_lid = email["list_raw"]
new_lid = origin_lid # needed for audit log
if new_list:
# Convert List-ID after verification
new_lid = "<" + new_list.strip("<>").replace("@", ".") + ">" # foo@bar.baz -> <>
if not new_lid == origin_lid:
email["list"] = new_lid
email["list_raw"] = new_lid
email["forum"] = new_forum
changes.append(f"Listid {origin_lid} => {new_lid}")
hide_source = True
if new_body and not email["body"] == new_body:
email["body"] = new_body
email["body_short"] = new_body[:plugins.messages.SHORT_BODY_MAX_LEN+1]
hide_source = True
if attach_edit is not None: # Only set if truly editing attachments...
email["attachments"] = attach_edit
hide_source = True
# Save edited email
if changes: # something changed
if "id" in email: # id is not a valid property for mbox
del email["id"]
await session.database.update(
index=session.database.dbs.db_mbox, body={"doc": email}, id=email["mid"], refresh='wait_for',
# Fetch source, mark as deleted (modified) and save IF anything but just privacy changed
# We do this, as we can't edit the source easily, so we mark it as off-limits instead.
if hide_source:
source = await plugins.messages.get_source(session, permalink=email["dbid"], raw=True)
if source:
docid = source["_id"]
source = source["_source"]
source["deleted"] = True
await session.database.update(
index=session.database.dbs.db_source, body={"doc": source}, id=docid, refresh='wait_for',
# TODO this should perhaps show the actual changes?
await plugins.auditlog.add_entry(session, action="edit", target=doc, lid=new_lid,
log= f"Edited email {doc} from {origin_lid} archives. Changes: {', '.join(changes)}")
return aiohttp.web.Response(headers={}, status=200, text="Email successfully saved")
return user_error("No changes made!")
return aiohttp.web.Response(headers={}, status=404, text="Email not found!")
return aiohttp.web.Response(headers={}, status=404, text="Unknown mgmt command requested")
def register(server: plugins.server.BaseServer):
return plugins.server.Endpoint(process)