blob: 74c14f5eccd591623548c131258941cbf293f08b [file] [log] [blame]
import asyncio
from elasticsearch import AsyncElasticsearch
from elasticsearch.helpers import async_scan
from elasticsearch import helpers
import plugins.generators
import time
import base64
import hashlib
# Increment this number whenever breaking changes happen in the migration workflow:
# ES connections
es = None
new_es = None
async def bulk_push(json):
"""Pushes a bunch of objects to ES in a bulk operation"""
js_arr = []
for entry in json:
bulk_op = {
"_op_type": "index",
"_index": entry['index'],
"_id": entry['id'],
"_source": entry['body'],
await helpers.async_bulk(new_es, js_arr)
async def main():
global es, new_es
print("Welcome to the Apache Pony Mail -> Foal migrator.")
print("This will copy your old database, adjust the structure, and insert the emails into your new foal database.")
old_es_url = input("Enter the full URL (including http/https) of your old ES server: ") or "http://localhost:9200/"
new_es_url = input("Enter the full URL (including http/https) of your NEW ES server: ") or "http://localhost:9200/"
if old_es_url == new_es_url:
print("Old and new DB should not be the same, assuming error in input and exiting!")
es = AsyncElasticsearch([old_es_url])
new_es = AsyncElasticsearch([new_es_url])
old_dbname = input("What is the database name for the old Pony Mail emails? [ponymail]: ") or "ponymail"
new_dbprefix = input("What is the database prefix for the new Pony Mail emails? [ponymail]: ") or "ponymail"
do_dkim = True
dkim_txt = input("Do you wish to perform DKIM re-indexing of all emails? This will still preserve old permalinks "
"(y/n) [y]: ") or "y"
if dkim_txt.lower() == 'n':
do_dkim = False
# Define index names for new ES
dbname_mbox = new_dbprefix + "-mbox"
dbname_source = new_dbprefix + "-source"
dbname_attachment = new_dbprefix + "-attachment"
# Let's get started..!
start_time = time.time()
now = start_time
processed = 0
count = await es.count(index=old_dbname, doc_type="mbox")
no_emails = count['count']
print("Starting migration of %u emails, this may take quite a while..." % no_emails)
bulk_array = []
async for doc in async_scan(
query={"query": {"match_all": {}}},
list_id = doc['_source']['list_raw'].strip("<>")
source = await es.get(index=old_dbname, doc_type="mbox_source", id=doc['_id'])
# If we hit a 404 on a source, we have to fake an empty document, as we don't know the source.
print("Source for %s was not found, faking it..." % doc['_id'])
source = {
'_source': {
'source': ""
source_text: str = source['_source']['source']
if ':' not in source_text: # Base64
source_text = base64.b64decode(source_text)
else: # bytify
source_text = source_text.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')
if do_dkim:
dkim_id = plugins.generators.dkim(None, None, list_id, None, source_text)
old_id = doc['_id']
doc['_source']['mid'] = dkim_id
doc['_source']['permalinks'] = [
doc['_source']['permalinks'] = [
source['_source']['permalinks'] = doc['_source']['permalinks']
doc['_source']['dbid'] = hashlib.sha3_256(source_text).hexdigest()
# Append migration details to notes field in doc
notes = doc['_source'].get('_notes', [])
# We want a list, not a single string
if isinstance(notes, str):
notes = list(notes)
notes.append("MIGRATE: Document migrated from Pony Mail to Pony Mail Foal at %u, "
"using foal migrator v/%s" % (now, MIGRATION_MAGIC_NUMBER))
# If we re-indexed the document, make a note of that as well.
if do_dkim:
notes.append("REINDEX: Document re-indexed with DKIM_ID at %u, "
"from %s to %s" % (now, dkim_id, old_id))
doc['_source']['_notes'] = notes
# Copy to new DB
'index': dbname_mbox,
'id': doc['_id'],
'body': doc['_source']
'index': dbname_source,
'id': doc['_source']['dbid'],
'body': source['_source']
if len(bulk_array) > 100:
await bulk_push(bulk_array)
bulk_array = []
processed += 1
if processed % 500 == 0:
now = time.time()
time_spent = now - start_time
docs_per_second = processed / time_spent
time_left = (no_emails - processed) / docs_per_second
# stringify time left
time_left_str = "%u seconds" % time_left
if time_left > 60:
time_left_str = "%u minute(s), %u second(s)" % (int(time_left / 60), time_left % 60)
if time_left > 3600:
time_left_str = "%u hour(s), %u minute(s), %u second(s)" % (
int(time_left / 3600), int(time_left % 3600 / 60), time_left % 60)
print("Processed %u emails, %u remain. ETA: %s (at %u emails per second)" %
(processed, (no_emails - processed), time_left_str, docs_per_second)
start_time = time.time()
processed = 0
count = await es.count(index=old_dbname, doc_type="attachment")
no_att = count['count']
print("Transferring %u attachments..." % no_att)
async for doc in async_scan(
query={"query": {"match_all": {}}},
# Copy to new DB
await new_es.index(index=dbname_attachment, doc_type='_doc', id=doc['_id'], body=doc['_source'])
processed += 1
if processed % 500 == 0:
now = time.time()
time_spent = now - start_time
docs_per_second = processed / time_spent
time_left = (no_att - processed) / docs_per_second
# stringify time left
time_left_str = "%u seconds" % time_left
if time_left > 60:
time_left_str = "%u minute(s), %u second(s)" % (int(time_left / 60), time_left % 60)
if time_left > 3600:
time_left_str = "%u hour(s), %u minute(s), %u second(s)" % (
int(time_left / 3600), int(time_left % 3600 / 60), time_left % 60)
print("Processed %u emails, %u remain. ETA: %s (at %u attachments per second)" %
(processed, (no_att - processed), time_left_str, docs_per_second)
await es.close()
await new_es.close()
print("All done, enjoy!")
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()