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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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This file contains the various newer generation ID generators for Pony Mail's archivers.
For older ID generators, see
import base64
import hashlib
import typing
import plugins.generators_old
# For optional nonce
config: typing.Optional[dict] = None
# Headers from RFC 4871, the precursor to RFC 6376
rfc4871_subset = {
b"from", b"sender", b"reply-to", b"subject", b"date",
b"message-id", b"to", b"cc", b"mime-version", b"content-type",
b"content-transfer-encoding", b"content-id",
b"content-description", b"resent-date", b"resent-from",
b"resent-sender", b"resent-to", b"resent-cc",
b"resent-message-id", b"in-reply-to", b"references", b"list-id",
b"list-help", b"list-unsubscribe", b"list-subscribe",
b"list-post", b"list-owner", b"list-archive", b"dkim-signature"
# Authenticity headers from RFC 8617
rfc4871_and_rfc8617_subset = rfc4871_subset | {
b"arc-authentication-results", b"arc-message-signature",
def rfc822_parse_dkim(suffix,
head_canon=False, body_canon=False,
head_subset=None, archive_list_id=None):
headers = []
keep = True
list_ids = set()
while suffix:
# Edge case: headers don't end LF (add LF)
line, suffix = (suffix.split(b"\n", 1) + [b""])[:2]
if line in {b"\r", b""}:
end = b"\n" if line.endswith(b"\r") else b"\r\n"
if line[0] in {0x09, 0x20}:
# Edge case: starts with a continuation (treat like From)
if headers and (keep is True):
headers[-1][1] += line + end
elif not line.startswith(b"From "):
# Edge case: header start contains no colon (use whole line)
# "A field-name MUST be contained on one line." (RFC 822 B.2)
k, v = (line.split(b":", 1) + [b""])[:2]
k_lower = k.lower()
if k_lower == "list-id":
if (head_subset is None) or (k_lower in head_subset):
keep = True
headers.append([k, v + end])
keep = False
# The remaining suffix is the body
body = suffix.replace(b"\r\n", b"\n")
body = body.replace(b"\n", b"\r\n")
# Optional X-Archive-List-ID augmentation
if (archive_list_id is not None) and (archive_list_id not in list_ids):
xali_value = b" " + bytes(archive_list_id, "ascii")
headers.append([b"X-Archive-List-ID", xali_value])
# Optional nonce from local config
if config is not None:
if (config.get("archiver") and
nonce = config['archiver'].get('nonce')
headers.append([b"X-Archive-Nonce", nonce])
# Optional head canonicalisation (DKIM relaxed)
if head_canon is True:
for i in range(len(headers)):
k, v = headers[i]
crlf = v.endswith(b"\r\n")
if crlf is True:
v = v[:-2]
v = v.replace(b"\r\n", b"")
v = v.replace(b"\t", b" ")
v = v.strip(b" ")
v = b" ".join(vv for vv in v.split(b" ") if vv)
if crlf is True:
v = v + b"\r\n"
headers[i] = [k.lower(), v]
# Optional body canonicalisation (DKIM simple)
if body_canon is True:
while body.endswith(b"\r\n\r\n"):
body = body[:-2]
return (headers, body)
def pibble(hashable, size=10):
table = bytes.maketrans(
digest = hashlib.sha3_256(hashable).digest()
prefix = digest[:size]
encoded = base64.b32encode(prefix)
return str(encoded.translate(table), "ascii")
# DKIM generator: uses DKIM canonicalisation
# Used by default
def dkim(_msg, _body, lid, _attachments, raw_msg):
DKIM generator: uses DKIM relaxed/simple canonicalisation
We use the headers recommended in RFC 4871, plus DKIM-Signature
_msg - the parsed message (not used)
_body - the parsed text content (not used)
lid - list id
_attachments - list of attachments (not used)
raw_msg - the original message bytes
Returns: str "<pibble>", a sixteen char custom base32 encoded hash
headers, body = rfc822_parse_dkim(raw_msg,
head_canon=True, body_canon=True,
head_subset=rfc4871_subset, archive_list_id=lid)
hashable = b"".join([h for header in headers for h in header])
if body:
hashable += b"\r\n" + body
# The pibble is the 80-bit SHA3-256 prefix
# It is base32 encoded using 0-9 a-z except [aeiu]
return pibble(hashable)
# Full generator: uses the entire email (including server-dependent data)
# Used by default until August 2020.
# See 'dkim' for recommended generation.
def full(msg, _body, lid, _attachments, _raw_msg):
Full generator: uses the entire email
(including server-dependent data)
The id is almost certainly unique,
but different copies of the message are likely to have different headers, thus ids
WARNING: the archiver by default adds an archived-at header with the current time.
This is included in the hash, so messages will get different Permalinks if reloaded from source
msg - the parsed message
_body - the parsed text content (not used)
lid - list id
_attachments - list of attachments (not used)
_raw_msg - the original message bytes (not used)
Returns: "<hash>@<lid>" where hash is sha224 of message bytes
mid = "%s@%s" % (hashlib.sha224(msg.as_bytes()).hexdigest(), lid)
return mid
'dkim': dkim,
'full': full,
'medium': plugins.generators_old.medium,
'cluster': plugins.generators_old.cluster,
'legacy': plugins.generators_old.legacy,
def generator(name):
return __GENERATORS[name]
except KeyError:
print("WARN: generator %s not found, defaulting to 'legacy'" % name)
return legacy
def generate(name, msg, body, lid, attachments, raw_msg):
return generator(name)(msg, body, lid, attachments, raw_msg)
def generator_names():
return list(__GENERATORS)