blob: a9ad6f3abbb2c2af55283cb986f07aae9644d8a1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Items in this file must have a licence compatible with AL 2.0
PyYAML~=5.4.1 # WTFPL
types-PyYAML # AL2.0
multipart~=0.2.1 # MIT
elasticsearch-dsl>=7.0.0,<8.0.0 # AL2.0
# N.B. ES 7.14 introduces strict server version compatibility checks
elasticsearch[async]>=7.13.1,<7.14.0 # AL2.0 (includes aiohttp)
certifi~=2020.6.20 # MPL2.0
netaddr~=0.8.0 # BSD, MIT
formatflowed~=2.0.0 # Python Software Foundation
google-auth~=1.30.0 # AL2.0
aiosmtplib~=1.1.3 # MIT
python-dateutil # BSD, AL2.0
types-python-dateutil # BSD, AL2.0