blob: da778f55e7f65568f3261a4c751827ec42dfd382 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
include "dsn.layer2.thrift"
include "dsn.thrift"
namespace cpp dsn.apps
namespace go rrdb
namespace java org.apache.pegasus.apps
namespace py pypegasus.rrdb
enum filter_type
enum cas_check_type
// (1~4) appearance
CT_VALUE_NOT_EXIST, // value is not exist
CT_VALUE_NOT_EXIST_OR_EMPTY, // value is not exist or value is empty
CT_VALUE_EXIST, // value is exist
CT_VALUE_NOT_EMPTY, // value is exist and not empty
// (5~7) match
CT_VALUE_MATCH_ANYWHERE, // operand matches anywhere in value
CT_VALUE_MATCH_PREFIX, // operand matches prefix in value
CT_VALUE_MATCH_POSTFIX, // operand matches postfix in value
// (8~12) bytes compare
CT_VALUE_BYTES_LESS, // bytes compare: value < operand
CT_VALUE_BYTES_LESS_OR_EQUAL, // bytes compare: value <= operand
CT_VALUE_BYTES_EQUAL, // bytes compare: value == operand
CT_VALUE_BYTES_GREATER_OR_EQUAL, // bytes compare: value >= operand
CT_VALUE_BYTES_GREATER, // bytes compare: value > operand
// (13~17) int compare: first transfer bytes to int64 by atoi(); then compare by int value
CT_VALUE_INT_LESS, // int compare: value < operand
CT_VALUE_INT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, // int compare: value <= operand
CT_VALUE_INT_EQUAL, // int compare: value == operand
CT_VALUE_INT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL, // int compare: value >= operand
CT_VALUE_INT_GREATER // int compare: value > operand
enum mutate_operation
struct update_request
1:dsn.blob key;
2:dsn.blob value;
3:i32 expire_ts_seconds;
struct update_response
1:i32 error;
2:i32 app_id;
3:i32 partition_index;
4:i64 decree;
5:string server;
struct read_response
1:i32 error;
2:dsn.blob value;
3:i32 app_id;
4:i32 partition_index;
6:string server;
struct ttl_response
1:i32 error;
2:i32 ttl_seconds;
3:i32 app_id;
4:i32 partition_index;
6:string server;
struct count_response
1:i32 error;
2:i64 count;
3:i32 app_id;
4:i32 partition_index;
6:string server;
struct key_value
1:dsn.blob key;
2:dsn.blob value;
3:optional i32 expire_ts_seconds;
struct multi_put_request
1:dsn.blob hash_key;
2:list<key_value> kvs; // sort_key => value
3:i32 expire_ts_seconds;
struct multi_remove_request
1:dsn.blob hash_key;
// Should not be empty
// Except for go/java-client which empty means remove all sortkeys
// TODO(yingchun): check
2:list<dsn.blob> sort_keys;
3:i64 max_count; // deprecated
struct multi_remove_response
1:i32 error;
2:i64 count; // deleted count
3:i32 app_id;
4:i32 partition_index;
5:i64 decree;
6:string server;
struct multi_get_request
1:dsn.blob hash_key;
2:list<dsn.blob> sort_keys; // not empty means only fetch specified sortkeys
3:i32 max_kv_count; // <= 0 means no limit
4:i32 max_kv_size; // <= 0 means no limit
5:bool no_value; // not return value, only return sortkeys
6:dsn.blob start_sortkey;
7:dsn.blob stop_sortkey; // empty means fetch to the last sort key
8:bool start_inclusive;
9:bool stop_inclusive;
10:filter_type sort_key_filter_type;
11:dsn.blob sort_key_filter_pattern;
12:bool reverse; // if search in reverse direction
struct multi_get_response
1:i32 error;
2:list<key_value> kvs; // sort_key => value; ascending ordered by sort_key
3:i32 app_id;
4:i32 partition_index;
6:string server;
struct full_key {
1:dsn.blob hash_key;
2:dsn.blob sort_key;
struct batch_get_request {
1:list<full_key> keys;
struct full_data {
1:dsn.blob hash_key;
2:dsn.blob sort_key;
3:dsn.blob value;
struct batch_get_response {
1:i32 error;
2:list<full_data> data;
3:i32 app_id;
4:i32 partition_index;
6:string server;
struct incr_request
1:dsn.blob key;
2:i64 increment;
3:i32 expire_ts_seconds; // 0 means keep original ttl
// >0 means reset to new ttl
// <0 means reset to no ttl
struct incr_response
1:i32 error;
2:i64 new_value;
3:i32 app_id;
4:i32 partition_index;
5:i64 decree;
6:string server;
struct check_and_set_request
1:dsn.blob hash_key;
2:dsn.blob check_sort_key;
3:cas_check_type check_type;
4:dsn.blob check_operand;
5:bool set_diff_sort_key; // if set different sort key with check_sort_key
6:dsn.blob set_sort_key; // used only if set_diff_sort_key is true
7:dsn.blob set_value;
8:i32 set_expire_ts_seconds;
9:bool return_check_value;
struct check_and_set_response
1:i32 error; // return kTryAgain if check not passed.
// return kInvalidArgument if check type is int compare and
// check_operand/check_value is not integer or out of range.
2:bool check_value_returned;
3:bool check_value_exist; // used only if check_value_returned is true
4:dsn.blob check_value; // used only if check_value_returned and check_value_exist is true
5:i32 app_id;
6:i32 partition_index;
7:i64 decree;
8:string server;
struct mutate
1:mutate_operation operation;
2:dsn.blob sort_key;
3:dsn.blob value; // set null if operation is MO_DELETE
4:i32 set_expire_ts_seconds; // set 0 if operation is MO_DELETE
struct check_and_mutate_request
1:dsn.blob hash_key;
2:dsn.blob check_sort_key;
3:cas_check_type check_type;
4:dsn.blob check_operand;
5:list<mutate> mutate_list;
6:bool return_check_value;
struct check_and_mutate_response
1:i32 error; // return kTryAgain if check not passed.
// return kInvalidArgument if check type is int compare and
// check_operand/check_value is not integer or out of range.
2:bool check_value_returned;
3:bool check_value_exist; // used only if check_value_returned is true
4:dsn.blob check_value; // used only if check_value_returned and check_value_exist is true
5:i32 app_id;
6:i32 partition_index;
7:i64 decree;
8:string server;
struct get_scanner_request
1:dsn.blob start_key;
2:dsn.blob stop_key;
3:bool start_inclusive;
4:bool stop_inclusive;
5:i32 batch_size;
6:bool no_value; // not return value, only return sortkeys
7:filter_type hash_key_filter_type;
8:dsn.blob hash_key_filter_pattern;
9:filter_type sort_key_filter_type;
10:dsn.blob sort_key_filter_pattern;
11:optional bool validate_partition_hash;
12:optional bool return_expire_ts;
13:optional bool full_scan; // true means client want to build 'full scan' context with the server side, false otherwise
14:optional bool only_return_count = false;
struct scan_request
1:i64 context_id;
struct scan_response
1:i32 error;
2:list<key_value> kvs;
3:i64 context_id;
4:i32 app_id;
5:i32 partition_index;
6:string server;
7:optional i32 kv_count;
service rrdb
update_response put(1:update_request update);
update_response multi_put(1:multi_put_request request);
update_response remove(1:dsn.blob key);
multi_remove_response multi_remove(1:multi_remove_request request);
incr_response incr(1:incr_request request);
check_and_set_response check_and_set(1:check_and_set_request request);
check_and_mutate_response check_and_mutate(1:check_and_mutate_request request);
read_response get(1:dsn.blob key);
multi_get_response multi_get(1:multi_get_request request);
batch_get_response batch_get(1:batch_get_request request);
count_response sortkey_count(1:dsn.blob hash_key);
ttl_response ttl(1:dsn.blob key);
scan_response get_scanner(1:get_scanner_request request);
scan_response scan(1:scan_request request);
oneway void clear_scanner(1:i64 context_id);
service meta
dsn.layer2.query_cfg_response query_cfg(1:dsn.layer2.query_cfg_request query);