blob: 92c9cb40454117b43740d5ded2058bd3fa9bca81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
include "dsn.thrift"
include "dsn.layer2.thrift"
include "metadata.thrift"
namespace cpp dsn.replication
namespace go admin
namespace java org.apache.pegasus.replication
// app partition bulk load status
enum bulk_load_status
enum ingestion_status
struct bulk_load_metadata
1:list<metadata.file_meta> files;
2:i64 file_total_size;
// client -> meta, start bulk load
struct start_bulk_load_request
1:string app_name;
2:string cluster_name;
3:string file_provider_type;
4:string remote_root_path;
5:bool ingest_behind = false;
struct start_bulk_load_response
// Possible error:
// - ERR_OK: start bulk load succeed
// - ERR_APP_NOT_EXIST: app not exist
// - ERR_APP_DROPPED: app has been dropped
// - ERR_BUSY: app is already executing bulk load
// - ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS: wrong file_provider type
// - ERR_FILE_OPERATION_FAILED: remote file_provider error
// - ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: bulk_load_info not exist on file_provider
// - ERR_CORRUPTION: bulk_load_info is damaged on file_provider
// - ERR_INCONSISTENT_STATE: app_id or partition_count inconsistent
1:dsn.error_code err;
2:string hint_msg;
struct partition_bulk_load_state
1:optional i32 download_progress = 0;
2:optional dsn.error_code download_status;
3:optional ingestion_status ingest_status = ingestion_status.IS_INVALID;
4:optional bool is_cleaned_up = false;
5:optional bool is_paused = false;
// meta server -> replica server
struct bulk_load_request
1:dsn.gpid pid;
2:string app_name;
3:dsn.rpc_address primary;
4:string remote_provider_name;
5:string cluster_name;
6:i64 ballot;
7:bulk_load_status meta_bulk_load_status;
8:bool query_bulk_load_metadata;
9:string remote_root_path;
10:optional dsn.host_port hp_primary;
struct bulk_load_response
// Possible error:
// - ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: replica not found
// - ERR_INVALID_STATE: replica has invalid state
// - ERR_BUSY: node has enough replica executing bulk load downloading
// - ERR_FILE_OPERATION_FAILED: local file system error during bulk load downloading
// - ERR_FS_INTERNAL: remote file provider error during bulk load downloading
// - ERR_CORRUPTION: metadata corruption during bulk load downloading
1:dsn.error_code err;
2:dsn.gpid pid;
3:string app_name;
4:bulk_load_status primary_bulk_load_status;
5:map<dsn.rpc_address, partition_bulk_load_state> group_bulk_load_state;
6:optional bulk_load_metadata metadata;
7:optional i32 total_download_progress;
8:optional bool is_group_ingestion_finished;
9:optional bool is_group_bulk_load_context_cleaned_up;
10:optional bool is_group_bulk_load_paused;
11:optional map<dsn.host_port, partition_bulk_load_state> hp_group_bulk_load_state;
// primary -> secondary
struct group_bulk_load_request
1:string app_name;
2:dsn.rpc_address target;
3:metadata.replica_configuration config;
4:string provider_name;
5:string cluster_name;
6:bulk_load_status meta_bulk_load_status;
7:string remote_root_path;
8:optional dsn.host_port hp_target;
struct group_bulk_load_response
// Possible error:
// - ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: replica not found
// - ERR_VERSION_OUTDATED: request out-dated
// - ERR_INVALID_STATE: replica has invalid state
// - ERR_BUSY: node has enough replica executing bulk load downloading
// - ERR_FILE_OPERATION_FAILED: local file system error during bulk load downloading
// - ERR_FS_INTERNAL: remote file provider error during bulk load downloading
// - ERR_CORRUPTION: metadata corruption during bulk load downloading
1:dsn.error_code err;
2:bulk_load_status status;
3:partition_bulk_load_state bulk_load_state;
// meta server -> replica server
struct ingestion_request
1:string app_name;
2:bulk_load_metadata metadata;
3:bool ingest_behind;
4:i64 ballot;
5:bool verify_before_ingest;
struct ingestion_response
// Possible errors:
// - ERR_TRY_AGAIN: retry ingestion
1:dsn.error_code err;
// rocksdb ingestion error code
2:i32 rocksdb_error;
enum bulk_load_control_type
// client -> meta server, pause/restart/cancel/force_cancel bulk load
struct control_bulk_load_request
1:string app_name;
2:bulk_load_control_type type;
struct control_bulk_load_response
// Possible error:
// - ERR_APP_NOT_EXIST: app not exist
// - ERR_APP_DROPPED: app has been dropped
// - ERR_INACTIVE_STATE: app is not executing bulk load
// - ERR_INVALID_STATE: current bulk load process can not be paused/restarted/canceled
1:dsn.error_code err;
2:optional string hint_msg;
struct query_bulk_load_request
1:string app_name;
struct query_bulk_load_response
// Possible error:
// - ERR_OK
// - ERR_APP_NOT_EXIST: app not exist
// - ERR_APP_DROPPED: app has been dropped
// - ERR_FILE_OPERATION_FAILED: local file system error
// - ERR_FS_INTERNAL: remote file system error
// - ERR_CORRUPTION: file not exist or damaged
// - ERR_INGESTION_FAILED: ingest failed
// - ERR_RETRY_EXHAUSTED: retry too many times
1:dsn.error_code err;
2:string app_name;
3:bulk_load_status app_status;
4:list<bulk_load_status> partitions_status;
5:i32 max_replica_count;
// detailed bulk load state for each replica
6:list<map<dsn.rpc_address, partition_bulk_load_state>> bulk_load_states;
7:optional string hint_msg;
8:optional bool is_bulk_loading;
9:optional list<map<dsn.host_port, partition_bulk_load_state>> hp_bulk_load_states;
struct clear_bulk_load_state_request
1:string app_name;
struct clear_bulk_load_state_response
// Possible error:
// - ERR_APP_NOT_EXIST: app not exist
// - ERR_APP_DROPPED: app has been dropped
// - ERR_INVALID_STATE: app is executing bulk load
1:dsn.error_code err;
2:string hint_msg;