blob: 87b3cc12febe4cf3377b0d4d184390b9b3463f39 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2018, Xiaomi, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0, which
# can be found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import click
import commands
import os
import json
_global_verbose = False
def set_global_verbose(val):
_global_verbose = val
def echo(message, color=None):
click.echo(, fg=color))
class PegasusCluster(object):
def __init__(self, cfg_file_name=None, cluster_name=None):
if cluster_name is None:
self._cluster_name = os.path.basename(cfg_file_name).replace(
"pegasus-", "").replace(".cfg", "")
self._cluster_name = cluster_name
self._shell_path = os.getenv("PEGASUS_SHELL_PATH")
self._cfg_file_name = cfg_file_name
if self._shell_path is None:
"Please configure environment variable PEGASUS_SHELL_PATH in your bashrc or zshrc",
def print_unhealthy_partitions(self):
list_detail = self._run_shell("ls -d -j").strip()
list_detail_json = json.loads(list_detail)
read_unhealthy_app_count = int(
write_unhealthy_app_count = int(
if write_unhealthy_app_count > 0:
echo("cluster is write unhealthy, write_unhealthy_app_count = " +
if read_unhealthy_app_count > 0:
echo("cluster is read unhealthy, read_unhealthy_app_count = " +
def print_imbalance_nodes(self):
nodes_detail = self._run_shell("nodes -d -j").strip()
primaries_per_node = {}
min_ = 0
max_ = 0
for ip_port, node_info in json.loads(nodes_detail)["details"].items():
primary_count = int(node_info["primary_count"])
min_ = min(min_, primary_count)
max_ = max(max_, primary_count)
primaries_per_node[ip_port] = primary_count
if float(min_) / float(max_) < 0.8:
print json.dumps(primaries_per_node, indent=4)
def get_meta_port(self):
with open(self._cfg_file_name) as cfg:
for line in cfg.readlines():
if line.strip().startswith("base_port"):
return int(line.split("=")[1])
def get_meta_host(self):
with open(self._cfg_file_name) as cfg:
for line in cfg.readlines():
if line.strip().startswith("host.0"):
return line.split("=")[1].strip()
def create_table(self, table, parts):
create_result = self._run_shell(
"create {} -p {}".format(table, parts)).strip()
if "ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS" in create_result:
raise ValueError("failed to create table \"{}\"".format(table))
def get_app_envs(self, table):
envs_result = self._run_shell(
"use {} \n get_app_envs".format(table)).strip()[len("OK\n"):]
if "ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND" in envs_result:
raise ValueError("table {} does not exist".format(table))
if envs_result == "":
return None
envs_result = self._run_shell(
"use {} \n get_app_envs -j".format(table)).strip()[len("OK\n"):]
return json.loads(envs_result)['app_envs']
def set_app_envs(self, table, env_name, env_value):
envs_result = self._run_shell(
"use {} \n set_app_envs {} {}".format(
table, env_name, env_value)).strip()[
if "ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND" in envs_result:
raise ValueError("table {} does not exist".format(table))
def has_table(self, table):
app_result = self._run_shell("app {} ".format(table)).strip()
return "ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND" not in app_result
def _run_shell(self, args):
:param args: arguments passed to ./ shell (type `string`)
:return: shell output
global _global_verbose
cmd = "cd {1}; echo -e \"{0}\" | ./ shell -n {2}".format(
args, self._shell_path, self._cluster_name)
if _global_verbose:
echo("executing command: \"{0}\"".format(cmd))
status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status != 0:
raise RuntimeError("failed to execute \"{0}\": {1}".format(
cmd, output))
result = ""
result_begin = False
for line in output.splitlines():
if line.startswith("The cluster meta list is:"):
result_begin = True
if line.startswith("dsn exit with code"):
if result_begin:
result += line + "\n"
return result
def name(self):
return self._cluster_name
def list_pegasus_clusters(config_path, env):
clusters = []
for fname in os.listdir(config_path):
if not os.path.isfile(config_path + "/" + fname):
if not fname.startswith("pegasus-" + env):
if not fname.endswith(".cfg"):
if fname.endswith("proxy.cfg"):
clusters.append(PegasusCluster(config_path + "/" + fname))
return clusters