blob: 5bf25669601b92d216173a156182cb6e484d5e55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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include "dsn.thrift"
include "dsn.layer2.thrift"
namespace cpp dsn.replication
namespace go admin
namespace java org.apache.pegasus.replication
// - APP -> LOG
// NOTE: Just LOG and PAUSE can be transferred states to each other
// - LOG -> PAUSE
// - PAUSE -> LOG
enum duplication_status
DS_INIT = 0,
DS_PREPARE,// replica prepare latest checkpoint for follower
DS_APP,// follower start duplicate checkpoint
DS_LOG,// master start batch send plog to follower
// How duplication reacts on permanent failure.
enum duplication_fail_mode
// The default mode. If some permanent failure occurred that makes duplication
// blocked, it will retry forever until external interference.
// Skip the writes that failed to duplicate, which means minor data loss on the remote cluster.
// This will certainly achieve better stability of the system.
// Stop immediately after it ensures itself unable to duplicate.
// WARN: this mode kills the server process, replicas on the server will all be effected.
// This request is sent from client to meta.
struct duplication_add_request
1:string app_name;
2:string remote_cluster_name;
// whether to duplicate checkpoint.
// - if true, duplication start state=DS_PREPARE,
// server will use nfs duplicate checkpoint to follower cluster,
// - if false, duplication start state=DS_LOG,
// server will replay and send plog mutation to follower cluster derectly
3:optional bool is_duplicating_checkpoint = true;
struct duplication_add_response
// Possible errors:
// the address of remote cluster is not well configured in meta sever.
1:dsn.error_code err;
2:i32 appid;
3:i32 dupid;
4:optional string hint;
// This request is sent from client to meta.
struct duplication_modify_request
1:string app_name;
2:i32 dupid;
3:optional duplication_status status;
4:optional duplication_fail_mode fail_mode;
struct duplication_modify_response
// Possible errors:
// - ERR_APP_NOT_EXIST: app is not found
// - ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: duplication is not found
// - ERR_BUSY: busy for updating state
// - ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS: illegal request
1:dsn.error_code err;
2:i32 appid;
struct duplication_entry
1:i32 dupid;
2:duplication_status status;
3:string remote;
4:i64 create_ts;
// partition_index => confirmed decree
5:optional map<i32, i64> progress;
7:optional duplication_fail_mode fail_mode;
// This request is sent from client to meta.
struct duplication_query_request
1:string app_name;
struct duplication_query_response
// Possible errors:
// - ERR_APP_NOT_EXIST: app is not found
1:dsn.error_code err;
3:i32 appid;
4:list<duplication_entry> entry_list;
struct duplication_confirm_entry
1:i32 dupid;
2:i64 confirmed_decree;
3:optional bool checkpoint_prepared = false;
// This is an internal RPC sent from replica server to meta.
// It's a server-level RPC.
// After starts up, the replica server periodically collects and uploads confirmed points
// to meta server, so that clients can directly query through meta for the current progress
// of a duplication.
// Moreover, if a primary replica is detected to be crashed, the duplication will be restarted
// on the new primary, continuing from the progress persisted on meta.
// Another function of this rpc is that it synchronizes duplication metadata updates
// (like addition or removal of duplication) between meta and replica.
struct duplication_sync_request
// the address of of the replica server who sends this request
// TODO(wutao1): remove this field and get the source address by dsn_msg_from_address
1:dsn.rpc_address node;
2:map<dsn.gpid, list<duplication_confirm_entry>> confirm_list;
3:dsn.host_port hp_node;
struct duplication_sync_response
// Possible errors:
// - ERR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: node is not found
1:dsn.error_code err;
// appid -> map<dupid, dup_entry>
// this rpc will not return the apps that were not assigned duplication.
2:map<i32, map<i32, duplication_entry>> dup_map;