blob: ab557e72de170a61b0901fe272505e3792a6ed18 [file] [log] [blame]
run = true
count = 1
;network.client.RPC_CHANNEL_TCP = dsn::tools::sim_network_provider, 65536
;network.client.RPC_CHANNEL_UDP = dsn::tools::sim_network_provider, 65536
;network.server.0.RPC_CHANNEL_TCP = dsn::tools::sim_network_provider, 65536
type = replica
name = replica
arguments =
ports = @REPLICA_PORT@
run = true
count = 1
;tool = simulator
tool = nativerun
toollets = profiler
;toollets = tracer, profiler, fault_injector
pause_on_start = false
;aio_factory_name = dsn::tools::native_aio_provider
logging_start_level = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG
logging_factory_name = dsn::tools::simple_logger
;logging_factory_name = dsn::tools::screen_logger
logging_flush_on_exit = true
type = fds_service
args = <server-address> <secret-key> <secret-access> <bucket-name>
type = local_service
args =
short_header = false
fast_flush = false
max_number_of_log_files_on_disk = 100000
stderr_start_level = LOG_LEVEL_FATAL
random_seed = 0
; how many network threads for network library(used by asio)
io_service_worker_count = 4
; specification for each thread pool
worker_count = 4
name = default
partitioned = false
worker_priority = THREAD_xPRIORITY_NORMAL
worker_count = 8
name = slog
worker_count = 1
name = plog
partitioned = true
worker_count = 4
name = replica
partitioned = true
worker_priority = THREAD_xPRIORITY_NORMAL
worker_count = 10
name = dist_lock
partitioned = true
worker_priority = THREAD_xPRIORITY_NORMAL
worker_count = 1
name = fd
partitioned = false
worker_priority = THREAD_xPRIORITY_NORMAL
worker_count = 2
name = local_app
partitioned = false
worker_priority = THREAD_xPRIORITY_NORMAL
worker_count = 8
name = rep_long
partitioned = false
worker_priority = THREAD_xPRIORITY_NORMAL
worker_count = 4
name = local_service
worker_count = 1
name = fds_service
worker_count = 1
is_trace = false
is_profile = false
allow_inline = false
rpc_call_header_format = NET_HDR_DSN
rpc_call_channel = RPC_CHANNEL_TCP
rpc_timeout_milliseconds = 5000
disk_write_fail_ratio = 0.0
disk_read_fail_ratio = 0.0
perf_test_rounds = 1000
perf_test_payload_bytes = 1024
perf_test_timeouts_ms = 10000
; perf_test_concurrent_count is used only when perf_test_concurrent is true:
; - if perf_test_concurrent_count == 0, means concurrency grow exponentially.
; - if perf_test_concurrent_count > 0, means concurrency maintained to a fixed number.
perf_test_concurrent = true
perf_test_concurrent_count = 20
app_name = @APP_NAME@
app_type = pegasus
partition_count = @PARTITION_COUNT@
max_replica_count = 3
stateful = true
data_dirs_black_list_file = /home/mi/.pegasus_data_dirs_black_list
cluster_name = onebox
deny_client_on_start = false
delay_for_fd_timeout_on_start = false
verbose_log_on_commit = false
empty_write_disabled = false
prepare_timeout_ms_for_secondaries = 1000
prepare_timeout_ms_for_potential_secondaries = 3000
batch_write_disabled = false
staleness_for_commit = 20
max_mutation_count_in_prepare_list = 110
mutation_2pc_min_replica_count = 2
group_check_disabled = false
group_check_interval_ms = 100000
checkpoint_disabled = false
checkpoint_interval_seconds = 100
checkpoint_min_decree_gap = 10000
checkpoint_max_interval_hours = 1
gc_disabled = false
gc_interval_ms = 30000
gc_memory_replica_interval_ms = 300000
gc_disk_error_replica_interval_seconds = 172800000
fd_disabled = false
fd_check_interval_seconds = 5
fd_beacon_interval_seconds = 3
fd_lease_seconds = 20
fd_grace_seconds = 22
log_private_file_size_mb = 32
log_private_batch_buffer_kb = 512
log_private_batch_buffer_count = 512
log_private_batch_buffer_flush_interval_ms = 100000
log_private_reserve_max_size_mb = 0
log_private_reserve_max_time_seconds = 0
log_shared_file_size_mb = 32
log_shared_file_count_limit = 32
log_shared_batch_buffer_kb = 0
log_shared_force_flush = false
config_sync_disabled = false
config_sync_interval_ms = 30000
lb_interval_ms = 10000
;; the prefix of the path that to save backup-data on cold backup media
;; recommand using cluster name as the root
cold_backup_root = onebox
;; upper limit that concurrent uploading file to cold backup media count
max_concurrent_uploading_file_count = 5
rocksdb_verbose_log = false
rocksdb_write_buffer_size = 10485760
verify_timetag = true
perf_counter_cluster_name = onebox
perf_counter_update_interval_seconds = 10
perf_counter_enable_logging = false
perf_counter_enable_falcon = false
falcon_host =
falcon_port = 1988
falcon_path = /v1/push
hot_bucket_variance_threshold = 5
hot_key_variance_threshold = 5
counter_computation_interval_seconds = 10
hosts_list =
timeout_ms = 60000
logfile = zoo.log
;; configs for profiler
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
profiler::queue = false
profiler::exec = false
profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.server = false
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
profiler::queue = false
profiler::exec = false
profiler::qps = false
;profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.client = false
;profiler::timeout.qps = false
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
profiler::queue = false
profiler::exec = false
profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency = false
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
profiler::queue = false
profiler::exec = false
profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency = false
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
profiler::queue = false
profiler::exec = false
profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency = false
is_profile = true
;profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
;profiler::cancelled = false
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
;profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.server = false
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
;profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.server = false
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
;profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency = false
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
;profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency = false
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
;profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency = false
is_trace = false
allow_inline = false
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency = false
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency = false
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency = false
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.server = false
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
;profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.client = false
;profiler::timeout.qps = false
rpc_request_throttling_mode = TM_DELAY
rpc_request_delays_milliseconds = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10000
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.server = false
is_profile = true
rpc_request_throttling_mode = TM_DELAY
rpc_request_delays_milliseconds = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10000
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.server = false
is_profile = true
rpc_request_throttling_mode = TM_DELAY
rpc_request_delays_milliseconds = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10000
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.server = false
is_profile = true
rpc_request_throttling_mode = TM_DELAY
rpc_request_delays_milliseconds = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10000
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.server = false
is_profile = true
rpc_request_throttling_mode = TM_DELAY
rpc_request_delays_milliseconds = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10000
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.server = false
is_profile = true
rpc_request_throttling_mode = TM_DELAY
rpc_request_delays_milliseconds = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10000
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.server = false
is_profile = true
rpc_request_throttling_mode = TM_DELAY
rpc_request_delays_milliseconds = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10000
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
;profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.server = false
is_profile = true
rpc_request_throttling_mode = TM_DELAY
rpc_request_delays_milliseconds = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10000
rpc_request_throttling_mode = TM_DELAY
rpc_request_delays_milliseconds = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10000
rpc_request_throttling_mode = TM_DELAY
rpc_request_delays_milliseconds = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10000
rpc_request_throttling_mode = TM_DELAY
rpc_request_delays_milliseconds = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10000
rpc_request_throttling_mode = TM_DELAY
rpc_request_delays_milliseconds = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10000
rpc_request_throttling_mode = TM_DELAY
rpc_request_delays_milliseconds = 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 10000
is_trace = false
rpc_call_header_format = NET_HDR_DSN
rpc_call_channel = RPC_CHANNEL_UDP
rpc_message_crc_required = true
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
profiler::qps = false
;profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.server = false
is_trace = false
rpc_call_header_format = NET_HDR_DSN
rpc_call_channel = RPC_CHANNEL_UDP
rpc_message_crc_required = true
is_profile = true
profiler::inqueue = false
;profiler::queue = false
;profiler::exec = false
profiler::qps = false
profiler::cancelled = false
;profiler::latency.client = false
;profiler::timeout.qps = false
server_list =
onebox = 1
onebox2 = 2
onebox =
onebox2 =
enable_detect_hotkey = true