blob: d6b7bd0644ff2591c5e3544ee7ebe23ddda0c13a [file] [log] [blame]
* OptiPNG: Advanced PNG optimization program.
* Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Cosmin Truta and the Contributing Authors.
* This software is distributed under the zlib license.
* Please see the attached LICENSE for more information.
* PNG optimization is described in detail in the PNG-Tech article
* "A guide to PNG optimization"
* The idea of running multiple compression trials with different
* PNG filters and zlib parameters is inspired from the pngcrush
* program by Glenn Randers-Pehrson.
* The idea of performing lossless image reductions is inspired
* from the pngrewrite program by Jason Summers.
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "optipng.h"
#include "proginfo.h"
#include "cbitset.h"
#include "osys.h"
#include "png.h"
#include "pngxutil.h"
#include "zlib.h"
static const char *msg_intro =
static const char *msg_license =
"This program is open-source software. See LICENSE for more details.\n"
"Portions of this software are based in part on the work of:\n"
" Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler (zlib)\n"
" Glenn Randers-Pehrson and the PNG Development Group (libpng)\n"
" Miyasaka Masaru (BMP support)\n"
" David Koblas (GIF support)\n";
static const char *msg_help_synopsis =
" optipng [options] files ...\n"
" Image files of type: PNG, BMP, GIF, PNM or TIFF\n";
static const char *msg_help_basic_options =
"Basic options:\n"
" -?, -h, -help\tshow the extended help\n"
" -o <level>\t\toptimization level (0-7)\t\t[default: 2]\n"
" -v\t\t\trun in verbose mode / show copyright and version info\n";
static const char *msg_help_options =
"Basic options:\n"
" -?, -h, -help\tshow this help\n"
" -o <level>\t\toptimization level (0-7)\t\t[default: 2]\n"
" -v\t\t\trun in verbose mode / show copyright and version info\n"
"General options:\n"
" -backup, -keep\tkeep a backup of the modified files\n"
" -clobber\t\toverwrite existing files\n"
#if 0 /* internal */
" -debug\t\tenable debug features\n"
" -fix\t\tenable error recovery\n"
" -force\t\tenforce writing of a new output file\n"
" -preserve\t\tpreserve file attributes if possible\n"
" -quiet, -silent\trun in quiet mode\n"
" -simulate\t\trun in simulation mode\n"
" -out <file>\t\twrite output file to <file>\n"
" -dir <directory>\twrite output file(s) to <directory>\n"
" -log <file>\t\tlog messages to <file>\n"
" --\t\t\tstop option switch parsing\n"
"Optimization options:\n"
" -f <filters>\tPNG delta filters (0-5)\t\t\t[default: 0,5]\n"
" -i <type>\t\tPNG interlace type (0-1)\n"
" -zc <levels>\tzlib compression levels (1-9)\t\t[default: 9]\n"
" -zm <levels>\tzlib memory levels (1-9)\t\t[default: 8]\n"
" -zs <strategies>\tzlib compression strategies (0-3)\t[default: 0-3]\n"
" -zw <size>\t\tzlib window size (256,512,1k,2k,4k,8k,16k,32k)\n"
" -full\t\tproduce a full report on IDAT (might reduce speed)\n"
" -nb\t\t\tno bit depth reduction\n"
" -nc\t\t\tno color type reduction\n"
" -np\t\t\tno palette reduction\n"
" -nx\t\t\tno reductions\n"
" -nz\t\t\tno IDAT recoding\n"
"Editing options:\n"
" -snip\t\tcut one image out of multi-image or animation files\n"
" -strip <objects>\tstrip metadata objects (e.g. \"all\")\n"
"Optimization levels:\n"
" -o0\t\t<=>\t-o1 -nx -nz\t\t\t\t(0 or 1 trials)\n"
" -o1\t\t<=>\t-zc9 -zm8 -zs0 -f0\t\t\t(1 trial)\n"
" \t\t(or...)\t-zc9 -zm8 -zs1 -f5\t\t\t(1 trial)\n"
" -o2\t\t<=>\t-zc9 -zm8 -zs0-3 -f0,5\t\t\t(8 trials)\n"
" -o3\t\t<=>\t-zc9 -zm8-9 -zs0-3 -f0,5\t\t(16 trials)\n"
" -o4\t\t<=>\t-zc9 -zm8 -zs0-3 -f0-5\t\t\t(24 trials)\n"
" -o5\t\t<=>\t-zc9 -zm8-9 -zs0-3 -f0-5\t\t(48 trials)\n"
" -o6\t\t<=>\t-zc1-9 -zm8 -zs0-3 -f0-5\t\t(120 trials)\n"
" -o7\t\t<=>\t-zc1-9 -zm8-9 -zs0-3 -f0-5\t\t(240 trials)\n"
" -o7 -zm1-9\t<=>\t-zc1-9 -zm1-9 -zs0-3 -f0-5\t\t(1080 trials)\n"
" The combination for -o1 is chosen heuristically.\n"
" Exhaustive combinations such as \"-o7 -zm1-9\" are not generally recommended.\n";
static const char *msg_help_examples =
" optipng file.png\t\t\t\t\t\t(default speed)\n"
" optipng -o5 file.png\t\t\t\t\t(slow)\n"
" optipng -o7 file.png\t\t\t\t\t(very slow)\n";
static const char *msg_help_more =
"Type \"optipng -h\" for extended help.\n";
static enum
} operation;
static struct
int help;
int version;
} local_options;
static struct opng_options options;
static FILE *con_file;
static FILE *log_file;
static int start_of_line;
* Error handling
static void
error(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
/* Print the error message to stderr and exit. */
fprintf(stderr, "** Error: ");
va_start(arg_ptr, fmt);
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, arg_ptr);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
* Panic handling
static void
panic(const char *msg)
/* Print the panic message to stderr and terminate abnormally. */
fprintf(stderr, "\n** INTERNAL ERROR: %s\n", msg);
fprintf(stderr, "Please submit a defect report.\n" PROGRAM_URI "\n\n");
if (options.debug)
/* Terminate abnormally, possibly with a stack trace or a core dump. */
/* Terminate abnormally, cleanly. */
* String utility
static int
opng_strcasecmp(const char *str1, const char *str2)
int ch1, ch2;
/* Perform a case-insensitive string comparison. */
for ( ; ; )
ch1 = tolower(*str1++);
ch2 = tolower(*str2++);
if (ch1 != ch2)
return ch1 - ch2;
if (ch1 == 0)
return 0;
/* FIXME: This function is not MBCS-aware. */
* String utility
static char *
opng_strltrim(const char *str)
/* Skip the leading whitespace characters. */
while (isspace(*str))
return (char *)str;
* String utility
static char *
opng_strtail(const char *str, size_t num)
size_t len;
/* Return up to num rightmost characters. */
len = strlen(str);
if (len <= num)
return (char *)str;
return (char *)str + len - num;
* String utility
static char *
opng_strpbrk_digit(const char *str)
for ( ; ; )
if (*str == 0)
return NULL;
if (isdigit(*str))
return (char *)str;
* String conversion utility
static int
opng_str2ulong(unsigned long *out_val, const char *in_str,
int allow_multiplier)
const char *begin_ptr;
char *end_ptr;
unsigned long multiplier;
/* Extract the value from the string. */
/* Do not allow the minus sign, not even for -0. */
begin_ptr = end_ptr = opng_strltrim(in_str);
if (*begin_ptr >= '0' && *begin_ptr <= '9')
*out_val = strtoul(begin_ptr, &end_ptr, 10);
if (begin_ptr == end_ptr)
errno = EINVAL; /* matching failure */
*out_val = 0;
return -1;
if (allow_multiplier)
/* Check for the following SI suffixes:
* 'K' or 'k': kibi (1024)
* 'M': mebi (1024 * 1024)
* 'G': gibi (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
if (*end_ptr == 'k' || *end_ptr == 'K')
multiplier = 1024UL;
else if (*end_ptr == 'M')
multiplier = 1024UL * 1024UL;
else if (*end_ptr == 'G')
multiplier = 1024UL * 1024UL * 1024UL;
multiplier = 1;
if (multiplier > 1)
if (*out_val > ULONG_MAX / multiplier)
errno = ERANGE; /* overflow */
*out_val = ULONG_MAX;
*out_val *= multiplier;
/* Check for trailing garbage. */
if (*opng_strltrim(end_ptr) != 0)
errno = EINVAL; /* garbage in input */
return -1;
return 0;
* String conversion utility
static int
opng_rangeset2bitset(bitset_t *out_val, const char *in_str)
size_t end_idx;
/* Extract the bitset value from the rangeset string. */
*out_val = rangeset_string_to_bitset(in_str, &end_idx);
if (end_idx == 0 || *opng_strltrim(in_str + end_idx) != 0)
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
return 0;
* Command line utility
static void
err_option_arg(const char *opt, const char *opt_arg)
/* Issue an error regarding the incorrect value of the option argument. */
if (opt_arg == NULL || *opng_strltrim(opt_arg) == 0)
error("Missing argument for option %s", opt);
error("Invalid argument for option %s: %s", opt, opt_arg);
* Command line utility
static int
check_num_option(const char *opt, const char *opt_arg,
int lowest, int highest)
unsigned long value;
/* Extract the numeric value from the option argument. */
if (opng_str2ulong(&value, opt_arg, 0) != 0 ||
value > INT_MAX || (int)value < lowest || (int)value > highest)
err_option_arg(opt, opt_arg);
return (int)value;
* Command line utility
static int
check_power2_option(const char *opt, const char *opt_arg,
int lowest, int highest)
unsigned long value;
int result;
/* Extract the exact log2 of the numeric value from the option argument. */
/* Allow the 'k', 'M', 'G' suffixes. */
if (opng_str2ulong(&value, opt_arg, 1) == 0)
if (lowest < 0)
lowest = 0;
if (highest > (int)(CHAR_BIT * sizeof(long) - 2))
highest = (int)(CHAR_BIT * sizeof(long) - 2);
for (result = lowest; result <= highest; ++result)
if ((1UL << result) == value)
return result;
err_option_arg(opt, opt_arg);
return -1;
* Command line utility
static bitset_t
check_rangeset_option(const char *opt, const char *opt_arg,
bitset_t result_mask)
bitset_t result;
/* Extract the rangeset from the option argument. */
if (opng_rangeset2bitset(&result, opt_arg) == 0)
result &= result_mask;
result = BITSET_EMPTY;
if (result == BITSET_EMPTY)
err_option_arg(opt, opt_arg);
return result;
* Command line utility
static void
check_obj_option(const char *opt, const char *opt_arg)
unsigned int i;
if (strcmp("all", opt_arg) == 0)
/* Issue an error about the unrecognized option argument. */
/* Make it specific on whether this argument is a chunk name. */
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
/* Do not use isalpha(), because it is locale-dependent. */
if (!((opt_arg[i] >= 'A' && opt_arg[i] <= 'Z') ||
(opt_arg[i] >= 'a' && opt_arg[i] <= 'z')))
if (i == 4 && opt_arg[i] == 0)
error("Manipulation of individual chunks is not implemented");
err_option_arg(opt, opt_arg);
* Command line parsing
static int
scan_option(const char *str,
char opt_buf[], size_t opt_buf_size, const char **opt_arg_ptr)
const char *ptr;
unsigned int opt_len;
/* Check if arg is an "-option". */
if (str[0] != '-' || str[1] == 0) /* no "-option", or just "-" */
return 0;
/* Extract the normalized option, and possibly the option argument. */
opt_len = 0;
ptr = str + 1;
while (*ptr == '-') /* "--option", "---option", etc. */
if (*ptr == 0) /* "--" */
for ( ; ; )
if (opt_len < opt_buf_size) /* truncate "-verylongoption" */
opt_buf[opt_len] = (char)tolower(*ptr);
if (*ptr == 0 || isspace(*ptr)) /* "-option" or "-option arg" */
while (isspace(*ptr))
*opt_arg_ptr = (*ptr != 0) ? ptr : NULL;
if (*ptr == '=') /* "-option=arg" */
*opt_arg_ptr = ptr;
/* Finalize the normalized option. */
if (opt_buf_size > 0)
if (opt_len < opt_buf_size)
opt_buf[opt_len] = '\0';
opt_buf[opt_buf_size - 1] = '\0';
return 1;
* Command line parsing
static void
parse_args(int argc, char *argv[])
char *arg;
char opt[16];
size_t opt_len;
const char *xopt;
int simple_opt, stop_switch;
bitset_t set;
int val;
unsigned int file_count;
int i;
/* Initialize. */
memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options));
options.optim_level = -1;
options.interlace = -1;
file_count = 0;
/* Iterate over args. */
stop_switch = 0;
for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
arg = argv[i];
if (stop_switch || scan_option(arg, opt, sizeof(opt), &xopt) < 1)
continue; /* leave file names for process_files() */
opt_len = strlen(opt);
/* Prevent process_files() from seeing this arg. */
argv[i] = NULL;
/* Normalize the options that allow juxtaposed arguments. */
if ((strchr("fio", opt[0]) != NULL && isdigit(opt[1])) ||
(opt[0] == 'z' && isalpha(opt[1]) && isdigit(opt[2])))
/* -f0-5 <=> -f=0-5; -i1 <=> -i=1; -o3 <=> -o=3;
* -zc3-9 <=> -zc=3-9; etc.
opt_len = (size_t)(opng_strpbrk_digit(opt) - opt);
opt[opt_len] = '\0';
xopt = opng_strpbrk_digit(arg);
/* Check the simple options (without option arguments). */
simple_opt = 1;
if (strcmp("-", opt) == 0)
/* -- */
stop_switch = 1;
else if (strcmp("?", opt) == 0 ||
strncmp("help", opt, opt_len) == 0)
/* -? | -h | ... | -help */ = 1;
else if ((strncmp("backup", opt, opt_len) == 0) ||
(strncmp("keep", opt, opt_len) == 0))
/* -b | ... | -backup | -k | ... | -keep */
options.backup = 1;
else if (strncmp("clobber", opt, opt_len) == 0)
/* -c | ... | -clobber */
options.clobber = 1;
else if (strcmp("debug", opt) == 0)
/* -debug */
/* Do not abbreviate this internal option. */
options.debug = 1;
else if (strncmp("fix", opt, opt_len) == 0 && opt_len >= 2)
/* -fi | -fix */
options.fix = 1;
else if (strncmp("force", opt, opt_len) == 0 && opt_len >= 2)
/* -fo | ... | -force */
options.force = 1;
else if (strncmp("full", opt, opt_len) == 0 && opt_len >= 2)
/* -fu | ... | -full */
options.full = 1;
else if (strcmp("nb", opt) == 0)
/* -nb */
options.nb = 1;
else if (strcmp("nc", opt) == 0)
/* -nc */ = 1;
else if (strcmp("np", opt) == 0)
/* -np */ = 1;
else if (strcmp("nx", opt) == 0)
/* -nx */
options.nb = = = 1;
/* options.nm = 1; */
else if (strcmp("nz", opt) == 0)
/* -nz */ = 1;
else if (strncmp("preserve", opt, opt_len) == 0)
/* -p | ... | -preserve */
options.preserve = 1;
else if ((strncmp("quiet", opt, opt_len) == 0) ||
(strncmp("silent", opt, opt_len) == 0 && opt_len >= 3))
/* -q | ... | -quiet | -sil | ... | -silent */
options.quiet = 1;
else if (strncmp("simulate", opt, opt_len) == 0 && opt_len >= 3)
/* -sim | ... | -simulate */
options.simulate = 1;
else if (strncmp("snip", opt, opt_len) == 0 && opt_len >= 2)
/* -sn | ... | -snip */
options.snip = 1;
else if (strcmp("v", opt) == 0)
/* -v */
options.verbose = 1;
local_options.version = 1;
else if (strncmp("verbose", opt, opt_len) == 0 && opt_len >= 4)
/* -verb | ... | -verbose */
options.verbose = 1;
else if (strncmp("version", opt, opt_len) == 0 && opt_len >= 4)
/* -vers | ... | -version */
local_options.version = 1;
else /* possibly an option with an argument */
simple_opt = 0;
if (xopt == NULL)
if (++i < argc)
xopt = argv[i];
/* Prevent process_files() from seeing this xopt. */
argv[i] = NULL;
/* Last option in command line; assume an empty xopt. */
xopt = "";
/* Check the options that have option arguments. */
if (simple_opt)
if (xopt != NULL)
error("No argument allowed for option: %s", arg);
else if (strcmp("o", opt) == 0)
/* -o NUM */
val = check_num_option("-o", xopt, 0, INT_MAX);
if (options.optim_level < 0)
options.optim_level = val;
else if (options.optim_level != val)
error("Multiple optimization levels are not permitted");
else if (strcmp("i", opt) == 0)
/* -i NUM */
val = check_num_option("-i", xopt, 0, 1);
if (options.interlace < 0)
options.interlace = val;
else if (options.interlace != val)
error("Multiple interlace types are not permitted");
else if (strcmp("f", opt) == 0)
/* -f SET */
set = check_rangeset_option("-f", xopt, OPNG_FILTER_SET_MASK);
options.filter_set |= set;
else if (strcmp("zc", opt) == 0)
/* -zc SET */
set = check_rangeset_option("-zc", xopt, OPNG_COMPR_LEVEL_SET_MASK);
options.compr_level_set |= set;
else if (strcmp("zm", opt) == 0)
/* -zm SET */
set = check_rangeset_option("-zm", xopt, OPNG_MEM_LEVEL_SET_MASK);
options.mem_level_set |= set;
else if (strcmp("zs", opt) == 0)
/* -zs SET */
set = check_rangeset_option("-zs", xopt, OPNG_STRATEGY_SET_MASK);
options.strategy_set |= set;
else if (strcmp("zw", opt) == 0)
/* -zw NUM */
val = check_power2_option("-zw", xopt, 8, 15);
if (options.window_bits == 0)
options.window_bits = val;
else if (options.window_bits != val)
error("Multiple window sizes are not permitted");
else if (strncmp("strip", opt, opt_len) == 0 && opt_len >= 2)
/* -st OBJ | ... | -strip OBJ */
check_obj_option("-strip", xopt);
options.strip_all = 1;
else if (strncmp("out", opt, opt_len) == 0 && opt_len >= 2)
/* -ou PATH | -out PATH */
if (options.out_name != NULL)
error("Multiple output file names are not permitted");
if (xopt[0] == 0)
err_option_arg("-out", NULL);
options.out_name = xopt;
else if (strncmp("dir", opt, opt_len) == 0)
/* -d PATH | ... | -dir PATH */
if (options.dir_name != NULL)
error("Multiple output dir names are not permitted");
if (xopt[0] == 0)
err_option_arg("-dir", NULL);
options.dir_name = xopt;
else if (strncmp("log", opt, opt_len) == 0)
/* -l PATH | ... | -log PATH */
if (options.log_name != NULL)
error("Multiple log file names are not permitted");
if (xopt[0] == 0)
err_option_arg("-log", NULL);
options.log_name = xopt;
error("Unrecognized option: %s", arg);
/* Finalize. */
if (options.out_name != NULL)
if (file_count > 1)
error("The option -out requires one input file");
if (options.dir_name != NULL)
error("The options -out and -dir are mutually exclusive");
if (options.log_name != NULL)
if (opng_strcasecmp(".log", opng_strtail(options.log_name, 4)) != 0)
error("To prevent accidental data corruption, "
"the log file name must end with \".log\"");
if (
operation = OP_SHOW_HELP;
else if (file_count != 0)
operation = OP_RUN;
else if (local_options.version)
operation = OP_SHOW_VERSION;
operation = OP_SHOW_HELP;
* Application-defined printf callback
static void
app_printf(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
if (fmt[0] == 0)
start_of_line = (fmt[strlen(fmt) - 1] == '\n') ? 1 : 0;
if (con_file != NULL)
va_start(arg_ptr, fmt);
vfprintf(con_file, fmt, arg_ptr);
if (log_file != NULL)
va_start(arg_ptr, fmt);
vfprintf(log_file, fmt, arg_ptr);
* Application-defined control print callback
static void
app_print_cntrl(int cntrl_code)
const char *con_str, *log_str;
int i;
if (cntrl_code == '\r')
/* CR: reset line in console, new line in log file. */
con_str = "\r";
log_str = "\n";
start_of_line = 1;
else if (cntrl_code == '\v')
/* VT: new line if current line is not empty, nothing otherwise. */
if (!start_of_line)
con_str = log_str = "\n";
start_of_line = 1;
con_str = log_str = "";
else if (cntrl_code < 0 && cntrl_code > -80 && start_of_line)
/* Minus N: erase first N characters from line, in console only. */
if (con_file != NULL)
for (i = 0; i > cntrl_code; --i)
fputc(' ', con_file);
con_str = "\r";
log_str = "";
/* Unhandled control code (due to internal error): show err marker. */
con_str = log_str = "<?>";
if (con_file != NULL)
fputs(con_str, con_file);
if (log_file != NULL)
fputs(log_str, log_file);
* Application-defined progress update callback
static void
app_progress(unsigned long current_step, unsigned long total_steps)
/* There will be a potentially long wait, so flush the console output. */
if (con_file != NULL)
/* An eager flush of the line-buffered log file is not very important. */
/* A GUI application would normally update a progress bar. */
/* Here we ignore the progress info. */
if (current_step && total_steps)
* Application initialization
static void
start_of_line = 1;
if (operation == OP_SHOW_HELP || operation == OP_SHOW_VERSION)
con_file = stdout;
else if (!options.quiet)
con_file = stderr;
con_file = NULL;
if (options.log_name != NULL)
/* Open the log file, line-buffered. */
if ((log_file = fopen(options.log_name, "a")) == NULL)
error("Can't open log file: %s\n", options.log_name);
setvbuf(log_file, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);
app_printf("** Warning: %s\n\n",
"The option -log is deprecated; use shell redirection");
* Application finalization
static void
if (log_file != NULL)
/* Close the log file. */
* File list processing
static int
process_files(int argc, char *argv[])
int result;
struct opng_ui ui;
int i;
/* Initialize the optimization engine. */
ui.printf_fn = app_printf;
ui.print_cntrl_fn = app_print_cntrl;
ui.progress_fn = app_progress;
ui.panic_fn = panic;
if (opng_initialize(&options, &ui) != 0)
panic("Can't initialize optimization engine");
/* Iterate over file names. */
result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
if (argv[i] == NULL || argv[i][0] == 0)
continue; /* this was an "-option" */
if (opng_optimize(argv[i]) != 0)
result = EXIT_FAILURE;
/* Finalize the optimization engine. */
if (opng_finalize() != 0)
panic("Can't finalize optimization engine");
return result;
* main
main(int argc, char *argv[])
int result;
/* Parse the user options and initialize the application. */
parse_args(argc, argv);
result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
if (local_options.version)
/* Print the copyright and version info. */
app_printf("%s\n", msg_intro);
switch (operation)
case OP_RUN:
/* Run the application. */
result = process_files(argc, argv);
if (
/* Print the extended help text. */
/* Print the basic help text. */
/* Print the licensing terms and the extended version info. */
app_printf("%s\n", msg_license);
app_printf("Using libpng version %s and zlib version %s\n",
png_get_libpng_ver(NULL), zlibVersion());
result = -1;
/* Finalize the application. */
return result;