blob: 739b21bf6fba82b121aff8264e17a68391e87e28 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Jeff Kaufman)
#include "ngx_rewrite_options.h"
extern "C" {
#include <ngx_config.h>
#include <ngx_core.h>
#include <ngx_http.h>
#include "ngx_pagespeed.h"
#include "ngx_rewrite_driver_factory.h"
#include "net/instaweb/public/version.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/file_load_policy.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include "net/instaweb/system/public/system_caches.h"
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/timer.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
namespace {
const char kStatisticsPath[] = "StatisticsPath";
const char kGlobalStatisticsPath[] = "GlobalStatisticsPath";
const char kConsolePath[] = "ConsolePath";
const char kMessagesPath[] = "MessagesPath";
const char kAdminPath[] = "AdminPath";
const char kGlobalAdminPath[] = "GlobalAdminPath";
// These options are copied from, where APACHE_CONFIG_OPTIONX
// indicates that they can not be set at the directory/location level. They set
// options in the RewriteDriverFactory, so they're entirely global and do not
// appear in RewriteOptions. They are not alphabetized on purpose, but rather
// left in the same order as in in case we end up needing to
// compare.
// TODO(oschaaf): this duplication is a short term solution.
const char* const server_only_options[] = {
"UsePerVHostStatistics", // TODO(anupama): What to do about "No longer used"
// Options that can only be used in the main (http) option scope.
const char* const main_only_options[] = {
} // namespace
RewriteOptions::Properties* NgxRewriteOptions::ngx_properties_ = NULL;
NgxRewriteOptions::NgxRewriteOptions(const StringPiece& description,
ThreadSystem* thread_system)
: SystemRewriteOptions(description, thread_system) {
NgxRewriteOptions::NgxRewriteOptions(ThreadSystem* thread_system)
: SystemRewriteOptions(thread_system) {
void NgxRewriteOptions::Init() {
DCHECK(ngx_properties_ != NULL)
<< "Call NgxRewriteOptions::Initialize() before construction";
void NgxRewriteOptions::AddProperties() {
// Nginx-specific options.
"", &NgxRewriteOptions::statistics_path_, "nsp", kStatisticsPath,
kServerScope, "Set the statistics path. Ex: /ngx_pagespeed_statistics");
"", &NgxRewriteOptions::global_statistics_path_, "ngsp",
kGlobalStatisticsPath, kProcessScope,
"Set the global statistics path. Ex: /ngx_pagespeed_global_statistics");
"", &NgxRewriteOptions::console_path_, "ncp", kConsolePath, kServerScope,
"Set the console path. Ex: /pagespeed_console");
"", &NgxRewriteOptions::messages_path_, "nmp", kMessagesPath,
kServerScope, "Set the messages path. Ex: /ngx_pagespeed_message");
"", &NgxRewriteOptions::admin_path_, "nap", kAdminPath,
kServerScope, "Set the admin path. Ex: /pagespeed_admin");
"", &NgxRewriteOptions::global_admin_path_, "ngap", kGlobalAdminPath,
kProcessScope, "Set the global admin path. Ex: /pagespeed_global_admin");
// Default properties are global but to set them the current API requires
// a RewriteOptions instance and we're in a static method.
NgxRewriteOptions dummy_config(NULL);
void NgxRewriteOptions::Initialize() {
if (Properties::Initialize(&ngx_properties_)) {
void NgxRewriteOptions::Terminate() {
if (Properties::Terminate(&ngx_properties_)) {
bool NgxRewriteOptions::IsDirective(StringPiece config_directive,
StringPiece compare_directive) {
return StringCaseEqual(config_directive, compare_directive);
RewriteOptions::OptionScope NgxRewriteOptions::GetOptionScope(
StringPiece option_name) {
ngx_uint_t i;
ngx_uint_t size = sizeof(main_only_options) / sizeof(char*);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (StringCaseEqual(main_only_options[i], option_name)) {
return kProcessScopeStrict;
size = sizeof(server_only_options) / sizeof(char*);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (StringCaseEqual(server_only_options[i], option_name)) {
return kServerScope;
// This could be made more efficient if RewriteOptions provided a map allowing
// access of options by their name. It's not too much of a worry at present
// since this is just during initialization.
for (OptionBaseVector::const_iterator it = all_options().begin();
it != all_options().end(); ++it) {
RewriteOptions::OptionBase* option = *it;
if (option->option_name() == option_name) {
// We treat kProcessScope as kProcessScopeStrict, failing to start if an
// option is out of place.
return option->scope() == kProcessScope ? kProcessScopeStrict
: option->scope();
return kDirectoryScope;
RewriteOptions::OptionSettingResult NgxRewriteOptions::ParseAndSetOptions0(
StringPiece directive, GoogleString* msg, MessageHandler* handler) {
if (IsDirective(directive, "on")) {
} else if (IsDirective(directive, "off")) {
} else if (IsDirective(directive, "unplugged")) {
} else {
return RewriteOptions::kOptionNameUnknown;
return RewriteOptions::kOptionOk;
StringPiece name, StringPiece arg,
GoogleString* msg, MessageHandler* handler) {
// FileCachePath needs error checking.
if (StringCaseEqual(name, kFileCachePath)) {
if (!StringCaseStartsWith(arg, "/")) {
*msg = "must start with a slash";
return RewriteOptions::kOptionValueInvalid;
return SystemRewriteOptions::ParseAndSetOptionFromName1(
name, arg, msg, handler);
template <class DriverFactoryT>
RewriteOptions::OptionSettingResult ParseAndSetOptionHelper(
StringPiece option_value,
DriverFactoryT* driver_factory,
void (DriverFactoryT::*set_option_method)(bool)) {
bool parsed_value;
if (StringCaseEqual(option_value, "on") ||
StringCaseEqual(option_value, "true")) {
parsed_value = true;
} else if (StringCaseEqual(option_value, "off") ||
StringCaseEqual(option_value, "false")) {
parsed_value = false;
} else {
return RewriteOptions::kOptionValueInvalid;
return RewriteOptions::kOptionOk;
namespace {
const char* ps_error_string_for_option(
ngx_pool_t* pool, StringPiece directive, StringPiece warning) {
GoogleString msg =
StrCat("\"", directive, "\" ", warning);
char* s = string_piece_to_pool_string(pool, msg);
if (s == NULL) {
return "failed to allocate memory";
return s;
} // namespace
// Very similar to apache/mod_instaweb::ParseDirective.
const char* NgxRewriteOptions::ParseAndSetOptions(
StringPiece* args, int n_args, ngx_pool_t* pool, MessageHandler* handler,
NgxRewriteDriverFactory* driver_factory,
RewriteOptions::OptionScope scope) {
CHECK_GE(n_args, 1);
StringPiece directive = args[0];
// Remove initial "ModPagespeed" if there is one.
StringPiece mod_pagespeed("ModPagespeed");
if (StringCaseStartsWith(directive, mod_pagespeed)) {
if (GetOptionScope(directive) > scope) {
return ps_error_string_for_option(
pool, directive, "cannot be set at this scope.");
GoogleString msg;
OptionSettingResult result;
if (n_args == 1) {
result = ParseAndSetOptions0(directive, &msg, handler);
} else if (n_args == 2) {
StringPiece arg = args[1];
// TODO(morlovich): Remove these special hacks, and handle these via
// ParseAndSetOptionFromEnum1.
if (IsDirective(directive, "UsePerVHostStatistics")) {
result = ParseAndSetOptionHelper<NgxRewriteDriverFactory>(
arg, driver_factory,
} else if (IsDirective(directive, "InstallCrashHandler")) {
result = ParseAndSetOptionHelper<NgxRewriteDriverFactory>(
arg, driver_factory,
} else if (IsDirective(directive, "MessageBufferSize")) {
int message_buffer_size;
bool ok = StringToInt(arg.as_string(), &message_buffer_size);
if (ok && message_buffer_size >= 0) {
result = RewriteOptions::kOptionOk;
} else {
result = RewriteOptions::kOptionValueInvalid;
} else if (IsDirective(directive, "UseNativeFetcher")) {
result = ParseAndSetOptionHelper<NgxRewriteDriverFactory>(
arg, driver_factory,
} else if (IsDirective(directive, "RateLimitBackgroundFetches")) {
result = ParseAndSetOptionHelper<NgxRewriteDriverFactory>(
arg, driver_factory,
} else if (IsDirective(directive, "ForceCaching")) {
result = ParseAndSetOptionHelper<SystemRewriteDriverFactory>(
arg, driver_factory,
} else if (IsDirective(directive, "ListOutstandingUrlsOnError")) {
result = ParseAndSetOptionHelper<SystemRewriteDriverFactory>(
arg, driver_factory,
} else if (IsDirective(directive, "TrackOriginalContentLength")) {
result = ParseAndSetOptionHelper<SystemRewriteDriverFactory>(
arg, driver_factory,
} else if (IsDirective(directive, "StaticAssetPrefix")) {
result = RewriteOptions::kOptionOk;
} else {
result = ParseAndSetOptionFromName1(directive, arg, &msg, handler);
} else if (n_args == 3) {
// Short-term special handling, until this moves to common code.
// TODO(morlovich): Clean this up.
if (StringCaseEqual(directive, "CreateSharedMemoryMetadataCache")) {
int64 kb = 0;
if (!StringToInt64(args[2], &kb) || kb < 0) {
result = RewriteOptions::kOptionValueInvalid;
msg = "size_kb must be a positive 64-bit integer";
} else {
bool ok = driver_factory->caches()->CreateShmMetadataCache(
args[1].as_string(), kb, &msg);
result = ok ? kOptionOk : kOptionValueInvalid;
} else {
result = ParseAndSetOptionFromName2(directive, args[1], args[2],
&msg, handler);
} else if (n_args == 4) {
result = ParseAndSetOptionFromName3(
directive, args[1], args[2], args[3], &msg, handler);
} else {
return ps_error_string_for_option(
pool, directive, "not recognized or too many arguments");
switch (result) {
case RewriteOptions::kOptionOk:
return NGX_CONF_OK;
case RewriteOptions::kOptionNameUnknown:
return ps_error_string_for_option(
pool, directive, "not recognized or too many arguments");
case RewriteOptions::kOptionValueInvalid: {
GoogleString full_directive;
for (int i = 0 ; i < n_args ; i++) {
StrAppend(&full_directive, i == 0 ? "" : " ", args[i]);
return ps_error_string_for_option(pool, full_directive, msg);
return NULL;
NgxRewriteOptions* NgxRewriteOptions::Clone() const {
NgxRewriteOptions* options = new NgxRewriteOptions(
StrCat("cloned from ", description()), thread_system());
return options;
const NgxRewriteOptions* NgxRewriteOptions::DynamicCast(
const RewriteOptions* instance) {
return dynamic_cast<const NgxRewriteOptions*>(instance);
NgxRewriteOptions* NgxRewriteOptions::DynamicCast(RewriteOptions* instance) {
return dynamic_cast<NgxRewriteOptions*>(instance);
} // namespace net_instaweb