blob: 78512fdb7b910d7b809323f93f6419fdf2b9f51d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Jeff Kaufman)
// Collects output from pagespeed and buffers it until nginx asks for it.
// Notifies nginx via NgxEventConnection to call ReadCallback() when
// the headers are computed, when a flush should be performed, and when done.
// - nginx creates a base fetch and passes it to a new proxy fetch.
// - The proxy fetch manages rewriting and thread complexity, and through
// several chained steps passes rewritten html to HandleWrite().
// - Written data is buffered.
// - When HandleHeadersComplete(), HandleFlush(), or HandleDone() is called by
// PSOL, events are written to NgxEventConnection which will end up being
// handled by ReadCallback() on nginx's thread.
// When applicable, request processing will be continued via a call to
// ps_base_fetch_handler().
// - ps_base_fetch_handler() will pull the header and body bytes from PSOL
// via CollectAccumulatedWrites() and write those to the module's output.
// This class is referred to in three places: the proxy fetch, nginx's request,
// and pending events written to the associated NgxEventConnection. It must stay
// alive until the proxy fetch and nginx request are finished, and no more
// events are pending.
// - The proxy fetch will call Done() to indicate this.
// - nginx will call Detach() when the associated request is handled
// completely (e.g. the request context is about to be destroyed).
// - ReadCallback() will call DecrementRefCount() on instances associated to
// events it handles.
// When the last reference is dropped, this class will delete itself.
extern "C" {
#include <ngx_http.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "ngx_pagespeed.h"
#include "ngx_event_connection.h"
#include "ngx_server_context.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/async_fetch.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/headers.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
enum NgxBaseFetchType {
class NgxBaseFetch : public AsyncFetch {
NgxBaseFetch(ngx_http_request_t* r, NgxServerContext* server_context,
const RequestContextPtr& request_ctx,
PreserveCachingHeaders preserve_caching_headers,
NgxBaseFetchType base_fetch_type);
virtual ~NgxBaseFetch();
// Statically initializes event_connection, require for PSOL and nginx to
// communicate.
static bool Initialize(ngx_cycle_t* cycle);
// Attempts to finish up request processing queued up in the named pipe and
// PSOL for a fixed amount of time. If time is up, a fast and rough shutdown
// is attempted.
// Statically terminates and NULLS event_connection.
static void Terminate();
static void ReadCallback(const ps_event_data& data);
// Puts a chain in link_ptr if we have any output data buffered. Returns
// NGX_OK on success, NGX_ERROR on errors. If there's no data to send, sends
// data only if Done() has been called. Indicates the end of output by
// setting last_buf on the last buffer in the chain.
// Sets link_ptr to a chain of as many buffers are needed for the output.
// Called by nginx in response to seeing a byte on the pipe.
ngx_int_t CollectAccumulatedWrites(ngx_chain_t** link_ptr);
// Copies response headers into headers_out.
// Called by nginx before calling CollectAccumulatedWrites() for the first
// time for resource fetches. Not called at all for proxy fetches.
ngx_int_t CollectHeaders(ngx_http_headers_out_t* headers_out);
// Called by nginx to decrement the refcount.
int DecrementRefCount();
// Called by pagespeed to increment the refcount.
int IncrementRefCount();
// Detach() is called when the nginx side releases this base fetch. It
// sets detached_ to true and decrements the refcount. We need to know
// this to be able to handle events which nginx request context has been
// released while the event was in-flight.
void Detach() { detached_ = true; DecrementRefCount(); }
bool detached() { return detached_; }
ngx_http_request_t* request() { return request_; }
NgxBaseFetchType base_fetch_type() { return base_fetch_type_; }
virtual bool HandleWrite(const StringPiece& sp, MessageHandler* handler);
virtual bool HandleFlush(MessageHandler* handler);
virtual void HandleHeadersComplete();
virtual void HandleDone(bool success);
// Indicate to nginx that we would like it to call
// CollectAccumulatedWrites().
void RequestCollection(char type);
// Lock must be acquired first.
// Returns:
// NGX_ERROR: failure
// NGX_AGAIN: still has buffer to send, need to checkout link_ptr
// NGX_OK: done, HandleDone has been called
// Allocates an nginx buffer, copies our buffer_ contents into it, clears
// buffer_.
ngx_int_t CopyBufferToNginx(ngx_chain_t** link_ptr);
void Lock();
void Unlock();
// Called by Done() and Release(). Decrements our reference count, and if
// it's zero we delete ourself.
int DecrefAndDeleteIfUnreferenced();
static NgxEventConnection* event_connection;
// Live count of NgxBaseFetch instances that are currently in use.
static int active_base_fetches;
ngx_http_request_t* request_;
GoogleString buffer_;
NgxServerContext* server_context_;
bool done_called_;
bool last_buf_sent_;
// How many active references there are to this fetch. Starts at two,
// decremented once when Done() is called and once when Detach() is called.
// Incremented for each event written by pagespeed for this NgxBaseFetch, and
// decremented on the nginx side for each event read for it.
int references_;
pthread_mutex_t mutex_;
NgxBaseFetchType base_fetch_type_;
PreserveCachingHeaders preserve_caching_headers_;
// Set to true just before the nginx side releases its reference
bool detached_;
bool suppress_;
} // namespace net_instaweb
#endif // NGX_BASE_FETCH_H_