blob: 510850be6e6f88d98955318286247bd2b6c8a908 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Egor Suvorov)
// Unit-test the redis interface in conjunction with Redis Cluster
#include "pagespeed/system/redis_cache_cluster_setup.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "strings/stringpiece_utils.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/posix_timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/system/tcp_connection_for_testing.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
namespace RedisCluster {
namespace {
static const int kReconfigurationPropagationTimeoutMs = 5000;
GoogleString ReadBulkString(TcpConnectionForTesting* conn) {
GoogleString length_str_storage = conn->ReadLineCrLf();
StringPiece length_str = length_str_storage;
// Check that Redis answered with Bulk String
CHECK(strings::StartsWith(length_str, "$"));
CHECK(strings::EndsWith(length_str, "\r\n"));
int length;
CHECK(StringToInt(length_str, &length));
GoogleString result = conn->ReadBytes(length);
CHECK_EQ("\r\n", conn->ReadLineCrLf());
return result;
} // namespace
// TODO(cheesy): Instead of CLUSTER NODES, CLUSTER SLOTS provides the same
// information in a machine readable format that is already parsed in
// RedisCache::FetchClusterSlotMapping. The CLUSTER NODES part of this code
// could be replaced with a call to the innards of FetchClusterSlotMapping.
// redisReaderCreate and redisReaderGetReply would likely be needed to turn the
// ReadBulkString result into a redisReply. See:
StringVector GetNodeConfig(TcpConnectionForTesting* conn) {
conn->Send("CLUSTER INFO\r\n");
GoogleString cluster_info = ReadBulkString(conn);
if (cluster_info.find("cluster_state:ok\r\n") == GoogleString::npos) {
return {};
conn->Send("CLUSTER NODES\r\n");
GoogleString config_csv = ReadBulkString(conn);
StringPieceVector lines;
SplitStringPieceToVector(config_csv, "\r\n", &lines,
true /* omit_empty_strings */);
StringVector current_config;
for (StringPiece line : lines) {
StringPieceVector fields;
SplitStringPieceToVector(line, " ", &fields,
true /* omit_empty_strings */);
CHECK_GE(fields.size(), 8);
GoogleString node_descr;
// See We take three fields
// from node description (node id, ip:port, master/slave) plus
// information about slots served.
StrAppend(&node_descr, fields[0], " ", fields[1], " ", fields[3]);
for (auto it = fields.begin() + 8; it != fields.end(); ++it) {
StrAppend(&node_descr, " ", *it);
std::sort(current_config.begin(), current_config.end());
return current_config;
void ResetConfiguration(StringVector* node_ids,
std::vector<int>* ports,
ConnectionList* connections) {
// TODO(cheesy): These should be collapsed onto a single vector of
// struct { conn, port, node_id }.
CHECK_EQ(6, connections->size());
CHECK_EQ(connections->size(), ports->size());
CHECK_EQ(connections->size(), node_ids->size());
LOG(INFO) << "Resetting Redis Cluster configuration back to default";
// Flush the nodes which is required to re-configure the cluster.
// Reset all nodes.
for (auto& conn : *connections) {
conn->Send("CLUSTER RESET SOFT\r\n");
for (auto& conn : *connections) {
CHECK_EQ("+OK\r\n", conn->ReadLineCrLf());
// Now make nodes know about each other.
for (auto& conn : *connections) {
for (int port : *ports) {
StrCat("CLUSTER MEET ", IntegerToString(port), "\r\n"));
for (int i = 0, n = ports->size(); i < n; ++i) {
CHECK_EQ("+OK\r\n", conn->ReadLineCrLf());
// And finally load slots configuration.
// Some of these boundaries are explicitly probed in the SlotBoundaries
// test. If you change the cluster layout, you must also change that test.
static const int slot_ranges[] = { 0, 5500, 11000, 16384 };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
GoogleString command = "CLUSTER ADDSLOTS";
for (int slot = slot_ranges[i]; slot < slot_ranges[i + 1]; slot++) {
StrAppend(&command, " ", IntegerToString(slot));
StrAppend(&command, "\r\n");
auto& conn = (*connections)[i];
CHECK_EQ("+OK\r\n", conn->ReadLineCrLf());
// Nodes learn about each other asynchronously in response to CLUSTER MEET
// above, but if the system hasn't yet converged, REPLICATE will fail. We
// poll the cluster config with GetNodeClusterConfig() until every node
// knows about every other node.
LOG(INFO) << "Reset Redis Cluster configuration back to default, "
"waiting for node propagation...";
PosixTimer timer;
int64 timeout_at_ms = timer.NowMs() + kReconfigurationPropagationTimeoutMs;
bool propagated = false;
while (!propagated && timer.NowMs() < timeout_at_ms) {
size_t num_complete = 0;
// For every connection, pull the node config and verify that it sees
// the right number of nodes.
for (auto& conn : *connections) {
StringVector config = GetNodeConfig(conn.get());
if (config.size() == connections->size()) {
} else {
if (num_complete == connections->size()) {
propagated = true;
} else {
CHECK(propagated) << "All nodes did not report in after CLUSTER MEET";
for (int i = 3; i < 6; i++) {
auto& conn = (*connections)[i];
conn->Send(StrCat("CLUSTER REPLICATE ", (*node_ids)[i - 3], "\r\n"));
CHECK_EQ("+OK\r\n", conn->ReadLineCrLf());
// Now wait until all nodes report cluster as healthy and report same
// cluster configuration.
LOG(INFO) << "Reset Redis Cluster configuration back to default, "
"waiting for slot propagation...";
timeout_at_ms = timer.NowMs() + kReconfigurationPropagationTimeoutMs;
bool cluster_is_up = false;
while (!cluster_is_up) {
CHECK_LE(timer.NowMs(), timeout_at_ms)
<< "Redis Cluster configuration did not propagate in time";
StringVector first_node_config;
for (auto& conn : *connections) {
StringVector current_config = GetNodeConfig(conn.get());
if (current_config.empty() ||
current_config.size() != connections->size()) {
// Check configs are the same on all nodes.
cluster_is_up = true;
if (first_node_config.empty()) {
first_node_config = current_config;
} else if (first_node_config != current_config) {
cluster_is_up = false;
if (!cluster_is_up) {
LOG(INFO) << "Redis Cluster is reset";
bool LoadConfiguration(StringVector* node_ids,
std::vector<int>* ports,
ConnectionList* connections) {
// Parsing environment variables.
// TODO(cheesy): We should discover the cluster IDs by querying the ports,
// and not rely on the shell to set REDIS_CLUSTER_IDS for us.
const char* ports_env = getenv("REDIS_CLUSTER_PORTS");
const char* ids_env = getenv("REDIS_CLUSTER_IDS");
if (!ports_env && !ids_env) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Env variables REDIS_CLUSTER_* are not set. Use "
<< "install/ for running "
<< "these tests. Do not use real cluster; ALL DATA WILL "
return false;
CHECK(ports_env) << "Env variable REDIS_CLUSTER_PORTS is unspecified";
CHECK(ids_env) << "Env variable REDIS_CLUSTER_IDS is unspecified";
StringPieceVector port_strs;
StringPieceVector id_strs;
SplitStringPieceToVector(ports_env, " ", &port_strs,
/* omit_empty_strings */ true);
SplitStringPieceToVector(ids_env, " ", &id_strs,
/* omit_empty_strings */ true);
CHECK_EQ(port_strs.size(), id_strs.size()) << "REDIS_CLUSTER_PORTS and "
"different amount of items";
CHECK_EQ(port_strs.size(), 6) << "Six Redis Cluster nodes are expected";
for (auto port_str : port_strs) {
int port;
CHECK(StringToInt(port_str, &port)) << "Invalid port: " << port_str;
for (StringPiece id : id_strs) {
for (int port : *ports) {
connections->emplace_back(new TcpConnectionForTesting());
CHECK(connections->back()->Connect("localhost", port))
<< "Cannot connect to Redis Cluster node";
return true;
void FlushAll(TcpConnectionForTesting* conn) {
GoogleString flushall_reply = conn->ReadLineCrLf();
// We'll get READONLY from slave nodes, which isn't a problem.
CHECK(flushall_reply == "+OK\r\n" ||
strings::StartsWith(flushall_reply, "-READONLY"));
void FlushAll(ConnectionList* connections) {
for (auto& conn : *connections) {
} // namespace RedisCluster
} // namespace net_instaweb