blob: 276135fbe6bb185eb74048e447f06047b4497926 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/file_system.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/null_message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/stack_buffer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/writer.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
FileSystem::~FileSystem() {
FileSystem::File::~File() {
FileSystem::InputFile::~InputFile() {
FileSystem::OutputFile::~OutputFile() {
int FileSystem::MaxPathLength(const StringPiece& base) const {
return 8192;
bool FileSystem::ReadFile(const char* filename, GoogleString* buffer,
MessageHandler* message_handler) {
return ReadFile(filename, kUnlimitedSize, buffer, message_handler);
bool FileSystem::ReadFile(const char* filename, Writer* writer,
MessageHandler* message_handler) {
return ReadFile(filename, kUnlimitedSize, writer, message_handler);
bool FileSystem::ReadFile(const char* filename, int64 max_file_size,
GoogleString* buffer,
MessageHandler* message_handler) {
InputFile* input_file = OpenInputFile(filename, message_handler);
return ReadFile(input_file, max_file_size, buffer, message_handler);
bool FileSystem::ReadFile(const char* filename, int64 max_file_size,
Writer* writer, MessageHandler* message_handler) {
InputFile* input_file = OpenInputFile(filename, message_handler);
return ReadFile(input_file, max_file_size, writer, message_handler);
bool FileSystem::ReadFile(InputFile* input_file, GoogleString* buffer,
MessageHandler* message_handler) {
return ReadFile(input_file, kUnlimitedSize, buffer, message_handler);
bool FileSystem::ReadFile(InputFile* input_file, Writer* writer,
MessageHandler* message_handler) {
return ReadFile(input_file, kUnlimitedSize, writer, message_handler);
bool FileSystem::ReadFile(
InputFile* input_file, int64 max_file_size, GoogleString* buffer,
MessageHandler* message_handler) {
bool ret = false;
if (input_file != nullptr) {
ret = input_file->ReadFile(buffer, max_file_size, message_handler);
ret &= Close(input_file, message_handler);
return ret;
bool FileSystem::ReadFile(InputFile* input_file, int64 max_file_size,
Writer* writer, MessageHandler* message_handler) {
bool ret = false;
if (input_file != nullptr) {
char buf[kStackBufferSize];
int nread;
ret = true;
int64 total_size = 0;
while (ret && ((nread = input_file->Read(
buf, sizeof(buf), message_handler)) > 0)) {
if (max_file_size != kUnlimitedSize) {
total_size += nread;
if (total_size > max_file_size) {
ret = false;
ret = writer->Write(StringPiece(buf, nread), message_handler);
ret &= (nread == 0);
ret &= Close(input_file, message_handler);
return ret;
bool FileSystem::WriteFile(const char* filename, const StringPiece& buffer,
MessageHandler* message_handler) {
OutputFile* output_file = OpenOutputFile(filename, message_handler);
bool ret = false;
if (output_file != nullptr) {
ret = output_file->Write(buffer, message_handler);
ret &= output_file->SetWorldReadable(message_handler);
ret &= Close(output_file, message_handler);
return ret;
bool FileSystem::WriteTempFile(const StringPiece& prefix_name,
const StringPiece& buffer,
GoogleString* filename,
MessageHandler* message_handler) {
OutputFile* output_file = OpenTempFile(prefix_name, message_handler);
bool ok = (output_file != nullptr);
if (ok) {
// Store filename early, since it's invalidated by Close.
*filename = output_file->filename();
ok = output_file->Write(buffer, message_handler);
// attempt Close even if write fails.
ok &= Close(output_file, message_handler);
if (!ok) {
NullMessageHandler null_message_handler;
RemoveFile(filename->c_str(), &null_message_handler);
if (!ok) {
// Clear filename so we end in a consistent state.
return ok;
bool FileSystem::WriteFileAtomic(const StringPiece& filename_sp,
const StringPiece& buffer,
MessageHandler* message_handler) {
const GoogleString filename(filename_sp.as_string());
GoogleString tempfilename;
bool ok = false;
if (WriteTempFile(StrCat(filename, ".temp"), buffer, &tempfilename,
message_handler)) {
ok = RenameFile(tempfilename.c_str(), filename.c_str(), message_handler);
if (!ok) {
// Delete any temp file as it's probably incomplete.
NullMessageHandler null_message_handler;
RemoveFile(tempfilename.c_str(), &null_message_handler);
return ok;
bool FileSystem::Close(File* file, MessageHandler* message_handler) {
bool ret = file->Close(message_handler);
delete file;
return ret;
bool FileSystem::RecursivelyMakeDir(const StringPiece& full_path_const,
MessageHandler* handler) {
bool ret = true;
GoogleString full_path = full_path_const.as_string();
GoogleString subpath;
size_t old_pos = 0, new_pos;
// Note that we intentionally start searching at pos = 1 to avoid having
// subpath be "" on absolute paths.
while ((new_pos = full_path.find('/', old_pos + 1)) != GoogleString::npos) {
// Build up path, one segment at a time.
subpath.append( + old_pos, new_pos - old_pos);
if (Exists(subpath.c_str(), handler).is_false()) {
if (!MakeDir(subpath.c_str(), handler)) {
ret = false;
} else if (IsDir(subpath.c_str(), handler).is_false()) {
handler->Message(kError, "Subpath '%s' of '%s' is a non-directory file.",
subpath.c_str(), full_path.c_str());
ret = false;
old_pos = new_pos;
return ret;
void FileSystem::GetDirInfo(const StringPiece& path, DirInfo* dirinfo,
MessageHandler* handler) {
NullProgressNotifier notifier;
GetDirInfoWithProgress(path, dirinfo, &notifier, handler);
void FileSystem::GetDirInfoWithProgress(
const StringPiece& path, DirInfo* dirinfo, ProgressNotifier* notifier,
MessageHandler* handler) {
// This function is not guaranteed to produce correct results if files or
// directories are modified while this function is executing.
// Reset dirinfo
dirinfo->size_bytes = 0;
dirinfo->inode_count = 0;
StringVector dirs_to_traverse;
while (!dirs_to_traverse.empty()) {
GoogleString dir = dirs_to_traverse.back();
StringVector dir_contents;
bool is_ok = ListContents(dir, &dir_contents, handler);
if (!is_ok) {
// Save empty directories to remove if we have to clean.
if (dir_contents.empty()) {
// Add files in directory to our vector of files and subdirs to our vector
// of directories to traverse.
dirinfo->inode_count += dir_contents.size();
StringVector::iterator it;
for (it = dir_contents.begin(); it != dir_contents.end(); ++it) {
GoogleString file_name = *it;
// Add size for both files and directories
int64 file_size;
Size(file_name, &file_size, handler);
dirinfo->size_bytes += file_size;
BoolOrError is_dir = IsDir(file_name.c_str(), handler);
if (is_dir.is_false()) {
int64 file_atime;
Atime(file_name, &file_atime, handler);
dirinfo->files.push_back(FileInfo(file_size, file_atime, file_name));
} else if (is_dir.is_true()) {
// Try to make directories to store file.
void FileSystem::SetupFileDir(const StringPiece& filename,
MessageHandler* handler) {
size_t last_slash = filename.rfind('/');
if (last_slash != StringPiece::npos) {
StringPiece directory_name = filename.substr(0, last_slash);
if (!RecursivelyMakeDir(directory_name, handler)) {
// TODO(sligocki): Specify where dir creation failed?
handler->Message(kError, "Could not create directories for file %s",
} // namespace net_instaweb