blob: 4f407d683aa8655d03fc91b2d6318e32d7fd6b56 [file] [log] [blame]
# Runs 'siege' on a single cache-extended URL cache-extended CSS file
# scraped from rewrite_css.html.
# Usage:
# devel/siege/
this_dir=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
source "$this_dir/" || exit 1
# Fetch the rewrite_css example in cache-extend mode so we can get a small
# cache-extended CSS file.
# The format of the 'link' HTML line we get is this:
# <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
# href="styles/yellow.css.pagespeed.ce.lzJ8VcVi1l.css">
# The line-break before 'href' is added here to avoid exceeding 80 cols
# in this script but is not in the HTML.
# Splitting this by quotes seems a little fragile but it gets us the
# URL in the 6th token.
extract_pagespeed_url $EXAMPLE/rewrite_css.html 'link rel=' 6 extend_cache
run_siege "$EXAMPLE/$url"