blob: 5137d8193f93ee1b71f58a3ec57d423f6e8dd1b6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Global configuration.
# The ModPagespeedFileCachePath directory must exist and be writable
# by the apache user (as specified by the User directive).
ModPagespeedFileCachePath "#HOME/apache2/pagespeed_cache/"
# Direct Apache to send all HTML output to the mod_pagespeed
# output handler.
AddOutputFilterByType MOD_PAGESPEED_OUTPUT_FILTER text/html
<VirtualHost localhost:8080>
# Turn on mod_pagespeed. To completely disable mod_pagespeed, you
# can set this to "off".
ModPagespeed on
<Location /pagespeed_admin>
Order allow,deny
Allow from localhost
Allow from
SetHandler pagespeed_admin
<Location /pagespeed_global_admin>
Order allow,deny
Allow from localhost
Allow from
SetHandler pagespeed_global_admin
# By default we siege-test without image beaconing.
ModPagespeedCriticalImagesBeaconEnabled false
# Turn on "KeepAlive" so the sieges go fast.
KeepAlive On
KeepAliveTimeout 60
LogFormat "%v %X %P %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
LogLevel warn
# This configuration is required for siege_instant_ipro.
<Directory "#HOME/apache2/htdocs/mod_pagespeed_test/ipro/instant/wait/" >
ModPagespeedInPlaceWaitForOptimized on
ModPagespeedInPlaceRewriteDeadlineMs 5000
<Directory "#HOME/apache2/htdocs/" >
# This is enabled to make sure we don't crash mod_negotiation.
Options +MultiViews
# Test-specific configuration: #CUSTOM_CONFIG