blob: 15207b9bde044cc4e84c2cb26cb0e984f72673d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Jeff Kaufman)
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_driver_factory.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include "pagespeed/controller/central_controller.h"
#include "pagespeed/controller/central_controller_rpc_client.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/hasher.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/statistics.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/thread/queued_worker_pool.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class AbstractSharedMem;
class FileSystem;
class MessageHandler;
class NamedLockManager;
class NonceGenerator;
class ProcessContext;
class ServerContext;
class SharedCircularBuffer;
class SharedMemStatistics;
class StaticAssetManager;
class SystemCaches;
class SystemRewriteOptions;
class SystemServerContext;
class SystemThreadSystem;
class Timer;
class UrlAsyncFetcher;
// A server context with features specific to a psol port on a unix system.
class SystemRewriteDriverFactory : public RewriteDriverFactory {
// Takes ownership of thread_system.
// On Posix systems implementers should leave shared_mem_runtime NULL,
// otherwise they should implement AbstractSharedMem for their platform and
// pass in an instance here. The factory takes ownership of the shared memory
// runtime if one is passed in. Implementers who don't want to support shared
// memory at all should set PAGESPEED_SUPPORT_POSIX_SHARED_MEM to false and
// pass in NULL, and the factory will use a NullSharedMem.
// After construction, you must call Init() to finish the initialization.
SystemRewriteDriverFactory(const ProcessContext& process_context,
SystemThreadSystem* thread_system,
AbstractSharedMem* shared_mem_runtime,
StringPiece hostname, int port);
virtual ~SystemRewriteDriverFactory();
void Init();
// If the server using this isn't using APR natively, call this to initialize
// the APR library.
static void InitApr();
AbstractSharedMem* shared_mem_runtime() const {
return shared_mem_runtime_.get();
// Creates and ::Initializes a shared memory statistics object.
SharedMemStatistics* AllocateAndInitSharedMemStatistics(
bool local, const StringPiece& name, const SystemRewriteOptions& options);
// Hook for subclasses to init their stats and call
// SystemRewriteDriverFactory::InitStats().
virtual void NonStaticInitStats(Statistics* statistics) = 0;
// Creates a HashedNonceGenerator initialized with data from /dev/random.
NonceGenerator* DefaultNonceGenerator();
// For shared memory resources the general setup we follow is to have the
// first running process (aka the root) create the necessary segments and
// fill in their shared data structures, while processes created to actually
// handle requests attach to already existing shared data structures.
// During normal server startup[1], RootInit() must be called from the
// root process and ChildInit() in every child process.
// Keep in mind, however, that when fork() is involved a process may
// effectively see both calls, in which case the 'ChildInit' call would
// come second and override the previous root status. Both calls are also
// invoked in the debug single-process mode (In Apache, "httpd -X".).
// Note that these are not static methods -- they are invoked on every
// SystemRewriteDriverFactory instance, which exist for the global
// configuration as well as all the virtual hosts.
// Implementations should override RootInit and ChildInit for their setup.
// See ApacheRewriteDriverFactory for an example.
// [1] Besides normal startup, Apache also uses a temporary process to
// syntax check the config file. That basically looks like a complete
// normal startup and shutdown to the code.
bool is_root_process() const { return is_root_process_; }
virtual void RootInit();
virtual void ChildInit();
// This helper method contains init procedures invoked by both RootInit()
// and ChildInit()
virtual void ParentOrChildInit();
// After the whole configuration has been read, we need to do additional
// configuration that requires a global view.
// - server_contexts should be all server contexts on the system
// - error_message and error_index are set if there's an error, and
// error_index is the index in server_contexts of the one with the issue.
// - global_statistics is lazily initialized to a shared memory statistics
// owned by this factory if any of the server contexts require it.
void PostConfig(const std::vector<SystemServerContext*>& server_contexts,
GoogleString* error_message,
int* error_index,
Statistics** global_statistics);
// Initialize SharedCircularBuffer and pass it to SystemMessageHandler and
// SystemHtmlParseMessageHandler. is_root is true if this is invoked from
// root (ie. parent) process.
void SharedCircularBufferInit(bool is_root);
// Most options are parsed by and applied to the RewriteOptions via
// ParseAndSetOptionFromNameN, but process-scope options need to be set on the
// rewrite driver factory.
// ParseAndSetOptionN will only apply changes to the rewrite driver factory if
// process_scope is true, but it should be called regardless in order to give
// more helpful error messages ("wrong scope" vs "no such option"). If an
// option is used out of scope an appropriate message is put in msg and either
// kOptionValueInvalid or kOptionOk is returned: invalid if the parser should
// abort with an error, ok if parsing should continue past the error.
virtual RewriteOptions::OptionSettingResult ParseAndSetOption1(
StringPiece option,
StringPiece arg,
bool process_scope,
GoogleString* msg,
MessageHandler* handler);
virtual RewriteOptions::OptionSettingResult ParseAndSetOption2(
StringPiece option,
StringPiece arg1,
StringPiece arg2,
bool process_scope,
GoogleString* msg,
MessageHandler* handler);
virtual Hasher* NewHasher();
virtual Timer* DefaultTimer();
virtual ServerContext* NewServerContext();
// Hook so implementations may disable the property cache.
virtual bool enable_property_cache() const {
return true;
GoogleString hostname_identifier() { return hostname_identifier_; }
// Release all the resources. It also calls the base class ShutDown to release
// the base class resources.
virtual void ShutDown();
virtual void StopCacheActivity();
SystemCaches* caches() { return caches_.get(); }
virtual void set_message_buffer_size(int x) {
message_buffer_size_ = x;
// Finds a fetcher for the settings in this config, sharing with
// existing fetchers if possible, otherwise making a new one (and
// its required thread).
UrlAsyncFetcher* GetFetcher(SystemRewriteOptions* config);
// Tracks the size of resources fetched from origin and populates the
// X-Original-Content-Length header for resources derived from them.
void set_track_original_content_length(bool x) {
track_original_content_length_ = x;
bool track_original_content_length() const {
return track_original_content_length_;
// When Serf gets a system error during polling, to avoid spamming
// the log we just print the number of outstanding fetch URLs. To
// debug this it's useful to print the complete set of URLs, in
// which case this should be turned on.
void list_outstanding_urls_on_error(bool x) {
list_outstanding_urls_on_error_ = x;
// When RateLimitBackgroundFetches is enabled the fetcher needs to apply some
// limits. An implementation may need to tune these based on conditions only
// observable at startup, in which case they can override these.
virtual int max_queue_size() { return 500 * requests_per_host(); }
virtual int queued_per_host() { return 500 * requests_per_host(); }
virtual int requests_per_host(); // Normally 4, or #threads if that's more.
void set_static_asset_prefix(StringPiece s) {
const GoogleString& static_asset_prefix() { return static_asset_prefix_; }
int num_rewrite_threads() const { return num_rewrite_threads_; }
void set_num_rewrite_threads(int x) { num_rewrite_threads_ = x; }
int num_expensive_rewrite_threads() const {
return num_expensive_rewrite_threads_;
void set_num_expensive_rewrite_threads(int x) {
num_expensive_rewrite_threads_ = x;
bool use_per_vhost_statistics() const {
return use_per_vhost_statistics_;
void set_use_per_vhost_statistics(bool x) {
use_per_vhost_statistics_ = x;
bool install_crash_handler() const {
return install_crash_handler_;
void set_install_crash_handler(bool x) {
install_crash_handler_ = x;
// mod_pagespeed uses a beacon handler to collect data for critical images,
// css, etc., so filters should be configured accordingly.
virtual bool UseBeaconResultsInFilters() const {
return true;
// Check whether the server is threaded. For example, Nginx uses an event
// loop and can keep with the default of false, while Apache with a threaded
// multiprocessing module (MPM) overrides this method to return true.
virtual bool IsServerThreaded() {
return false; // Most new servers are non-threaded nowadays.
// Threaded implementing servers should return the maximum number of threads
// that might be used for handling user requests.
virtual int LookupThreadLimit() {
return 1;
// By default this uses the ControllerManager to fork off some processes to
// handle the Controller. If you're on a system where fork doesn't make
// sense or running the Controller in its own process doesn't make sense, this
// is a hook where you can start the controller in whatever way makes sense
// for your platform.
virtual void StartController(const SystemRewriteOptions& options);
// Set the name of this process, for debugging visibility.
virtual void NameProcess(const char* name);
// Hook for handling any process-specific initialization the host webserver
// might need when we manually fork off a process. Children should call the
// superclass method when overriding (so it can set the process name). See
// NgxRewriteDriverFactory::PrepareForkedProcess.
virtual void PrepareForkedProcess(const char* name);
// Once we've created the controller process, we need to initialize it like we
// would one of our normal parent or child processes. The controller manager
// will call this once it has a process it needs prepared.
virtual void PrepareControllerProcess();
// Initializes all the statistics objects created transitively by
// SystemRewriteDriverFactory. Only subclasses should call this.
static void InitStats(Statistics* statistics);
// Initializes the StaticAssetManager.
virtual void InitStaticAssetManager(StaticAssetManager* static_asset_manager);
virtual void SetupCaches(ServerContext* server_context);
virtual QueuedWorkerPool* CreateWorkerPool(WorkerPoolCategory pool,
StringPiece name);
// TODO(jefftk): create SystemMessageHandler and get rid of these hooks.
virtual void SetupMessageHandlers() {}
virtual void ShutDownMessageHandlers() {}
virtual void SetCircularBuffer(SharedCircularBuffer* buffer) {}
// Can be overridden by subclasses to shutdown any fetchers we don't
// know about.
virtual void ShutDownFetchers() {}
// Once ServerContexts are initialized via
// RewriteDriverFactory::InitServerContext, they will be
// managed by the RewriteDriverFactory. But in the root process
// the ServerContexts will never be initialized. We track these here
// so that SystemRewriteDriverFactory::ChildInit can iterate over all
// the server contexts that need to be ChildInit'd, and so that we can free
// them in the Root process that does not run ChildInit.
typedef std::set<SystemServerContext*> SystemServerContextSet;
SystemServerContextSet uninitialized_server_contexts_;
// Allocates a serf fetcher. Implementations may override this method to
// supply other kinds of fetchers. For example, ngx_pagespeed may return
// either a serf fetcher or an nginx-native fetcher depending on options.
virtual UrlAsyncFetcher* AllocateFetcher(SystemRewriteOptions* config);
virtual FileSystem* DefaultFileSystem();
virtual NamedLockManager* DefaultLockManager();
// Updates num_rewrite_threads_ and num_expensive_rewrite_threads_
// with sensible values if they are not explicitly set.
virtual void AutoDetectThreadCounts();
bool thread_counts_finalized() { return thread_counts_finalized_; }
// Delegate from RewriteDriverFactory to construct CentralController.
std::shared_ptr<CentralController> GetCentralController(
NamedLockManager* lock_manager) override;
// Build global shared-memory statistics, taking ownership. This is invoked
// if at least one server context (global or VirtualHost) enables statistics.
Statistics* SetUpGlobalSharedMemStatistics(
const SystemRewriteOptions& options);
// Generates a cache-key incorporating all the parameters from config that
// might be relevant to fetching. When include_slurping_config, then
// slurping-related options are ignored for the fetch-key.
GoogleString GetFetcherKey(bool include_slurping_config,
const SystemRewriteOptions* config);
// GetFetcher returns fetchers wrapped in various kinds of filtering (rate
// limiting and slurping). Because the underlying fetchers are expensive, and
// you can wrap the same base fetcher in multiple ways, we provide a helper
// method for GetFetcher that reuses fetchers as much as possible.
UrlAsyncFetcher* GetBaseFetcher(SystemRewriteOptions* config);
virtual UrlAsyncFetcher* DefaultAsyncUrlFetcher();
scoped_ptr<SharedMemStatistics> shared_mem_statistics_;
// While split statistics in the ServerContext cleans up the actual objects,
// we do the segment cleanup for local stats here.
StringVector local_shm_stats_segment_names_;
scoped_ptr<AbstractSharedMem> shared_mem_runtime_;
scoped_ptr<SharedCircularBuffer> shared_circular_buffer_;
bool statistics_frozen_;
bool is_root_process_;
// hostname_identifier_ equals to "server_hostname:port" of the webserver.
// It's used to distinguish the name of shared memory, so that each virtual
// host has its own SharedCircularBuffer.
const GoogleString hostname_identifier_;
// Size of shared circular buffer for displaying Info messages in
// /pagespeed_messages (or /mod_pagespeed_messages, /ngx_pagespeed_messages)
int message_buffer_size_;
// Manages all our caches & lock managers.
scoped_ptr<SystemCaches> caches_;
bool track_original_content_length_;
bool list_outstanding_urls_on_error_;
// Fetchers are expensive--they each cost a thread. Instead of allocating one
// for every server context we keep a cache of defined fetchers with various
// configurations. There are two caches depending on whether the underlying
// fetcher (the thing that takes a thread) needs to know about various
// options. The inner cache is base_fetcher_map_ which GetBaseFetcher() uses
// to keep track of what fetchers it has requested from AllocateFetcher().
// Base fetchers are all serf fetchers with various options unless an
// implementation overrides AllocateFetcher() to return other kinds of
// fetchers. The outer cache is fetcher_map_, used by GetFetcher(), and is
// fragmented on every option that affects fetching. All of these fetchers
// are either exactly as returned by GetBaseFetcher() or first wrapped in
// slurping or rate-limiting.
typedef std::map<GoogleString, UrlAsyncFetcher*> FetcherMap;
FetcherMap base_fetcher_map_;
FetcherMap fetcher_map_;
// URL prefix for support files required by pagespeed.
GoogleString static_asset_prefix_;
// The same as our parent's thread_system_, but without casting.
SystemThreadSystem* system_thread_system_;
// If true, we'll have a separate statistics object for each vhost
// (along with a global aggregate), rather than just a single object
// aggregating all of them.
bool use_per_vhost_statistics_;
// If true, we'll install a signal handler that prints backtraces.
bool install_crash_handler_;
// true iff we ran through AutoDetectThreadCounts().
bool thread_counts_finalized_;
// These are <= 0 if we should autodetect.
int num_rewrite_threads_;
int num_expensive_rewrite_threads_;
std::shared_ptr<CentralControllerRpcClient> central_controller_;
} // namespace net_instaweb