blob: 24a920b0723d40e4044dfc373b584f03efc7e949 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/atomic_bool.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/shared_string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/cache/cache_interface.h"
#include "pagespeed/system/external_server_spec.h"
struct apr_memcache2_t;
struct apr_memcache2_server_t;
struct apr_pool_t;
namespace net_instaweb {
class Hasher;
class MessageHandler;
class Statistics;
class UpDownCounter;
class Variable;
// Interface to memcached via the apr_memcache2*, as documented in
// While this class derives from CacheInterface, it is a blocking
// implementation, suitable for instantiating underneath an AsyncCache.
class AprMemCache : public CacheInterface {
// Experimentally it seems large values larger than 1M bytes result in
// a failure, e.g. from load-tests:
// [Fri Jul 20 10:29:34 2012] [error] [mod_pagespeed @1522]
// AprMemCache::Put error: Internal error on key
//, value-size 1393146
// External to this class, we use a fallback cache (in Apache a FileCache) to
// handle too-large requests. This is managed by class FallbackCache in
// ../util.
static const size_t kValueSizeThreshold = 1 * 1000 * 1000;
// Amount of time after a burst of errors to retry memcached operations.
static const int64 kHealthCheckpointIntervalMs = 30 * Timer::kSecondMs;
// Maximum number of errors tolerated within kHealthCheckpointIntervalMs,
// after which AprMemCache will declare itself unhealthy for
// kHealthCheckpointIntervalMs.
static const int64 kMaxErrorBurst = 4;
// thread_limit is used to provide apr_memcache2_server_create with
// a hard maximum number of client connections to open.
AprMemCache(const ExternalClusterSpec& cluster, int thread_limit,
Hasher* hasher, Statistics* statistics, Timer* timer,
MessageHandler* handler);
static void InitStats(Statistics* statistics);
const ExternalClusterSpec& cluster_spec() const { return cluster_spec_; }
// As mentioned above, Get and MultiGet are blocking in this implementation.
virtual void Get(const GoogleString& key, Callback* callback);
virtual void Put(const GoogleString& key, const SharedString& value);
virtual void Delete(const GoogleString& key);
virtual void MultiGet(MultiGetRequest* request);
// Connects to the server, returning whether the connection was
// successful or not.
bool Connect();
bool valid_server_spec() const { return valid_server_spec_; }
// Get detailed status in a string, returning false if the server
// failed to return status.
bool GetStatus(GoogleString* status_string);
static GoogleString FormatName() { return "AprMemCache"; }
virtual GoogleString Name() const { return FormatName(); }
virtual bool IsBlocking() const { return true; }
// Records in statistics that a system error occurred, helping it detect
// when it's unhealthy if they are too frequent.
void RecordError();
// Determines whether memcached is healthy enough to attempt another
// operation. Note that even though there may be multiple shards,
// some of which are healthy and some not, we don't currently track
// errors on a per-shard basis, so we effectively declare all the
// memcached instances unhealthy if any of them are.
virtual bool IsHealthy() const;
// Close down the connection to the memcached servers.
virtual void ShutDown();
virtual bool MustEncodeKeyInValueOnPut() const { return true; }
virtual void PutWithKeyInValue(const GoogleString& key,
const SharedString& key_and_value);
// Sets the I/O timeout in microseconds. This should be called at
// setup time and not while there are operations in flight.
void set_timeout_us(int timeout_us);
void DecodeValueMatchingKeyAndCallCallback(
const GoogleString& key, const char* data, size_t data_len,
const char* calling_method, Callback* callback);
// Puts a value that's already encoded with the key into the cache, without
// checking health first. This is meant to be called from Put and
// PutWithKeyInValue, which will do the health check.
void PutHelper(const GoogleString& key, const SharedString& key_and_value);
ExternalClusterSpec cluster_spec_;
bool valid_server_spec_;
int thread_limit_;
int timeout_us_;
apr_pool_t* pool_;
apr_memcache2_t* memcached_;
std::vector<apr_memcache2_server_t*> servers_;
Hasher* hasher_;
Timer* timer_;
AtomicBool shutdown_;
Variable* timeouts_;
UpDownCounter* last_error_checkpoint_ms_;
UpDownCounter* error_burst_size_;
MessageHandler* message_handler_;
// When memcached is killed, we will generate errors for every cache
// operation. To bound the amount of logging we do, we keep track
// of the last time when we issued a log message for an APR failure.
// We use a Statistic here for this so that it's shared across
// Apache processes.
// Note that we have some messages indicating a potential functional issue on
// (e.g. key collision) and a variety of places where we print messages
// because the Apr routine failed. We are grouping together Apr failures
// for Get, Put, Delete, and MultiGet. We might at some point wish to
// track the last time we sent a message for each of those.
Variable* last_apr_error_;
} // namespace net_instaweb