blob: 0ba8045e0a4ddca2894f0e3bf5b2965bbfed82b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/fast_wildcard_group.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/util/re2.h"
using std::pair;
using std::make_pair;
using std::map;
namespace net_instaweb {
class RequestHeaders;
// This class contains various user agent based checks. Currently all of these
// are based on simple wildcard based white- and black-lists.
// TODO(sriharis): Split the functionality here into two: a matcher that
// pulls out all relevant information from UA strings (browser-family, version,
// mobile/tablet/desktop, etc.), and a query interface that can be used by
// clients.
class UserAgentMatcher {
static const char kTestUserAgentWebP[]; // webp user agent
// Note that this must not contain the substring "webp".
static const char kTestUserAgentNoWebP[]; // non-webp user agent
enum DeviceType {
// This should always be the last type. This is used to mark the size of an
// array containing various DeviceTypes.
virtual ~UserAgentMatcher();
// Before calling IsIe, ask if you're doing the right thing: are you doing
// something that will mess up IE 11 in standards mode? Are you in a position
// where you can't tell what compatibility mode IE 11 is in? Right now we use
// this only to force edge compatibility mode and to work around a persistent
// IE Vary: caching bug.
bool IsIe(const StringPiece& user_agent) const;
bool IsIe9(const StringPiece& user_agent) const;
virtual bool SupportsImageInlining(const StringPiece& user_agent) const;
bool SupportsLazyloadImages(StringPiece user_agent) const;
// Returns the DeviceType for the given user agent string.
virtual DeviceType GetDeviceTypeForUA(const StringPiece& user_agent) const;
// Returns the DeviceType using the given user agent string and request
// headers.
virtual DeviceType GetDeviceTypeForUAAndHeaders(
const StringPiece& user_agent,
const RequestHeaders* request_headers) const;
// Returns a string representing the device_type ("desktop", "tablet", or
// "mobile").
static StringPiece DeviceTypeString(DeviceType device_type);
// Returns the suffix for the given device_type.
static StringPiece DeviceTypeSuffix(DeviceType device_type);
bool SupportsJsDefer(const StringPiece& user_agent, bool allow_mobile) const;
// Returns true if the user agent includes a legacy browser that supports
// webp, but does not issue Accept:image/webp. At the moment, this means
// only Android 4.0+ (excluding Firefox).
bool LegacyWebp(const StringPiece& user_agent) const;
// Returns true if the user agent includes a string indicating WebP lossy
// or WebP alpha support. If the browser does indeed support WebP, it also
// needs to send out an "accept: webp" header.
bool SupportsWebpLosslessAlpha(const StringPiece& user_agent) const;
// Returns true if the user agent includes an animated WebP capable
// sub-string. If the browser does indeed support WebP, it also needs to send
// out an "accept: webp" header.
bool SupportsWebpAnimated(const StringPiece& user_agent) const;
// IE9 does not implement <link rel=dns-prefetch ...>. Instead it does DNS
// preresolution when it sees <link rel=prefetch ...>. This method returns
// true if the browser support DNS prefetch using rel=prefetch.
// Refer: NOLINT
bool SupportsDnsPrefetchUsingRelPrefetch(const StringPiece& user_agent) const;
bool SupportsDnsPrefetch(const StringPiece& user_agent) const;
virtual bool IsAndroidUserAgent(const StringPiece& user_agent) const;
virtual bool IsiOSUserAgent(const StringPiece& user_agent) const;
// Returns false if this is not a Chrome user agent, or parsing the
// string build number fails.
virtual bool GetChromeBuildNumber(const StringPiece& user_agent, int* major,
int* minor, int* build, int* patch) const;
bool UserAgentExceedsChromeAndroidBuildAndPatch(
const StringPiece& user_agent, int required_build,
int required_patch) const;
bool UserAgentExceedsChromeiOSBuildAndPatch(
const StringPiece& user_agent, int required_build,
int required_patch) const;
bool UserAgentExceedsChromeBuildAndPatch(
const StringPiece& user_agent, int required_build,
int required_patch) const;
bool SupportsMobilization(StringPiece user_agent) const;
FastWildcardGroup supports_image_inlining_;
FastWildcardGroup supports_lazyload_images_;
FastWildcardGroup defer_js_whitelist_;
FastWildcardGroup defer_js_mobile_whitelist_;
FastWildcardGroup legacy_webp_;
FastWildcardGroup supports_webp_lossless_alpha_;
FastWildcardGroup supports_webp_animated_;
FastWildcardGroup supports_dns_prefetch_;
FastWildcardGroup mobile_user_agents_;
FastWildcardGroup tablet_user_agents_;
FastWildcardGroup ie_user_agents_;
FastWildcardGroup mobilization_user_agents_;
const RE2 chrome_version_pattern_;
scoped_ptr<RE2> known_devices_pattern_;
mutable map <GoogleString, pair<int, int> > screen_dimensions_map_;
} // namespace net_instaweb