blob: 3f50e00e1859e9c85af44d1319225c5d5b59eb74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/content_type.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/headers.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/http_options.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/http_names.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/request_headers.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class GoogleUrl;
class HttpResponseHeaders;
class MessageHandler;
class Writer;
// Read/write API for HTTP response headers.
class ResponseHeaders : public Headers<HttpResponseHeaders> {
enum VaryOption { kRespectVaryOnResources, kIgnoreVaryOnResources };
enum ValidatorOption { kHasValidator, kNoValidator };
// This constructor with options explicitly set should be used by all callers.
explicit ResponseHeaders(const HttpOptions& options) { Init(options); }
explicit ResponseHeaders(const ResponseHeaders& other);
ResponseHeaders& operator=(const ResponseHeaders& other);
// This default constructor should only be used in tests.
// TODO(sligocki): Phase this out so that nobody uses this one by accident.
ResponseHeaders() { Init(kDeprecatedDefaultHttpOptions); }
virtual ~ResponseHeaders();
// Returns true if the resource with given date and TTL is going to expire
// shortly and should hence be proactively re-fetched. All the parameters are
// absolute times.
static bool IsImminentlyExpiring(
int64 start_date_ms, int64 expire_ms, int64 now_ms,
const HttpOptions& options);
// This will set Date and (if supplied in the first place, Expires)
// header to now if the delta of date header wrt now_ms is more than
// a tolerance. Leaves the ComputeCaching state dirty if it came in
// dirty, or clean if it came in clean.
void FixDateHeaders(int64 now_ms);
// Returns whether the computed cache fields have been dirtied by
// a mutation since ComputeCache was called. This is exposed for
// debug assertions.
bool cache_fields_dirty() const { return cache_fields_dirty_; }
virtual void Clear();
void CopyFrom(const ResponseHeaders& other);
// Merge the new content_type with what is already in the headers.
// Returns true if the existing content-type header was changed.
// If the new content_type contains non-printable characters, the
// change will be rejected silently (and false will be returned).
bool MergeContentType(const StringPiece& content_type);
// Merge headers. Replaces all headers specified both here and in
// other with the version in other. Useful for updating headers
// when recieving 304 Not Modified responses.
// Note: We must use Headers<HttpResponseHeaders> instead of ResponseHeaders
// so that we don't expose the base UpdateFrom (and to avoid "hiding" errors).
virtual void UpdateFrom(const Headers<HttpResponseHeaders>& other);
// Initializes the response headers with the one in proto, clearing the
// existing fields.
void UpdateFromProto(const HttpResponseHeaders& proto);
// Serialize HTTP response header to a binary stream.
virtual bool WriteAsBinary(Writer* writer, MessageHandler* message_handler);
// Read HTTP response header from a binary string. Note that this
// is distinct from HTTP response-header parsing, which is in
// ResponseHeadersParser.
virtual bool ReadFromBinary(const StringPiece& buf, MessageHandler* handler);
// Serialize HTTP response header in HTTP format so it can be re-parsed.
virtual bool WriteAsHttp(Writer* writer, MessageHandler* handler) const;
// Compute caching information. The current time is used to compute
// the absolute time when a cache resource will expire. The timestamp
// is in milliseconds since 1970. It is an error to call any of the
// accessors before ComputeCaching is called.
void ComputeCaching();
// Returns true if these response headers indicate the response is
// publicly cacheable if it was fetched w/o special authorization
// headers.
// See also RequiresProxyRevalidation(), which must be used to
// determine whether stale content can be re-used by a proxy.
// The difference between HTML and non-HTML is tolerance for Vary:Cookie.
// In HTML we are willing to cache cookieless responses and serve them
// to other cookieless requests, but this requires the requests to
// be validated. Callers can indicate their ability to validate requests
// by passing kHasRequestValidator for has_request_validator.
bool IsProxyCacheable(RequestHeaders::Properties properties,
// TODO(sligocki): Use http_options_.respect_vary.
// Some inconsistencies need to be worked out first.
VaryOption respect_vary_on_resources,
ValidatorOption has_request_validator) const;
static VaryOption GetVaryOption(bool respect_vary) {
return respect_vary ? kRespectVaryOnResources : kIgnoreVaryOnResources;
// The zero-arg version of IsProxyCacheable gives a pessimistic answer,
// assuming the request has cookies, there is no validator, and we
// respect Vary.
bool IsProxyCacheable() const {
return IsProxyCacheable(
RequestHeaders::Properties(), kRespectVaryOnResources, kNoValidator);
// Returns true if the response is privately cacheable.
// Generally you want to use IsProxyCacheable*() instead.
bool IsBrowserCacheable() const;
// Determines whether must-revalidate is in any Cache-Control setting.
// Proxies such as PSOL likely want to use RequiresProxyRevalidation()
// instead.
bool RequiresBrowserRevalidation() const;
// Determines whether either must-revalidate or proxy-revalidate is
// in any Cache-Control setting. These must be checked to see whether
// it's OK to serve stale content while freshening in the background.
bool RequiresProxyRevalidation() const;
// Note(sligocki): I think CacheExpirationTimeMs will return 0 if !IsCacheable
// TODO(sligocki): Look through callsites and make sure this is being
// interpreted correctly.
int64 CacheExpirationTimeMs() const;
// Set Date, Cache-Control and Expires headers appropriately.
// If cache_control_suffix is provided it is appended onto the
// Cache-Control: "max-age=%d" string.
// For example, cache_control_suffix = ", private" or ", no-cache, no-store".
void SetDateAndCaching(int64 date_ms, int64 ttl_ms,
const StringPiece& cache_control_suffix);
void SetDateAndCaching(int64 date_ms, int64 ttl_ms) {
SetDateAndCaching(date_ms, ttl_ms, "");
// Returns Cache-Control header values that we might need to preserve. This
// function is meant to be used with SetDateAndCaching. It currently looks for
// and returns no-transform and no-store if found.
GoogleString CacheControlValuesToPreserve();
// Set a time-based header, converting ms since epoch to a string.
void SetTimeHeader(const StringPiece& header, int64 time_ms);
void SetDate(int64 date_ms) { SetTimeHeader(HttpAttributes::kDate, date_ms); }
void SetLastModified(int64 last_modified_ms) {
SetTimeHeader(HttpAttributes::kLastModified, last_modified_ms);
// Sets the cache-control max-age to the specified value leaving the remaining
// Cache-Control attributes the same. This also updates the Expires header
// appropriately. Note that all existing max-age values are removed.
void SetCacheControlMaxAge(int64 ttl_ms);
// Sets the cache-control to explicitly have 'public', as long as that's
// not in conflict with other CC headers.
void SetCacheControlPublic();
// Sets the x-original-content-length header, used to relay information on
// the original size of optimized resources.
void SetOriginalContentLength(int64 content_length);
// Sets the content-length attribute, removing any matching
// x-orginal-content-length header.
void SetContentLength(int64 content_length);
// Removes hop-by-hop plus cookie headers, and returns true if any changes
// were made.
bool Sanitize();
// Copies the HttpResponseHeaders proto from the response headers to the given
// input after removing the Set-Cookie fields.
void GetSanitizedProto(HttpResponseHeaders* proto) const;
// TODO(jmarantz): consider an alternative representation
bool headers_complete() const { return has_status_code(); }
int status_code() const;
bool has_status_code() const;
void set_status_code(const int code);
const char* reason_phrase() const;
void set_reason_phrase(const StringPiece& reason_phrase);
const HttpOptions& http_options() const { return http_options_; }
// TODO(sligocki): Remove these setters (and getters) once we make sure
// that all values are set at construction time.
int64 implicit_cache_ttl_ms() const {
return http_options_.implicit_cache_ttl_ms;
void set_implicit_cache_ttl_ms(const int64 ttl) {
http_options_.implicit_cache_ttl_ms = ttl;
bool has_last_modified_time_ms() const;
int64 last_modified_time_ms() const;
int64 date_ms() const; // Timestamp from Date header.
bool has_date_ms() const;
int64 cache_ttl_ms() const;
bool is_implicitly_cacheable() const;
GoogleString ToString() const;
// Sets the status code and reason_phrase based on an internal table.
void SetStatusAndReason(HttpStatus::Code code);
void DebugPrint() const;
// Parses an arbitrary string into milliseconds since 1970
static bool ParseTime(const char* time_str, int64* time_ms);
// Returns true if our status denotes the request failing.
inline bool IsErrorStatus() const {
int status = status_code();
return status >= 400 && status <= 599;
// Returns true if our status denotes a server side error.
inline bool IsServerErrorStatus() const {
int status = status_code();
return status >= 500 && status <= 599;
// Returns true if our status denotes a redirect.
bool IsRedirectStatus() const {
int status = status_code();
return status >= 300 && status <= 399 && status != 304;
// Determines whether a response header is marked as gzipped.
bool IsGzipped() const;
bool WasGzippedLast() const;
// Get ContentType. NULL if none set or it isn't in our predefined set of
// known content types.
const ContentType* DetermineContentType() const;
// Does this header have an HTML-like Content-Type (HTML, XHTML, ...).
bool IsHtmlLike() const {
const ContentType* type = DetermineContentType();
return (type != NULL && type->IsHtmlLike());
// Get the charset. Empty string if none set in a Content-Type header.
GoogleString DetermineCharset() const;
// Determine both the charset and content-type as above. See
// DetermineContentType() and DetermineCharset() for details.
// You may also pass in NULL for those of _out parameters you do not
// need (but in that case the individual functions would be more convenient)
void DetermineContentTypeAndCharset(const ContentType** content_type_out,
GoogleString* charset_out) const;
// Parses a date header such as HttpAttributes::kDate or
// HttpAttributes::kExpires, returning the timestamp as
// number of milliseconds since 1970.
bool ParseDateHeader(const StringPiece& attr, int64* date_ms) const;
// Parses the first line of an HTTP response, including the "HTTP/".
void ParseFirstLine(const StringPiece& first_line);
// Parses the first line of an HTTP response, skipping the "HTTP/".
void ParseFirstLineHelper(const StringPiece& first_line);
// Set whole first line.
void set_first_line(int major_version, int minor_version, int status_code,
const StringPiece& reason_phrase) {
// Finds Content-Length in the response headers, returning true and putting
// it in *content_length if successful.
bool FindContentLength(int64* content_length) const;
// Force cache the response with the given TTL even if it is private. Note
// that this does not change any of the headers. The values of cache_ttl_ms,
// IsCacheable and IsProxyCacheable are updated once ComputeCaching() is
// called.
// Note that for responses which were originally cacheable, the effective
// cache TTL is the maximum of the original TTL and ttl_ms.
// For responses which were originally uncacheable, the new cache TTL is
// ttl_ms.
void ForceCaching(int64 ttl_ms);
// Update the caching headers if the response has force cached.
bool UpdateCacheHeadersIfForceCached();
// Returns estimated size in bytes of these headers (if transferred over
// HTTP, not SPDY or other protocols). This is an estimate because it may not
// properly account for things like spacing around : or whether multiple
// headers were on a single or multiple lines.
int64 SizeEstimate() const;
// Returns true if the response headers have cookies and false otherwise.
// If cookies are found then it sets them in cookie_str in javascript array
// format.
bool GetCookieString(GoogleString* cookie_str) const;
// Returns true if the response headers have a cookie with the given name.
// 'values' gives the associated values. 'attributes' gives the attributes.
// name results in "" in values and nothing in attributes.
// name=; HttpOnly results in "" in values and "HttpOnly" in attributes.
// name=value results in "value" in values and nothing in attributes.
// name=value; Expires=yaddayadda; HttpOnly results in "value" in values and
// " Expires=yaddayadda" and " HttpOnly" in attributes.
// Note that the attributes are not trimmed of whitespace.
// The return value is true in all the above cases.
// It is a limitation of this API that a cookie with no value set is
// indistinguishable from a cookie with an empty value. Furthermore, if the
// cookie is set in multiple headers, values and attributes will be the union
// of those headers' contents.
// TODO(matterbury): Fix this to implement the correct behavior, which should
// take into account the domain and path of the cookie as part of uniqueness.
bool HasCookie(StringPiece name, StringPieceVector* values,
StringPieceVector* attributes) const;
// Returns true if any cookies in the response headers have an attribute with
// the given name, returning the value for the first one found in
// '*attribute_value' iff it isn't NULL.
bool HasAnyCookiesWithAttribute(StringPiece attribute_name,
StringPiece* attribute_value);
// Set or clears the given query parameters as response header cookies,
// skipping any in to_exclude. query_params and option_cookies are both
// query parameters (name=value separated by '&'s) and are treated as
// untrusted data. Sets the cookies' Expires attributes to the given value.
// Returns true if any cookies were set, false if not.
bool SetQueryParamsAsCookies(const GoogleUrl& gurl, StringPiece query_params,
const StringPieceVector& to_exclude,
int64 expiration_time);
bool ClearOptionCookies(const GoogleUrl& gurl, StringPiece option_cookies,
const StringPieceVector& to_exclude);
// Returns true if the headers may contain a Link: rel = canonical entry.
// (Slightly approximate, will never say 'no' if it's there).
bool HasLinkRelCanonical() const;
// Constructs a <url>; rel="canonical" value for use with a Link header.
static GoogleString RelCanonicalHeaderValue(StringPiece url);
// Gives a new value for the cache control header, making it more restrictive
// by adding s-maxage=<s_maxage_sec>. Takes into account existing s-maxage
// and maxage segments:
// * If there is no s-maxage:
// * If there's a maxage <= s_maxage_sec:
// * Make no changes.
// * Otherwise append an s_maxage
// * Otherwise, bring s-maxage down to s_maxage_sec if it's larger.
void SetSMaxAge(int s_maxage_sec);
// Stand-alone version of SetSMaxAge. If there are changes to make, returns
// true and sets updated_cache_control.
static bool ApplySMaxAge(int s_maxage_sec,
StringPiece existing_cache_control,
GoogleString* updated_cache_control);
// Returns true if the given value should be interpreted as a header being
// marked as hop by hop when listed as a value in a Connection: header.
static bool IsHopByHopIndication(StringPiece val);
virtual void UpdateHook();
void Init(const HttpOptions& options);
// Parse the original and fresh content types, and add a new header based
// on the two of them, giving preference to the original.
// e.g. if the original specified charset=UTF-8 and the new one specified
// charset=UTF-16, the resulting header would have charset=UTF-8.
// Returns true if the headers were changed.
bool CombineContentTypes(const StringPiece& orig, const StringPiece& fresh);
friend class ResponseHeadersTest;
bool cache_fields_dirty_;
// TODO(sligocki): Make this const.
HttpOptions http_options_;
// The number of milliseconds of cache TTL for which we should cache the
// response even if it was originally uncacheable.
int64 force_cache_ttl_ms_;
// Indicates if the response was force cached.
bool force_cached_;
// Allow copy and assign.
} // namespace net_instaweb