blob: e5d49bea09d5a0da5f570c0ae0cc1ec92bcea341 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/proto_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class MessageHandler;
class NameValue;
class StringMultiMapInsensitive;
class Writer;
// Read/write API for HTTP headers (shared base class)
template<class Proto> class Headers {
// typedef's for manipulating the cookie multimap.
typedef std::pair<StringPiece, StringPiece> ValueAndAttributes;
typedef std::multimap<StringPiece, ValueAndAttributes> CookieMultimap;
typedef std::multimap<StringPiece, ValueAndAttributes>::const_iterator
virtual ~Headers();
virtual void Clear();
int major_version() const;
bool has_major_version() const;
int minor_version() const;
void set_major_version(int major_version);
void set_minor_version(int major_version);
// Raw access for random access to attribute name/value pairs.
int NumAttributes() const;
const GoogleString& Name(int i) const;
const GoogleString& Value(int i) const;
void SetValue(int i, StringPiece value);
// Lookup attributes with provided name. Attribute values are stored in
// values. Returns true iff there were any attributes with provided name.
// Attributes that normally appear as a comma-separated header list
// (Cache-Control, Accept, etc.) will yield multiple entries in *values.
// Multiple occurrences of a header (Cookie, etc.) will also yield multiple
// entries in *values. In most cases (but not Cookies) the semantics are
// equivalent either way. See:
// Note that Lookup, though declared const, is NOT thread-safe. This
// is because it lazily generates a map.
// TODO(jmarantz): this is a problem waiting to happen, but I believe it
// will not be a problem in the immediate future. We can refactor our way
// around this problem by moving the Map to an explicit separate class that
// can be instantiated to assist with Lookups and Remove. But that should
// be done in a separate CL from the one I'm typing into now.
bool Lookup(const StringPiece& name, ConstStringStarVector* values) const;
// Synthesize a string that represents what all the values a header would
// serialize to. Returns "" if the header isn't present.
// Same constness warnings as for ResponseHeaders::Lookup() apply.
GoogleString LookupJoined(StringPiece name) const;
// Looks up a single attribute value. Returns NULL if the attribute is not
// found, or if more than one attribute is found (either multiple
// comma-separated entries, or multiple copies of the header).
const char* Lookup1(const StringPiece& name) const;
// Does there exist a header with given name.
bool Has(const StringPiece& name) const;
// Is value one of the values in Lookup(name)?
bool HasValue(const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& value) const;
// NumAttributeNames is also const but not thread-safe.
int NumAttributeNames() const;
// Remove all instances of cookie_name in all the cookie headers.
// Empty cookie headers will be removed.
// It might be better for performance if this function is called after
// checking that the cookie is present.
// CAVEAT: Double quoted values are not necessarily treated as one token.
// Please refer to the test cases in for more
// details.
void RemoveCookie(const StringPiece& cookie_name);
// Adds a new header, even if a header with the 'name' exists already. Note
// that this does *not* add a new entry to a comma-separated list for headers
// that are ordinarily represented that way, but that the semantics will be
// the same.
void Add(const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& value);
// Remove headers by name and value. Return true if anything was removed.
// Note: If the original headers were:
// attr: val1
// attr: val2
// attr: val3
// and you Remove(attr, val2), your new headers will be:
// attr: val1, val3 (if attr is a comma-separated field)
// and -
// attr: val1
// attr: val3 (otherwise).
// All instances of 'value' will be removed from 'name'.
bool Remove(const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& value);
// Removes all headers by name. Return true if anything was removed.
bool RemoveAll(const StringPiece& name);
// Removes all headers whose name is in |names|, which must be in
// case-insensitive sorted order.
bool RemoveAllFromSortedArray(const StringPiece* names,
int names_size);
// Removes all headers whose name is in |names|, which must be in
// string-insensitive sorted order. Returns true if anything was
// removed.
template<class StringType>
static bool RemoveFromHeaders(const StringType* names,
int names_size,
protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<NameValue>* headers);
// Removes all headers whose name starts with prefix. Returns true if
// anything was removed.
bool RemoveAllWithPrefix(const StringPiece& prefix);
// Removes any headers from this that are not in 'keep', considering both
// names and values. Returns true if anything was removed.
bool RemoveIfNotIn(const Headers& keep);
// Similar to RemoveAll followed by Add. Note that the attribute
// order may be changed as a side effect of this operation.
virtual void Replace(const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& value);
// Merge headers. Replaces all headers specified both here and in
// other with the version in other. Useful for updating headers
// when recieving 304 Not Modified responses.
// Note: This is order-scrambling.
virtual void UpdateFrom(const Headers<Proto>& other);
// Serialize HTTP header to a binary stream.
virtual bool WriteAsBinary(Writer* writer, MessageHandler* message_handler);
// Read HTTP header from a binary string.
virtual bool ReadFromBinary(const StringPiece& buf, MessageHandler* handler);
// Serialize HTTP headers in HTTP format so it can be re-parsed
virtual bool WriteAsHttp(Writer* writer, MessageHandler* handler) const;
// Copy protobuf representation to "proto".
void CopyToProto(Proto* proto) const;
// Check the given vector of name[=value] strings for an entry with the given
// name, returning true iff found and setting optional_retval iff it is not
// NULL and there is a value assigned (there is an '=' in the string).
// Note: only the value of the first occurence of name is returned.
// Note: the return value is trimmed of leading and trailing whitespace.
// Note: the return value might be assigned to even if we return false.
static bool FindValueForName(const StringPieceVector& name_equals_value_vec,
StringPiece name_to_find,
StringPiece* optional_retval);
// Parse a name[=value] string and extract the name and value (if the given
// argument isn't NULL) with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
// Returns true if a value was assigned (specifically, an '=' was found),
// else false.
static bool ExtractNameAndValue(StringPiece input, StringPiece* name,
StringPiece* optional_retval);
// You need to know what you're doing to use these, so for subclasses only.
void SetProto(Proto* proto); // Takes ownership of the argument.
void CopyProto(const Proto& proto);
void PopulateMap() const; // const is a lie, mutates map_.
// Populates the cookies map and returns a const pointer to it. 'name' is
// the name of the header to lookup: either "Cookie" for request headers or
// "Set-Cookie" for response headers. The header is assumed to contain semi-
// colon separated name=value pairs. For "Set-Cookie" headers, the first pair
// is the name and value of the cookie and subsequent pairs are attributes of
// that cookie - the value will be the 'first' part of the pair in the map,
// all the attributes will be the 'second' part (as a single string of semi-
// colon separated name=value pairs). For "Cookie" headers, each pair is an
// independent cookie and is put into the map separately.
// Note that const is a lie: cookies_ is mutated.
const CookieMultimap* PopulateCookieMap(StringPiece header_name) const;
// Called whenever a mutation occurrs. Subclasses may override to update
// any local copies of data.
virtual void UpdateHook();
// Subclasses need to manipulate the proto_ member as its type and use is
// specific to the subclass.
const Proto* proto() const { return proto_.get(); }
Proto* mutable_proto() { return proto_.get(); }
// If name is a comma-separated field (above), then split value at commas,
// and add name, val for each of the comma-separated values
// (removing whitespace and commas).
// Otherwise, add the name, value pair to the map_.
// const is a lie
// NOTE: the map will contain the comma-split values, but the protobuf
// will contain the original pairs including comma-separated values.
void AddToMap(const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& value) const;
// We have two representations for the name/value pairs. Proto contains a
// simple string-pair vector, but lacks a fast associative lookup. So we
// will build structures for associative lookup lazily, and keep them
// up-to-date if they are present.
mutable scoped_ptr<StringMultiMapInsensitive> map_;
scoped_ptr<Proto> proto_;
// Furthermore, we also have a map of cookie names to <value, attributes>.
// It is lazilyloaded by PopulateCookieMap as/when required. The keys and
// values all point into the map_ data element. We cater for the same cookie
// being set multiple times though we don't necessarily handle that correctly.
mutable scoped_ptr<CookieMultimap> cookies_;
} // namespace net_instaweb