blob: 9e7dd86ee395c2aaecf0634dee1932ad6ac15238 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
// (Naomi Forman)
#include <cstddef>
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "third_party/chromium/src/googleurl/src/gurl.h"
#include "third_party/chromium/src/googleurl/src/url_parse.h"
#include "third_party/chromium/src/googleurl/src/url_util.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
// Prepare for flattening of the namespaces in newer Chromiums.
namespace url {
using url_canon::Replacements;
using url_parse::PORT_UNSPECIFIED;
using url_parse::PORT_INVALID;
using url_parse::Component;
using url_parse::Parsed;
using url_util::Initialize;
using url_util::Shutdown;
}; // namespace url
enum UrlRelativity {
kAbsoluteUrl, //
kNetPath, // //
kAbsolutePath, // /foo/bar/file.ext?k=v#f
kRelativePath, // bar/file.ext?k=v#f
class GoogleUrl {
explicit GoogleUrl(const GoogleString& spec);
explicit GoogleUrl(StringPiece sp);
explicit GoogleUrl(const char* str);
// The following three constructors create a new GoogleUrl by resolving the
// String(Piece) against the base.
GoogleUrl(const GoogleUrl& base, const GoogleString& relative);
GoogleUrl(const GoogleUrl& base, StringPiece relative);
GoogleUrl(const GoogleUrl& base, const char* relative);
void Swap(GoogleUrl* google_url);
bool Reset(StringPiece new_url);
bool Reset(const GoogleUrl& new_url);
bool Reset(const GoogleUrl& base, const GoogleString& relative);
bool Reset(const GoogleUrl& base, StringPiece relative);
bool Reset(const GoogleUrl& base, const char* relative);
// Resets this URL to be invalid.
void Clear();
// Is a valid web (HTTP or HTTPS) URL. Most users will want this.
bool IsWebValid() const;
// Also allows data: URLs.
bool IsWebOrDataValid() const;
// Only use for you don't care about scheme, just need to know that URL is
// well-formed. Note: This will accept things like "foo:bar".
bool IsAnyValid() const;
// Returns a new GoogleUrl that is identical to this one but with additional
// query param. Name and value should both be unescaped.
// This is a factory method that returns a pointer, the caller is responsible
// for the management of the new object's memory (the caller owns the
// pointer).
GoogleUrl* CopyAndAddQueryParam(StringPiece unescaped_name,
StringPiece unescaped_value) const;
// Same as CopyAndAddQueryParam() but name and value must already be escaped.
// Most users should use CopyAndAddQueryParam() instead for safety.
GoogleUrl* CopyAndAddEscapedQueryParam(
StringPiece escaped_name, StringPiece escaped_value) const;
// For "" returns ""
// Returns a StringPiece, only valid for the lifetime of this object.
StringPiece AllExceptQuery() const;
// For "" returns "#r"
// For "" returns "#r1#r2"
// AllExceptQuery() + Query() + AllAfterQuery() = Spec() when url is valid
// Different from Parsed.ref in the case of multiple "#"s after "?"
// Returns a StringPiece, only valid for the lifetime of this object.
StringPiece AllAfterQuery() const;
// For "" returns "",
// including trailing slash.
// Returns a StringPiece, only valid for the lifetime of this object.
StringPiece AllExceptLeaf() const;
// For "" returns "d?e=f/g", omitting leading slash.
// Returns a StringPiece, only valid for the lifetime of this object.
StringPiece LeafWithQuery() const;
// For "" returns "d", omitting leading slash.
// Returns a StringPiece, only valid for the lifetime of this object.
StringPiece LeafSansQuery() const;
// For "" returns "/b/c/d?e=f/g"
// including leading slash
// Returns a StringPiece, only valid for the lifetime of this object.
StringPiece PathAndLeaf() const;
// For "" returns "/b/c/d/" including leading and
// trailing slashes.
// For queries, "" returns "/b/c/".
// Returns a StringPiece, only valid for the lifetime of this object.
StringPiece PathSansLeaf() const;
// For " returns "/b/c/d" including leading slash,
// and excluding the query.
StringPiece PathSansQuery() const;
// Scheme-relative URL. Spec() == Scheme() + ":" + NetPath().
// Named based on
// For "" returns "//".
// For "file:///tmp/foo" returns "///tmp/foo".
StringPiece NetPath() const;
// Extracts the filename portion of the path and returns it. The filename
// is everything after the last slash in the path. This may be empty.
GoogleString ExtractFileName() const;
StringPiece Host() const;
// For "" returns "".
// For "" returns "".
StringPiece HostAndPort() const;
// For " returns ""
// without trailing slash
// Returns a StringPiece, only valid for the lifetime of this object.
StringPiece Origin() const;
// Returns the query-string, not including the "?". Note that the
// query will be in escaped syntax, and is suitable for passing to
// QueryParams for parsing and unescaping.
StringPiece Query() const;
// Returns scheme of stored url.
StringPiece Scheme() const;
// It is illegal to call this for invalid urls (check IsWebValid() first).
StringPiece Spec() const;
// Returns gurl_.spec_ without checking to see if it's valid or empty.
StringPiece UncheckedSpec() const;
// This method is primarily for printf purposes.
const char* spec_c_str() const {
return gurl_.possibly_invalid_spec().c_str();
int IntPort() const { return gurl_.IntPort(); }
// Returns the effective port number, which is dependent on the scheme.
int EffectiveIntPort() const { return gurl_.EffectiveIntPort(); }
// Returns the default port for given scheme, or url::PORT_UNSPECIFIED
// if the scheme isn't recognized. Scheme is expected to be in lowercase.
static int DefaultPortForScheme(StringPiece scheme);
bool is_empty() const { return gurl_.is_empty(); }
bool has_scheme() const { return gurl_.has_scheme(); }
bool has_path() const { return gurl_.has_path(); }
bool has_query() const { return gurl_.has_query(); }
bool SchemeIs(const char* lower_ascii_scheme) const {
return gurl_.SchemeIs(lower_ascii_scheme);
// TODO(nforman): get GURL to take a StringPiece so we don't have to do
// any copying.
bool SchemeIs(StringPiece lower_ascii_scheme) const {
return gurl_.SchemeIs(lower_ascii_scheme.as_string().c_str());
// Find out how relative the URL string is.
static UrlRelativity FindRelativity(StringPiece url);
// If possible, produce a URL as relative as url_relativity, relative to
// base_url. If not possible, simply returns the absolute URL string.
// Returns a StringPiece, only valid for the lifetime of this object.
// It is illegal to call this for invalid urls (check IsWebValid() first).
StringPiece Relativize(UrlRelativity url_relativity,
const GoogleUrl& base_url) const;
// Defiant equality operator!
bool operator==(const GoogleUrl& other) const {
return gurl_ == other.gurl_;
bool operator!=(const GoogleUrl& other) const {
return gurl_ != other.gurl_;
// Unescape a query parameter, converting all %XX to the the actual char 0xXX.
// This also converts '+' to ' ' which is valid only in query parameters.
// For example, this will convert "foo%21bar+baz" to "foo!bar baz".
// This will work with strings that have embedded NULs and %00s.
// TODO(jmarantz): Change signature to return a bool so if the escaped
// syntax was not valid, we can help the caller avoid relying on this value.
static GoogleString UnescapeQueryParam(StringPiece escaped) {
return UnescapeHelper(escaped, true);
// UnescapeQueryParam converts "+" to " ", but that is not correct for other
// parts of a URL.
static GoogleString UnescapeIgnorePlus(StringPiece escaped) {
return UnescapeHelper(escaped, false);
// Escapes a string for use in a URL query param.
// This function escapes reserved chars (ex: '/', ':', '?', '&', etc.).
static GoogleString EscapeQueryParam(StringPiece unescaped);
// Produces a sanitary, escaped version of a URL. The URL may already have
// some mix of escaped and non-escaped sections. This function is idempotent
// and can safely be used on any URL without changing the meaning according
// to RFC 3986.
// Result will not contain: 0x00-0x1F SPC "<>\^`{|} 0x7F-0xFF
// Result may contain: a-z A-Z 0-9 -._~:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=%
static GoogleString Sanitize(StringPiece url);
// Returns the canonical representation of a given path component of URL.
// Will also prepend / if it's not there. This will follow the same rules for
// what's in %-encoded form and what isn't as GoogleUrl does.
static GoogleString CanonicalizePath(StringPiece path);
// Returned by *Position methods when that position is not well-defined.
static const size_t npos;
static const char kReservedChars[];
static bool IsReservedChar(char c);
explicit GoogleUrl(const GURL& gurl);
void Init();
static size_t LeafEndPosition(const GURL& gurl);
static size_t LeafStartPosition(const GURL& gurl);
static size_t PathStartPosition(const GURL& gurl);
size_t LeafEndPosition() const;
size_t LeafStartPosition() const;
size_t PathStartPosition() const;
static GoogleString UnescapeHelper(StringPiece escaped,
bool convert_plus_to_space);
// Resolves a URL against a base. Returns whether the resolution worked.
inline bool ResolveHelper(const GURL& base, const std::string& path_and_leaf);
GURL gurl_;
bool is_web_valid_;
bool is_web_or_data_valid_;
}; // class GoogleUrl
} // namespace net_instaweb