blob: f803ed8aeeb137339caa095f89dfaa4027bc0641 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Steve Hill)
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
// Priority queue that supports incrementing the priority of a key.
namespace net_instaweb {
template <typename T,
typename HashFn = std::hash<T>,
typename EqFn = std::equal_to<T>>
class PriorityQueue {
PriorityQueue() { }
~PriorityQueue() { Clear(); }
// Increase the priority of "key" by amount. If key is not already present,
// it will be inserted at priority amount. amount may be negative.
void IncreasePriority(const T& key, int64 amount);
// Eqivalent to IncreasePriority(key, 1).
void Increment(const T& key);
// Remove a given element. Silently succeeds if the element isn't present.
void Remove(const T& key);
// Return the key with the highest priority, and its priority.
const std::pair<const T*, int64>& Top() const;
// Remove the key with the highest priority from the queue.
void Pop();
bool Empty() const { return queue_.empty(); }
size_t Size() const { return queue_.size(); }
void Clear();
// Functors that wrap the standard templates to handle pointers. index_map_
// and queue_ must each know the value, so we store it by pointer to avoid
// having two copies around.
struct PtrHash {
size_t operator()(const T* x) const {
return HashFn()(*x);
struct PtrEq {
bool operator()(const T* x, const T* y) const {
return (x == y || EqFn()(*x, *y));
// Restore heap property by manipulating queue_, starting at the specified
// index.
void Rebalance(size_t pos); // Bootstraps one of the Push methods.
void PushDown(size_t pos);
void PushUp(size_t pos);
// Swap two elements in queue_, updating index_map_. Safe to call with a == b.
void SwapElements(size_t a, size_t b);
// Verifies the keys are correctly synchronised between queue_ and index_map_
// and that the heap property has not been violated.
void SanityCheckForTesting() const;
// Map items onto their position in queue_.
typedef std::unordered_map<const T*, size_t, PtrHash, PtrEq>
IndexMap index_map_;
// The actual max-heap. Stores the value so that it can look it back up in
// index. queue_ is considered to own this pointer.
typedef std::pair<const T*, int64> QueueEntry;
std::vector<QueueEntry> queue_;
friend class PriorityQueueTest;
template <typename T, typename Hash, typename Equal>
void PriorityQueue<T, Hash, Equal>::Clear() {
for (const QueueEntry& qe : queue_) {
delete qe.first;
template <typename T, typename Hash, typename Equal>
void PriorityQueue<T, Hash, Equal>::Increment(const T& key) {
IncreasePriority(key, 1);
template <typename T, typename Hash, typename Equal>
void PriorityQueue<T, Hash, Equal>::IncreasePriority(const T& key,
int64 amount) {
typename IndexMap::iterator i = index_map_.find(&key);
// Is key already stored?
if (i == index_map_.end()) {
// Insert new entry at the end of the queue.
size_t queue_pos = queue_.size();
queue_.emplace_back(new T(key), 0);
// Now put key in the index.
const T* created_key = queue_.back().first;
std::pair<typename IndexMap::iterator, bool> insert_result =
index_map_.emplace(created_key, queue_pos);
CHECK(insert_result.second); // No existing entry.
i = insert_result.first;
size_t queue_pos = i->second;
CHECK(queue_pos < queue_.size());
queue_[queue_pos].second += amount;
template <typename T, typename Hash, typename Equal>
void PriorityQueue<T, Hash, Equal>::Remove(const T& key) {
typename IndexMap::iterator i = index_map_.find(&key);
if (i == index_map_.end()) {
// Key not present, do nothing.
// Swap the value being removed with the value at the back.
// If there is only one entry in the queue, this swaps 0 and 0.
size_t removed_pos = i->second;
SwapElements(removed_pos, queue_.size() - 1);
// Remove/delete the old entry.
const T* removed_key = queue_.back().first;
delete removed_key;
if (!Empty() && removed_pos < queue_.size()) {
template <typename T, typename Hash, typename Equal>
void PriorityQueue<T, Hash, Equal>::Rebalance(size_t pos) {
CHECK_LT(pos, queue_.size());
size_t parent_pos = (pos >> 1);
// If the node has a parent and the parent's priority is less than that of
// the node, we need to start moving up.
if (pos != 0 && queue_[parent_pos].second < queue_[pos].second) {
} else {
template <typename T, typename Hash, typename Equal>
const std::pair<const T*, int64>& PriorityQueue<T, Hash, Equal>::Top() const {
return queue_.front();
template <typename T, typename Hash, typename Equal>
void PriorityQueue<T, Hash, Equal>::Pop() {
if (!Empty()) {
// Swap the first and last entries in the queue.
// If there is only one entry in the queue, this swaps 0 and 0.
SwapElements(0, queue_.size() - 1);
// Remove the old top entry off the back of the queue.
// First find the key for the old top and remove it from the queue.
const T* removed_key = queue_.back().first;
// Remove the key from index_map_.
size_t num_deleted = index_map_.erase(removed_key);
CHECK_EQ(num_deleted, 1);
// Free the key.
delete removed_key;
// Finally, restore heap property by re-balancing the entry we just put
// into the first position. It is possible that we are empty at this point.
template <typename T, typename Hash, typename Equal>
void PriorityQueue<T, Hash, Equal>::SwapElements(size_t a_idx, size_t b_idx) {
if (a_idx != b_idx) { // Just an optimization, still works if they are equal.
const T* a_key = queue_[a_idx].first;
const T* b_key = queue_[b_idx].first;
std::swap(index_map_[a_key], index_map_[b_key]);
std::swap(queue_[a_idx], queue_[b_idx]);
template <typename T, typename Hash, typename Equal>
void PriorityQueue<T, Hash, Equal>::PushDown(size_t pos) {
while (pos * 2 < queue_.size()) {
size_t child = pos * 2;
// Find the larger of the children (if two exist).
if (child + 1 < queue_.size() &&
queue_[child].second < queue_[child + 1].second) {
// Now swap if the parent is less than the larger child.
if (queue_[pos].second < queue_[child].second) {
SwapElements(pos, child);
pos = child;
} else {
template <typename T, typename Hash, typename Equal>
void PriorityQueue<T, Hash, Equal>::PushUp(size_t pos) {
while (pos != 0 && pos < queue_.size()) {
size_t parent = (pos >> 1);
if (queue_[parent].second < queue_[pos].second) {
SwapElements(pos, parent);
pos = parent;
} else {
template <typename T, typename Hash, typename Equal>
void PriorityQueue<T, Hash, Equal>::SanityCheckForTesting() const {
CHECK_EQ(queue_.size(), index_map_.size());
for (size_t queue_pos = 0; queue_pos < queue_.size(); ++queue_pos) {
// Verify queue_ and index_map_ are consistent with each other.
const T* key = queue_[queue_pos].first;
// operator[] is not const, so we have to use find.
typename IndexMap::const_iterator i = index_map_.find(key);
CHECK(i != index_map_.end());
size_t indexed_pos = i->second;
CHECK_EQ(indexed_pos, queue_pos);
// Verify heap property.
if (queue_pos > 0) {
size_t parent_pos = (queue_pos >> 1);
CHECK_LE(queue_[queue_pos].second, queue_[parent_pos].second);
} // namespace net_instaweb