blob: d7bf35e7a2a60b472aecfed77f9a8cd4a498b88b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Checks that local_storage_cache injects optimized javascript from
# local_storage_cache.js, adds the data-pagespeed-lsc- attributes, inlines the data
# (if the cache were empty the inlining wouldn't make the timer cutoff but the
# resources have been fetched above).
test_filter local_storage_cache,inline_css,inline_images optimize mode
# Force the request to be rewritten with all applicable filters.
WGET_ARGS="${WGET_ARGS} --header=X-PSA-Blocking-Rewrite:psatest"
echo run_wget_with_args "$URL"
check run_wget_with_args "$URL"
check grep -q "pagespeed.localStorageCacheInit()" $FETCHED
check [ $(grep -c ' data-pagespeed-lsc-url=' $FETCHED) = 2 ]
check grep -q "yellow {background-color: yellow" $FETCHED
check grep -q "<img src=\"data:image/png;base64" $FETCHED
check grep -q "<img .* alt=\"A cup of joe\"" $FETCHED
check_not grep -q "/\*" $FETCHED
check grep -q "PageSpeed=noscript" $FETCHED
# Checks that local_storage_cache,debug injects debug javascript from
# local_storage_cache.js, adds the data-pagespeed-lsc- attributes, inlines the data
# (if the cache were empty the inlining wouldn't make the timer cutoff but the
# resources have been fetched above).
test_filter local_storage_cache,inline_css,inline_images,debug debug mode
# Force the request to be rewritten with all applicable filters.
WGET_ARGS="${WGET_ARGS} --header=X-PSA-Blocking-Rewrite:psatest"
echo run_wget_with_args "$URL"
check run_wget_with_args "$URL"
check grep -q "pagespeed.localStorageCacheInit()" $FETCHED
check [ $(grep -c ' data-pagespeed-lsc-url=' $FETCHED) = 2 ]
check grep -q "yellow {background-color: yellow" $FETCHED
check grep -q "<img src=\"data:image/png;base64" $FETCHED
check grep -q "<img .* alt=\"A cup of joe\"" $FETCHED
check_not grep -q "/\*" $FETCHED
check_not grep -q "goog.require" $FETCHED
check grep -q "PageSpeed=noscript" $FETCHED
# Checks that local_storage_cache doesn't send the inlined data for a resource
# whose hash is in the magic cookie. First get the cookies from prior runs.
HASHES=$(grep "data-pagespeed-lsc-hash=" $FETCHED |\
sed -e 's/^.*data-pagespeed-lsc-hash=.//' |\
sed -e 's/".*$//')
HASHES=$(echo "$HASHES" | tr '\n' '!' | sed -e 's/!$//')
check [ -n "$HASHES" ]
# Check that the prior run did inline the data.
check grep -q "background-color: yellow" $FETCHED
check grep -q ";base64," $FETCHED
check grep -q "alt=.A cup of joe." $FETCHED
# Fetch with the cookie set.
test_filter local_storage_cache,inline_css,inline_images cookies set
check run_wget_with_args --save-headers --no-cookies --header "$COOKIE" $URL
# Check that this run did NOT inline the data.
check_not fgrep "yellow {background-color: yellow" $FETCHED
check_not grep ";base64," $FETCHED
# Check that this run inserted the expected scripts.
check grep -q \
"pagespeed.localStorageCache.inlineCss(.http://.*/styles/yellow.css.);" \
SEARCH_FOR+=".http://.*/images/Cuppa.png., [^,]*, "
SEARCH_FOR+=".alt=A cup of joe., "
SEARCH_FOR+=".alt=A cup of joe., "
SEARCH_FOR+=".alt=A cup of joe..s ..joe..., "
SEARCH_FOR+=".alt=A cup of joe..s ..joe...);"
check grep -q "$SEARCH_FOR" $FETCHED