blob: 582c41d40cc6a0be1e39db077c9b56b94c46ac07 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
// (Libo Song)
// Register handlers, define configuration options and set up other things
// that mod_pagespeed needs to do to be an Apache module.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstddef>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility> // for pair
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "net/instaweb/public/global_constants.h"
#include "net/instaweb/public/version.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/process_context.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_query.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/apache_config.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/apache_rewrite_driver_factory.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/apache_server_context.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/apr_timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/header_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/instaweb_context.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/instaweb_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/mod_instaweb.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/statistics.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/thread_system.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/content_type.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/google_url.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/http_names.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/response_headers.h"
#include "pagespeed/system/in_place_resource_recorder.h"
#include "pagespeed/system/loopback_route_fetcher.h"
#include "pagespeed/system/system_server_context.h"
#include "util_filter.h" // NOLINT
// Note: a very useful reference is this file, which demos many Apache module
// options:
// The httpd header must be after the pagepseed_server_context.h. Otherwise,
// the compiler will complain
// "strtoul_is_not_a_portable_function_use_strtol_instead".
#include "ap_release.h" // NOLINT
#include "apr_pools.h" // NOLINT
#include "apr_strings.h" // NOLINT
#include "http_config.h" // NOLINT
#include "http_protocol.h" // NOLINT
#include "http_request.h" // NOLINT
#include "pagespeed/apache/apache_httpd_includes.h" // NOLINT
// This include-file is order-dependent; it must come after the above apache
// includes, and not be in abc-order with the net/instaweb/... includes.
#include "pagespeed/apache/apache_logging_includes.h"
#include "strings/stringpiece_utils.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/log_message_handler.h"
#include "unixd.h" // NOLINT
#define MPS_APACHE_24
// Apache 2.4 renames unixd_config -> ap_unixd_config
#ifdef MPS_APACHE_24
#define unixd_config ap_unixd_config
struct apr_pool_t;
namespace net_instaweb {
namespace {
// Passed to CheckGlobalOption
enum VHostHandling {
// TODO(sligocki): Separate options parsing from all the other stuff here.
// Instaweb directive names -- these must match
// install/common/pagespeed.conf.template.
// If you add a new option, please add it to the #ALL_DIRECTIVES section of
// install/debug.conf.template to make sure it will parse.
const char kModPagespeedIf[] = "<ModPagespeedIf";
const char kModPagespeedAdminDomains[] = "ModPagespeedAdminDomains";
const char kModPagespeedAllow[] = "ModPagespeedAllow";
const char kModPagespeedBlockingRewriteRefererUrls[] =
const char kModPagespeedConsoleDomains[] = "ModPagespeedConsoleDomains";
const char kModPagespeedCreateSharedMemoryMetadataCache[] =
const char kModPagespeedAddResourceHeader[] = "ModPagespeedAddResourceHeader";
const char kModPagespeedCustomFetchHeader[] = "ModPagespeedCustomFetchHeader";
const char kModPagespeedDisableFilters[] = "ModPagespeedDisableFilters";
const char kModPagespeedDisallow[] = "ModPagespeedDisallow";
const char kModPagespeedDomain[] = "ModPagespeedDomain";
const char kModPagespeedDownstreamCachePurgeLocationPrefix[] =
const char kModPagespeedEnableFilters[] = "ModPagespeedEnableFilters";
const char kModPagespeedFetchProxy[] = "ModPagespeedFetchProxy";
const char kModPagespeedFetcherTimeoutMs[] = "ModPagespeedFetcherTimeOutMs";
const char kModPagespeedFileCachePath[] = "ModPagespeedFileCachePath";
const char kModPagespeedForbidFilters[] = "ModPagespeedForbidFilters";
const char kModPagespeedForceCaching[] = "ModPagespeedForceCaching";
const char kModPagespeedExperimentVariable[] = "ModPagespeedExperimentVariable";
const char kModPagespeedExperimentSpec[] = "ModPagespeedExperimentSpec";
const char kModPagespeedGlobalAdminDomains[] = "ModPagespeedGlobalAdminDomains";
const char kModPagespeedGlobalStatisticsDomains[] =
const char kModPagespeedImageInlineMaxBytes[] =
const char kModPagespeedImageMaxRewritesAtOnce[] =
const char kModPagespeedInstallCrashHandler[] =
const char kModPagespeedLibrary[] = "ModPagespeedLibrary";
const char kModPagespeedListOutstandingUrlsOnError[] =
const char kModPagespeedLoadFromFile[] = "ModPagespeedLoadFromFile";
const char kModPagespeedLoadFromFileMatch[] = "ModPagespeedLoadFromFileMatch";
const char kModPagespeedLoadFromFileRule[] = "ModPagespeedLoadFromFileRule";
const char kModPagespeedLoadFromFileRuleMatch[] =
const char kModPagespeedLogDir[] = "ModPagespeedLogDir";
const char kModPagespeedMapOriginDomain[] = "ModPagespeedMapOriginDomain";
const char kModPagespeedMapProxyDomain[] = "ModPagespeedMapProxyDomain";
const char kModPagespeedMapRewriteDomain[] = "ModPagespeedMapRewriteDomain";
const char kModPagespeedMessageBufferSize[] = "ModPagespeedMessageBufferSize";
const char kModPagespeedMessagesDomains[] = "ModPagespeedMessagesDomains";
const char kModPagespeedNumExpensiveRewriteThreads[] =
const char kModPagespeedNumRewriteThreads[] = "ModPagespeedNumRewriteThreads";
const char kModPagespeedPermitIdsForCssCombining[] =
const char kModPagespeedPreserveSubresourceHints[] =
const char kModPagespeedProxySuffix[] = "ModPagespeedProxySuffix";
const char kModPagespeedRetainComment[] = "ModPagespeedRetainComment";
const char kModPagespeedRunExperiment[] = "ModPagespeedRunExperiment";
const char kModPagespeedShardDomain[] = "ModPagespeedShardDomain";
const char kModPagespeedSpeedTracking[] = "ModPagespeedIncreaseSpeedTracking";
const char kModPagespeedStaticAssetPrefix[] = "ModPagespeedStaticAssetPrefix";
const char kModPagespeedStatisticsDomains[] = "ModPagespeedStatisticsDomains";
const char kModPagespeedTrackOriginalContentLength[] =
const char kModPagespeedUrlValuedAttribute[] = "ModPagespeedUrlValuedAttribute";
const char kModPagespeedUsePerVHostStatistics[] =
// The following are deprecated due to spelling
const char kModPagespeedImgInlineMaxBytes[] = "ModPagespeedImgInlineMaxBytes";
const char kModPagespeedImgMaxRewritesAtOnce[] =
const char kModPagespeedImageWebpRecompressionQuality[] =
const char kModPagespeedImageWebpRecompressionQualityForSmallScreens[] =
enum RewriteOperation {REWRITE, FLUSH, FINISH};
// TODO(sligocki): Move inside PSOL.
// Check if pagespeed optimization rules applicable.
bool check_pagespeed_applicable(request_rec* request,
const ContentType& content_type) {
// We can't operate on Content-Ranges.
if (apr_table_get(request->headers_out, "Content-Range") != NULL) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Request not rewritten because: header Content-Range set.");
return false;
// Only rewrite HTML-like content.
if (!content_type.IsHtmlLike()) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Request not rewritten because: request->content_type does "
"not appear to be HTML (was %s)", request->content_type);
return false;
// mod_pagespeed often creates requests while rewriting an HTML. These
// requests are only intended to fetch resources (images, css, javascript) but
// in some circumstances they can end up fetching HTML. This HTML, if
// rewritten, could in turn spawn more requests which could cascade into a
// bad situation. To mod_pagespeed, any fetched HTML is an error condition,
// so there's no reason to rewrite it anyway.
if (InstawebHandler::is_pagespeed_subrequest(request)) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Request not rewritten because: User-Agent appears to be "
return false;
return true;
// Create a new bucket from buf using HtmlRewriter.
// TODO(lsong): the content is copied multiple times. The buf is
// copied/processed to string output, then output is copied to new bucket.
apr_bucket* rewrite_html(InstawebContext* context, request_rec* request,
RewriteOperation operation, const char* buf, int len) {
if (context == NULL) {
LOG(DFATAL) << "Context is null";
return NULL;
if (buf != NULL) {
context->Rewrite(buf, len);
if (operation == REWRITE) {
return NULL;
} else if (operation == FLUSH) {
// If the flush happens before any rewriting, don't fallthrough and
// replace the headers with those in the context, because they haven't
// been populated yet so we end up with NO headers. See issue 385.
if (context->output().empty()) {
return NULL;
} else if (operation == FINISH) {
// Check to see if we've added in the headers already. If not,
// clear out the existing headers (to avoid duplication), add them,
// and make a note of it.
if (!context->sent_headers()) {
ResponseHeaders* headers = context->response_headers();
ResponseHeadersToApacheRequest(*headers, request);
const GoogleString& output = context->output();
if (output.empty()) {
return NULL;
// Use the rewritten content. Create in heap since output will
// be emptied for reuse.
apr_bucket* bucket = apr_bucket_heap_create(, output.size(), NULL,
return bucket;
// Apache's pool-based cleanup is not effective on process shutdown. To allow
// valgrind to report clean results, we must take matters into our own hands.
// We employ a statically allocated class object and rely on its destructor to
// get a reliable cleanup hook. I am, in general, strongly opposed to this
// sort of technique, and it violates the C++ Style Guide:
// However, it is not possible to use valgrind to track memory leaks
// in our Apache module without this approach.
// We also need this context hold any data needed for statistics
// collected in advance of the creation of the Statistics object, such
// as directives-parsing time.
class ApacheProcessContext {
ApacheProcessContext() : apache_cmds_(NULL) {
~ApacheProcessContext() {
// We must delete the factory before ProcessContext's dtor is called, which
// terminates the protobuf libraries. It is unsafe to free our structures
// after the protobuf library has been shut down.
// Similarly, the ApacheRewriteDriverFactory destructor may involve the
// shutdown process, and we want that to happen before we clean up various
// globals in ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::Terminate, as they may still
// be needed. For example, the SHM segment table is required for shutting
// down SHM stats.
delete [] apache_cmds_;
void InstallCommands();
void FillInApacheCommand(StringPiece option_name,
RewriteOptions::OptionScope scope,
const char* help_text,
command_rec* cmd);
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory(server_rec* server) {
// We are not mutex-protecting the factory-creation for now as the
// server_rec initialization loop appears to be single-threaded in
// Apache.
if (factory_.get() == NULL) {
factory_.reset(new ApacheRewriteDriverFactory(
process_context_, server, kModPagespeedVersion));
return factory_.get();
// Checks cmd to see if it's process scope, and if so if it's used in an
// incorrect context, returning an error message if so.
const char* CheckProcessScope(const cmd_parms* cmd, bool* is_process_scope);
scoped_ptr<ApacheRewriteDriverFactory> factory_;
// Process-scoped static variable cleanups, mainly for valgrind.
ProcessContext process_context_;
command_rec* apache_cmds_;
typedef std::map<const command_rec*, VHostHandling> VhostCommandHandlingMap;
VhostCommandHandlingMap vhost_command_handling_map_;
StringVector cmd_names_;
ApacheProcessContext apache_process_context;
typedef void (ApacheServerContext::*AddTimeFn)(int64 delta);
class ScopedTimer {
ScopedTimer(ApacheServerContext* server_context, AddTimeFn add_time_fn)
: server_context_(server_context),
start_time_us_(timer_.NowUs()) {
~ScopedTimer() {
int64 delta_us = timer_.NowUs() - start_time_us_;
ApacheServerContext* server_context_;
AddTimeFn add_time_fn_;
AprTimer timer_;
int64 start_time_us_;
// Builds a new context for an HTML request, returning NULL if we decide
// that we should not handle the request for various reasons.
// TODO(sligocki): Move most of these checks into non-Apache specific code.
InstawebContext* build_context_for_request(request_rec* request) {
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
// Escape ASAP if we're in unplugged mode, or if in proxy_all_requests_mode,
// which does HTML rewriting in ProxyInterface rather than via an Apache
// filter.
if (server_context->global_config()->unplugged() ||
server_context->global_config()->proxy_all_requests_mode()) {
return NULL;
if (request->unparsed_uri == NULL) {
// TODO(jmarantz): consider adding Debug message if unparsed_uri is NULL,
// possibly of request->the_request which was non-null in the case where
// I found this in the debugger.
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Request not rewritten because: "
"request->unparsed_uri == NULL");
return NULL;
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"ModPagespeed OutputFilter called for request %s",
// Requests with a non-NULL main pointer are internal requests created by
// apache (or other modules in apache). We don't need to process them.
// E.g. An included header file will be processed as a separate request.
// mod_pagespeed needs to process only the "completed" page with the header
// inlined, not the separate header request.
// See for
// request documentation.
if (request->main != NULL) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Request not rewritten because: request->main != NULL");
return NULL;
// TODO(sligocki): Should we rewrite any other statuses?
// Maybe 206 Partial Content?
// TODO(sligocki): Make this decision inside PSOL.
if (request->status != 200) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Request not rewritten because: request->status != 200 "
"(was %d)", request->status);
return NULL;
const ContentType* content_type =
// TODO(sligocki): Move inside PSOL.
if (content_type == NULL) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Request not rewritten because: request->content_type was "
"not a recognized type (was %s)", request->content_type);
return NULL;
// Check if pagespeed optimization is applicable.
// TODO(sligocki): Put other checks in this function.
if (!check_pagespeed_applicable(request, *content_type)) {
return NULL;
// Check if mod_instaweb has already rewritten the HTML. If the server is
// setup as both the original and the proxy server, mod_pagespeed filter may
// be applied twice. To avoid this, skip the content if it is already
// optimized by mod_pagespeed.
// TODO(sligocki): Move inside PSOL.
if (apr_table_get(request->headers_out, kModPagespeedHeader) != NULL) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Request not rewritten because: X-Mod-Pagespeed header set.");
return NULL;
InstawebHandler instaweb_handler(request);
const RewriteOptions* options = instaweb_handler.options();
const GoogleUrl& stripped_gurl = instaweb_handler.stripped_gurl();
if (!stripped_gurl.IsWebValid()) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Request not rewritten because: invalid URL %s.",
return NULL;
// TODO(sligocki): Move inside PSOL.
// Is PageSpeed turned off? We check after parsing query params so that
// they can override .conf settings.
if (!options->enabled()) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Request not rewritten because: PageSpeed is off");
return NULL;
GoogleString final_url;
// TODO(sligocki): Move inside PSOL.
// Do Disallow statements restrict us from rewriting this URL?
if (!options->IsAllowed(final_url)) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Request not rewritten because: ModPagespeedDisallow");
return NULL;
InstawebContext* context = new InstawebContext(
*content_type, server_context,
final_url, instaweb_handler.request_context(),
// TODO(sligocki): Move inside PSOL.
InstawebContext::ContentEncoding encoding = context->content_encoding();
if ((encoding == InstawebContext::kGzip) ||
(encoding == InstawebContext::kDeflate)) {
// Unset the content encoding because the InstawebContext will decode the
// content before parsing.
apr_table_unset(request->headers_out, HttpAttributes::kContentEncoding);
apr_table_unset(request->err_headers_out, HttpAttributes::kContentEncoding);
} else if (encoding == InstawebContext::kOther) {
// We don't know the encoding, so we cannot rewrite the HTML.
const char* encoding = apr_table_get(request->headers_out,
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Request not rewritten because: Content-Encoding is "
"unsupported (was %s)", encoding);
// We need to cleanup the rewrite driver; the pool will clean up the
// context object.
return NULL;
// Set X-Mod-Pagespeed header.
// TODO(sligocki): Move inside PSOL.
kModPagespeedHeader, options->x_header_value().c_str());
apr_table_unset(request->headers_out, HttpAttributes::kContentLength);
apr_table_unset(request->headers_out, "Content-MD5");
apr_table_unset(request->headers_out, HttpAttributes::kContentEncoding);
// Make sure compression is enabled for this response.
ap_add_output_filter("DEFLATE", NULL, request, request->connection);
if (options->modify_caching_headers()) {
ap_add_output_filter(kModPagespeedFixHeadersName, NULL, request,
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Request accepted.");
return context;
// This returns 'false' if the output filter should stop its loop over
// the brigade and return an error.
bool process_bucket(ap_filter_t* filter, request_rec* request,
InstawebContext* context, apr_bucket* bucket,
apr_status_t* return_code) {
// Remove the bucket from the old brigade. We will create new bucket or
// reuse the bucket to insert into the new brigade.
*return_code = APR_SUCCESS;
apr_bucket_brigade* context_bucket_brigade = context->bucket_brigade();
apr_bucket* new_bucket = NULL;
if (!APR_BUCKET_IS_METADATA(bucket)) {
const char* buf = NULL;
size_t bytes = 0;
*return_code = apr_bucket_read(bucket, &buf, &bytes, APR_BLOCK_READ);
if (*return_code == APR_SUCCESS) {
new_bucket = rewrite_html(context, request, REWRITE, buf, bytes);
} else {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, *return_code, request,
"Reading bucket failed (rcode=%d)", *return_code);
return false;
// Processed the bucket, now delete it.
if (new_bucket != NULL) {
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(context_bucket_brigade, new_bucket);
} else if (APR_BUCKET_IS_EOS(bucket)) {
new_bucket = rewrite_html(context, request, FINISH, NULL, 0);
if (new_bucket != NULL) {
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(context_bucket_brigade, new_bucket);
// Insert the EOS bucket to the new brigade.
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(context_bucket_brigade, bucket);
// OK, we have seen the EOS. Time to pass it along down the chain.
*return_code = ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, context_bucket_brigade);
return false;
} else if (APR_BUCKET_IS_FLUSH(bucket)) {
new_bucket = rewrite_html(context, request, FLUSH, NULL, 0);
if (new_bucket != NULL) {
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(context_bucket_brigade, new_bucket);
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(context_bucket_brigade, bucket);
// OK, Time to flush, pass it along down the chain.
*return_code = ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, context_bucket_brigade);
if (*return_code != APR_SUCCESS) {
return false;
} else {
// TODO(lsong): remove this log.
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Unknown meta data");
APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(context_bucket_brigade, bucket);
return true;
// Entry point from Apache for streaming HTML-like content.
apr_status_t instaweb_out_filter(ap_filter_t* filter, apr_bucket_brigade* bb) {
// Do nothing if there is nothing, and stop passing to other filters.
request_rec* request = filter->r;
InstawebContext* context = static_cast<InstawebContext*>(filter->ctx);
// Initialize per-request context structure. Note that instaweb_out_filter
// may get called multiple times per HTTP request, and this occurs only
// on the first call.
if (context == NULL) {
context = build_context_for_request(request);
if (context == NULL) {
return ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, bb);
filter->ctx = context;
ApacheServerContext* server_context = context->apache_server_context();
ScopedTimer timer(server_context, &ApacheServerContext::AddHtmlRewriteTimeUs);
apr_status_t return_code = APR_SUCCESS;
while (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(bb)) {
apr_bucket* bucket = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(bb);
if (!process_bucket(filter, request, context, bucket, &return_code)) {
return return_code;
return return_code;
// This is called when mod_pagespeed rewrites HTML, so that headers related to
// caching maybe updated correctly.
// We expect this to run after mod_headers and mod_expires, triggered
// by the call to ap_add_output_filter(kModPagespeedFixHeadersName...)
// in build_context_for_request.
// This method is not called if users set "ModifyCachingHeaders off".
// This function removes any Expires, Last-Modified or Etag settings added
// by the user's .conf files.
// This function also replaces the Cache-Control header with a no-cache value
// if one of the following conditions are met:
// 1) Downstream caching integration is disabled.
// 2) Downstream caching is enabled, downstream cache beaconing key is
// configured, and the value of the PS-ShouldBeacon header on the request
// matches the configured beaconing key.
// It retains the original Cache-Control header in all other cases, which
// correspond to downstream caching integration being enabled and the page
// being served not being instrumented for beaconing.
apr_status_t instaweb_fix_headers_filter(
ap_filter_t* filter, apr_bucket_brigade* bb) {
request_rec* request = filter->r;
// Escape ASAP if we're in unplugged mode.
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
if (server_context->global_config()->unplugged()) {
return ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, bb);
// TODO(sligocki): Consider moving inside PSOL. Note that this is a
// little thornier than it looks because PSOL headers are different
// from Apache headers and to share code easily we'd have to
// translate. We can do that easily but it seems like a waste of
// CPU time since this will occur on every HTML request. However,
// there is hope in pagespeed/kernel/http/caching_headers.h, which
// provides an abstracted interface to any underlying representation.
// We could build on that pattern to do platform-independent header
// manipulations in PSOL rather than direct calls to ResponseHeaders.
// TODO(jmarantz): merge this logic with that in
// ResponseHeaders::CacheControlValuesToPreserve and
// ServerContext::ApplyInputCacheControl
InstawebHandler instaweb_handler(request);
const RewriteOptions* options = instaweb_handler.options();
if (!options->IsDownstreamCacheIntegrationEnabled()) {
// Downstream cache integration is not enabled. Disable original
// Cache-Control headers.
} else {
// Downstream cache integration is enabled. If a rebeaconing key has been
// configured and there is a ShouldBeacon header with the correct key,
// disable original Cache-Control headers so that the instrumented page is
// served out with no-cache.
const char* should_beacon = apr_table_get(request->headers_in,
if (options->MatchesDownstreamCacheRebeaconingKey(should_beacon)) {
// Remove ourselves so that we only run once per request.
return ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, bb);
// Entry point from Apache for recording resources for IPRO.
// Modeled loosely after ap_content_length_filter() in protocol.c.
// TODO(sligocki): Perhaps we can merge this filter with ApacheToMpsFilter().
apr_status_t instaweb_in_place_filter(ap_filter_t* filter,
apr_bucket_brigade* bb) {
// Do nothing if there is nothing, and stop passing to other filters.
request_rec* request = filter->r;
// Escape ASAP if we're in unplugged mode.
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
if (server_context->global_config()->unplugged()) {
return ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, bb);
// This should always be set by handle_as_in_place() in
InPlaceResourceRecorder* recorder =
CHECK(recorder != NULL);
bool first = true;
// Iterate through all buckets, saving content in the recorder and passing
// the buckets along when there is a flush. Abort early if we hit EOS or the
// recorder fails.
for (apr_bucket* bucket = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(bb);
!(bucket == APR_BRIGADE_SENTINEL(bb) ||
APR_BUCKET_IS_EOS(bucket) ||
bucket = APR_BUCKET_NEXT(bucket)) {
if (!APR_BUCKET_IS_METADATA(bucket)) {
if (first) {
first = false;
ResponseHeaders response_headers(recorder->http_options());
ApacheRequestToResponseHeaders(*request, &response_headers, NULL);
// The content-type is likely to be missing from the Apache response
// headers until AP_FTYPE_PROTOCOL, and this filter is run earlier, at
// AP_FTYPE_CONTENT_SET + 1. However, the content-type may be in
// the request object, and if we populate it into the response headers
// early, we can check for uninteresting content-types in
// ConsiderResponseHeaders and avoid the overhead of collecting the
// content into memory.
if ((request->content_type != nullptr) &&
(response_headers.DetermineContentType() == nullptr)) {
HttpAttributes::kContentType, request->content_type);
InPlaceResourceRecorder::kPreliminaryHeaders, &response_headers);
if (recorder->failed()) {
// Content bucket.
const char* buf = NULL;
size_t bytes = 0;
// Note: Each call to apr_bucket_read() on a FILE bucket will pull in
// some of the file into a HEAP bucket. Since we do not pass those
// buckets to the next filter until the end of this function, we are
// basically buffering up the entire size of the file into memory.
// Apache documentation says not to do this because of the memory issues:
// ... but since our whole point here is to load the resource into
// memory, it seems reasonable.
// TODO(sligocki): Should we do an APR_NONBLOCK_READ? mod_content_length
// seems to do that, but has to deal with APR_STATUS_IS_EAGAIN() and
// splitting the brigade, etc.
apr_status_t return_code = apr_bucket_read(bucket, &buf, &bytes,
if (return_code != APR_SUCCESS) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, return_code, request,
"Reading bucket failed (rcode=%d)", return_code);
return return_code;
StringPiece contents(buf, bytes);
recorder->Write(contents, recorder->handler());
} else if (APR_BUCKET_IS_FLUSH(bucket)) {
// instaweb_in_place_check_headers_filter cleans up the recorder.
return ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, bb);
// Runs immediately after mod_headers and other filters which muck with the
// headers, but before headers are finalized.
// Sets cache-control to include s-maxage, and tells the recorder what the
// original cache control was so it can properly save it with the rest of the
// headers once they're finalized.
apr_status_t instaweb_in_place_fix_headers_filter(ap_filter_t* filter,
apr_bucket_brigade* bb) {
request_rec* request = filter->r;
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
if (!server_context->global_config()->unplugged()) {
InPlaceResourceRecorder* recorder =
if (recorder != NULL) {
int s_maxage_sec =
if (s_maxage_sec != -1) {
const char* existing_cache_control =
GoogleString updated_cache_control;
if (ResponseHeaders::ApplySMaxAge(
s_maxage_sec, existing_cache_control, &updated_cache_control)) {
// We're modifing the cache control header; save a copy first.
// Replace the cache-control with our new s-maxage-including one.
apr_table_set(request->headers_out, HttpAttributes::kCacheControl,
// Remove ourselves so that we only run once per request.
return ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, bb);
// Runs after instaweb_in_place_fix_headers_filter and after headers are
// finalized. We have to run instaweb_in_place_filter earlier because by now
// the response body is gzipped. TODO(sligocki): Run as a single filter after
// mod_headers, etc. using an inflater to gunzip the file? Or storing the
// gzipped version in cache?
// The sole purpose of this filter is to pass the finalized headers to
// recorder.
apr_status_t instaweb_in_place_check_headers_filter(ap_filter_t* filter,
apr_bucket_brigade* bb) {
// Do nothing if there is nothing, and stop passing to other filters.
request_rec* request = filter->r;
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
// Escape ASAP if we're in unplugged mode.
if (server_context->global_config()->unplugged()) {
return ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, bb);
// This should always be set by Instaweb::HandleAsInPlace().
InPlaceResourceRecorder* recorder =
// We do not want to call Done until the last bucket comes in, because the
// instaweb_in_place_filter needs to record the body, so iterate to EOS
// bucket if present. If it's not present, we'll get called again until it is
// present.
for (apr_bucket* bucket = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(bb);
(recorder != NULL) && (bucket != APR_BRIGADE_SENTINEL(bb));
bucket = APR_BUCKET_NEXT(bucket)) {
if (APR_BUCKET_IS_EOS(bucket)) {
ResponseHeaders response_headers(recorder->http_options());
// Note: Since we're post-AP_FTYPE_PROTOCOL the error headers and regular
// headers have already been merged in Apache, so no need to gather
// the error headers here.
ApacheRequestToResponseHeaders(*request, &response_headers, NULL);
// Note: For some reason Apache never actually sets the Date header in
// request->headers_out, but without it set we consider it uncacheable,
// so we set it here.
// TODO(sligocki): Perhaps we should stop requiring Date header to
// consider resources cacheable?
AprTimer timer;
// We now have the final headers. If they don't let us cache then we'll
// abort even though we've already buffered up the whole resource.
InstawebHandler::AboutToBeDoneWithRecorder(request, recorder);
// Deletes recorder
// identifies
// a case where there must have been two EOS markers passed into
// this function, either because there were two in the brigade
// or because this filter was called twice. To defend against
// this, null the dead recorder pointer and the reference in filter->ctx.
recorder = NULL;
filter->ctx = NULL;
return ap_pass_brigade(filter->next, bb);
void pagespeed_child_init(apr_pool_t* pool, server_rec* server_list) {
// Create PageSpeed context used by instaweb rewrite-driver. This is
// per-process, so we initialize all the server's context by iterating the
// server lists in server->next.
bool need_init = true;
for (server_rec* server = server_list; server != NULL;
server = server->next) {
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
if (!server_context->global_config()->unplugged()) {
if (need_init) {
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = apache_process_context.factory(
need_init = false;
DCHECK(server_context != NULL);
bool give_dir_apache_user_permissions(ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory,
const GoogleString& path) {
// (Apache will not switch from current euid if it's not root --- see
if (geteuid() != 0) {
return true;
// .user_id, .group_id default to -1 if they haven't been parsed yet.
if ((unixd_config.user_id == 0) ||
(unixd_config.user_id == static_cast<uid_t>(-1)) ||
(unixd_config.group_id == 0) ||
(unixd_config.group_id == static_cast<gid_t>(-1))) {
return true;
if (chown(path.c_str(), unixd_config.user_id,
unixd_config.group_id) != 0) {
kError, "Unable to set proper ownership of %s (%s)",
path.c_str(), strerror(errno));
return false;
return true;
// If we are running as root, hands over the ownership of data directories
// we made to the eventual Apache uid/gid.
bool give_apache_user_permissions(ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory) {
const StringSet& created_dirs = factory->created_directories();
bool ret = true;
for (StringSet::iterator i = created_dirs.begin();
i != created_dirs.end(); ++i) {
ret &= give_dir_apache_user_permissions(factory, *i);
return ret;
// Create directory and make sure permissions are set correctly so that
// Apache processes can read and write from it.
const char* init_dir(ApacheServerContext* server_context,
apr_pool_t* pool,
const char* directive_name,
const char* path) {
const char* ret = NULL;
if (*path != '/') {
ret = apr_pstrcat(pool, directive_name, " ", path,
" must start with a slash.", NULL);
} else {
if (!server_context->InitPath(path) ||
!give_apache_user_permissions(server_context->apache_factory())) {
ret = apr_pstrcat(pool, "Directory ", path, " could not be created "
"or permissions could not be set.", NULL);
return ret;
// Hook from Apache for initialization after config is read.
// Initialize statistics, set appropriate directory permissions, etc.
int pagespeed_post_config(apr_pool_t* pool, apr_pool_t* plog, apr_pool_t* ptemp,
server_rec* server_list) {
// This routine is complicated by the fact that statistics use inter-process
// mutexes and have static data, which co-mingles poorly with this otherwise
// re-entrant module. The situation that gets interesting is when there are
// multiple VirtualHosts, some of which have statistics enabled and some of
// which don't. We don't want the behavior to be order-dependent so we
// do multiple passes.
// TODO(jmarantz): test VirtualHost
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = apache_process_context.factory(
std::vector<SystemServerContext*> server_contexts;
std::set<ApacheServerContext*> server_contexts_covered;
for (server_rec* server = server_list; server != NULL;
server = server->next) {
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
if (server_contexts_covered.insert(server_context).second) {
CHECK(server_context != NULL);
// We also want propagate all the per-process options to each vhost. The
// normal merge in merge_server_config isn't enough since that merges the
// non-per process things from a dummy ServerContext corresponding to the
// top-level config, not ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::default_options where
// the process scope options go.
// We do this here rather than merge_server_config since we want to touch
// the ServerContext corresponding to the top-level/non-<VirtualHost>
// block, too.
GoogleString error_message;
int error_index = -1;
Statistics* global_statistics = NULL;
server_contexts, &error_message, &error_index, &global_statistics);
if (error_index != -1) {
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
"mod_pagespeed is enabled. %s:"
" defn_name=%s"
" defn_line_number=%d"
" server_hostname=%s"
" port=%d",
// chown any directories we created. We may have to do it here in
// post_config since we may not have our user/group yet during parse
// (example: Fedora 11).
// We also have to do it during the parse, however, since if we're started
// to /just/ check the config with -t (as opposed to doing it as a
// preliminary for a proper startup) we won't get a post_config!
// If no shared-mem statistics are enabled, then init using the default
// NullStatistics.
if (global_statistics == NULL) {
return APACHE_OK;
// Here log transaction will wait for all the asynchronous resource fetchers to
// finish.
apr_status_t pagespeed_log_transaction(request_rec* request) {
return DECLINED;
// Make sure that local requests from ourselves don't get marked as coming from
// localhost, as we don't want them matching 'allow from localhost'.
int pagespeed_modify_request(request_rec* r) {
// Escape ASAP if we're in unplugged mode.
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
if (server_context->global_config()->unplugged()) {
return APACHE_OK;
// This method is based in part on mod_remoteip.
conn_rec* c = r->connection;
// Detect local requests from us.
const char* ua = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, HttpAttributes::kUserAgent);
if (ua != NULL &&
strstr(ua, " mod_pagespeed/" MOD_PAGESPEED_VERSION_STRING) != NULL) {
#ifdef MPS_APACHE_24
apr_sockaddr_t* client_addr = c->client_addr;
apr_sockaddr_t* client_addr = c->remote_addr;
if (LoopbackRouteFetcher::IsLoopbackAddr(client_addr)) {
// Rewrite the client IP in Apache's records to, which is a
// multicast address that should hence not be used by anyone, and at the
// very least is clearly not
apr_sockaddr_t* untrusted_sockaddr = NULL;
// This builds a sockaddr object corresponding to
apr_sockaddr_info_get(&untrusted_sockaddr, "", APR_INET,
80, 0, client_addr->pool));
char* untrusted_ip_str = apr_pstrdup(client_addr->pool, "");
#ifdef MPS_APACHE_24
r->useragent_ip = untrusted_ip_str;
r->useragent_addr = untrusted_sockaddr;
c->remote_ip = untrusted_ip_str;
c->remote_addr = untrusted_sockaddr;
// We set the remote host header to be an empty string --- Apache uses
// that if there is an error, so it shouldn't pass through any ACLs.
c->remote_host = apr_pstrdup(client_addr->pool, "");
return APACHE_OK;
// This function is a callback and it declares what
// other functions should be called for request
// processing and configuration requests. This
// callback function declares the Handlers for
// other events.
void mod_pagespeed_register_hooks(apr_pool_t* pool) {
// Enable logging using pagespeed style
// Use instaweb to handle generated resources.
ap_hook_handler(InstawebHandler::instaweb_handler, NULL, NULL,
// Try to provide more accurate IP information for requests we create.
ap_hook_post_read_request(pagespeed_modify_request, NULL, NULL,
// We register our output filter at (AP_FTYPE_RESOURCE + 1) so that
// mod_pagespeed runs after mod_include. See Issue
// and httpd/src/modules/filters/mod_include.c, which initializes
// server-side-includes with ap_register_output_filter(...AP_FTYPE_RESOURCE).
kModPagespeedFilterName, instaweb_out_filter, NULL,
static_cast<ap_filter_type>(AP_FTYPE_RESOURCE + 1));
// For HTML rewrites, we must apply our caching semantics later
// in the filter-chain than mod_headers or mod_expires. See:
// APACHE_DIST/src/modules/metadata/mod_headers.c:857
// --> mod_headers is installed at AP_FTYPE_CONTENT_SET
// APACHE_DIST/src/modules/metadata/mod_expires.c:554
// --> mod_expires is installed at AP_FTYPE_CONTENT_SET - 2
// Thus we can override its settings by installing at +1.
kModPagespeedFixHeadersName, instaweb_fix_headers_filter, NULL,
static_cast<ap_filter_type>(AP_FTYPE_CONTENT_SET + 1));
// Run after contents are set, but before mod_deflate, which runs at
// AP_FTYPE_CONTENT_SET. We use a separate filter rather
// than just adding logic to instaweb_fix_headers_filter because the
// recorder gets passed in as the filter->ctx when it is registered
// in InstawebHandler::HandleAsInPlace.
kModPagespeedInPlaceFilterName, instaweb_in_place_filter, NULL,
static_cast<ap_filter_type>(AP_FTYPE_CONTENT_SET - 1));
// Run after headers are set by mod_headers, mod_expires, etc. and
// after Content-Type has been set (which appears to be at
// AP_FTYPE_PROTOCOL). We cannot simply collect the bytes at
// AP_FTYPE_PROTOCOL+1 because, it appears, at that time the headers
// have been serialized into the content, and it's rather embarassing
// to have to rescan for the end of the headers.
instaweb_in_place_check_headers_filter, NULL,
static_cast<ap_filter_type>(AP_FTYPE_PROTOCOL + 1));
// For IPRO recording, run after headers are set by mod_headers or
// mod_expires, but early enough that we can still change them to set
// s-maxage.
instaweb_in_place_fix_headers_filter, NULL,
static_cast<ap_filter_type>(AP_FTYPE_CONTENT_SET + 1));
ap_hook_post_config(pagespeed_post_config, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
ap_hook_child_init(pagespeed_child_init, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_LAST);
ap_hook_log_transaction(pagespeed_log_transaction, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_LAST);
// mod_rewrite damages the URLs written by mod_pagespeed. See
// Issues 63 & 72. To defend against this, we must either add
// additional mod_rewrite rules to exclude pagespeed resources or
// pre-scan for pagespeed resources before mod_rewrite runs and copy
// the URL somewhere safe (a request->note) before mod_rewrite
// corrupts it. The latter is easier to deploy as it does not
// require users editing their rewrite rules for mod_pagespeed.
// mod_rewrite registers at APR_HOOK_FIRST. We'd like to leave
// space for user modules at APR_HOOK_FIRST-1, so we go to
ap_hook_translate_name(InstawebHandler::save_url_hook, NULL, NULL,
// By default, apache imposes limitations on URL segments of around
// 256 characters that appear to correspond to filename limitations.
// To prevent that, we hook map_to_storage for our own purposes.
ap_hook_map_to_storage(InstawebHandler::instaweb_map_to_storage, NULL, NULL,
apr_status_t pagespeed_child_exit(void* data) {
ApacheServerContext* server_context = static_cast<ApacheServerContext*>(data);
if (server_context->PoolDestroyed()) {
// When the last server context is destroyed, it's important that we also
// clean up the factory, so we don't end up with dangling pointers in case
// we are not unloaded fully on a config check (e.g. on Ubuntu 11).
void* mod_pagespeed_create_server_config(apr_pool_t* pool, server_rec* server) {
// Note: when statically loaded server->module_config is NULL when
// initializing and this is called for the first time.
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
server->module_config == NULL
: InstawebContext::ServerContextFromServerRec(server);
if (server_context == NULL) {
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = apache_process_context.factory(
server_context = factory->MakeApacheServerContext(server);
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, server_context, pagespeed_child_exit,
return server_context;
const char kBoolHint[] = " on|off";
const char kEnabledEnumHint[] = " on|off|unplugged";
const char kInt64Hint[] = " must specify a 64-bit integer";
const char kIntHint[] = " must specify a 32-bit integer";
const char* ParseHint(bool x) { return kBoolHint; }
const char* ParseHint(int x) { return kIntHint; }
const char* ParseHint(int64 x) { return kInt64Hint; }
const char* ParseHint(RewriteOptions::EnabledEnum x) {
return kEnabledEnumHint;
template<typename OptType, typename Options>
const char* ParseOption(Options* options, cmd_parms* cmd,
void (Options::*fn)(OptType val),
const char* arg) {
const char* ret = NULL;
OptType parsed;
if (RewriteOptions::ParseFromString(arg, &parsed)) {
} else {
ret = apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, cmd->directive->directive,
ParseHint(parsed), NULL);
return ret;
template<class Options>
const char* ParseIntBoundedOption(Options* options, cmd_parms* cmd,
void (Options::*fn)(int val),
const char* arg,
int lower, int upper) {
int val;
const char* ret = NULL;
if (StringToInt(arg, &val) &&
val >= lower &&
val <= upper) {
} else {
GoogleString message = StringPrintf(
" must specify a 32-bit integer between %d and %d",
lower, upper);
ret = apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, cmd->directive->directive, message.c_str(),
return ret;
void warn_deprecated(cmd_parms* cmd, const char* remedy) {
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, APR_SUCCESS, cmd->server,
"%s is deprecated. %s",
cmd->directive->directive, remedy);
// Determines the Option structure into which to write a parsed directive.
// If the directive was parsed from the default pagespeed.conf file then
// we will write the information into the factory's RewriteOptions. In that
// case, it's also possible that an overlay config for SPDY is being parsed
// (for backwards compat), in which case we will store it inside the directive
// object.
// However, if this was parsed from a Directory scope or .htaccess file then we
// will be using the RewriteOptions structure from a tree of ApacheConfig
// objects that is built up per-request.
// Returns NULL if successful, error string otherwise.
// Writes out the ApacheConfig* into *config_out.
static const char* CmdOptions(const cmd_parms* cmd, void* data,
ApacheConfig** config_out) {
ApacheConfig* config = static_cast<ApacheConfig*>(data);
if (config == NULL) {
// See if there is an overlay config.
if (cmd->directive->data != NULL) {
config = static_cast<ApacheConfig*>(cmd->directive->data);
} else {
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
config = server_context->global_config();
} else {
// If we're here, we are inside path-specific configuration, so we should
// not see SPDY vs. non-SPDY distinction.
if (cmd->directive->data != NULL) {
*config_out = NULL;
return "Can't use <ModPagespeedIf except at top-level or VirtualHost "
*config_out = config;
return NULL;
// This should be called for global options to see if they were used properly.
// In particular, it returns an error string if a global option is inside a
// <ModPagespeedIf. It also either warns or errors out if we're using a global
// option inside a virtual host, depending on "mode".
// Returns NULL if successful, error string otherwise.
static char* CheckGlobalOption(const cmd_parms* cmd,
VHostHandling mode,
MessageHandler* handler) {
if (cmd->server->is_virtual) {
char* vhost_error = apr_pstrcat(
cmd->pool, "Directive ", cmd->directive->directive,
" used inside a <VirtualHost> but applies globally.",
(mode == kTolerateInVHost ?
" Accepting for backwards compatibility. " :
if (mode == kErrorInVHost) {
return vhost_error;
} else {
GoogleString message(vhost_error);
handler->MessageS(kWarning, message);
if (cmd->directive->data != NULL) {
return apr_pstrcat(
cmd->pool, "Global directive ", cmd->directive->directive,
" invalid inside conditional.", NULL);
return NULL;
const char* ApacheProcessContext::CheckProcessScope(
const cmd_parms* cmd, bool* is_process_scope) {
VhostCommandHandlingMap::const_iterator p =
*is_process_scope = (p != vhost_command_handling_map_.end());
const char* ret = NULL;
if (cmd->server->is_virtual || (cmd->directive->data != NULL)) {
if (*is_process_scope) {
ret = CheckGlobalOption(cmd, p->second, factory_->message_handler());
return ret;
// Returns true if standard parsing handled the option and sets *err_msg to NULL
// if OK, and to the error string managed in cmd->pool otherwise.
bool StandardParsingHandled(
cmd_parms* cmd, RewriteOptions::OptionSettingResult result,
const GoogleString& msg, const char** err_msg) {
switch (result) {
case RewriteOptions::kOptionOk:
*err_msg = NULL; // No error.
return true;
case RewriteOptions::kOptionNameUnknown:
// RewriteOptions didn't recognize the option, but we might do so
// with our own code.
return false;
case RewriteOptions::kOptionValueInvalid:
// The option is recognized, but the value is not. Return the error
// message.
*err_msg = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, msg.c_str());
return true;
LOG(DFATAL) << "Should be unreachable";
return true;
// Callback function that parses a single-argument directive. This is called
// by the Apache config parser.
static const char* ParseDirective(cmd_parms* cmd, void* data, const char* arg) {
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = server_context->apache_factory();
MessageHandler* handler = factory->message_handler();
StringPiece directive(cmd->directive->directive);
StringPiece prefix(RewriteQuery::kModPagespeed);
const char* ret = NULL;
ApacheConfig* config;
ret = CmdOptions(cmd, data, &config);
if (ret != NULL) {
return ret;
// We have "FileCachePath" mapped in gperf, but here we do more than just
// setting the option. This must precede the call to SetOptionFromName which
// would catch this directive but miss the call to
// give_apache_user_permissions.
if (StringCaseEqual(directive, kModPagespeedFileCachePath)) {
ret = init_dir(server_context, cmd->pool, kModPagespeedFileCachePath, arg);
if (ret == NULL) {
return ret;
if (StringCaseEqual(directive, kModPagespeedLogDir)) {
ret = init_dir(server_context, cmd->pool, kModPagespeedLogDir, arg);
if (ret == NULL) {
return ret;
// Rename deprecated options so lookup below will succeed.
if (StringCaseEqual(directive, kModPagespeedImgInlineMaxBytes)) {
directive = kModPagespeedImageInlineMaxBytes;
} else if (StringCaseEqual(directive, kModPagespeedImgMaxRewritesAtOnce)) {
directive = kModPagespeedImageMaxRewritesAtOnce;
if (strings::StartsWith(directive, prefix)) {
StringPiece option = directive.substr(prefix.size());
GoogleString msg;
bool use_global_config = false;
// See if it's a global option, and perhaps not in place.
ret = apache_process_context.CheckProcessScope(cmd, &use_global_config);
if (ret != NULL) {
return ret;
// Options that are per-process are always parsed into
// ApacheRewriteDriverFactory::default_options(), and then propagated
// in the post-config hook (pagespeed_post_config).
if (use_global_config) {
config = ApacheConfig::DynamicCast(factory->default_options());
// See whether generic RewriteOptions name handling can figure this one out.
RewriteOptions::OptionSettingResult result =
config->ParseAndSetOptionFromName1(option, arg, &msg, handler);
if (result == RewriteOptions::kOptionNameUnknown) {
// RewriteOptions didn't know; try the driver factory.
// TODO(morlovich): It may be cleaner to not have process-scope options
// in RewriteOptions at all, but rather something RewriteDriverFactory
// specific, as long as we can provide a painless way of integrating it
// in the server and parsing it (areas where the current manual approach
// fails).
result = factory->ParseAndSetOption1(
option, arg,
!cmd->server->is_virtual, // is_process_scope
&msg, handler);
if (StandardParsingHandled(cmd, result, msg, &ret)) {
return ret;
if (RewriteOptions::IsDeprecatedOptionName(option)) {
warn_deprecated(cmd, "Please remove it from your configuration.");
return NULL;
// Options which we handle manually.
if (StringCaseEqual(directive, RewriteQuery::kModPagespeed)) {
ret = ParseOption<RewriteOptions::EnabledEnum>(
static_cast<RewriteOptions*>(config), cmd, &RewriteOptions::set_enabled,
} else {
ret = apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, "Unknown directive ",
directive.as_string().c_str(), NULL);
return ret;
// Recursively walks the configuration we've parsed inside a
// <ModPagespeedIf> block, checking to make sure it's sane, and stashing
// pointers to the overlay ApacheConfig's we will use once Apache actually
// bothers calling our ParseDirective* methods. Returns NULL if OK, error string
// on error.
static const char* ProcessParsedScope(ApacheServerContext* server_context,
ap_directive_t* root, bool for_spdy) {
for (ap_directive_t* cur = root; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) {
StringPiece directive(cur->directive);
if (!StringCaseStartsWith(directive, RewriteQuery::kModPagespeed)) {
return "Only mod_pagespeed directives should be inside <ModPagespeedIf "
if (StringCaseStartsWith(directive, kModPagespeedIf)) {
return "Can't nest <ModPagespeedIf> blocks";
if (cur->first_child != NULL) {
const char* kid_result = ProcessParsedScope(
server_context, cur->first_child, for_spdy);
if (kid_result != NULL) {
return kid_result;
// Store the appropriate config to use in the ap_directive_t's
// module data pointer, so we can retrieve it in CmdOptions when executing
// parsing callback for it.
cur->data = for_spdy ?
server_context->SpdyConfigOverlay() :
return NULL; // All OK.
// Callback that parses <ModPagespeedIf>. Unlike with ParseDirective*, we're
// supposed to make a new directive tree, and return it out via *mconfig. It
// will have its directives parsed by Apache at some point later.
static const char* ParseScope(cmd_parms* cmd, ap_directive_t** mconfig,
const char* arg) {
StringPiece mode(arg);
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
bool for_spdy = false;
if (StringCaseEqual(mode, "spdy>")) {
for_spdy = true;
} else if (StringCaseEqual(mode, "!spdy>")) {
for_spdy = false;
} else {
return "Conditional must be spdy or !spdy.";
// We need to manually check nesting since Apache's code doesn't seem to catch
// violations for sections that parse blocks like <ModPagespeedIf>
// (technically, commands with EXEC_ON_READ set).
// Unfortunately, ap_check_cmd_context doesn't work entirely
// right, either, so we do our own handling inside CmdOptions as well; this is
// kept mostly to produce a nice complaint in case someone puts
// a <ModPagespeedIf> inside a <Limit>.
const char* ret =
ap_check_cmd_context(cmd, NOT_IN_DIR_LOC_FILE | NOT_IN_LIMIT);
if (ret != NULL) {
return ret;
// Recursively parse this section. This is basically copy-pasted from
// mod_version.c in Apache sources.
ap_directive_t* parent = NULL;
ap_directive_t* current = NULL;
ret = ap_build_cont_config(cmd->pool, cmd->temp_pool, cmd,
&current, &parent,
apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, kModPagespeedIf));
*mconfig = current;
// Do our syntax checking and stash some ApacheConfig pointers.
if (ret == NULL) {
ret = ProcessParsedScope(server_context, current, for_spdy);
return ret;
// Callback function that parses a two-argument directive. This is called
// by the Apache config parser.
static const char* ParseDirective2(cmd_parms* cmd, void* data,
const char* arg1, const char* arg2) {
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = server_context->apache_factory();
MessageHandler* handler = factory->message_handler();
ApacheConfig* config;
const char* ret = CmdOptions(cmd, data, &config);
if (ret != NULL) {
return ret;
StringPiece prefix(RewriteQuery::kModPagespeed);
StringPiece directive = cmd->directive->directive;
// Go through generic path first.
if (strings::StartsWith(directive, prefix)) {
GoogleString msg;
StringPiece option = directive.substr(prefix.size());
RewriteOptions::OptionSettingResult result =
config->ParseAndSetOptionFromName2(option, arg1, arg2, &msg, handler);
if (result == RewriteOptions::kOptionNameUnknown) {
// RewriteOptions didn't know; try the driver factory.
result = factory->ParseAndSetOption2(
option, arg1, arg2,
!cmd->server->is_virtual, // is_process_scope
&msg, handler);
if (StandardParsingHandled(cmd, result, msg, &ret)) {
return ret;
return "Unknown directive.";
// Callback function that parses a three-argument directive. This is called
// by the Apache config parser.
static const char* ParseDirective3(
cmd_parms* cmd, void* data,
const char* arg1, const char* arg2, const char* arg3) {
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = server_context->apache_factory();
MessageHandler* handler = factory->message_handler();
ApacheConfig* config;
const char* ret = CmdOptions(cmd, data, &config);
if (ret != NULL) {
return ret;
StringPiece prefix(RewriteQuery::kModPagespeed);
StringPiece directive = cmd->directive->directive;
// Go through generic path first.
if (strings::StartsWith(directive, prefix)) {
GoogleString msg;
RewriteOptions::OptionSettingResult result =
directive.substr(prefix.size()), arg1, arg2, arg3, &msg, handler);
if (StandardParsingHandled(cmd, result, msg, &ret)) {
return ret;
return apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, cmd->directive->directive,
" unknown directive.", NULL);
// Setting up Apache options is cumbersome for several reasons:
// 1. Apache appears to require the option table be entirely constructed
// using static data. So we cannot use helper functions to create the
// helper table, so that we can populate it from another table.
// 2. You have to fill in the table with a function pointer with a K&R
// C declaration that does not specify its argument types. There appears
// to be a type-correct union hidden behind an ifdef for
// AP_HAVE_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER, but that doesn't work. It gives a
// syntax error; its comments indicate it is there for Doxygen.
// 3. Although you have to pre-declare all the options, you need to again
// dispatch based on the name of the options. You could, conceivably,
// provide a different function pointer for each call. This might look
// feasible with the 'mconfig' argument to AP_INIT_TAKE1, but mconfig
// must be specified in a static initializer. So it wouldn't be that easy
// to, say, create a C++ object for each config parameter.
// Googling for AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA didn't shed any light on how to do this
// using a style suitable for programming after 1980. So all we can do is make
// this a little less ugly with wrapper macros and helper functions.
// TODO(jmarantz): investigate usage of RSRC_CONF -- perhaps many of these
// options should be allowable inside a Directory or Location by ORing in
#define APACHE_CONFIG_OPTION(name, help) \
AP_INIT_TAKE1(name, reinterpret_cast<const char*(*)()>(ParseDirective), \
#define APACHE_CONFIG_DIR_OPTION(name, help) \
AP_INIT_TAKE1(name, reinterpret_cast<const char*(*)()>(ParseDirective), \
NULL, OR_ALL, help)
// For stuff similar to <IfVersion>, and the like.
// Note that Apache does not seem to apply RSRC_CONF (only global/vhost)
// enforcement for these, so they require manual checking.
#define APACHE_SCOPE_OPTION(name, help) \
AP_INIT_TAKE1(name, reinterpret_cast<const char*(*)()>(ParseScope), \
// Like APACHE_CONFIG_OPTION, but gets 2 arguments.
#define APACHE_CONFIG_OPTION2(name, help) \
AP_INIT_TAKE2(name, reinterpret_cast<const char*(*)()>(ParseDirective2), \
#define APACHE_CONFIG_DIR_OPTION2(name, help) \
AP_INIT_TAKE2(name, reinterpret_cast<const char*(*)()>(ParseDirective2), \
NULL, OR_ALL, help)
// APACHE_CONFIG_OPTION for 3 arguments
#define APACHE_CONFIG_DIR_OPTION3(name, help) \
AP_INIT_TAKE3(name, reinterpret_cast<const char*(*)()>(ParseDirective3), \
NULL, OR_ALL, help)
// APACHE_CONFIG_OPTION for 2 or 3 arguments
#define APACHE_CONFIG_DIR_OPTION23(name, help) \
AP_INIT_TAKE23(name, reinterpret_cast<const char*(*)()>(ParseDirective3), \
NULL, OR_ALL, help)
static const command_rec mod_pagespeed_filter_cmds[] = {
// Special conditional op.
kModPagespeedIf, "Conditionally apply some mod_pagespeed options. "
"Possible arguments: spdy, !spdy"),
APACHE_CONFIG_DIR_OPTION(RewriteQuery::kModPagespeed, "Enable instaweb"),
"wildcard_spec for urls"),
"Comma-separated list of disabled filters"),
"wildcard_spec for urls"),
"Authorize mod_pagespeed to rewrite resources in a domain."),
"The host:port/path prefix to be used for purging requests from "
"the downstream cache."),
"Comma-separated list of enabled filters"),
"Comma-separated list of forbidden filters"),
"Specify the custom variable slot with which to run experiments."
"Defaults to 1."),
"Configuration for one side of an experiment in the form: "
"'id= ;enabled= ;disabled= ;ga= ;percent= ...'"),
"Adds an error message into the log for every URL fetch in "
"flight when the HTTP stack encounters a system error, e.g. "
"Connection Refused"),
"Allow combining CSS files with IDs matching wildcard"),
"Keep all original subresource hints."),
"Sets up a proxy suffix to be used when slurping."),
"Retain HTML comments matching wildcard, even with remove_comments "
"Run an experiment to test the effectiveness of rewriters."),
"Increase the percentage of sites that have Google Analytics page "
"speed tracking"),
// All one parameter deprecated options.
"DEPRECATED, use ModPagespeedImageInlineMaxBytes."),
"Deprecated. Use ModPagespeedWebpRecompressionQuality"),
"Deprecated. Use ModPagespeedWebpRecompressionQualityForSmallScreens"),
// All one parameter options that can only be specified at the server level.
// (Not in <Directory> blocks.)
"Set internal fetcher timeout in milliseconds"),
APACHE_CONFIG_OPTION(kModPagespeedFetchProxy, "Set the fetch proxy"),
"Ignore HTTP cache headers and TTLs"),
"DEPRECATED, use ModPagespeedImageMaxRewritesAtOnce."),
"Try to dump backtrace on crashes. For developer use"),
"Set the size of buffer used for /mod_pagespeed_message."),
"Number of threads to use for inexpensive portions of "
"resource-rewriting. <= 0 to auto-detect"),
"Number of threads to use for computation-intensive portions of "
"resource-rewriting. <= 0 to auto-detect"),
"Where to serve static support files for pagespeed filters from."),
"Add X-Original-Content-Length headers to rewritten resources"),
"If true, keep track of statistics per VHost and not just globally"),
"wildcard_spec for referer urls which trigger blocking "
// All two parameter options that are allowed in <Directory> blocks.
"add_resource_header_name add_resource_header_value"),
"custom_header_name custom_header_value"),
"to_domain from_domain[,from_domain]* [host_header]"),
"proxy_domain origin_domain [to_domain]"),
"to_domain from_domain[,from_domain]*"),
"from_domain shard_domain1[,shard_domain2]*"),
// All two parameter options that can only be specified at the server level.
// (Not in <Directory> blocks.)
"name size_kb"),
"url_prefix filename_prefix"),
"url_regexp filename_prefix"),
"<Allow|Disallow> filename_prefix"),
"<Allow|Disallow> filename_regexp"),
"<Allow|Disallow> domain_wildcard"),
"<Allow|Disallow> domain_wildcard"),
"<Allow|Disallow> domain_wildcard"),
"<Allow|Disallow> domain_wildcard"),
"<Allow|Disallow> domain_wildcard"),
"<Allow|Disallow> domain_wildcard"),
"https://root.domain password (Experimental)"),
// All three parameter options that are allowed in <Directory> blocks.
"Specify an additional url-valued attribute."),
"Specify size, md5, and canonical url for JavaScript library, "
"separated by spaces.\n"
"These values may be obtained by running:\n"
" js_minify --print_size_and_hash library.js\n"
"Yielding an entry like:\n"
" ModPagespeedLibrary 105527 ltVVzzYxo0 "
}; // Do not null terminate; we use arraysize for initialization.
// We use pool-based cleanup for ApacheConfigs. This is 99% effective.
// There is at least one base config which is created with create_dir_config,
// but whose pool is never freed. To allow clean valgrind reports, we
// must delete that config too. So we keep a backup cleanup-set for
// configs at end-of-process, and keep that set up-to-date when the
// pool deletion does work.
apr_status_t delete_config(void* data) {
ApacheConfig* config = static_cast<ApacheConfig*>(data);
delete config;
// Function to allow all modules to create per directory configuration
// structures.
// dir is the directory currently being processed.
// Returns the per-directory structure created.
void* create_dir_config(apr_pool_t* pool, char* dir) {
if (dir == NULL) {
return NULL;
ThreadSystem* thread_system =
ApacheConfig* config = new ApacheConfig(dir, thread_system);
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, config, delete_config, apr_pool_cleanup_null);
return config;
// Function to allow all modules to merge the per directory configuration
// structures for two directories.
// base_conf is the directory structure created for the parent directory.
// new_conf is the directory structure currently being processed.
// This function returns the new per-directory structure created
void* merge_dir_config(apr_pool_t* pool, void* base_conf, void* new_conf) {
ApacheConfig* dir1 = static_cast<ApacheConfig*>(base_conf);
ApacheConfig* dir2 = static_cast<ApacheConfig*>(new_conf);
// To make it easier to debug the merged configurations, we store
// the name of both input configurations as the description for
// the merged configuration.
ApacheConfig* dir3 = new ApacheConfig(
"Combine(", dir1->description(), ", ", dir2->description(), ")"),
// Apache does not notify us when it is done adding directives to a
// configuration, so we don't have a good opportunity to Freeze it
// until it use used as a merge source. We don't want to do this in
// Merge because, for C++ cleanliness/readability, we want to let
// Merge take a const RewrieOptions&, so we must Freeze at the call site.
apr_pool_cleanup_register(pool, dir3, delete_config, apr_pool_cleanup_null);
return dir3;
void* merge_server_config(apr_pool_t* pool, void* base_conf, void* new_conf) {
ApacheServerContext* global_context =
ApacheServerContext* vhost_context =
scoped_ptr<ApacheConfig> merged_config(
// Note that we don't need to do any special handling of cache paths here,
// since it's all related to actually creating the directories + giving
// permissions, so doing it at top-level is sufficient.
// Merge the overlays, if any exist. (SPDY one no longer supported).
if (global_context->has_non_spdy_config_overlay() ||
vhost_context->has_non_spdy_config_overlay()) {
scoped_ptr<ApacheConfig> new_non_spdy_overlay(
return new_conf;
} // namespace
} // namespace net_instaweb
extern "C" {
// Export our module so Apache is able to load us.
// See for more information.
#if defined(__linux)
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
// Declare and populate the module's data structure. The
// name of this structure ('pagespeed_module') is important - it
// must match the name of the module. This structure is the
// only "glue" between the httpd core and the module.
module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA pagespeed_module = {
// Only one callback function is provided. Real
// modules will need to declare callback functions for
// server/directory configuration, configuration merging
// and other tasks.
NULL, // directives initialized via static ctor calling InstallCommands().
#if defined(__linux)
#pragma GCC visibility pop
} // extern "C"
namespace net_instaweb {
void ApacheProcessContext::FillInApacheCommand(
StringPiece option_name, RewriteOptions::OptionScope scope,
const char* help_text, command_rec* cmd) {
// cmd_names_ is used as a backing store for option names w/ModPagespeed
// tacked on to their front.
StrAppend(&cmd_names_.back(), "ModPagespeed", option_name);
cmd->name = cmd_names_.back().c_str();
cmd->func = reinterpret_cast<const char*(*)()>(ParseDirective);
cmd->cmd_data = NULL;
switch (scope) {
case RewriteOptions::kDirectoryScope:
case RewriteOptions::kQueryScope:
cmd->req_override = OR_ALL;
case RewriteOptions::kServerScope:
cmd->req_override = RSRC_CONF;
case RewriteOptions::kProcessScopeStrict:
vhost_command_handling_map_[cmd] = kErrorInVHost;
cmd->req_override = RSRC_CONF;
case RewriteOptions::kLegacyProcessScope:
vhost_command_handling_map_[cmd] = kTolerateInVHost;
cmd->req_override = RSRC_CONF;
cmd->args_how = TAKE1;
cmd->errmsg = help_text;
// Runs via static construction and module-load time, so that it can
// install the Apache command-table in the module-record before Apache
// initializes the module.
void ApacheProcessContext::InstallCommands() {
// Similar to the instantiation in ApacheConfig::AddProperties(), we
// instantiate an ApacheConfig with a null thread system as we
// are only using it to populate a static table which must be
// established very early when is dynamically loaded,
// to build the Apache directives parse-table before Apache attempts
// to initialize our module.
ApacheConfig config_template("install_commands", NULL);
const RewriteOptions::OptionBaseVector& v = config_template.all_options();
const RewriteOptions::Properties* deprecated_properties =
int num_cmds = arraysize(net_instaweb::mod_pagespeed_filter_cmds);
// Allocate memory for all the rewrite_options, even though we
// will only initialize the ones with non-null help. We could
// also do a 2-pass to count how many we will allocate. +1 to
// leave room for a NULL terminator.
apache_cmds_ = new command_rec[num_cmds + v.size()
+ deprecated_properties->size() + 1];
memcpy(apache_cmds_, net_instaweb::mod_pagespeed_filter_cmds,
num_cmds * sizeof(*apache_cmds_));
command_rec* cmd = apache_cmds_ + num_cmds;
for (int i = 0, n = v.size(); i < n; ++i) {
RewriteOptions::OptionBase* option = v[i];
// Skip entries with null documentation -- entries lacking doc
// are an indication that the option is not available for MPS.
if (option->help_text() != NULL) {
FillInApacheCommand(option->option_name(), option->scope(),
option->help_text(), cmd);
for (int i = 0, n = deprecated_properties->size(); i < n; ++i) {
const RewriteOptions::PropertyBase* dep_prop =
FillInApacheCommand(dep_prop->option_name(), dep_prop->scope(),
dep_prop->help_text(), cmd);
// Add a null terminator.
cmd->name = NULL;
cmd->func = 0;
cmd->cmd_data = NULL;
cmd->req_override = 0;
cmd->args_how = RAW_ARGS;
cmd->errmsg = NULL;
pagespeed_module.cmds = apache_cmds_;
} // namespace net_instaweb