blob: 791bbb61dbfe48c2349b842fe5ec1f41c2ea2aeb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Libo Song)
// (Joshua Marantz)
#include "pagespeed/apache/instaweb_handler.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/cache_url_async_fetcher.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/request_context.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/sync_fetcher_adapter_callback.h"
#include "net/instaweb/public/global_constants.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/domain_lawyer.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/resource_fetch.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_driver.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_query.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_stats.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/static_asset_manager.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/apache_config.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/apache_fetch.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/apache_message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/apache_request_context.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/apache_rewrite_driver_factory.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/apache_server_context.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/apache_writer.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/apr_timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/header_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/instaweb_context.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/mod_instaweb.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/simple_buffered_apache_fetch.h"
#include "pagespeed/automatic/proxy_fetch.h"
#include "pagespeed/automatic/proxy_interface.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/escaping.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/ref_counted_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/statistics.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_writer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/thread_system.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/http_names.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/http_options.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/request_headers.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/response_headers.h"
#include "pagespeed/system/admin_site.h"
#include "pagespeed/system/in_place_resource_recorder.h"
#include "http_config.h"
#include "http_core.h"
#include "http_protocol.h"
#include "http_request.h"
#include "util_filter.h"
#include "pagespeed/apache/apache_logging_includes.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
namespace {
const char kAdminHandler[] = "pagespeed_admin";
const char kGlobalAdminHandler[] = "pagespeed_global_admin";
const char kStatisticsHandler[] = "mod_pagespeed_statistics";
const char kConsoleHandler[] = "pagespeed_console";
const char kGlobalStatisticsHandler[] = "mod_pagespeed_global_statistics";
const char kMessageHandler[] = "mod_pagespeed_message";
const char kLogRequestHeadersHandler[] = "mod_pagespeed_log_request_headers";
const char kGenerateResponseWithOptionsHandler[] =
const char kResourceUrlNote[] = "mod_pagespeed_resource";
const char kResourceUrlNo[] = "<NO>";
const char kResourceUrlYes[] = "<YES>";
// Set the maximum size we allow for processing a POST body. The limit of 128k
// is based on a best guess for the maximum size of beacons required for
// critical CSS.
// TODO(jud): Factor this out, potentially into an option, and pass the value to
// any filters using beacons with POST requests (CriticalImagesBeaconFilter for
// instance).
const size_t kMaxPostSizeBytes = 131072;
} // namespace
InstawebHandler::InstawebHandler(request_rec* request)
: request_(request),
fetch_(NULL) {
apache_request_context_ = server_context_->NewApacheRequestContext(request);
// Global options
options_ = server_context_->global_config();
request_headers_.reset(new RequestHeaders);
ApacheRequestToRequestHeaders(*request, request_headers_.get());
original_url_ = InstawebContext::MakeRequestUrl(*options_, request);
// Note: request_context_ must be initialized before ComputeCustomOptions().
InstawebHandler::~InstawebHandler() {
// If fetch_ is null we either never tried to fetch anything or it took
// ownership of itself after timing out.
if (fetch_ != NULL) {
delete fetch_;
if (driver_owned_ && rewrite_driver_ != nullptr) {
rewrite_driver_ = nullptr;
void InstawebHandler::WaitForFetch() {
if (fetch_ == NULL) {
return; // Nothing to wait for.
void InstawebHandler::DisownDriver() {
DCHECK(rewrite_driver_ != nullptr);
driver_owned_ = false;
// Makes a driver from the request_context and options. Note that
// this can only be called once, as it potentially mutates the options
// as it transfers ownership of custom_options.
RewriteDriver* InstawebHandler::MakeDriver() {
CHECK(fetch_ == NULL) << "Call MakeDriver before MakeFetch";
DCHECK(rewrite_driver_ == NULL)
<< "We can only call MakeDriver once per InstawebHandler:"
<< original_url_;
rewrite_driver_ = ResourceFetch::GetDriver(
stripped_gurl_, custom_options_.release(), server_context_,
// If there were custom options, the ownership of the memory has
// now been transferred to the driver, but options_ still points
// to the same object, so it can still be used as long as the
// driver is alive. However, for Karma, and in case some other
// option-merging is added to the driver someday, let's use the
// pointer from the driver now.
options_ = ApacheConfig::DynamicCast(rewrite_driver_->options());
return rewrite_driver_;
ApacheFetch* InstawebHandler::MakeFetch(const GoogleString& url,
bool buffered,
StringPiece debug_info) {
DCHECK(fetch_ == NULL);
// ApacheFetch takes ownership of request_headers.
RequestHeaders* request_headers = new RequestHeaders();
ApacheRequestToRequestHeaders(*request_, request_headers);
ApacheWriter* writer = new ApacheWriter(request_,
if (rewrite_driver_ == NULL) {
fetch_ = new ApacheFetch(
url, debug_info, rewrite_driver_, writer, request_headers,
request_context_, options_, server_context_->message_handler());
fetch_->set_buffered(buffered || options_->force_buffering());
return fetch_;
/* static */
bool InstawebHandler::IsCompressibleContentType(const char* content_type) {
if (content_type == NULL) {
return false;
GoogleString type = content_type;
size_t separator_idx = type.find(";");
if (separator_idx != GoogleString::npos) {
bool res = false;
if (type.find("text/") == 0) {
res = true;
} else if (type.find("application/") == 0) {
if (type.find("javascript") != type.npos ||
type.find("json") != type.npos ||
type.find("ecmascript") != type.npos ||
type == "application/livescript" ||
type == "application/js" ||
type == "application/jscript" ||
type == "application/x-js" ||
type == "application/xhtml+xml" ||
type == "application/xml") {
res = true;
return res;
/* static */
void InstawebHandler::send_out_headers_and_body(
request_rec* request,
const ResponseHeaders& response_headers,
const GoogleString& output) {
// We always disable downstream header filters when sending out
// pagespeed resources, since we've captured them in the origin fetch.
ResponseHeadersToApacheRequest(response_headers, request);
request->status = response_headers.status_code();
if (response_headers.status_code() == HttpStatus::kOK &&
IsCompressibleContentType(request->content_type)) {
// Make sure compression is enabled for this response.
ap_add_output_filter("DEFLATE", NULL, request, request->connection);
// Recompute the content-length, because the content may have changed.
ap_set_content_length(request, output.size());
// Send the body
ap_rwrite(output.c_str(), output.size(), request);
// Evaluate custom_options based upon global_options, directory-specific
// options and query-param/request-header options. Stores computed options
// in custom_options_ if needed. Sets options_ to point to the correct
// options to use.
void InstawebHandler::ComputeCustomOptions() {
// Set directory specific options. These will be the options for the
// directory the resource is in, which under some configurations will be
// different from the options for the directory that the referencing html is
// in. This can lead to us using different options here when regenerating
// the resource than would be used if the resource were generated as part of
// a rewrite kicked off by a request for the referencing html file. This is
// hard to fix, so instead we're documenting that you must make sure the
// configuration for your resources matches the configuration for your html
// files.
// In subscope so directory_options can't be used later by mistake since
// it should only be used for computing the custom options.
ApacheConfig* directory_options = static_cast<ApacheConfig*>
ap_get_module_config(request_->per_dir_config, &pagespeed_module);
if ((directory_options != NULL) && directory_options->modified()) {
// TODO(sligocki): Move inside PSOL.
// Merge in query-param or header-based options.
// Note: We do not generally get response headers in the resource flow,
// so NULL is passed in instead.
// Note: options is not actually the final options for this request, but the
// final options depend upon the ResponseHeaders, so these are the best we
// have. As long as we don't allow changing implicit cache TTL in
// ResponseHeaders, this should be fine.
const RewriteOptions* directory_aware_options =
(custom_options_.get() != NULL) ? custom_options_.get() : options_;
new ResponseHeaders(directory_aware_options->ComputeHttpOptions()));
// Copy headers_out and err_headers_out into response_headers.
// Note that err_headers_out will come after the headers_out in the list of
// headers. Because of this, err_headers_out will effectively override
// headers_out when we call GetQueryOptions as it applies the header options
// in order.
ApacheRequestToResponseHeaders(*request_, response_headers_.get(),
num_response_attributes_ = response_headers_->NumAttributes();
// Get the remote configuration options before GetQueryOptions, as the query
// options should override the remote config.
if (!directory_aware_options->remote_configuration_url().empty()) {
scoped_ptr<RewriteOptions> remote_options(directory_aware_options->Clone());
server_context_->GetRemoteOptions(remote_options.get(), false);
if (custom_options_.get() == NULL) {
if (!server_context_->GetQueryOptions(request_context(),
&stripped_gurl_, request_headers_.get(),
&rewrite_query_)) {
kWarning, "Invalid PageSpeed query params or headers for "
"request %s. Serving with default options.",
const RewriteOptions* query_options = rewrite_query_.options();
if (query_options != NULL) {
if (custom_options_.get() == NULL) {
// Don't run any experiments if we're handling a customized request, unless
// EnrollExperiment is on.
if (!custom_options_->enroll_experiment()) {
if (custom_options_.get() != NULL) {
options_ = custom_options_.get();
void InstawebHandler::RemoveStrippedResponseHeadersFromApacheRequest() {
// Write back the modified response headers if any have been stripped by
// GetQueryOptions (which indicates that options were found).
// Note: GetQueryOptions should not add or mutate headers, only remove
// them.
DCHECK(response_headers_->NumAttributes() <= num_response_attributes_);
if (response_headers_->NumAttributes() < num_response_attributes_) {
// Something was stripped, but we don't know if it came from
// headers_out or err_headers_out. We need to treat them separately.
if (apr_is_empty_table(request_->err_headers_out)) {
// We know that response_headers were all from request->headers_out
ResponseHeadersToApacheRequest(*response_headers_, request_);
} else if (apr_is_empty_table(request_->headers_out)) {
// We know that response_headers were all from err_headers_out
ErrorHeadersToApacheRequest(*response_headers_, request_);
} else {
// We don't know which table changed, so scan them individually and
// write them both back. This should be a rare case and could be
// optimized a bit if we find that we're spending time here.
ResponseHeaders tmp_err_resp_headers(options_->ComputeHttpOptions());
ResponseHeaders tmp_resp_headers(options_->ComputeHttpOptions());
ThreadSystem* thread_system = server_context_->thread_system();
scoped_ptr<ApacheConfig> unused_opts1(
new ApacheConfig("unused_options1", thread_system));
scoped_ptr<ApacheConfig> unused_opts2(
new ApacheConfig("unused_options2", thread_system));
ApacheRequestToResponseHeaders(*request_, &tmp_resp_headers,
// Use ScanHeader's parsing logic to find and strip the PageSpeed
// options from the headers. Use NULL for device_properties as no
// device property information is needed for the stripping.
RequestContextPtr null_request_context;
RewriteQuery::ScanHeader(true /* enable options */,
"" /* request option override */,
NULL /* device_properties */,
RewriteQuery::ScanHeader(true /* enable options */,
"" /* request option override */,
NULL /* device_properties */,
// Write the stripped headers back to the Apache record.
ResponseHeadersToApacheRequest(tmp_resp_headers, request_);
ErrorHeadersToApacheRequest(tmp_err_resp_headers, request_);
// Note that the ordering here matches the comment above the
// call to ApacheRequestToResponseHeaders in
// ComputeCustomOptions.
// Handle url as .pagespeed. rewritten resource.
void InstawebHandler::HandleAsPagespeedResource() {
RewriteDriver* driver = MakeDriver();
GoogleString output; // TODO(jmarantz): Quit buffering resource output.
StringWriter writer(&output);
SyncFetcherAdapterCallback* callback = new SyncFetcherAdapterCallback(
server_context_->thread_system(), &writer, request_context_);
if (ResourceFetch::BlockingFetch(stripped_gurl_, server_context_, driver,
callback)) {
ResponseHeaders* response_headers = callback->response_headers();
// TODO(sligocki): Check that this is already done in ResourceFetch
// and remove redundant setting here.
// ResourceFetch adds X-Page-Speed header, old mod_pagespeed code
// did not. For now, we remove that header for consistency.
// TODO(sligocki): Consistently use X- headers in MPS and PSOL.
// I think it would be good to change X-Mod-Pagespeed -> X-Page-Speed
// and use that for all HTML and resource requests.
send_out_headers_and_body(request_, *response_headers, output);
} else {
server_context_->ReportResourceNotFound(original_url_, request_);
static apr_status_t DeleteInPlaceRecorder(void* object) {
InPlaceResourceRecorder* recorded =
delete recorded;
// Handle url with In Place Resource Optimization (IPRO) flow.
bool InstawebHandler::HandleAsInPlace() {
bool handled = false;
// We need to see if the origin request has cookies, so examine the
// Apache request directly, as request_headers_ has been stripped of
// headers we don't want to transmit for resource fetches.
// Note that apr_table_get is case insensitive. See
RequestHeaders::Properties request_properties(
apr_table_get(request_->headers_in, HttpAttributes::kCookie) != NULL,
apr_table_get(request_->headers_in, HttpAttributes::kCookie2) != NULL,
(apr_table_get(request_->headers_in, HttpAttributes::kAuthorization)
!= NULL) || (request_->user != NULL));
RewriteDriver* driver = MakeDriver();
MakeFetch(false /* not buffered */, "ipro");
driver->FetchInPlaceResource(stripped_gurl_, false /* proxy_mode */, fetch_);
if (fetch_->status_ok()) {
handled = true;
} else if ((fetch_->response_headers()->status_code() ==
CacheUrlAsyncFetcher::kNotInCacheStatus) &&
!request_->header_only) {
// This URL was not found in cache (neither the input resource nor
// a ResourceNotCacheable entry) so we need to get it into cache
// (or at least a note that it cannot be cached stored there).
// We do that using an Apache output filter.
// We use stripped_gurl_.Spec() rather than 'original_url_' for
// InPlaceResourceRecorder as we want any ?ModPagespeed query-params to
// be stripped from the cache key before we store the result in HTTPCache.
InPlaceResourceRecorder* recorder = new InPlaceResourceRecorder(
// See for why we need all
// three filters.
ap_add_output_filter(kModPagespeedInPlaceFilterName, recorder,
request_, request_->connection);
ap_add_output_filter(kModPagespeedInPlaceFixHeadersName, recorder,
request_, request_->connection);
ap_add_output_filter(kModPagespeedInPlaceCheckHeadersName, recorder,
request_, request_->connection);
// Add a contingency cleanup path in case some module munches
// (or doesn't produce at all) an EOS bucket. If everything
// goes well, we will just remove it befoe cleaning up ourselves.
request_->pool, recorder, DeleteInPlaceRecorder, apr_pool_cleanup_null);
} else {
return handled;
bool InstawebHandler::HandleAsProxy() {
// Consider Issue 609: proxying an external CSS file via MapProxyDomain, and
// the CSS file makes reference to a font file, which mod_pagespeed does not
// know anything about, and does not know how to absolutify. We need to
// handle the request for the external font file here, even if IPRO (in place
// resource optimization) is off.
bool is_proxy = false;
GoogleString mapped_url;
GoogleString host_header;
if (options_->domain_lawyer()->MapOriginUrl(stripped_gurl_, &mapped_url,
&host_header, &is_proxy) &&
is_proxy) {
// TODO(jmarantz): make this unbuffered, verifying that it will
// only call back to apache on the request thread.
RewriteDriver* driver = MakeDriver();
MakeFetch(mapped_url, true /* buffered */, "proxy");
mapped_url, fetch_, driver, NULL, NULL);
return true; // handled
return false; // declined
void InstawebHandler::HandleAsProxyForAll() {
static const char kLoopValue[] = "MPS";
// Note: we can't use MakeFetch here as we want ProxyInterface to create the
// RewriteDriver.
std::unique_ptr<RequestHeaders> request_headers(new RequestHeaders());
ApacheRequestToRequestHeaders(*request_, request_headers.get());
// Do loop detection.
if (request_headers->HasValue(HttpAttributes::kXPageSpeedLoop, kLoopValue)) {
write_handler_response("Loop detected on fetch in ProxyAllRequests mode; "
"you may need to authorize more domains. ",
request_headers->Add(HttpAttributes::kXPageSpeedLoop, kLoopValue);
SimpleBufferedApacheFetch fetch(request_context_,
ProxyInterface proxy_interface(
proxy_interface.Fetch(original_url_, server_context_->message_handler(),
// Determines whether the url can be handled as a mod_pagespeed or in-place
// optimized resource, and handles it, returning true. Success status is
// written to the status code in the response headers.
/* static */
bool InstawebHandler::handle_as_resource(ApacheServerContext* server_context,
request_rec* request,
GoogleUrl* gurl) {
if (!gurl->IsWebValid()) {
return false;
InstawebHandler instaweb_handler(request);
scoped_ptr<RequestHeaders> request_headers(new RequestHeaders);
const RewriteOptions* options = instaweb_handler.options();
// Finally, do the actual handling.
bool handled = false;
if (server_context->IsPagespeedResource(*gurl)) {
handled = true;
} else if (instaweb_handler.HandleAsProxy()) {
handled = true;
} else if (options->in_place_rewriting_enabled() && options->enabled() &&
options->IsAllowed(gurl->Spec())) {
handled = instaweb_handler.HandleAsInPlace();
return handled;
// Write response headers and send out headers and output, including the option
// for a custom Content-Type.
// TODO(jmarantz): consider deleting this helper method putting all responses
// through ApacheFetch.
/* static */
void InstawebHandler::write_handler_response(const StringPiece& output,
request_rec* request,
ContentType content_type,
const StringPiece& cache_control) {
// We don't need custom options for our produced resources. In fact, options
// shouldn't matter.
ResponseHeaders response_headers(kDeprecatedDefaultHttpOptions);
response_headers.Add(HttpAttributes::kContentType, content_type.mime_type());
// Script and styleSheet elements will reject responses with
// incorrect MIME types if the server sends the response header
// "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff". This is a security feature
// that helps prevent attacks based on MIME-type confusion.
AprTimer timer;
int64 now_ms = timer.NowMs();
response_headers.Add(HttpAttributes::kCacheControl, cache_control);
send_out_headers_and_body(request, response_headers, output.as_string());
/* static */
void InstawebHandler::write_handler_response(const StringPiece& output,
request_rec* request) {
write_handler_response(output, request,
kContentTypeHtml, HttpAttributes::kNoCacheMaxAge0);
// Returns request URL if it was a .pagespeed. rewritten resource URL.
// Otherwise returns NULL. Since other Apache modules can change request->uri,
// we stow the original request URL in a note. This method reads that note
// and thus should return the URL that the browser actually requested (rather
// than a mod_rewrite altered URL).
/* static */
const char* InstawebHandler::get_instaweb_resource_url(
request_rec* request, ApacheServerContext* server_context) {
const char* resource = apr_table_get(request->notes, kResourceUrlNote);
// If our translate_name hook, save_url_hook, failed to run because some
// other module's translate_hook returned OK first, then run it now. The
// main reason we try to do this early is to save our URL before mod_rewrite
// mutates it.
if (resource == NULL) {
InstawebHandler::save_url_in_note(request, server_context);
resource = apr_table_get(request->notes, kResourceUrlNote);
if (resource != NULL && strcmp(resource, kResourceUrlNo) == 0) {
return NULL;
const char* url = apr_table_get(request->notes, kPagespeedOriginalUrl);
return url;
namespace {
// Used by log_request_headers for testing only.
struct HeaderLoggingData {
HeaderLoggingData(StringWriter* writer_in, MessageHandler* handler_in)
: writer(writer_in), handler(handler_in) {}
StringWriter* writer;
MessageHandler* handler;
} // namespace
// Helper function to support the LogRequestHeadersHandler. Called once for
// each header to write header data in a form suitable for javascript inlining.
// Used only for tests.
/* static */
int InstawebHandler::log_request_headers(void* logging_data,
const char* key, const char* value) {
HeaderLoggingData* hld = static_cast<HeaderLoggingData*>(logging_data);
StringWriter* writer = hld->writer;
MessageHandler* handler = hld->handler;
GoogleString escaped_key;
GoogleString escaped_value;
EscapeToJsStringLiteral(key, false, &escaped_key);
EscapeToJsStringLiteral(value, false, &escaped_value);
writer->Write("alert(\"", handler);
writer->Write(escaped_key, handler);
writer->Write("=", handler);
writer->Write(escaped_value, handler);
writer->Write("\");\n", handler);
return 1; // Continue iteration.
/* static */
void InstawebHandler::instaweb_static_handler(
request_rec* request, ApacheServerContext* server_context) {
StaticAssetManager* static_asset_manager =
StringPiece request_uri_path = request->parsed_uri.path;
// Strip out the common prefix url before sending to StaticAssetManager.
StringPiece file_name = request_uri_path.substr(
StringPiece file_contents;
StringPiece cache_header;
ContentType content_type;
if (static_asset_manager->GetAsset(
file_name, &file_contents, &content_type, &cache_header)) {
write_handler_response(file_contents, request, content_type, cache_header);
} else {
server_context->ReportResourceNotFound(request->parsed_uri.path, request);
// Append the query params from a request into data. This just parses the query
// params from a request URL. For parsing the query params from a POST body, use
// parse_body_from_post(). Return true if successful, otherwise, returns false
// and sets ret to the appropriate status.
/* static */
bool InstawebHandler::parse_query_params(const request_rec* request,
GoogleString* data,
apr_status_t* ret) {
// Add a dummy host ( to the request URL to make it absolute
// so that GoogleUrl can be used for parsing.
GoogleUrl base("");
GoogleUrl url(base, request->unparsed_uri);
if (!url.IsWebValid() || !url.has_query()) {
return false;
return true;
// Read the body from a POST request and append to data. Return true if
// successful, otherwise, returns false and sets ret to the appropriate status.
bool InstawebHandler::parse_body_from_post(const request_rec* request,
GoogleString* data,
apr_status_t* ret) {
if (request->method_number != M_POST) {
return false;
// Verify that the request has the correct content type for a form POST
// submission. Ideally, we could use request->content_type here, but that is
// coming back as NULL, even when the header was set correctly.
const char* content_type = apr_table_get(request->headers_in,
if (content_type == NULL) {
return false;
GoogleString mime_type;
GoogleString charset;
if (!ParseContentType(content_type, &mime_type, &charset)) {
return false;
// TODO(jud): Set the charset on the beacon to a known value (say, UTF-8), and
// check here that it's as expected. Intended as a cheap-and-nasty test that
// the beacon came from our JS and not some black hat. Easily subvertible but
// better than nothing (?).
if (!StringCaseEqual(mime_type, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") &&
!StringCaseEqual(mime_type, "multipart/form-data")) {
return false;
// Setup the number of bytes to try to read from the POST body. If the
// Content-Length header is set, use it, otherwise try to pull up to
// kMaxPostSizeBytes.
int content_len = kMaxPostSizeBytes;
const char* content_len_str = apr_table_get(request->headers_in,
if (content_len_str != NULL) {
if (!StringToInt(content_len_str, &content_len)) {
return false;
if (static_cast<size_t>(content_len) > kMaxPostSizeBytes) {
return false;
// Parse the incoming brigade and add the contents to data. In apache 2.4 we
// could just use ap_parse_form_data. See the example at
apr_bucket_brigade* bbin =
apr_brigade_create(request->pool, request->connection->bucket_alloc);
bool eos = false;
while (!eos) {
apr_status_t rv = ap_get_brigade(request->input_filters, bbin,
if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
// Form input read failed.
return false;
for (apr_bucket* bucket = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(bbin);
bucket != APR_BRIGADE_SENTINEL(bbin);
bucket = APR_BUCKET_NEXT(bucket) ) {
if (!APR_BUCKET_IS_METADATA(bucket)) {
const char* buf = NULL;
size_t bytes = 0;
rv = apr_bucket_read(bucket, &buf, &bytes, APR_BLOCK_READ);
if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
return false;
if (data->length() + bytes > kMaxPostSizeBytes) {
return false;
data->append(buf, bytes);
} else if (APR_BUCKET_IS_EOS(bucket)) {
eos = true;
// No need to modify ret as it is only used if reading the POST failed.
return true;
/* static */
apr_status_t InstawebHandler::instaweb_beacon_handler(
request_rec* request, ApacheServerContext* server_context) {
GoogleString data;
apr_status_t ret = DECLINED;
if (request->method_number == M_GET) {
if (!parse_query_params(request, &data, &ret)) {
return ret;
} else if (request->method_number == M_POST) {
GoogleString query_param_data, post_data;
// Even if the beacon is a POST, the originating url should be in the query
// params, not the POST body.
if (!parse_query_params(request, &query_param_data, &ret)) {
return ret;
if (!parse_body_from_post(request, &post_data, &ret)) {
return ret;
StrAppend(&data, query_param_data, "&", post_data);
} else {
RequestContextPtr request_context(
StringPiece user_agent = apr_table_get(request->headers_in,
server_context->HandleBeacon(data, user_agent, request_context);
apr_table_set(request->headers_out, HttpAttributes::kCacheControl,
/* static */
bool InstawebHandler::IsBeaconUrl(const RewriteOptions::BeaconUrl& beacons,
const GoogleUrl& gurl) {
// Check if the full path without query parameters equals the beacon URL,
// either the http or https version (we're too lazy to check specifically).
// This handles both GETs, which include query parameters, and POSTs,
// which will only have the originating url in the query params.
if (!gurl.IsWebValid()) {
return false;
// Ignore query params in the beacon URLs. Normally the beacon URL won't have
// a query param, but it could have been added using ModPagespeedBeaconUrl.
return (gurl.PathSansQuery() == beacons.http_in ||
gurl.PathSansQuery() == beacons.https_in);
/* static */
bool InstawebHandler::is_pagespeed_subrequest(request_rec* request) {
StringPiece user_agent = apr_table_get(request->headers_in,
return (user_agent.find(kModPagespeedSubrequestUserAgent) != user_agent.npos);
/* static */
apr_status_t InstawebHandler::instaweb_handler(request_rec* request) {
apr_status_t ret = DECLINED;
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
ApacheConfig* global_config = server_context->global_config();
// Escape ASAP if we're in unplugged mode.
if (global_config->unplugged()) {
return DECLINED;
// Flushing the cache mutates global_options, so this has to happen before we
// construct the options that we use to decide whether IPRO is enabled. Note
// that the global_config might be altered by this, but the pointer will not
// change.
ApacheRewriteDriverFactory* factory = server_context->apache_factory();
ApacheMessageHandler* message_handler = factory->apache_message_handler();
StringPiece request_handler_str = request->handler;
const char* url = InstawebContext::MakeRequestUrl(*global_config, request);
GoogleUrl gurl;
if (url == NULL || !gurl.Reset(url)) {
return DECLINED; // URL not valid, let someone other module handle.
if (global_config->proxy_all_requests_mode() && gurl.IsWebValid()) {
InstawebHandler instaweb_handler(request);
// TODO(morlovich): Still export stats and the like?
return APACHE_OK;
if (request_handler_str == kStatisticsHandler &&
global_config->StatisticsAccessAllowed(gurl)) {
InstawebHandler instaweb_handler(request);
server_context->StatisticsPage(false /* not global */,
false /* unbuffered */, "local-stats"));
return APACHE_OK;
} else if (request_handler_str == kGlobalStatisticsHandler &&
global_config->GlobalStatisticsAccessAllowed(gurl)) {
InstawebHandler instaweb_handler(request);
server_context->StatisticsPage(true /* global */,
false /* unbuffered */, "global-stats"));
return APACHE_OK;
} else if (request_handler_str == kAdminHandler &&
global_config->AdminAccessAllowed(gurl)) {
InstawebHandler instaweb_handler(request);
// The fetch has to be buffered because if it's a cache lookup it could
// complete asynchrously via the rewrite thread.
server_context->AdminPage(false /* not global */,
true /* buffered */, "local-admin"));
ret = APACHE_OK;
} else if (request_handler_str == kGlobalAdminHandler &&
global_config->GlobalAdminAccessAllowed(gurl)) {
InstawebHandler instaweb_handler(request);
// The fetch has to be buffered because if it's a cache lookup it could
// complete asynchrously via the rewrite thread.
server_context->AdminPage(true /* global */,
true /* buffered */, "global-admin"));
ret = APACHE_OK;
} else if (global_config->enable_cache_purge() &&
!global_config->purge_method().empty() &&
(global_config->purge_method() == request->method)) {
InstawebHandler instaweb_handler(request);
AdminSite* admin_site = server_context->admin_site();
// I'm not convinced that the purge handler must complete synchronously. It
// schedules work on the rewrite driver factory's scheduler, and while in my
// testing it processes everything on the calling thread I'm not sure this
// is part of the contract. The response is just headers and a few bytes of
// body, so buffering is basically free. To be on the safe side let's
// buffer this one too.
true /* buffered */, "purge"));
ret = APACHE_OK;
} else if (request_handler_str == kConsoleHandler &&
global_config->ConsoleAccessAllowed(gurl)) {
InstawebHandler instaweb_handler(request);
false /* unbuffered */, "console"));
ret = APACHE_OK;
} else if (request_handler_str == kMessageHandler &&
global_config->MessagesAccessAllowed(gurl)) {
InstawebHandler instaweb_handler(request);
instaweb_handler.MakeFetch(false /* unbuffered */, "messages"));
ret = APACHE_OK;
} else if (request_handler_str == kLogRequestHeadersHandler) {
// For testing CustomFetchHeader.
GoogleString output;
StringWriter writer(&output);
HeaderLoggingData header_logging_data(&writer, message_handler);
apr_table_do(&log_request_headers, &header_logging_data,
request->headers_in, NULL);
write_handler_response(output, request, kContentTypeJavascript, "public");
ret = APACHE_OK;
} else if (strcmp(request->handler, kGenerateResponseWithOptionsHandler) == 0
&& request->uri != NULL) {
// This handler is only needed for apache_system_test. It adds headers to
// headers_out and/or err_headers_out to test handling of parameters in
// those resources.
if (strstr(request->parsed_uri.query, "headers_out") != NULL) {
apr_table_add(request->headers_out, "PageSpeed", "off");
} else if (strstr(request->parsed_uri.query, "headers_errout") != NULL) {
apr_table_add(request->err_headers_out, "PageSpeed", "off");
} else if (strstr(request->parsed_uri.query, "headers_override") != NULL) {
apr_table_add(request->headers_out, "PageSpeed", "off");
apr_table_add(request->headers_out, "PageSpeedFilters",
apr_table_add(request->err_headers_out, "PageSpeed", "on");
apr_table_add(request->err_headers_out, "PageSpeedFilters",
} else if (strstr(request->parsed_uri.query, "headers_combine") != NULL) {
apr_table_add(request->headers_out, "PageSpeed", "on");
apr_table_add(request->err_headers_out, "PageSpeedFilters",
} else {
const char* url = InstawebContext::MakeRequestUrl(*global_config, request);
// Do not try to rewrite our own sub-request.
if (url != NULL) {
GoogleUrl gurl(url);
if (!gurl.IsWebValid()) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Ignoring invalid URL: %s", gurl.spec_c_str());
} else if (IsBeaconUrl(global_config->beacon_url(), gurl)) {
ret = instaweb_beacon_handler(request, server_context);
// For the beacon accept any method; for all others only allow GETs.
} else if (request->method_number != M_GET) {
ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, request,
"Not rewriting non-GET %d of %s",
request->method_number, gurl.spec_c_str());
} else if (gurl.PathSansLeaf() ==
server_context->apache_factory()->static_asset_prefix()) {
instaweb_static_handler(request, server_context);
ret = APACHE_OK;
} else if (!is_pagespeed_subrequest(request) &&
handle_as_resource(server_context, request, &gurl)) {
ret = APACHE_OK;
// Check for HTTP_NO_CONTENT here since that's the status used for a
// successfully handled beacon.
if (ret != APACHE_OK && ret != HTTP_NO_CONTENT &&
gurl.Host() != "localhost" &&
(global_config->slurping_enabled() || global_config->test_proxy() ||
!global_config->domain_lawyer()->proxy_suffix().empty())) {
// TODO(jmarantz): Consider moving the InstawebHandler up above
// where we assign 'const char* url' above because we are repeating
// a bunch of string-hacking here in the constructor. However, we
// really want the query-param evaluation happening inside the
// constructor here.
InstawebHandler instaweb_handler(request);
if (instaweb_handler.ProxyUrl()) {
ret = APACHE_OK;
return ret;
// This translator must be inserted into the translate_name chain
// prior to mod_rewrite. By saving the original URL in a
// request->notes and using that in our handler, we prevent
// mod_rewrite from borking URL names that need to be handled by
// mod_pagespeed.
// This hack seems to be the most robust way to immunize mod_pagespeed
// from when mod_rewrite rewrites the URL. We still need mod_rewrite
// to do required complex processing of the filename (e.g. prepending
// the DocumentRoot) so mod_authz_host is happy, so we return DECLINED
// even for mod_pagespeed resources.
// One alternative strategy is to return OK to bypass mod_rewrite
// entirely, but then we'd have to duplicate the functionality in
// mod_rewrite that prepends the DocumentRoot, which is itself
// complex. See mod_rewrite.c:hook_fixup(), and look for calls to
// ap_document_root().
// Or we could return DECLINED but set a note "mod_rewrite_rewritten"
// to try to convince mod_rewrite to leave our URLs alone, which seems
// fragile as that's an internal string literal in mod_rewrite.c and
// is not documented anywhere.
// Another strategy is to return OK but leave request->filename NULL.
// In that case, the server kernel generates an ominous 'info' message:
// [info] [client ::1] Module bug? Request filename is missing for URI
// /mod_pagespeed_statistics
// This is generated by httpd/src/server/request.c line 486, and right
// above that is this comment:
// "OK" as a response to a real problem is not _OK_, but to
// allow broken modules to proceed, we will permit the
// not-a-path filename to pass the following two tests. This
// behavior may be revoked in future versions of Apache. We
// still must catch it later if it's heading for the core
// handler. Leave INFO notes here for module debugging.
// It seems like the simplest, most robust approach is to squirrel
// away the original URL *before* mod_rewrite sees it in
// kPagespeedOriginalUrl "mod_pagespeed_url" and use *that* rather than
// request->unparsed_uri (which mod_rewrite might have mangled) when
// processing the request.
// Additionally we store whether or not this request is a pagespeed
// resource or not in kResourceUrlNote.
/* static */
apr_status_t InstawebHandler::save_url_hook(request_rec *request) {
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
return save_url_in_note(request, server_context);
/* static */
apr_status_t InstawebHandler::save_url_in_note(
request_rec *request, ApacheServerContext* server_context) {
// Escape ASAP if we're in unplugged mode.
if (server_context->global_config()->unplugged()) {
return DECLINED;
// This call to MakeRequestUrl() not only returns the url but also
// saves it for future use so that if another module changes the
// url in the request, we still have the original one.
const char* url = InstawebContext::MakeRequestUrl(
*server_context->global_options(), request);
GoogleUrl gurl(url);
bool bypass_mod_rewrite = false;
if (gurl.IsWebValid()) {
// Note: We cannot use request->handler because it may not be set yet :(
// TODO(sligocki): Make this robust to custom statistics and beacon URLs.
StringPiece leaf = gurl.LeafSansQuery();
if (leaf == kStatisticsHandler || leaf == kConsoleHandler ||
leaf == kGlobalStatisticsHandler || leaf == kMessageHandler ||
leaf == kAdminHandler ||
gurl.PathSansLeaf() ==
server_context->apache_factory()->static_asset_prefix() ||
IsBeaconUrl(server_context->global_options()->beacon_url(), gurl) ||
server_context->IsPagespeedResource(gurl)) {
bypass_mod_rewrite = true;
if (bypass_mod_rewrite) {
apr_table_set(request->notes, kResourceUrlNote, kResourceUrlYes);
} else {
// Leave behind a note for non-instaweb requests that says that
// our handler got called and we decided to pass. This gives us
// one final chance at serving resources in the presence of a
// module that intercepted 'translate_name' before mod_pagespeed.
// The absence of this marker indicates that translate_name did
// not get a chance to run, and thus we should try to look at
// the URI directly.
apr_table_set(request->notes, kResourceUrlNote, kResourceUrlNo);
return DECLINED;
// Override core_map_to_storage for pagespeed resources.
/* static */
apr_status_t InstawebHandler::instaweb_map_to_storage(request_rec* request) {
if (request->proxyreq == PROXYREQ_REVERSE) {
// If Apache is acting as a reverse proxy for this request there is no
// point in walking the directory because it doesn't apply to this
// server's htdocs tree, it applies to the server we are proxying to.
// This can result in it raising a 403 because some path doesn't exist.
// Note that experimenting shows that it doesn't matter if we return OK
// or DECLINED here, at least with URLs that aren't overly long; also,
// we actually fetch the DECODED URL (no .pagespeed. etc) from the proxy
// server and we rewrite it ourselves.
return DECLINED;
if (request->filename == NULL) {
// We set filename to NULL below, and it appears other modules do too
// (the WebSphere plugin for example; see issue 610), so to prevent a
// dereference of NULL.
return DECLINED;
ApacheServerContext* server_context =
if (server_context->global_config()->unplugged()) {
// If we're in unplugged mode then none of our hooks apply so escape ASAP.
return DECLINED;
if (get_instaweb_resource_url(request, server_context) == NULL) {
return DECLINED;
// core_map_to_storage does at least two things:
// 1) checks filename length limits
// 2) determines directory specific options
// We want (2) but not (1). If we simply return OK we will keep
// core_map_to_storage from running and let through our long filenames but
// resource requests that require regeneration will not respect directory
// specific options.
// To fix this we need to be more dependent on apache internals than we
// would like. core_map_to_storage always calls ap_directory_walk(request),
// which does both (1) and (2) and appears to work entirely off of
// request->filename. But ap_directory_walk doesn't care whether the last
// request->segment of the path actually exists. So if we change the
// request->filename from something like:
// /var/www/path/to/LEAF_WHICH_MAY_BE_HUGE.pagespeed.FILTER.HASH.EXT
// to:
// /var/www/path/to/A
// then we will bypass the filename length limit without harming the load of
// directory specific options.
// So: modify request->filename in place to cut it off after the last '/'
// character and replace the whole leaf with 'A', and then call
// ap_directory_walk to figure out custom options.
char* filename_starting_at_last_slash = strrchr(request->filename, '/');
if (filename_starting_at_last_slash != NULL &&
filename_starting_at_last_slash[1] != '\0') {
filename_starting_at_last_slash[1] = 'A';
filename_starting_at_last_slash[2] = '\0';
// mod_speling, if enabled, looks for the filename on the file system,
// and tries to "correct" the spelling. This is not desired for
// mod_pagesped resources, but mod_speling will not do this damage
// when request->filename == NULL. See line 219 of
// mod_speling.c?revision=983065&view=markup
// Note that mod_speling runs 'hook_fixups' at APR_HOOK_LAST, and
// we are currently running instaweb_map_to_storage in map_to_storage
// HOOK_FIRST-2, which is a couple of phases before hook_fixups.
// If at some point we stop NULLing the filename here we need to modify the
// code above that mangles it to use a temporary buffer instead.
request->filename = NULL;
// While setting request->filename helps get mod_speling (as well as
// mod_mime and mod_mime_magic) out of our hair, it causes crashes
// in mod_negotiation (if on) when finfo.filetype is APR_NOFILE.
// So we give it a type that's something other than APR_NOFILE (plus we
// also don't want APR_DIR, since that would make mod_mime to set the
// mimetype to httpd/unix-directory).
request->finfo.filetype = APR_UNKFILE;
// Keep core_map_to_storage from running and rejecting our long filenames.
return APACHE_OK;
/* static */
void InstawebHandler::AboutToBeDoneWithRecorder(
request_rec* request, InPlaceResourceRecorder* recorder) {
apr_pool_cleanup_kill(request->pool, recorder, DeleteInPlaceRecorder);
} // namespace net_instaweb