blob: 795527d9831c79f646a121580b2ed6fe79d9008b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Matt Atterbury)
// Unit-test the interaction of shared cache (e.g. memcached) & LoadFromFile.
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_parse_test_base.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/http_cache.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/log_record.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/logging_proto_impl.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/request_context.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/file_load_policy.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/output_resource_kind.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_context_test_base.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_driver.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_test_base.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/server_context.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/test_rewrite_driver_factory.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/file_system.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/gtest.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/mem_file_system.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/mock_message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/ref_counted_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/cache/delay_cache.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/cache/lru_cache.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class CacheInterface;
// Reproduce MPS issue 488 emulating memcached with LRUCache. We use the
// 2 server contexts to emulate different servers, each with their own
// filesystem and with a shared http/metadata cache.
class SharedCacheTest : public RewriteContextTestBase {
virtual void SetUp() {
options()->file_load_policy()->Associate(kTestDomain, "/test/");
other_options()->file_load_policy()->Associate(kTestDomain, "/test/");
server1_ = server_context();
server2_ = other_server_context();
filesystem1_ = server1_->file_system();
filesystem2_ = server2_->file_system();
EXPECT_EQ(NULL, server1_->filesystem_metadata_cache());
EXPECT_EQ(NULL, server2_->filesystem_metadata_cache());
kRewrittenHref = Encode("", "tw", "0", kOriginalHref, "css");
// Make the metadata and HTTP caches the same for this test.
factory1_ = factory();
factory2_ = other_factory();
server2_->set_http_cache(new HTTPCache(factory1_->delay_cache(),
// The metadata cache and the HTTP cache share an underlying LRU cache at
// the bottom, so the stats for them are combined into this:
shared_cache_ = lru_cache();
// Set up each file system with the same file, same mtime.
EXPECT_TRUE(filesystem1_->WriteFile(kFilename, kContents,
EXPECT_TRUE(filesystem2_->WriteFile(kFilename, kContents,
int64 mtime1, mtime2;
EXPECT_TRUE(filesystem1_->Mtime(kFilename, &mtime1, message_handler()));
EXPECT_TRUE(filesystem2_->Mtime(kFilename, &mtime2, message_handler()));
EXPECT_EQ(mtime1, mtime2);
// Initialize all the counts.
metadata_num_hits_ = 0;
metadata_num_misses_ = 0;
shared_num_hits_ = 0;
shared_num_misses_ = 0;
shared_num_inserts_ = 0;
shared_num_reinserts_ = 0;
filesystem_num_opens_ = 0;
validation_ctx_ = rewrite_driver()->request_context();
void SetUpFilesystemMetadataCaches() {
// Add a filesystem metadata cache to each server.
CacheInterface* cache = new LRUCache(10000);
cache = new LRUCache(10000);
void ValidateRewrite(StringPiece id,
int num_new_metadata_hits,
int num_new_metadata_misses,
int num_new_shared_hits,
int num_new_shared_misses,
int num_new_shared_inserts,
int num_new_shared_reinserts,
int num_new_filesystem_opens,
StringPiece expected_contents) {
// Restore request context (FetchResourceUrl sets a new one on
// rewrite_driver).
// Update and check the expected counts.
metadata_cache_info().num_hits() -
metadata_num_hits_ = logging_info()->metadata_cache_info().num_hits();
metadata_cache_info().num_misses() -
metadata_num_misses_) << id;
metadata_num_misses_ = logging_info()->metadata_cache_info().num_misses();
shared_cache_->num_hits() - shared_num_hits_) << id;
shared_num_hits_ = shared_cache_->num_hits();
shared_cache_->num_misses() - shared_num_misses_) << id;
shared_num_misses_ = shared_cache_->num_misses();
shared_cache_->num_inserts() - shared_num_inserts_) << id;
shared_num_inserts_ = shared_cache_->num_inserts();
shared_cache_->num_identical_reinserts() - shared_num_reinserts_)
<< id;
shared_num_reinserts_ = shared_cache_->num_identical_reinserts();
file_system()->num_input_file_opens() - filesystem_num_opens_)
<< id;
filesystem_num_opens_ = file_system()->num_input_file_opens();
// Check the rewritten content then check that we got it from the cache.
GoogleString output;
EXPECT_TRUE(FetchResourceUrl(StrCat(kTestDomain, kRewrittenHref), &output));
EXPECT_EQ(expected_contents, output);
EXPECT_EQ(1, shared_cache_->num_hits() - shared_num_hits_);
void SetActiveServer(ActiveServerFlag server_to_use) {
// Reset this since we've just changed the file_system() return value.
filesystem_num_opens_ = file_system()->num_input_file_opens();
void WriteNewContents(TestRewriteDriverFactory* factory,
FileSystem* filesystem,
int64 delta_ms) {
// Advance time for the given factory then write new contents to the
// test file in the given filesystem.
EXPECT_TRUE(filesystem->WriteFile(kFilename, kNewContents,
int64 mtime1, mtime2;
EXPECT_TRUE(filesystem1_->Mtime(kFilename, &mtime1, message_handler()));
EXPECT_TRUE(filesystem2_->Mtime(kFilename, &mtime2, message_handler()));
EXPECT_NE(mtime1, mtime2);
static const char kFilename[];
static const char kContents[];
static const char kNewContents[];
static const char kTrimmed[];
static const char kNewTrimmed[];
static const char kOriginalHref[];
GoogleString kRewrittenHref;
ServerContext* server1_;
ServerContext* server2_;
FileSystem* filesystem1_;
FileSystem* filesystem2_;
TestRewriteDriverFactory* factory1_;
TestRewriteDriverFactory* factory2_;
LRUCache* shared_cache_;
RequestContextPtr validation_ctx_;
int metadata_num_hits_;
int metadata_num_misses_;
int shared_num_hits_;
int shared_num_misses_;
int shared_num_inserts_;
int shared_num_reinserts_;
int filesystem_num_opens_;
const char SharedCacheTest::kFilename[] = "/test/a.css";
const char SharedCacheTest::kContents[] = " foo b ar ";
const char SharedCacheTest::kNewContents[] = " bar fo o ";
const char SharedCacheTest::kTrimmed[] = "foo b ar";
const char SharedCacheTest::kNewTrimmed[] = "bar fo o";
const char SharedCacheTest::kOriginalHref[] = "a.css";
TEST_F(SharedCacheTest, LoadFromFileMisbehavesWithoutFilesystemMetadataCache) {
// With two independent servers, both using load-from-file, both sharing a
// metadata cache, and neither with a filesystem metadata cache, things
// sort-of-work, but things misbehave when one server updates its file
// contents while the other one doesn't.
// 1. The first rewrite is successful because we read from the filesystem.
// - The metadata cache gets a miss for the original URL followed later by
// an insert of original URL -> rewritten URL + content hash.
// - The HTTP cache gets a miss then an insert of rewritten URL -> content.
// We do NOT store the original URL -> content in there as it's on disk.
// - We opened the file to read it.
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 0,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 1,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 1, // metadata
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 2, // metadata + HTTP
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 1, // HTTP
// 2. Rewrite the same HTML but using a different server.
// Everything thing we need is in the -shared- cache.
// - The metadata cache gets a hit for the original URL, which is mapped to
// the rewritten URL + the content hash.
// - The HTTP cache is not read or written because all we need to rewrite the
// HTML is the rewritten URL.
// - No file access required this time. Now see, this is WRONG.
// RewriteContext::IsInputValid is checking the metadata cache's timestamp
// against server2's timestamp, BUT the metadata cache's timestamp came
// from server1, so its value is irrelevant. This is what the filesystem
// metadata cache fixes by storing the timestamp in a server private cache.
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 1,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 1, // metadata
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 0,
// 3. Modify server1's version of the file and fetch it from there again.
// We will have to rewrite it again and update the caches.
// - The metadata cache gets a hit for the original URL since we know about
// it, followed later by an upsert to its new rewritten URL + contents hash,
// BUT the metadata logging info records a miss because, although a record
// was found in the (shared) metadata cache, it isn't valid because of the
// change in mtime so a miss is recorded instead.
// - The HTTP cache gets a miss for the original URL -> content (which we
// never cache because it's on disk) followed by an upsert for the rewritten
// URL to its new contents (the rewritten URL is unchanged because URL
// hashes are always zero in this test program).
// - And we opened the file again to read it.
WriteNewContents(factory1_, filesystem1_, Timer::kSecondMs); // Update FS #1
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 0,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 1,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 1, // metadata
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 2, // HTTP + metadata
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 1,
kNewTrimmed); // NEW content!
// 4. Rewrite using server2, which has the old contents in its filesystem.
// We'll find the resource in the metadata cache but its mtime is wrong so
// we can't use the cached value so we have to reread and rewrite again.
// - The metadata cache gets a hit for the original URL since we know about
// it, followed later by an upsert to its new rewritten URL + contents hash,
// BUT the metadata logging info records a miss because, although a record
// was found in the (shared) metadata cache, it isn't valid because of the
// change in mtime so a miss is recorded instead.
// - The HTTP cache gets a miss for the original URL -> content (which we
// never cache because it's on disk) followed by an upsert for the rewritten
// URL to its new contents (the rewritten URL is unchanged because URL
// hashes are always zero in this test program).
// - And we had to read the file to get its contents.
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 0,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 1,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 1, // HTTP
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 2, // HTTP + metadata
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 1,
kTrimmed); // OLD content!
TEST_F(SharedCacheTest, LoadFromFileSucceedsWithFilesystemMetadataCache) {
// With 2 independent servers, both using load-from-file, both sharing a
// metadata cache, and both with a [private] filesystem metadata cache,
// things really do work correctly.
// Same as step 1 of LoadFromFileFailsWithSharedCache above.
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 0,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 1,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 1, // metadata
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 2, // metadata + HTTP
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 1, // HTTP
// As for step 2 of LoadFromFileFailsWithSharedCache above EXCEPT:
// - We do file read to compute the filesystem metadata cache's content hash.
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 1,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 1, // metadata
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 1, // FSMDC
// As for step 3 of LoadFromFileFailsWithSharedCache above EXCEPT:
// - We get one file read to compute the filesystem metadata cache's new
// content hash, and another file read to re-read-and-rewrite it in the
// background.
WriteNewContents(factory1_, filesystem1_, Timer::kSecondMs); // Update FS #1
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 0,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 1,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 1, // metadata
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 2, // HTTP + metadata
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 2, // FSMDC + HTTP
kNewTrimmed); // NEW content!
// As for step 4 of LoadFromFileFailsWithSharedCache above EXCEPT:
// - Again we get one file read to compute the filesystem metadata cache's
// new content hash, and another file read to re-read-and-rewrite it in the
// background.
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 0,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 1,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 1, // HTTP
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 2, // HTTP + metadata
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 2, // FSMDC + HTTP
kTrimmed); // OLD content!
// As for steps 3 and 4 above because we will now flip-flop between the two
// different versions of the file contents.
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 0,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 1,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 1, // metadata
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 2, // HTTP + metadata
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 2, // FSMDC + HTTP
kNewTrimmed); // NEW content!
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 0,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 1,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 1, // metadata
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 2, // HTTP + metadata
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 2, // FSMDC + HTTP
kTrimmed); // OLD content!
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 0,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 1,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 1, // metadata
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 2, // HTTP + metadata
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 2, // FSMDC + HTTP
kNewTrimmed); // NEW content!
// Now rewrite server2's version of the file to be same as server1's, albeit
// with a different mtime. We get a metadata hit because the content hashes
// are now the same, so we can reuse server1's rewritten contents. The end
// result is that this is exactly the same as our step 2 above.
WriteNewContents(factory2_, filesystem2_, 2*Timer::kSecondMs); // Update FS#2
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 1,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 1, // metadata
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 1, // FSMDC
kNewTrimmed); // NEW content!
// We should stabilize and stop flip-flopping having reloaded from server2.
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 1,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 1, // metadata
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 0,
kNewTrimmed); // NEW content!
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 1,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 1, // metadata
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 0,
kNewTrimmed); // NEW content!
/* num_new_metadata_hits = */ 1,
/* num_new_metadata_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_hits = */ 1, // metadata
/* num_new_shared_misses = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_inserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_shared_reinserts = */ 0,
/* num_new_filesystem_opens = */ 0,
kNewTrimmed); // NEW content!
} // namespace net_instaweb