blob: f2a5d2acef2767ea1881f64d0236b4e160503255 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Adam Bliss)
// Base class for tests which want a ServerContext.
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/http_cache.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/http_value.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/logging_proto.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/logging_proto_impl.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/mock_url_fetcher.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/request_context.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/resource.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/resource_namer.h"
// We need to include rewrite_driver.h due to covariant return of html_parse()
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_driver.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/server_context.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/test_rewrite_driver_factory.h"
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/mock_property_page.h"
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/property_cache.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/hasher.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/md5_hasher.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/mem_file_system.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/message_handler.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/mock_hasher.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/mock_message_handler.h"
// We need to include mock_timer.h to allow upcast to Timer*.
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/mock_timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/statistics.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/timer.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_parse_test_base.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_writer_filter.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/content_type.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/http_names.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/request_headers.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/response_headers.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/user_agent_matcher.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/util/url_segment_encoder.h"
#include "pagespeed/opt/logging/request_timing_info.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class AbstractLogRecord;
class CountingUrlAsyncFetcher;
class DelayCache;
class LRUCache;
class MockLogRecord;
class MockScheduler;
class ProcessContext;
class RewriteFilter;
class WaitUrlAsyncFetcher;
class RewriteOptionsTestBase : public HtmlParseTestBaseNoAlloc {
RewriteOptionsTestBase() {
~RewriteOptionsTestBase() {
class RewriteTestBase : public RewriteOptionsTestBase {
static const char kTestData[]; // Testdata directory.
// Beaconing key values used when downstream caching is enabled.
static const char kConfiguredBeaconingKey[];
static const char kWrongBeaconingKey[];
// Specifies which server should be "active" in that rewrites and fetches
// will use it. The data members affected are those returned by:
// - factory() / other_factory()
// - server_context() / other_server_context()
// - rewrite_driver() / other_rewrite_driver()
// - options() / other_options()
enum ActiveServerFlag {
kPrimary, // Use the normal data members.
kSecondary, // Use all the other_ data members.
// Specifies alternate factories to be initialized on construction.
// By default, TestRewriteDriverFactory is used, but you can employ
// your own subclass of TestRewriteDriverFactory using this
// constructor. If you do, you probably also want to override
// MakeTestFactory.
explicit RewriteTestBase(std::pair<TestRewriteDriverFactory*,
TestRewriteDriverFactory*> factories);
virtual ~RewriteTestBase();
virtual void SetUp();
virtual void TearDown();
// In this set of tests, we will provide explicit body tags, so
// the test harness should not add them in for our convenience.
// It can go ahead and add the <html> and </html>, however.
virtual bool AddBody() const { return false; }
// Makes a TestRewriteDriverFactory. This can be overridden in
// subclasses if you need a factory with special properties.
// TODO(jmarantz): This is currently only used in
// ServeResourceFromNewContext, but should be used for factory_ and
// other_factory_. This would requuire a refactor, because those
// are created at construction; too early for subclass overrides to
// take effect. To deal with that, an alternate constructor is
// provided above so that the proper sort of factories can be passed in.
virtual TestRewriteDriverFactory* MakeTestFactory();
// Adds kRecompressJpeg, kRecompressPng, kRecompressWebp, kConvertPngToJpeg,
// kConvertJpegToWebp and kConvertGifToPng.
void AddRecompressImageFilters();
// Add a single rewrite filter to rewrite_driver_.
void AddFilter(RewriteOptions::Filter filter);
// Add a single rewrite filter to other_rewrite_driver_.
void AddOtherFilter(RewriteOptions::Filter filter);
// Add a custom rewrite filter (one without a corresponding option)
// to rewrite_driver and enable it.
void AddRewriteFilter(RewriteFilter* filter);
// Adds a custom rewriter filter but does not register it for HTML
// rewriting, only for fetches.
void AddFetchOnlyRewriteFilter(RewriteFilter* filter);
// Add a custom rewrite filter (one without a corresponding option)
// to other_rewrite_driver and enable it.
void AddOtherRewriteFilter(RewriteFilter* filter);
// Sets the active context URL for purposes of XS checks of fetches
// on the main rewrite driver.
void SetBaseUrlForFetch(const StringPiece& url);
// Populates request-headers based on the current user-agent and
// the attributes added via AddRequestAttribute and installs them
// into rewrite_driver_.
void SetDriverRequestHeaders();
// Enable downstream caching feature and set up the downstream cache
// rebeaconing key.
void SetDownstreamCacheDirectives(
StringPiece downstream_cache_purge_method,
StringPiece downstream_cache_purge_location_prefix,
StringPiece rebeaconing_key);
// Set ShouldBeacon request header to the specified value.
void SetShouldBeaconHeader(StringPiece rebeaconing_key);
ResourcePtr CreateResource(const StringPiece& base, const StringPiece& url);
// Returns the main factory Timer*, which can be used for calling NowUs and
// NowMs. To set the time, use (Advance|Set)Time(Ms|Us), which wake up any
// scheduler alarms. See also AdjustTimeUsWithoutWakingAlarms which should
// be used with extreme care.
Timer* timer() { return factory()->mock_timer(); }
// Append default headers to the given string.
void AppendDefaultHeaders(const ContentType& content_type,
GoogleString* text);
// Like above, but also include a Link: <..>; rel="canonical" header.
void AppendDefaultHeadersWithCanonical(const ContentType& content_type,
StringPiece canonical_url,
GoogleString* text);
void ServeResourceFromManyContexts(const GoogleString& resource_url,
const StringPiece& expected_content);
void ServeResourceFromManyContextsWithUA(
const GoogleString& resource_url,
const StringPiece& expected_content,
const StringPiece& user_agent);
// Test that a resource can be served from an new server that has not already
// constructed it.
void ServeResourceFromNewContext(
const GoogleString& resource_url,
const StringPiece& expected_content);
// This definition is required by HtmlParseTestBase which defines this as
// pure abstract, so that the test subclass can define how it instantiates
// HtmlParse.
virtual RewriteDriver* html_parse() { return rewrite_driver_; }
// Set default headers for a resource with content_type and Cache ttl_sec.
void DefaultResponseHeaders(const ContentType& content_type, int64 ttl_sec,
ResponseHeaders* response_headers);
// Helper function to test resource fetching, returning true if the fetch
// succeeded, and modifying content. It is up to the caller to EXPECT_TRUE
// on the status and EXPECT_EQ on the content.
bool FetchResource(const StringPiece& path, const StringPiece& filter_id,
const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& ext,
GoogleString* content);
bool FetchResource(const StringPiece& path, const StringPiece& filter_id,
const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& ext,
GoogleString* content, ResponseHeaders* response);
bool FetchResourceUrl(const StringPiece& url, GoogleString* content,
ResponseHeaders* response);
bool FetchResourceUrl(const StringPiece& url,
RequestHeaders* request_headers,
GoogleString* content,
ResponseHeaders* response_headers);
bool FetchResourceUrl(const StringPiece& url, GoogleString* content);
// Just check if we can fetch a resource successfully, ignore response.
bool TryFetchResource(const StringPiece& url);
// Use managed rewrite drivers for the test so that we see the same behavior
// in tests that we see in real servers. By default, tests use unmanaged
// drivers so that files can add options after the driver was created
// and before the filters are added. Note that this will only clean them up
// via shutdown codepath if you don't actually use them, unless an explicit
// Cleanup() call is made.
void SetUseManagedRewriteDrivers(bool use_managed_rewrite_drivers);
GoogleString CssLinkHref(const StringPiece& url) {
return StrCat("<link rel=stylesheet href=", url, ">");
// Representation for a CSS <link> tag.
class CssLink {
CssLink(const StringPiece& url, const StringPiece& content,
const StringPiece& media, bool supply_mock);
// A vector of CssLink* should know how to accumulate and add.
class Vector : public std::vector<CssLink*> {
void Add(const StringPiece& url, const StringPiece& content,
const StringPiece& media, bool supply_mock);
// Parses a combined CSS elementand provides the segments from which
// it came.
bool DecomposeCombinedUrl(StringPiece base_url, GoogleString* base,
StringVector* segments, MessageHandler* handler);
GoogleString url_;
GoogleString content_;
GoogleString media_;
bool supply_mock_;
// Collects the hrefs for all CSS <link>s on the page.
void CollectCssLinks(const StringPiece& id, const StringPiece& html,
StringVector* css_links);
// Collects all information about CSS links into a CssLink::Vector.
void CollectCssLinks(const StringPiece& id, const StringPiece& html,
CssLink::Vector* css_links);
// Encode the given name (path + leaf) using the given pagespeed attributes.
void EncodePathAndLeaf(const StringPiece& filter_id,
const StringPiece& hash,
const StringVector& name_vector,
const StringPiece& ext,
ResourceNamer* namer);
StringVector MultiUrl(const StringPiece& url1) {
StringVector v;
return v;
StringVector MultiUrl(const StringPiece& url1, const StringPiece& url2) {
StringVector v;
return v;
StringVector MultiUrl(const StringPiece& url1, const StringPiece& url2,
const StringPiece& url3) {
StringVector v;
return v;
StringVector MultiUrl(const StringPiece& url1, const StringPiece& url2,
const StringPiece& url3, const StringPiece& url4) {
StringVector v;
return v;
// Helper function to encode a resource name from its pieces using whatever
// encoding we are testing, either UrlNamer or TestUrlNamer.
GoogleString Encode(const StringPiece& path,
const StringPiece& filter_id,
const StringPiece& hash,
const StringPiece& name,
const StringPiece& ext) {
return Encode(path, filter_id, hash, MultiUrl(name), ext);
GoogleString Encode(const StringPiece& path,
const StringPiece& filter_id,
const StringPiece& hash,
const StringVector& name_vector,
const StringPiece& ext);
// Same as Encode but specifically using UrlNamer not TestUrlNamer.
GoogleString EncodeNormal(const StringPiece& path,
const StringPiece& filter_id,
const StringPiece& hash,
const StringPiece& name,
const StringPiece& ext) {
return EncodeNormal(path, filter_id, hash, MultiUrl(name), ext);
GoogleString EncodeNormal(const StringPiece& path,
const StringPiece& filter_id,
const StringPiece& hash,
const StringVector& name_vector,
const StringPiece& ext);
// Same as Encode but specifying the base URL (which is used by TestUrlNamer
// but is unused by UrlNamer so for it results in exactly the same as Encode).
GoogleString EncodeWithBase(const StringPiece& base,
const StringPiece& path,
const StringPiece& filter_id,
const StringPiece& hash,
const StringPiece& name,
const StringPiece& ext) {
return EncodeWithBase(base, path, filter_id, hash, MultiUrl(name), ext);
GoogleString EncodeWithBase(const StringPiece& base,
const StringPiece& path,
const StringPiece& filter_id,
const StringPiece& hash,
const StringVector& name_vector,
const StringPiece& ext);
// Encode image with width and height. Use -1 for either width or height to
// omit it from the encoding.
GoogleString EncodeImage(int width, int height,
StringPiece filename, StringPiece hash,
StringPiece rewritten_ext);
// Takes an already-encoded URL and adds options to to it.
GoogleString AddOptionsToEncodedUrl(const StringPiece& url,
const StringPiece& options);
// If append_new_suffix is true, appends new_suffix to old_url.
// If append_new_suffix is false, replaces old_suffix at the end of old_url
// with new_suffix.
// Either way, precondition: old_url ends with old_suffix
static GoogleString ChangeSuffix(
StringPiece old_url, bool append_new_suffix,
StringPiece old_suffix, StringPiece new_suffix);
// Overrides the async fetcher on the primary context to be a
// wait fetcher which permits delaying callback invocation.
// CallFetcherCallbacks can then be called to let the fetches complete
// and call the callbacks.
void SetupWaitFetcher();
void CallFetcherCallbacks();
void OtherCallFetcherCallbacks();
RewriteOptions* options() const { return options_; }
RewriteOptions* other_options() const { return other_options_; }
// Set the RewriteOptions to be returned by the RewriteOptionsManager.
void SetRewriteOptions(RewriteOptions* opts);
// Authorizes a domain to options()->domain_lawyer(), recomputing
// the options signature if necessary.
bool AddDomain(StringPiece domain);
// Adds an origin domain mapping to options()->domain_lawyer(), recomputing
// the options signature if necessary.
bool AddOriginDomainMapping(StringPiece to_domain, StringPiece from_domain);
// Adds a rewrite domain mapping to options()->domain_lawyer(), recomputing
// the options signature if necessary.
bool AddRewriteDomainMapping(StringPiece to_domain, StringPiece from_domain);
// Adds a shard to options()->domain_lawyer(), recomputing the options
// signature if necessary.
bool AddShard(StringPiece domain, StringPiece shards);
// Helper method to test all manner of resource serving from a filter.
void TestServeFiles(const ContentType* content_type,
const StringPiece& filter_id,
const StringPiece& rewritten_ext,
const StringPiece& orig_name,
const StringPiece& orig_content,
const StringPiece& rewritten_name,
const StringPiece& rewritten_content);
// Check that when we have a cache miss for a pagespeed resource we set
// headers to reduce the chance of it being interpreted as html.
void ValidateFallbackHeaderSanitization(StringPiece filter_id);
TestRewriteDriverFactory* factory() { return factory_.get(); }
TestRewriteDriverFactory* other_factory() { return other_factory_.get(); }
void UseMd5Hasher() {
void SetDefaultLongCacheHeaders(const ContentType* content_type,
ResponseHeaders* header) {
content_type, StringPiece(), StringPiece(), header);
void SetFetchResponse(const StringPiece& url,
const ResponseHeaders& response_header,
const StringPiece& response_body) {
mock_url_fetcher()->SetResponse(url, response_header, response_body);
// Add content to mock fetcher (with default headers).
void SetResponseWithDefaultHeaders(const StringPiece& relative_url,
const ContentType& content_type,
const StringPiece& content,
int64 ttl_sec);
// Load a test file (from testdata/) into 'contents', returning false on
// failure.
bool LoadFile(const StringPiece& filename, GoogleString* contents);
// Add the contents of a file to mock fetcher (with default headers).
void AddFileToMockFetcher(const StringPiece& url,
const StringPiece& filename,
const ContentType& content_type, int64 ttl_sec);
void AddToResponse(const StringPiece& url,
const StringPiece& name,
const StringPiece& value) {
mock_url_fetcher()->AddToResponse(url, name, value);
void SetFetchResponse404(const StringPiece& url);
void SetFetchFailOnUnexpected(bool fail) {
void FetcherUpdateDateHeaders() {
void ClearFetcherResponses() { mock_url_fetcher()->Clear(); }
virtual void ClearStats();
// Calls Clear() on the rewrite driver and does any other necessary
// clean-up so the driver is okay for a test to reuse.
// Removes pending request-header attributes added via AddRequestAttribute.
void ClearRewriteDriver();
MockUrlFetcher* mock_url_fetcher() {
return &mock_url_fetcher_;
Hasher* hasher() { return server_context_->hasher(); }
DelayCache* delay_cache() { return factory_->delay_cache(); }
LRUCache* lru_cache() { return factory_->lru_cache(); }
Statistics* statistics() { return factory_->statistics(); }
MemFileSystem* file_system() { return factory_->mem_file_system(); }
HTTPCache* http_cache() { return server_context_->http_cache(); }
PropertyCache* page_property_cache() {
return server_context_->page_property_cache();
MockMessageHandler* message_handler() {
return factory_->mock_message_handler();
// TODO(jmarantz): These abstractions are not satisfactory long-term
// where we want to have driver-lifetime in tests be reflective of
// how servers work. But for now we use these accessors.
// Note that the *rewrite_driver() methods are not valid during
// construction, so any test classes that need to use them must
// do so from SetUp() methods.
RewriteDriver* rewrite_driver() { return rewrite_driver_; }
RewriteDriver* other_rewrite_driver() { return other_rewrite_driver_; }
// The scheduler used by rewrite_driver
MockScheduler* mock_scheduler() { return factory_->mock_scheduler(); }
int64 start_time_ms() const { return factory_->kStartTimeMs; }
bool ReadFile(const char* filename, GoogleString* contents) {
return file_system()->ReadFile(filename, contents, message_handler());
bool WriteFile(const char* filename, const StringPiece& contents) {
return file_system()->WriteFile(filename, contents, message_handler());
ServerContext* server_context() { return server_context_; }
ServerContext* other_server_context() { return other_server_context_; }
CountingUrlAsyncFetcher* counting_url_async_fetcher() {
return factory_->counting_url_async_fetcher();
void SetMockHashValue(const GoogleString& value) {
void SetCacheDelayUs(int64 delay_us);
void SetupWriter() override;
// Creates a RewriteDriver using the passed-in options, object, but
// does *not* finalize the driver. This gives individual
// files the chance to add filters to the options prior to calling
// driver->AddFilters().
RewriteDriver* MakeDriver(ServerContext* server_context,
RewriteOptions* options);
// Converts a potentially relative URL off kTestDomain to absolute if needed.
GoogleString AbsolutifyUrl(const StringPiece& in);
// Tests that non-caching-related response-header attributes are propagated
// to output resources.
// 'name' is the name of the resource.
void TestRetainExtraHeaders(const StringPiece& name,
const StringPiece& filter_id,
const StringPiece& ext);
// Find the segment-encoder for the filter found via 'id'. Some
// test filters are not registered with RewriteDriver so for those
// we use the default encoder.
const UrlSegmentEncoder* FindEncoder(const StringPiece& id) const;
// Switch url namers as specified.
void SetUseTestUrlNamer(bool use_test_url_namer);
// Helper function which instantiates an encoder, collects the
// required arguments and calls the virtual Encode().
GoogleString EncodeCssName(const StringPiece& name,
bool supports_webp,
bool can_inline);
// Helper function for legacy tests that used this now-extinct interface.
// In general we don't support this flow in production but we rely on it
// in tests for obliquely covering some cases relating to resource pathnames.
bool ReadIfCached(const ResourcePtr& resource);
// Variation on ReadIfCached that is used when we expect the resource
// not to be in present in cache, but instead we are looking to
// initiate the resource-rewrite process so that a subsequent call
// to ReadIfCached succeeds.
void InitiateResourceRead(const ResourcePtr& resource);
// While our production cache model is non-blocking, we use an in-memory LRU
// for tests that calls its callback directly from Get. Thus we can make
// a convenient blocking cache wrapper to make it easier to write tests.
HTTPCache::FindResult HttpBlockingFind(
const GoogleString& key, HTTPCache* http_cache, HTTPValue* value_out,
ResponseHeaders* headers);
// The same as the above function, but doesn't need an HTTPValue or
// ResponseHeaders.
HTTPCache::FindResult HttpBlockingFindStatus(
const GoogleString& key, HTTPCache* http_cache);
// Same as above, but with options (for invalidation checks)
HTTPCache::FindResult HttpBlockingFindWithOptions(
const RewriteOptions* options,
const GoogleString& key, HTTPCache* http_cache, HTTPValue* value_out,
ResponseHeaders* headers);
// Sets the response-headers Content-Type to "application/xhtml+xml".
void SetXhtmlMimetype() { SetMimetype("application/xhtml+xml"); }
// Sets the response-headers Content-Type to "text/html".
void SetHtmlMimetype() { SetMimetype("text/html"); }
// Sets the response-headers Content-Type as specified.
void SetMimetype(const StringPiece& mimetype);
// Verifies that the specified URL can be fetched from HTTP cache, and that
// its cache TTL and contents are as specified.
void CheckFetchFromHttpCache(
StringPiece url,
StringPiece expected_contents,
int64 expected_expiration_ms);
// Setup statistics for the given cohort and add it to the give PropertyCache.
const PropertyCache::Cohort* SetupCohort(
PropertyCache* cache, const GoogleString& cohort) {
return factory()->SetupCohort(cache, cohort);
// Configure the other_server_context_ to use the same LRU cache as the
// primary server context.
void SetupSharedCache();
// Returns a new mock property page for the page property cache.
MockPropertyPage* NewMockPage(const StringPiece& url,
const StringPiece& options_signature_hash,
UserAgentMatcher::DeviceType device_type) {
return new MockPropertyPage(
MockPropertyPage* NewMockPage(const StringPiece& url) {
return NewMockPage(url, "hash", UserAgentMatcher::kDesktop);
// Sets MockLogRecord in the driver's request_context.
void SetMockLogRecord();
// Returns the MockLogRecord in the driver.
MockLogRecord* mock_log_record();
// Helper methods to return js/html snippets related to lazyload images.
GoogleString GetLazyloadScriptHtml();
GoogleString GetLazyloadPostscriptHtml();
// Sets the server-scoped invalidation timestamp. Time is advanced by
// 1 second both before and after invalidation. E.g. if the current time
// is 100000 milliseconds at the time this is called, the invalidation
// timestamp will be at 101000 milliseconds, and time will be rolled
// forward to 102000 on exit from this function.
void SetCacheInvalidationTimestamp();
// Sets the invalidation timestamp for a URL pattern. Time is advanced by
// in the same manner as for SetCacheInvalidationTimestamp above.
void SetCacheInvalidationTimestampForUrl(
StringPiece url, bool ignores_metadata_and_pcache);
// Changes the way cache-purges are implemented for non-wildcards to
// avoid flushing the entire metadata cache and instead match each
// metadata Input against the invalidation-set.
void EnableCachePurge();
// Enables the debug flag, which is often done on a test-by-test basis.
void EnableDebug();
// Enable debugging and set expected_debug_message used by DebugMessage.
// Occurrences of %url% in the message will be replaced by the argument
// to DebugMessage.
void DebugWithMessage(StringPiece expected_debug_message) {
// Return the debug message if it was set by DebugWithMessage, empty string
// otherwise. Inserts url for %url% if needed, attempting to resolve it
// against kTestDomain first, and using url exactly as passed if resolving it
// doesn't return a valid url.
GoogleString DebugMessage(StringPiece url);
// Returns a process context needed for any tests to instantiate factories
// explicitly.
static const ProcessContext& process_context();
// Turns off gzip capability in the cache. Note that requests will still be
// formulated with Accept-Encoding:gzip.
void DisableGzip();
// Determines whether a response was originally gzipped.
bool WasGzipped(const ResponseHeaders& response_headers);
// Common values for HttpBlockingFind* result.
const HTTPCache::FindResult kFoundResult;
const HTTPCache::FindResult kNotFoundResult;
void Init();
// Override this if the test fixture needs to use a different RequestContext
// subclass.
virtual RequestContextPtr CreateRequestContext();
// Calls callbacks on given wait fetcher, making sure to properly synchronize
// with async rewrite flows given driver.
void CallFetcherCallbacksForDriver(WaitUrlAsyncFetcher* fetcher,
RewriteDriver* driver);
// Populate the given headers based on the content type and original
// content length information.
void PopulateDefaultHeaders(const ContentType& content_type,
int64 original_content_length,
ResponseHeaders* headers);
// Set the "active" server to that specified; the active server is used for
// rewriting and serving pages.
void SetActiveServer(ActiveServerFlag server_to_use);
// Advances time forward using the mock scheduler. Note that time is not
// advanced directly in the mock_timer; the scheduler must be used.
void AdvanceTimeUs(int64 delay_ms);
void AdvanceTimeMs(int64 delay_ms) { AdvanceTimeUs(delay_ms * Timer::kMsUs); }
void SetTimeUs(int64 time_us);
void SetTimeMs(int64 time_ms) { SetTimeUs(time_ms * Timer::kMsUs); }
// Adjusts time ignoring any scheduler callbacks. Use with caution.
void AdjustTimeUsWithoutWakingAlarms(int64 time_us);
// Accessor for TimingInfo.
const RequestTimingInfo& timing_info();
RequestTimingInfo* mutable_timing_info();
// Returns the current request context. The default implementation takes
// the request context from rewrite_driver(). ProxyInterfaceTestBase
// overrides.
// This method check-fails if the current request-context is null.
virtual RequestContextPtr request_context();
// Convenience method to pull the logging info proto out of the current
// request context's log record. The request context owns the log record, and
// if the log record has a non-NULL mutex, it will need to be locked
// for this call.
LoggingInfo* logging_info();
// Convenience method to extract read-only metadata_cache_info.
const MetadataCacheInfo& metadata_cache_info() {
return logging_info()->metadata_cache_info();
// Convenience method for retrieving the computed applied rewriters string
// from the current request context's log record. Thread-safe.
GoogleString AppliedRewriterStringFromLog();
// Convenience method for verifying that the rewriter info entries have
// expected values.
void VerifyRewriterInfoEntry(AbstractLogRecord* log_record,
const GoogleString& id,
int url_index,
int rewriter_info_index,
int rewriter_info_size,
int url_list_size,
const GoogleString& url);
// Sets current_user_agent_
void SetCurrentUserAgent(const StringPiece& user_agent) {
current_user_agent_ = user_agent;
// Sets up user-agent and request-header to allow webp processing.
void SetupForWebp() {
AddRequestAttribute(HttpAttributes::kAccept, "image/webp");
void SetupForWebpLossless() {
AddRequestAttribute(HttpAttributes::kAccept, "image/webp");
void SetupForWebpAnimated() {
AddRequestAttribute(HttpAttributes::kAccept, "image/webp");
// Adds an attribute to be populated later into a RequestHeaders* object,
// along with the user-agent. Note that these attributes stay in the
// test-class until ClearRewriteDriver is called.
void AddRequestAttribute(StringPiece name, StringPiece value);
// Populates a RequestHeaders* object with al
void PopulateRequestHeaders(RequestHeaders* request_headers);
// Override HtmlParseTestBaseNoAlloc::ParseUrl to populate the
// request-headers into rewrite_driver_ before running filters.
virtual void ParseUrl(StringPiece url, StringPiece html_input);
GoogleString ExpectedNonce();
// When reaching into a cache that backs an HTTP cache you need a cache key
// that includes the fragment.
GoogleString HttpCacheKey(StringPiece url) {
return http_cache()->CompositeKey(url, rewrite_driver_->CacheFragment());
// Returns the value of a TimedVariable, specified by name.
int TimedValue(StringPiece name);
// The mock fetchers & stats are global across all Factories used in the
// tests.
MockUrlFetcher mock_url_fetcher_;
scoped_ptr<Statistics> statistics_;
// We have two independent RewriteDrivers representing two completely
// separate servers for the same domain (say behind a load-balancer).
// Server A runs rewrite_driver_ and will be used to rewrite pages and
// serves the rewritten resources.
scoped_ptr<TestRewriteDriverFactory> factory_;
scoped_ptr<TestRewriteDriverFactory> other_factory_;
ServerContext* server_context_;
RewriteDriver* rewrite_driver_;
ServerContext* other_server_context_;
RewriteDriver* other_rewrite_driver_;
scoped_ptr<HtmlWriterFilter> other_html_writer_filter_;
ActiveServerFlag active_server_;
bool use_managed_rewrite_drivers_;
StringPiece current_user_agent_;
StringVector request_attribute_names_;
StringVector request_attribute_values_;
MD5Hasher md5_hasher_;
RewriteOptions* options_; // owned by rewrite_driver_.
RewriteOptions* other_options_; // owned by other_rewrite_driver_.
UrlSegmentEncoder default_encoder_;
ResponseHeaders response_headers_;
const GoogleString kEtag0; // Etag with a 0 hash.
uint64 expected_nonce_;
GoogleString debug_message_; // Message used by DebugMessage
void ValidateFallbackHeaderSanitizationHelper(
StringPiece filter_id, StringPiece origin_content_type, bool expect_load);
} // namespace net_instaweb