blob: 799d003502ab35b342c4add5389feda86d092cf2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include <bitset>
#include <cstddef>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/domain_lawyer.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/experiment_util.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/file_load_policy.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/javascript_library_identification.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/dense_hash_map.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/enum_set.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/fast_wildcard_group.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/gtest_prod.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/hasher.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/md5_hasher.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/proto_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/rde_hash_map.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/sha1_signature.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_hash.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/thread_system.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/wildcard.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/http_names.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/semantic_type.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/user_agent_matcher.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/util/copy_on_write.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class MessageHandler;
class PurgeSet;
class RequestHeaders;
struct HttpOptions;
// Defines a set of customizations that can be applied to any Rewrite. There
// are multiple categories of customizations:
// - filter sets (controllable individually or by level)
// - options (arbitrarily typed variables)
// - domain customization (see DomainLawyer class).
// - FileLoadPolicy (enables reading resources as files from the file system)
// RewriteOptions can be specified in several ways, forming a hierarchy:
// - Globally for a process
// - Customized per server (e.g. Apache VirtualHost)
// - Customized at Directory level (e.g. Apache <Directory> or .htaccess)
// - Tuned at the request-level (e.g. via request-headers or query-params).
// The hierarchy is implemented via Merging.
// The options are themselves a complex system. Many Option objects are
// instantiated for each RewriteOptions instance. RewriteOptions can be
// constructed and destroyed multiple times per request so to reduce
// this cost, the static aspects of Options are factored out into
// Properties, which are intialized once per process via
// RewriteOptions::Initialize. Subclasses may also add new Properties
// and so property-list-merging takes place at Initialization time.
class RewriteOptions {
// These being protected is against the style guide but necessary to keep
// them protected while still being used by the Option class hierarchy.
// Note that incorrectly complains about the template classes but
// scripts/iwyu manually removes the warning.
template<class ValueType> class Property;
template<class RewriteOptionsSubclass, class OptionClass> class PropertyLeaf;
// If you add or remove anything from this list, you must also update the
// kFilterVectorStaticInitializer array in If you add
// an image-related filter or a css-related filter, you must add it to the
// kRelatedFilters array in and/or
// Each filter added here should go into at least one of the filter-arrays
// in, even if it's just kDangerousFilterSet.
// Filters that can improve bandwidth but have basically zero risk
// of breaking pages should be added to
// kOptimizeForBandwidthFilterSet. Filters with relatively low risk
// should be added to kCoreFilterSet.
enum Filter {
kAddBaseTag, // Update kFirstFilter if you add something before this.
kExperimentHttp2, // used while developing proper HTTP2 features.
kMobilizePrecompute, // TODO(jud): This is unused, remove it.
// When PageSpeed first started there was just off/on. Off wasn't entirely
// off, though, because:
// 1) If you turned it off because it broke something it's helpful to be able
// to turn it back on with query params while testing filter combinations
// to see what you broke.
// 2) After turning off PageSpeed you might still get some requests for
// .pagespeed. resources and you'd like to serve them.
// Around when the ngx_pagespeed port was getting started we were having
// discussions about how this was a bad setup for security purposes. Someone
// might want to completely disable the module, in a way where attackers
// couldn't re-enable it by sending query parameters or .pagespeed. requests.
// So we released ngx_pagepeed with "off" as a hard off. Discussion on this
// progressed, and we decided to add "unplugged" for mod_pagespeed which did
// the same thing as "off" in ngx_pagespeed. This left us in a state where
// (a) mod_pagespeed and ngx_pagespeed disagreed about what "off" meant and
// (b) there was no way to get mod_pagespeed's meaning of "off" in
// ngx_pagespeed.
// Since these are central user-controlled configuration knobs, and we don't
// want to surprise people by changing what they do, we decided to fix this by
// adding "standby" to ngx_pagespeed to do what "off" does in mod_pagespeed.
// Now we can tell people to use unplugged / standby / on, for both mps and
// nps, with the same meanings.
enum EnabledEnum {
// Deprecated.
// In Apache: equivalent to 'standby' below.
// In Nginx: equivalent to 'unplugged' below.
// Pagespeed runs normally. Can be overridden via query param.
// Completely passive. Do not serve .pagespeed. Return from handlers
// immediately. Cannot be overridden via query param.
// Don't optimize HTML. Do serve .pagespeed. Can be overridden via query
// param.
// Any new Option added should have a corresponding name here that must be
// passed in when Add*Property is called in AddProperties(). You must also
// update the LookupOptionByNameTest method in If
// you add an image-related option or css-related option you must also add
// it to the kRelatedOptions array in and/or
static const char kAcceptInvalidSignatures[];
static const char kAccessControlAllowOrigins[];
static const char kAddOptionsToUrls[];
static const char kAllowLoggingUrlsInLogRecord[];
static const char kAllowOptionsToBeSetByCookies[];
static const char kAllowVaryOn[];
static const char kAlwaysRewriteCss[];
static const char kAmpLinkPattern[];
static const char kAnalyticsID[];
static const char kAvoidRenamingIntrospectiveJavascript[];
static const char kAwaitPcacheLookup[];
static const char kBeaconReinstrumentTimeSec[];
static const char kBeaconUrl[];
static const char kCacheFragment[];
static const char kCacheSmallImagesUnrewritten[];
static const char kClientDomainRewrite[];
static const char kCombineAcrossPaths[];
static const char kContentExperimentID[];
static const char kContentExperimentVariantID[];
static const char kCriticalImagesBeaconEnabled[];
static const char kCssFlattenMaxBytes[];
static const char kCssImageInlineMaxBytes[];
static const char kCssInlineMaxBytes[];
static const char kCssOutlineMinBytes[];
static const char kCssPreserveURLs[];
static const char kDefaultCacheHtml[];
static const char kDisableBackgroundFetchesForBots[];
static const char kDisableRewriteOnNoTransform[];
static const char kDomainRewriteCookies[];
static const char kDomainRewriteHyperlinks[];
static const char kDomainShardCount[];
static const char kDownstreamCachePurgeMethod[];
static const char kDownstreamCacheRebeaconingKey[];
static const char kDownstreamCacheRewrittenPercentageThreshold[];
static const char kEnableAggressiveRewritersForMobile[];
static const char kEnableCachePurge[];
static const char kEnableDeferJsExperimental[];
static const char kEnableExtendedInstrumentation[];
static const char kEnableLazyLoadHighResImages[];
static const char kEnablePrioritizingScripts[];
static const char kEnabled[];
static const char kEnrollExperiment[];
static const char kExperimentCookieDurationMs[];
static const char kExperimentSlot[];
static const char kFetcherTimeOutMs[];
static const char kFinderPropertiesCacheExpirationTimeMs[];
static const char kFinderPropertiesCacheRefreshTimeMs[];
static const char kFlushBufferLimitBytes[];
static const char kFlushHtml[];
static const char kFollowFlushes[];
static const char kGoogleFontCssInlineMaxBytes[];
static const char kForbidAllDisabledFilters[];
static const char kHideRefererUsingMeta[];
static const char kHttpCacheCompressionLevel[];
static const char kHonorCsp[];
static const char kIdleFlushTimeMs[];
static const char kImageInlineMaxBytes[];
// TODO(huibao): Unify terminology for image rewrites. For example,
// kImageJpeg*Quality might be renamed to kImageJpegQuality.
static const char kImageJpegNumProgressiveScans[];
static const char kImageJpegNumProgressiveScansForSmallScreens[];
static const char kImageJpegQualityForSaveData[];
static const char kImageJpegRecompressionQuality[];
static const char kImageJpegRecompressionQualityForSmallScreens[];
static const char kImageLimitOptimizedPercent[];
static const char kImageLimitRenderedAreaPercent[];
static const char kImageLimitResizeAreaPercent[];
static const char kImageMaxRewritesAtOnce[];
static const char kImagePreserveURLs[];
static const char kImageRecompressionQuality[];
static const char kImageResolutionLimitBytes[];
static const char kImageWebpQualityForSaveData[];
static const char kImageWebpRecompressionQuality[];
static const char kImageWebpRecompressionQualityForSmallScreens[];
static const char kImageWebpAnimatedRecompressionQuality[];
static const char kImageWebpTimeoutMs[];
static const char kImplicitCacheTtlMs[];
static const char kIncreaseSpeedTracking[];
static const char kInlineOnlyCriticalImages[];
static const char kInPlacePreemptiveRewriteCss[];
static const char kInPlacePreemptiveRewriteCssImages[];
static const char kInPlacePreemptiveRewriteImages[];
static const char kInPlacePreemptiveRewriteJavascript[];
static const char kInPlaceResourceOptimization[];
static const char kInPlaceRewriteDeadlineMs[];
static const char kInPlaceSMaxAgeSec[];
static const char kInPlaceWaitForOptimized[];
static const char kJsInlineMaxBytes[];
static const char kJsOutlineMinBytes[];
static const char kJsPreserveURLs[];
static const char kLazyloadImagesAfterOnload[];
static const char kLazyloadImagesBlankUrl[];
static const char kLoadFromFileCacheTtlMs[];
static const char kLogBackgroundRewrite[];
static const char kLogMobilizationSamples[];
static const char kLogRewriteTiming[];
static const char kLogUrlIndices[];
static const char kLowercaseHtmlNames[];
static const char kMaxCacheableResponseContentLength[];
static const char kMaxCombinedCssBytes[];
static const char kMaxCombinedJsBytes[];
static const char kMaxHtmlCacheTimeMs[];
static const char kMaxHtmlParseBytes[];
static const char kMaxImageSizeLowResolutionBytes[];
static const char kMaxInlinedPreviewImagesIndex[];
static const char kMaxLowResImageSizeBytes[];
static const char kMaxLowResToHighResImageSizePercentage[];
static const char kMaxRewriteInfoLogSize[];
static const char kMaxUrlSegmentSize[];
static const char kMaxUrlSize[];
static const char kMetadataCacheStalenessThresholdMs[];
static const char kMinImageSizeLowResolutionBytes[];
static const char kMinResourceCacheTimeToRewriteMs[];
static const char kModifyCachingHeaders[];
static const char kNoop[];
static const char kNoTransformOptimizedImages[];
static const char kNonCacheablesForCachePartialHtml[];
static const char kObliviousPagespeedUrls[];
static const char kOptionCookiesDurationMs[];
static const char kOverrideCachingTtlMs[];
static const char kPreserveSubresourceHints[];
static const char kPreserveUrlRelativity[];
static const char kPrivateNotVaryForIE[];
static const char kProactiveResourceFreshening[];
static const char kProactivelyFreshenUserFacingRequest[];
static const char kProgressiveJpegMinBytes[];
static const char kPubliclyCacheMismatchedHashesExperimental[];
static const char kRejectBlacklistedStatusCode[];
static const char kRejectBlacklisted[];
static const char kRemoteConfigurationTimeoutMs[];
static const char kRemoteConfigurationUrl[];
static const char kReportUnloadTime[];
static const char kRequestOptionOverride[];
static const char kRespectVary[];
static const char kRespectXForwardedProto[];
static const char kResponsiveImageDensities[];
static const char kRewriteDeadlineMs[];
static const char kRewriteLevel[];
static const char kRewriteRandomDropPercentage[];
static const char kRewriteUncacheableResources[];
static const char kRunningExperiment[];
static const char kServeStaleIfFetchError[];
static const char kServeStaleWhileRevalidateThresholdSec[];
static const char kServeXhrAccessControlHeaders[];
static const char kStickyQueryParameters[];
static const char kSupportNoScriptEnabled[];
static const char kTestOnlyPrioritizeCriticalCssDontApplyOriginalCss[];
static const char kUrlSigningKey[];
static const char kUseAnalyticsJs[];
static const char kUseBlankImageForInlinePreview[];
static const char kUseExperimentalJsMinifier[];
static const char kUseFallbackPropertyCacheValues[];
static const char kUseImageScanlineApi[];
static const char kXModPagespeedHeaderValue[];
static const char kXPsaBlockingRewrite[];
// Options that require special handling, e.g. non-scalar values
static const char kAllow[];
static const char kBlockingRewriteRefererUrls[];
static const char kDisableFilters[];
static const char kDisallow[];
static const char kDomain[];
static const char kDownstreamCachePurgeLocationPrefix[];
static const char kEnableFilters[];
static const char kExperimentVariable[];
static const char kExperimentSpec[];
static const char kForbidFilters[];
static const char kInlineResourcesWithoutExplicitAuthorization[];
static const char kRetainComment[];
static const char kPermitIdsForCssCombining[];
// 2-argument ones:
static const char kAddResourceHeader[];
static const char kCustomFetchHeader[];
static const char kLoadFromFile[];
static const char kLoadFromFileMatch[];
static const char kLoadFromFileRule[];
static const char kLoadFromFileRuleMatch[];
static const char kMapOriginDomain[];
static const char kMapProxyDomain[];
static const char kMapRewriteDomain[];
static const char kShardDomain[];
// 3-argument ones:
static const char kLibrary[];
static const char kUrlValuedAttribute[];
// apache/ or system/ specific:
// TODO(matterbury): move these to
static const char kCacheFlushFilename[];
static const char kCacheFlushPollIntervalSec[];
static const char kCompressMetadataCache[];
static const char kFetcherProxy[];
static const char kFetchHttps[];
static const char kFileCacheCleanInodeLimit[];
static const char kFileCacheCleanIntervalMs[];
static const char kFileCacheCleanSizeKb[];
static const char kFileCachePath[];
static const char kLogDir[];
static const char kLruCacheByteLimit[];
static const char kLruCacheKbPerProcess[];
static const char kMemcachedServers[];
static const char kMemcachedThreads[];
static const char kMemcachedTimeoutUs[];
static const char kProxySuffix[];
static const char kRateLimitBackgroundFetches[];
static const char kServeWebpToAnyAgent[];
static const char kSlurpDirectory[];
static const char kSlurpFlushLimit[];
static const char kSlurpReadOnly[];
static const char kSslCertDirectory[];
static const char kSslCertFile[];
static const char kStatisticsEnabled[];
static const char kStatisticsLoggingChartsCSS[];
static const char kStatisticsLoggingChartsJS[];
static const char kStatisticsLoggingEnabled[];
static const char kStatisticsLoggingIntervalMs[];
static const char kStatisticsLoggingMaxFileSizeKb[];
static const char kTestProxy[];
static const char kTestProxySlurp[];
static const char kUseSharedMemLocking[];
// The option name you have when you don't have an option name.
static const char kNullOption[];
// We allow query params to be set in custom beacon URLs through the
// ModPagespeedBeaconUrl option, but we don't use those query params for
// validation of a beacon URL. The http and https fields should be the URLs
// that beacon responses are to be sent to, while http_in and https_in are the
// fields that should be validated on the server to verify if a URL is a
// beacon request (they are just a precomputation of the corresponding
// outbound URL with query params stripped).
struct BeaconUrl {
GoogleString http;
GoogleString https;
GoogleString http_in;
GoogleString https_in;
struct Color {
unsigned char r;
unsigned char g;
unsigned char b;
struct MobTheme {
Color background_color;
Color foreground_color;
GoogleString logo_url;
struct NameValue {
NameValue(StringPiece name_in, StringPiece value_in) {
GoogleString name;
GoogleString value;
// We only create this class so that we get the correct ParseFromString()
// version for parsing densities.
class ResponsiveDensities : public std::vector<double> {
class AllowVaryOn {
// Strings for display.
static const char kNoneString[];
static const char kAutoString[];
AllowVaryOn() :
allow_user_agent_(false) {
GoogleString ToString() const;
bool allow_auto() const {
return allow_auto_;
void set_allow_auto(bool v) {
allow_auto_ = v;
bool allow_accept() const {
return allow_accept_;
void set_allow_accept(bool v) {
allow_accept_ = v;
bool allow_save_data() const {
return allow_save_data_ || allow_auto_;
void set_allow_save_data(bool v) {
allow_save_data_ = v;
bool allow_user_agent() const {
return allow_user_agent_;
void set_allow_user_agent(bool v) {
allow_user_agent_ = v;
// All of the properties must be included in
// RewriteOptions::OptionSignature.
bool allow_auto_;
bool allow_accept_;
bool allow_save_data_;
bool allow_user_agent_;
bool AllowVaryOnAuto() const {
return allow_vary_on_.value().allow_auto();
bool AllowVaryOnAccept() const {
return allow_vary_on_.value().allow_accept();
bool AllowVaryOnSaveData() const {
return allow_vary_on_.value().allow_save_data();
bool AllowVaryOnUserAgent() const {
return allow_vary_on_.value().allow_user_agent();
GoogleString AllowVaryOnToString() const {
return ToString(allow_vary_on_.value());
// Returns true if PageSpeed responds differently for image requests with
// Save-Data header, i.e., using a unique quality and adding
// "Vary: Save-Data" header.
bool SupportSaveData() const {
return (HasValidSaveDataQualities() && AllowVaryOnSaveData());
void set_allow_vary_on(const AllowVaryOn& x) {
set_option(x, &allow_vary_on_);
// Image qualities and parameters, after applying the inheritance rules.
int64 ImageJpegQuality() const;
int64 ImageJpegQualityForSmallScreen() const;
int64 ImageJpegQualityForSaveData() const;
int64 ImageWebpQuality() const;
int64 ImageWebpQualityForSmallScreen() const;
int64 ImageWebpQualityForSaveData() const;
int64 ImageWebpAnimatedQuality() const;
int64 ImageJpegNumProgressiveScansForSmallScreen() const;
// Returns true if any quality for small screen is valid and different from
// the base quality.
bool HasValidSmallScreenQualities() const;
// Returns true if any quality for Save-Data is valid and different from the
// base quality.
bool HasValidSaveDataQualities() const;
// This version index serves as global signature key. Much of the
// data emitted in signatures is based on the option ordering, which
// can change as we add new options. So every time there is a
// binary-incompatible change to the option ordering, we bump this
// version.
// Note: we now use a two-letter code for identifying enabled filters, so
// there is no need bump the option version when changing the filter enum.
// Updating this value will have the indirect effect of flushing the metadata
// cache. The HTTPCache can be flushed by updating kHttpCacheVersion in
// This version number should be incremented if any default-values
// are changed, either in an Add*Property() call or via
// options->set_default.
static const int kOptionsVersion = 14;
// Number of bytes used for signature hashing.
static const int kHashBytes = 20;
// Number of bytes capacity in the URL invalidation set.
static const int kCachePurgeBytes = 25000;
// Determines the scope at which an option is evaluated. In Apache,
// for example, kDirectoryScope indicates it can be changed via .htaccess
// files, which is the only way that sites using shared hosting can change
// settings.
// The options are ordered from most permissive to least permissive.
enum OptionScope {
kQueryScope, // customized at query (query-param, request headers,
// response headers)
kDirectoryScope, // customized at directory level (.htaccess, <Directory>)
kServerScope, // customized at server level (e.g. VirtualHost)
// Customized at process level only (command-line flags). This is a legacy
// value that will make us accept it in a VirtualHost in Apache for
// backwards compatibility; it should not be used for new options.
// Customized at process level and enforced as such.
static const char kCacheExtenderId[];
static const char kCssCombinerId[];
static const char kCssFilterId[];
static const char kCssImportFlattenerId[];
static const char kCssInlineId[];
static const char kGoogleFontCssInlineId[];
static const char kImageCombineId[];
static const char kImageCompressionId[];
static const char kInPlaceRewriteId[];
static const char kJavascriptCombinerId[];
static const char kJavascriptInlineId[];
static const char kJavascriptMinId[];
static const char kJavascriptMinSourceMapId[];
static const char kLocalStorageCacheId[];
static const char kPrioritizeCriticalCssId[];
// Return the appropriate human-readable filter name for the given filter,
// e.g. "CombineCss".
static const char* FilterName(Filter filter);
// Returns a two-letter id code for this filter, used for for encoding
// URLs.
static const char* FilterId(Filter filter);
// Returns the number of filter ids. This is used to loop over all filter ids
// using the FilterId() method.
static int NumFilterIds();
// Used for enumerating over all entries in the Filter enum.
static const Filter kFirstFilter = kAddBaseTag;
typedef EnumSet<Filter, kEndOfFilters> FilterSet;
typedef std::vector<Filter> FilterVector;
// Convenience name for a set of rewrite filter ids.
typedef std::set<GoogleString> FilterIdSet;
// Lookup the given name to see if it's a filter name or one of the special
// names like "core" or "rewrite_images", and if so add the corresponding
// filter(s) to the given set. If the given name doesn't match -and- if
// handler is not NULL, logs a warning message to handler. Returns true if
// the name matched and the set was updated, false otherwise.
static bool AddByNameToFilterSet(const StringPiece& option, FilterSet* set,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Convenience name for (name,value) pairs of options (typically filter
// parameters), as well as sets of those pairs.
typedef std::pair<GoogleString, GoogleString> OptionStringPair;
typedef std::set<OptionStringPair> OptionSet;
// The base class for a Property. This class contains fields of
// Properties that are independent of type.
class PropertyBase {
PropertyBase(const char* id, StringPiece option_name)
: id_(id),
index_(-1) {
virtual ~PropertyBase();
// Connect the specified RewriteOption to this property.
// set_index() must previously have been called on this.
virtual void InitializeOption(RewriteOptions* options) const = 0;
void set_do_not_use_for_signature_computation(bool x) {
do_not_use_for_signature_computation_ = x;
bool is_used_for_signature_computation() const {
return !do_not_use_for_signature_computation_;
void set_scope(OptionScope x) { scope_ = x; }
OptionScope scope() const { return scope_; }
void set_help_text(const char* x) { help_text_ = x; }
const char* help_text() const { return help_text_; }
void set_index(int index) { index_ = index; }
const char* id() const { return id_; }
StringPiece option_name() const { return option_name_; }
int index() const { return index_; }
bool safe_to_print() const { return safe_to_print_; }
void set_safe_to_print(bool safe_to_print) {
safe_to_print_ = safe_to_print;
const char* id_;
const char* help_text_;
StringPiece option_name_; // Key into all_options_.
OptionScope scope_;
bool do_not_use_for_signature_computation_; // Default is false.
bool safe_to_print_; // Safe to print in debug filter output.
int index_;
typedef std::vector<PropertyBase*> PropertyVector;
// Base class for Option -- the instantiation of a Property that
// occurs in each RewriteOptions instance.
class OptionBase {
OptionBase() {}
virtual ~OptionBase();
// Returns if parsing was successful. error_detail will be appended to
// to an error message if this returns false. Implementors are not
// required to set *error_detail; its the callers responsibility to do so.
virtual bool SetFromString(StringPiece value_string,
GoogleString* error_detail) = 0;
virtual void Merge(const OptionBase* src) = 0;
virtual bool was_set() const = 0;
virtual GoogleString Signature(const Hasher* hasher) const = 0;
virtual GoogleString ToString() const = 0;
const char* id() const { return property()->id(); }
const char* help_text() const { return property()->help_text(); }
OptionScope scope() const { return property()->scope(); }
StringPiece option_name() const { return property()->option_name(); }
bool is_used_for_signature_computation() const {
return property()->is_used_for_signature_computation();
virtual const PropertyBase* property() const = 0;
// Convenience name for a set of rewrite options.
typedef std::vector<OptionBase*> OptionBaseVector;
// TODO(huibao): Use bitmask for the values of the enums, and make combination
// of rewrite levels possible.
enum RewriteLevel {
// Enable no filters. Parse HTML but do not perform any
// transformations. This is the default value. Most users should
// explicitly enable the kCoreFilters level by calling
// SetRewriteLevel(kCoreFilters).
// Enable filters that make resources smaller, but carry no risk
// of site breakage. Turning this on implies inplace resource
// optimization and preserve-URLs.
// Enable the core set of filters. These filters are considered
// generally safe for most sites, though even safe filters can
// break some sites. Most users should specify this option, and
// then optionally add or remove specific filters based on
// specific needs.
// Enable the filters which are essential to make webpages designed for
// desktop computers look good on mobile devices.
// Enable all filters intended for core, but some of which might
// need more testing. Good for if users are willing to test out
// the results of the rewrite more closely.
// Enable all filters. This includes filters you should never turn
// on for a real page, like StripScripts!
// Used for return value of SetOptionFromName.
enum OptionSettingResult {
static const char kDefaultAllowVaryOn[];
static const int kDefaultBeaconReinstrumentTimeSec;
static const int64 kDefaultCssFlattenMaxBytes;
static const int64 kDefaultCssImageInlineMaxBytes;
static const int64 kDefaultCssInlineMaxBytes;
static const int64 kDefaultCssOutlineMinBytes;
static const int64 kDefaultGoogleFontCssInlineMaxBytes;
static const int64 kDefaultImageInlineMaxBytes;
static const int64 kDefaultJsInlineMaxBytes;
static const int64 kDefaultJsOutlineMinBytes;
static const int64 kDefaultProgressiveJpegMinBytes;
static const int64 kDefaultMaxCacheableResponseContentLength;
static const int64 kDefaultMaxHtmlCacheTimeMs;
static const int64 kDefaultMaxHtmlParseBytes;
static const int64 kDefaultMaxLowResImageSizeBytes;
static const int kDefaultMaxLowResToFullResImageSizePercentage;
static const int64 kDefaultMetadataInputErrorsCacheTtlMs;
static const int64 kDefaultMinResourceCacheTimeToRewriteMs;
static const char kDefaultDownstreamCachePurgeMethod[];
static const int64 kDefaultDownstreamCacheRewrittenPercentageThreshold;
static const int64 kDefaultIdleFlushTimeMs;
static const int64 kDefaultFlushBufferLimitBytes;
static const int64 kDefaultImplicitCacheTtlMs;
static const int64 kDefaultPrioritizeVisibleContentCacheTimeMs;
static const char kDefaultBeaconUrl[];
static const int64 kDefaultImageRecompressQuality;
static const int64 kDefaultImageJpegQualityForSaveData;
static const int64 kDefaultImageJpegRecompressQuality;
static const int64 kDefaultImageJpegRecompressQualityForSmallScreens;
static const int kDefaultImageLimitOptimizedPercent;
static const int kDefaultImageLimitRenderedAreaPercent;
static const int kDefaultImageLimitResizeAreaPercent;
static const int64 kDefaultImageResolutionLimitBytes;
static const int64 kDefaultImageJpegNumProgressiveScans;
static const int64 kDefaultImageWebpQualityForSaveData;
static const int64 kDefaultImageWebpRecompressQuality;
static const int64 kDefaultImageWebpAnimatedRecompressQuality;
static const int64 kDefaultImageWebpRecompressQualityForSmallScreens;
static const int64 kDefaultImageWebpTimeoutMs;
static const int kDefaultDomainShardCount;
static const int64 kDefaultOptionCookiesDurationMs;
static const int64 kDefaultLoadFromFileCacheTtlMs;
static const double kDefaultResponsiveImageDensities[];
// IE limits URL size overall to about 2k characters. See
static const int kDefaultMaxUrlSize;
static const int kDefaultImageMaxRewritesAtOnce;
// See
// Apache evidently limits each URL path segment (between /) to
// about 256 characters. This is not fundamental URL limitation
// but is Apache specific.
static const int kDefaultMaxUrlSegmentSize;
// Default time to wait for rewrite before returning original resource.
static const int kDefaultRewriteDeadlineMs;
// Default number of first N images for which low res image is generated by
// DelayImagesFilter.
static const int kDefaultMaxInlinedPreviewImagesIndex;
// Default minimum image size above which low res image is generated by
// InlinePreviewImagesFilter.
static const int64 kDefaultMinImageSizeLowResolutionBytes;
// Default maximum image size below which low res image is generated by
// InlinePreviewImagesFilter.
static const int64 kDefaultMaxImageSizeLowResolutionBytes;
// Default cache expiration value for finder properties in pcache.
static const int64 kDefaultFinderPropertiesCacheExpirationTimeMs;
// Default cache refresh value for finder properties in pcache.
static const int64 kDefaultFinderPropertiesCacheRefreshTimeMs;
// Default duration after which the experiment cookie will expire on the
// user's browser.
static const int64 kDefaultExperimentCookieDurationMs;
// Default time in milliseconds for which a metadata cache entry may be used
// after expiry.
static const int64 kDefaultMetadataCacheStalenessThresholdMs;
// Default maximum size of the combined CSS resource.
static const int64 kDefaultMaxCombinedCssBytes;
// Default maximum size of the combined js resource generated by JsCombiner.
static const int64 kDefaultMaxCombinedJsBytes;
static const int kDefaultExperimentTrafficPercent;
// Default Custom Variable slot in which to put Experiment information.
static const int kDefaultExperimentSlot;
static const char kDefaultBlockingRewriteKey[];
static const char kRejectedRequestUrlKeyName[];
static const int kDefaultPropertyCacheHttpStatusStabilityThreshold;
static const int kDefaultMaxRewriteInfoLogSize;
// This class is a separate subset of options for running an experiment.
// These options can be specified by a spec string that looks like:
// "id=<number greater than 0>;level=<rewrite level>;enabled=
// <comma-separated-list of filters to enable>;disabled=
// <comma-separated-list of filters to disable>;options=
// <comma-separated-list of option=value pairs to set>.
class ExperimentSpec {
// Creates a ExperimentSpec parsed from spec.
// If spec doesn't have an id, then id_ will be set to
// experiment::kExperimentNotSet. These ExperimentSpecs will then be
// rejected by AddExperimentSpec().
ExperimentSpec(const StringPiece& spec, const RewriteOptions* options,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Creates a ExperimentSpec with id_=id. All other variables
// are initialized to 0.
// This is primarily used for setting up the control and for cloning.
explicit ExperimentSpec(int id);
virtual ~ExperimentSpec();
// Return a ExperimentSpec with all the same information as this one.
virtual ExperimentSpec* Clone();
bool is_valid() const { return id_ >= 0; }
// Accessors.
int id() const { return id_; }
int percent() const { return percent_; }
const GoogleString& ga_id() const { return ga_id_; }
int slot() const { return ga_variable_slot_; }
RewriteLevel rewrite_level() const { return rewrite_level_; }
FilterSet enabled_filters() const { return enabled_filters_; }
FilterSet disabled_filters() const { return disabled_filters_; }
OptionSet filter_options() const { return filter_options_; }
bool matches_device_type(UserAgentMatcher::DeviceType type) const;
bool use_default() const { return use_default_; }
GoogleString ToString() const;
// Mutate the origin domains in DomainLawyer with alternate_origin_domains_.
void ApplyAlternateOriginsToDomainLawyer(DomainLawyer* domain_lawyer,
MessageHandler* handler) const;
// Merges a spec into this. This follows the same semantics as
// RewriteOptions. Specifically, filter/options list get unioned, and
// vars get overwritten, except ID. In the event of a conflict, e.g.
// preserve vs extend_cache, *this will take precedence.
void Merge(const ExperimentSpec& spec);
typedef std::bitset<net_instaweb::UserAgentMatcher::kEndOfDeviceType>
static bool ParseDeviceTypeBitSet(const StringPiece& in,
DeviceTypeBitSet* out,
MessageHandler* handler);
struct AlternateOriginDomainSpec {
StringVector serving_domains;
GoogleString origin_domain;
GoogleString host_header;
// Simple check that 's' is not obviously an invalid host. Used to avoid
// problems when a port number is accidentally placed in a host field.
static bool LooksLikeValidHost(const StringPiece& s);
// Parses the string after an 'alternate_origin_domain' experiment
// option, returning if it was successfull. If it returns false, the spec is
// invalid and should be discarded.
static bool ParseAlternateOriginDomain(const StringPiece& in,
AlternateOriginDomainSpec* out,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Combine consecutive entries in a StringPieceVector such that
// [ a, b, "host, port" ] can be turned into [ a, b, host:port ].
// Inspects vec[first_pos] and vec[first_pos + 1]. If they appear to be a
// quoted tuple, will replace vec[first_pos] with a combined value and
// vec[first_pos + 1] will be removed, ie: vec will reduce in size by 1.
// combined_container is used as the underlying storage for the combined
// string, if necessary.
static void CombineQuotedHostPort(StringPieceVector* vec, size_t first_pos,
GoogleString* combined_container);
// Returns a copy of the input string that will be surrounded by double
// quotes if the input string contains a colon. This is used to turn
// host:port into "host:port" when printing an ExperimentSpec.
static GoogleString QuoteHostPort(const GoogleString& in);
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteOptionsTest, ExperimentMergeTest);
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteOptionsTest, DeviceTypeMergeTest);
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteOptionsTest, AlternateOriginDomainMergeTest);
// Parse 'spec' and set the FilterSets, rewrite level, inlining thresholds,
// and OptionSets accordingly.
void Initialize(const StringPiece& spec, MessageHandler* handler);
// If you add any members to this list, be sure to also add them to the
// Merge method.
int id_; // id for this experiment
GoogleString ga_id_; // Google Analytics ID for this experiment
int ga_variable_slot_;
int percent_; // percentage of traffic to go through this experiment.
RewriteLevel rewrite_level_;
FilterSet enabled_filters_;
FilterSet disabled_filters_;
OptionSet filter_options_;
// bitset to indicate which device types this ExperimentSpec should apply
// to. If NULL, no device type was specified and the experiment applies
// to all device types.
scoped_ptr<DeviceTypeBitSet> matches_device_types_;
// Use whatever RewriteOptions' settings are without experiments
// for this experiment.
bool use_default_;
// vector of parsed alternate_origin_domain options. These mutations will
// be applied to a DomainLawyer when passed to MutateDomainLawer.
typedef std::vector<AlternateOriginDomainSpec> AlternateOriginDomains;
AlternateOriginDomains alternate_origin_domains_;
// Represents the content type of user-defined url-valued attributes.
struct ElementAttributeCategory {
GoogleString element;
GoogleString attribute;
semantic_type::Category category;
// Identifies static properties of RewriteOptions that must be
// initialized before the properties can be used. Primarily for the
// benefit of unit tests and valgrind sanity, Initialize/Terminate
// is balance-checked.
// TODO(jmarantz): Add static properties -- currently there are none.
class Properties {
// Initializes a static Properties* object. Pass the address of a static
// member variable. A count is kept of how many times Initialize is called.
// True will be returned if this was the first call to initialize
// the properties object, and this can be used by implementations
// to decide whether to initialize other static variables.
// Initialization is not thread-safe.
static bool Initialize(Properties** properties);
// Terminates a static Properties* object. Pass the address of a static
// member variable.
// True will be returned if Terminate has been called the same number
// of times as Initialize is called, and this can be used to decide
// whether to clean up other static variables.
// Termination is not thread-safe.
static bool Terminate(Properties** properties_handle);
// Returns the number of properties
int size() const { return property_vector_.size(); }
const PropertyBase* property(int index) const {
return property_vector_[index];
PropertyBase* property(int index) { return property_vector_[index]; }
// Merges the passed-in property-vector into this one, sorting the
// merged properties. Each property's needs its index into the
// merged vector for initializing subclass-specific Options in
// each constructor. So this method mutates its input by setting
// an index field in each property.
void Merge(Properties* properties);
void push_back(PropertyBase* p) { property_vector_.push_back(p); }
// This object should not be constructed/destructed directly; it should be
// created by calling Properties::Initialize and Properties::Terminate.
// initialization_count_ acts as a reference count: it is incremented on
// Initialize(), and decremented on Terminate(). At 0 the object is
// deleted.
int initialization_count_;
// owns_properties_ is set to true if the PropertyBase* in the vector should
// be deleted when Terminate is called bringing initialization_count_ to 0.
// RewriteOptions::properties_.owns_properties_ is true.
// RewriteOptions::all_properties_.owns_properties_ is false.
bool owns_properties_;
PropertyVector property_vector_;
// Maps a filter's enum (kAddHead) to its id ("ah") and name ("Add Head").
struct FilterEnumToIdAndNameEntry {
RewriteOptions::Filter filter_enum;
const char* filter_id;
const char* filter_name;
static bool ParseRewriteLevel(const StringPiece& in, RewriteLevel* out);
typedef std::set<semantic_type::Category> ResourceCategorySet;
static bool ParseInlineUnauthorizedResourceType(
const StringPiece& in,
ResourceCategorySet* resource_types);
// Parse a beacon url, or a pair of beacon urls (http https) separated by a
// space. If only an http url is given, the https url is derived from it
// by simply substituting the protocol.
static bool ParseBeaconUrl(const StringPiece& in, BeaconUrl* out);
// Checks if either of the optimizing rewrite options are ON and it includes
// kRecompressJPeg, kRecompressPng, kRecompressWebp, kConvertGifToPng,
// kConvertJpegToWebp, kConvertPngToJpeg, and kConvertToWebpLossless.
bool ImageOptimizationEnabled() const;
explicit RewriteOptions(ThreadSystem* thread_system);
virtual ~RewriteOptions();
// Static initialization of members. Calls to Initialize and
// Terminate must be matched. Returns 'true' for the first
// Initialize call and the last Terminate call.
static bool Initialize();
static bool Terminate();
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Determines whether it's OK to modify the RewriteOptions in the
// current thread. Note that this is stricter than necessary, but
// makes it easier to reason about potential thread safety issues
// for copy-on-write sharing of substructures.
// This is exposed as an external API for ease of unit testing.
bool ModificationOK() const;
// Determines whether it's OK to merge from the RewriteOptions object
// in the current thread. Note that this is stricter than necessary, but
// makes it easier to reason about potential thread safety issues
// for copy-on-write sharing of substructures.
// This is exposed as an external API for ease of unit testing.
bool MergeOK() const;
// Initializes the Options objects in a RewriteOptions instance
// based on the supplied Properties vector. Note that subclasses
// can statically define additional properties, in which case they
// should call this method from their constructor.
void InitializeOptions(const Properties* properties);
bool modified() const { return modified_; }
// Sets the default rewrite level for this RewriteOptions object only.
// Note that the defaults for other RewriteOptions objects are unaffected.
// TODO(jmarantz): Get rid of this method. The semantics it requires are
// costly to implement and don't add much value.
void SetDefaultRewriteLevel(RewriteLevel level) {
// Do not set the modified bit -- we are only changing the default.
void SetRewriteLevel(RewriteLevel level) {
set_option(level, &level_);
// Returns true iff given name and value are valid to set as a http header.
// If false is returned, error_message will have a descriptive failure
// message set.
bool ValidateConfiguredHttpHeader(const GoogleString& name,
const GoogleString& value,
GoogleString* error_message);
// If false was returned, no changes are made, and error_message will be
// assigned a failure description. If true was returned, the name/value
// passed validation and have been appended to resource_headers_.
// Multiple calls to ValidateAndAddResourceHeader with the same name will
// result in multiple headers being appended with the same name.
bool ValidateAndAddResourceHeader(const StringPiece& name,
const StringPiece& value,
GoogleString* error_message);
// Unconditionally appends the given name / value to resource_headers_. Use
// ValidateAndAddResourceHeader if you need validation.
void AddResourceHeader(const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& value);
const NameValue* resource_header(int i) const {
return resource_headers_[i];
int num_resource_headers() const {
return resource_headers_.size();
// Specify a header to insert when fetching subresources.
void AddCustomFetchHeader(const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& value);
const NameValue* custom_fetch_header(int i) const {
return custom_fetch_headers_[i];
int num_custom_fetch_headers() const {
return custom_fetch_headers_.size();
// Returns the spec with the id_ that matches id. Returns NULL if no
// spec matches.
ExperimentSpec* GetExperimentSpec(int id) const;
// Returns false if id is negative, or if the id is reserved
// for NoExperiment or NotSet, or if we already have an experiment
// with that id.
bool AvailableExperimentId(int id);
// Creates a ExperimentSpec from spec and adds it to the configuration,
// returning it on success and NULL on failure.
virtual ExperimentSpec* AddExperimentSpec(const StringPiece& spec,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Sets which side of the experiment these RewriteOptions are on.
// Cookie-setting must be done separately.
// experiment::kExperimentNotSet indicates it hasn't been set.
// experiment::kNoExperiment indicates this request shouldn't be
// in any experiment.
// Then sets the rewriters to match the experiment indicated by id.
// Returns true if succeeded in setting state.
virtual bool SetExperimentState(int id);
// We encode experiment information in urls as an experiment index: the first
// ExperimentSpec is a, the next is b, and so on. Empty string or an invalid
// letter means kNoExperiment.
void SetExperimentStateStr(const StringPiece& experiment_index);
int experiment_id() const { return experiment_id_; }
int experiment_spec_id(int i) const {
return experiment_specs_[i]->id();
// Returns a string representation of experiment_id() suitable for consumption
// by SetExperimentStateStr(), encoding the index of the current experiment
// (not its id). If we're not running an experiment, returns the empty
// string.
GoogleString GetExperimentStateStr() const;
ExperimentSpec* experiment_spec(int i) const {
return experiment_specs_[i];
int num_experiments() const { return experiment_specs_.size(); }
bool enroll_experiment() const {
return enroll_experiment_id() != experiment::kForceNoExperiment;
// Store that when we see <element attribute=X> we should treat X as a URL
// pointing to a resource of the type indicated by category. For example,
// while by default we would treat the 'src' attribute of an a 'img' element
// as the URL for an image and will cache-extend, inline, or otherwise
// optimize it as appropriate, we would not do the same for the 'src'
// atrtribute of a 'span' element (<span src=...>) because there's no "src"
// attribute of "span" in the HTML spec. If someone needed us to treat
// span.src as a URL, however, they could call:
// AddUrlValuedAttribute("src", "span", appropriate_category)
// Makes copies of element and attribute.
void AddUrlValuedAttribute(const StringPiece& element,
const StringPiece& attribute,
semantic_type::Category category);
// Look up a url-valued attribute, return details via element, attribute,
// and category. index must be less than num_url_valued_attributes().
void UrlValuedAttribute(int index,
StringPiece* element,
StringPiece* attribute,
semantic_type::Category* category) const;
int num_url_valued_attributes() const {
if (url_valued_attributes_ == NULL) {
return 0;
} else {
return url_valued_attributes_->size();
void AddInlineUnauthorizedResourceType(semantic_type::Category category);
bool HasInlineUnauthorizedResourceType(
semantic_type::Category category) const;
void ClearInlineUnauthorizedResourceTypes();
void set_inline_unauthorized_resource_types(ResourceCategorySet x);
// Store size, md5 hash and canonical url for library recognition.
bool RegisterLibrary(
uint64 bytes, StringPiece md5_hash, StringPiece canonical_url) {
return WriteableJavascriptLibraryIdentification()->RegisterLibrary(
bytes, md5_hash, canonical_url);
// Return the javascript_library_identification_ object that applies to
// the current configuration (NULL if identification is disabled).
const JavascriptLibraryIdentification* javascript_library_identification()
const {
if (Enabled(kCanonicalizeJavascriptLibraries)) {
return javascript_library_identification_.get();
} else {
return NULL;
RewriteLevel level() const { return level_.value(); }
// Enables filters specified without a prefix or with a prefix of '+' and
// disables filters specified with a prefix of '-'. Returns false if any
// of the filter names are invalid, but all the valid ones will be
// added anyway.
bool AdjustFiltersByCommaSeparatedList(const StringPiece& filters,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Adds a set of filters to the enabled set. Returns false if any
// of the filter names are invalid, but all the valid ones will be
// added anyway.
bool EnableFiltersByCommaSeparatedList(const StringPiece& filters,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Adds a set of filters to the disabled set. Returns false if any
// of the filter names are invalid, but all the valid ones will be
// added anyway.
bool DisableFiltersByCommaSeparatedList(const StringPiece& filters,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Adds a set of filters to the forbidden set. Returns false if any
// of the filter names are invalid, but all the valid ones will be
// added anyway.
bool ForbidFiltersByCommaSeparatedList(const StringPiece& filters,
MessageHandler* handler);
// Set rewrite level to kPassThrough and explicitly disable all filters.
void DisableAllFilters();
// Explicitly disable all filters which are not *currently* explicitly enabled
// Note: Do not call EnableFilter(...) for this options object after calling
// DisableAllFilters..., because the Disable list will not be auto-updated.
// Used to deal with query param ?ModPagespeedFilter=foo
// Which implies that all filters not listed should be disabled.
void DisableAllFiltersNotExplicitlyEnabled();
// Adds the filter to the list of enabled filters. However, if the filter
// is also present in either the list of disabled or forbidden filters,
// that takes precedence and it is not enabled.
void EnableFilter(Filter filter);
// Guarantees that a filter would be enabled even if it is present in the list
// of disabled filters by removing it from disabled & forbidden filter lists.
void ForceEnableFilter(Filter filter);
void DisableFilter(Filter filter);
void DisableIfNotExplictlyEnabled(Filter filter);
void ForbidFilter(Filter filter);
void EnableFilters(const FilterSet& filter_set);
void DisableFilters(const FilterSet& filter_set);
void ForbidFilters(const FilterSet& filter_set);
// Clear all explicitly enabled and disabled filters. Some filters may still
// be enabled by the rewrite level and HtmlWriterFilter will be enabled.
void ClearFilters();
// Induces a filter to be considered enabled by turning on the AllFilters
// level and disabling the filters that are not wanted. This is used for
// testing the desired behavior of PreserveUrls, which is to disable inlining
// and combining when the level is CoreFilters, but allow explictly enabled
// combiners and inliners to work.
// Beware: this mode of enabling filters is difficult to manage
// across multiple levels of test inheritance. In particular, once
// SoftEnableFilterForTesting is called, EnableFilter will no longer
// work due to the explicit disables. It does work to call
// SoftEnableFilterForTesting multiple times to enable several
// filters, and it also works to call EnableFilter first. ForceEnable
// also works.
// It is only necessary to call this in tests with PreserveUrls.
// Caveat emptor.
void SoftEnableFilterForTesting(Filter filter);
// Enables extend_cache_css, extend_cache_images, and extend_cache_scripts.
// Does not enable extend_cache_pdfs.
void EnableExtendCacheFilters();
bool Enabled(Filter filter) const;
bool Forbidden(Filter filter) const;
bool Forbidden(StringPiece filter_id) const;
// Returns the set of enabled filters that require JavaScript for execution.
void GetEnabledFiltersRequiringScriptExecution(FilterVector* filters) const;
// Disables all filters that depend on executing custom javascript.
void DisableFiltersRequiringScriptExecution();
// Disables all filters that cannot be run in an Ajax call.
void DisableFiltersThatCantRunInAjax();
// Determines whether any filter is enabled that requires a 'head'
// element to work.
bool RequiresAddHead() const;
// Returns true if any filter benefits from per-origin property cache
// information.
bool UsePerOriginPropertyCachePage() const;
// Adds pairs of (option, value) to the option set. The option names and
// values are not checked for validity, just stored. If the string piece
// was parsed correctly, this returns true. If there were parsing errors this
// returns false. The set is still populated on error.
static bool AddCommaSeparatedListToOptionSet(
const StringPiece& options, OptionSet* set, MessageHandler* handler);
// Set Option 'name' to 'value'. Returns whether it succeeded or the kind of
// failure (wrong name or value), and writes the diagnostic into 'msg'.
// This only understands simple scalar options, and not more general things
// like filter lists, blacklists, etc.
OptionSettingResult SetOptionFromName(
StringPiece name, StringPiece value, GoogleString* msg);
// Like above, but doesn't bother formatting the error message.
OptionSettingResult SetOptionFromName(
StringPiece name, StringPiece value);
// Same as SetOptionFromName, but only works with options that are valid
// to use as query parameters, returning kOptionNameUnknown for properties
// where the scope() is not kQueryScope.
OptionSettingResult SetOptionFromQuery(StringPiece name, StringPiece value);
// Same as SetOptionFromName, but only works with options that are valid
// to use as remote config, returning kOptionNameUnknown for properties
// where the scope() is not kQueryScope or kDirectoryScope.
OptionSettingResult SetOptionFromRemoteConfig(StringPiece name,
StringPiece value);
GoogleString ScopeEnumToString(OptionScope scope);
// Advanced option parsing, that can understand non-scalar values
// (unlike SetOptionFromName), and which is extensible by platforms.
// Returns whether succeeded or the kind of failure, and writes the
// diagnostic into *msg.
// If you extend any of these you also need to extend Merge() and
// SubclassSignatureLockHeld().
virtual OptionSettingResult ParseAndSetOptionFromName1(
StringPiece name, StringPiece arg,
GoogleString* msg, MessageHandler* handler);
// Parses and sets options like ParseAndSetOptionFromName1, but with a maximum
// scope specified. ParseAndSetOptionFromName1 will apply options from any
// scope, whereas ParseAndSetOptionFromNameWithScope will only apply options
// within max_scope scope.
OptionSettingResult ParseAndSetOptionFromNameWithScope(
StringPiece name, StringPiece arg, OptionScope max_scope,
GoogleString* msg, MessageHandler* handler);
virtual OptionSettingResult ParseAndSetOptionFromName2(
StringPiece name, StringPiece arg1, StringPiece arg2,
GoogleString* msg, MessageHandler* handler);
virtual OptionSettingResult ParseAndSetOptionFromName3(
StringPiece name, StringPiece arg1, StringPiece arg2, StringPiece arg3,
GoogleString* msg, MessageHandler* handler);
// Returns the id and value of the specified option-enum in *id and *value.
// Sets *was_set to true if this option has been altered from the default.
// If this option was not found, false is returned, and *id, *was_set, and
// *value will be left unassigned.
bool OptionValue(StringPiece option_name, const char** id,
bool* was_set, GoogleString* value) const;
// Set all of the options to their values specified in the option set.
// Returns true if all options in the set were successful, false if not.
bool SetOptionsFromName(const OptionSet& option_set, MessageHandler* handler);
// Sets Option 'name' to 'value'. Returns whether it succeeded and logs
// any warnings to 'handler'.
bool SetOptionFromNameAndLog(StringPiece name,
StringPiece value,
MessageHandler* handler);
// These static methods are used by Option<T>::SetFromString to set
// Option<T>::value_ from a string representation of it.
static bool ParseFromString(StringPiece value_string, bool* value);
static bool ParseFromString(StringPiece value_string, EnabledEnum* value);
static bool ParseFromString(StringPiece value_string, int* value) {
return StringToInt(value_string, value);
static bool ParseFromString(StringPiece value_string, int64* value) {
return StringToInt64(value_string, value);
static bool ParseFromString(StringPiece value_string, double* value) {
return StringToDouble(value_string, value);
static bool ParseFromString(StringPiece value_string, GoogleString* value) {
return true;
static bool ParseFromString(StringPiece value_string, RewriteLevel* value) {
return ParseRewriteLevel(value_string, value);
static bool ParseFromString(StringPiece value_string,
ResourceCategorySet* value) {
return ParseInlineUnauthorizedResourceType(value_string, value);
static bool ParseFromString(StringPiece value_string, BeaconUrl* value) {
return ParseBeaconUrl(value_string, value);
static bool ParseFromString(StringPiece value_string, Color* color);
static bool ParseFromString(StringPiece value_string, MobTheme* theme);
static bool ParseFromString(StringPiece value_string,
ResponsiveDensities* value);
static bool ParseFromString(StringPiece value_string,
protobuf::MessageLite* proto);
static bool ParseFromString(StringPiece value_string,
AllowVaryOn* allow_vary_on);
// TODO(jmarantz): consider setting flags in the set_ methods so that
// first's explicit settings can override default values from second.
int64 css_outline_min_bytes() const { return css_outline_min_bytes_.value(); }
void set_css_outline_min_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &css_outline_min_bytes_);
const GoogleString& ga_id() const { return ga_id_.value(); }
void set_ga_id(const GoogleString& id) {
set_option(id, &ga_id_);
void set_content_experiment_id(const GoogleString& s) {
set_option(s, &content_experiment_id_);
const GoogleString& content_experiment_id() const {
return content_experiment_id_.value();
void set_content_experiment_variant_id(const GoogleString& s) {
set_option(s, &content_experiment_variant_id_);
const GoogleString& content_experiment_variant_id() const {
return content_experiment_variant_id_.value();
bool is_content_experiment() const {
return !content_experiment_id().empty() &&
bool use_analytics_js() const {
return use_analytics_js_.value();
void set_use_analytics_js(bool x) {
set_option(x, &use_analytics_js_);
bool increase_speed_tracking() const {
return increase_speed_tracking_.value();
void set_increase_speed_tracking(bool x) {
set_option(x, &increase_speed_tracking_);
int64 js_outline_min_bytes() const { return js_outline_min_bytes_.value(); }
void set_js_outline_min_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &js_outline_min_bytes_);
int64 progressive_jpeg_min_bytes() const {
return progressive_jpeg_min_bytes_.value();
void set_progressive_jpeg_min_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &progressive_jpeg_min_bytes_);
int64 css_flatten_max_bytes() const { return css_flatten_max_bytes_.value(); }
void set_css_flatten_max_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &css_flatten_max_bytes_);
bool cache_small_images_unrewritten() const {
return cache_small_images_unrewritten_.value();
void set_cache_small_images_unrewritten(bool x) {
set_option(x, &cache_small_images_unrewritten_);
int64 image_resolution_limit_bytes() const {
return image_resolution_limit_bytes_.value();
void set_image_resolution_limit_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &image_resolution_limit_bytes_);
// Retrieve the image inlining threshold, but return 0 if it's disabled.
int64 ImageInlineMaxBytes() const;
void set_image_inline_max_bytes(int64 x);
// Retrieve the css image inlining threshold, but return 0 if it's disabled.
int64 CssImageInlineMaxBytes() const;
void set_css_image_inline_max_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &css_image_inline_max_bytes_);
// The larger of ImageInlineMaxBytes and CssImageInlineMaxBytes.
int64 MaxImageInlineMaxBytes() const;
int64 css_inline_max_bytes() const { return css_inline_max_bytes_.value(); }
void set_css_inline_max_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &css_inline_max_bytes_);
int64 google_font_css_inline_max_bytes() const {
return google_font_css_inline_max_bytes_.value();
void set_google_font_css_inline_max_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &google_font_css_inline_max_bytes_);
int64 js_inline_max_bytes() const { return js_inline_max_bytes_.value(); }
void set_js_inline_max_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &js_inline_max_bytes_);
int64 max_html_cache_time_ms() const {
return max_html_cache_time_ms_.value();
void set_max_html_cache_time_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &max_html_cache_time_ms_);
int64 max_html_parse_bytes() const {
return max_html_parse_bytes_.value();
void set_max_html_parse_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &max_html_parse_bytes_);
int64 max_cacheable_response_content_length() const {
return max_cacheable_response_content_length_.value();
void set_max_cacheable_response_content_length(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &max_cacheable_response_content_length_);
int64 min_resource_cache_time_to_rewrite_ms() const {
return min_resource_cache_time_to_rewrite_ms_.value();
void set_min_resource_cache_time_to_rewrite_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &min_resource_cache_time_to_rewrite_ms_);
bool need_to_store_experiment_data() const {
return need_to_store_experiment_data_;
void set_need_to_store_experiment_data(bool x) {
need_to_store_experiment_data_ = x;
int64 blocking_fetch_timeout_ms() const {
return blocking_fetch_timeout_ms_.value();
void set_blocking_fetch_timeout_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &blocking_fetch_timeout_ms_);
bool override_ie_document_mode() const {
return override_ie_document_mode_.value();
void set_override_ie_document_mode(bool x) {
set_option(x, &override_ie_document_mode_);
bool preserve_subresource_hints() const {
return preserve_subresource_hints_.value();
void set_preserve_subresource_hints(bool x) {
set_option(x, &preserve_subresource_hints_);
bool preserve_url_relativity() const {
return preserve_url_relativity_.value();
void set_preserve_url_relativity(bool x) {
set_option(x, &preserve_url_relativity_);
// Returns whether the given URL is valid for use in the cache, given the
// timestamp stored in the cache.
// It first checks time_ms against the global cache invalidation timestamp.
// It next checks if PurgeCacheUrl has been called on url with a timestamp
// earlier than time_ms. Note: this is not a wildcard check but an
// exact lookup.
// Finally, if search_wildcards is true, it scans
// url_cache_invalidation_entries_ for entries with timestamp_ms > time_ms and
// url matching the url_pattern.
// In most contexts where you'd call this you should consider instead
// calling OptionsAwareHTTPCacheCallback::IsCacheValid instead, which takes
// into account request-headers.
bool IsUrlCacheValid(StringPiece url, int64 time_ms,
bool search_wildcards) const;
// If timestamp_ms greater than or equal to the last timestamp in
// url_cache_invalidation_entries_, then appends an UrlCacheInvalidationEntry
// with 'timestamp_ms' and 'url_pattern' to url_cache_invalidation_entries_.
// Else does nothing.
// Also see PurgeCacheUrl. AddUrlCacheInvalidationEntry with a non-wildcard
// pattern and ignores_metadata_and_pcache==false is equivalent to
// PurgeCacheUrl.
// If ignores_metadata_and_pcache is true, metadata is not
// invalidated and property cache is invalidated of URLs matching
// url_pattern. If false, metadata cache and property cache entries
// may be invalidated, depending on whether there are wildcards in
// the pattern, and whether enable_cache_purge() is true. Note that
// HTTP cache invalidation is always exactly for the URLs matching
// url_pattern. This should probably always be set to false.
void AddUrlCacheInvalidationEntry(StringPiece url_pattern,
int64 timestamp_ms,
bool ignores_metadata_and_pcache);
// Purge a cache entry for an exact URL, not a wildcard.
void PurgeUrl(StringPiece url, int64 timestamp_ms);
// Checks if url_cache_invalidation_entries_ is in increasing order of
// timestamp. For testing.
bool IsUrlCacheInvalidationEntriesSorted() const;
// Supply optional mutex for setting a global cache invalidation
// timestamp. Ownership of 'lock' is transfered to this.
void set_cache_invalidation_timestamp_mutex(ThreadSystem::RWLock* lock) {
// Cache invalidation timestamp is in milliseconds since 1970. It is used
// for invalidating everything in the cache written prior to the timestamp.
// TODO(jmarantz): rename to cache_invalidation_timestamp_ms().
int64 cache_invalidation_timestamp() const;
// Determines whether there is a valid cache_invalidation_timestamp. It
// is invalid to call cache_invalidation_timestamp() if
// has_cache_invalidation_timestamp_ms() is false.
bool has_cache_invalidation_timestamp_ms() const;
// Sets the cache invalidation timestamp -- in milliseconds since
// 1970. This function is meant to be called on a RewriteOptions*
// immediately after instantiation.
// It can also be used to mutate the invalidation timestamp of a
// RewriteOptions instance that is used as a base for cloning/merging,
// in which case you should make sure to establish a real mutex with
// set_cache_invalidation_timestamp_mutex for such instances.
bool UpdateCacheInvalidationTimestampMs(int64 timestamp_ms)
// Mutates the options PurgeSet by copying the contents from purge_set.
// Returns true if the contents actually changed, false if the incoming
// purge_set was identical to purge_set already in this.
bool UpdateCachePurgeSet(const CopyOnWrite<PurgeSet>& purge_set)
// Generates a human-readable view of the PurgeSet, including timestamps
// in GMT.
GoogleString PurgeSetString() const;
// How much inactivity of HTML input will result in PSA introducing a flush.
// Values <= 0 disable the feature.
int64 idle_flush_time_ms() const {
return idle_flush_time_ms_.value();
void set_idle_flush_time_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &idle_flush_time_ms_);
// How much accumulated HTML will result in PSA introducing a flush.
int64 flush_buffer_limit_bytes() const {
return flush_buffer_limit_bytes_.value();
void set_flush_buffer_limit_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &flush_buffer_limit_bytes_);
// The maximum length of a URL segment.
// for http://a/b/c.d, this is == strlen("c.d")
int max_url_segment_size() const { return max_url_segment_size_.value(); }
void set_max_url_segment_size(int x) {
set_option(x, &max_url_segment_size_);
int image_max_rewrites_at_once() const {
return image_max_rewrites_at_once_.value();
void set_image_max_rewrites_at_once(int x) {
set_option(x, &image_max_rewrites_at_once_);
// The maximum size of the entire URL. If '0', this is left unlimited.
int max_url_size() const { return max_url_size_.value(); }
void set_max_url_size(int x) {
set_option(x, &max_url_size_);
int rewrite_deadline_ms() const { return rewrite_deadline_ms_.value(); }
void set_rewrite_deadline_ms(int x) {
set_option(x, &rewrite_deadline_ms_);
bool test_instant_fetch_rewrite_deadline() const {
return test_instant_fetch_rewrite_deadline_.value();
void set_test_instant_fetch_rewrite_deadline(bool x) {
set_option(x, &test_instant_fetch_rewrite_deadline_);
void set_test_only_prioritize_critical_css_dont_apply_original_css(bool x) {
set_option(x, &test_only_prioritize_critical_css_dont_apply_original_css_);
bool test_only_prioritize_critical_css_dont_apply_original_css() const {
return test_only_prioritize_critical_css_dont_apply_original_css_.value();
int domain_shard_count() const { return domain_shard_count_.value(); }
// The argument is int64 to allow it to be set from the http header or url
// query param and int64_query_params_ only allows setting of 64 bit values.
void set_domain_shard_count(int64 x) {
int value = x;
set_option(value, &domain_shard_count_);
void set_enabled(EnabledEnum x) {
set_option(x, &enabled_);
bool enabled() const {
return enabled_.value() == kEnabledOn;
bool unplugged() const {
return enabled_.value() == kEnabledUnplugged;
bool standby() const {
return !enabled() && !unplugged();
void set_add_options_to_urls(bool x) {
set_option(x, &add_options_to_urls_);
bool add_options_to_urls() const {
return add_options_to_urls_.value();
void set_publicly_cache_mismatched_hashes_experimental(bool x) {
set_option(x, &publicly_cache_mismatched_hashes_experimental_);
bool publicly_cache_mismatched_hashes_experimental() const {
return publicly_cache_mismatched_hashes_experimental_.value();
void set_oblivious_pagespeed_urls(bool x) {
set_option(x, &oblivious_pagespeed_urls_);
bool oblivious_pagespeed_urls() const {
return oblivious_pagespeed_urls_.value();
void set_in_place_rewriting_enabled(bool x) {
set_option(x, &in_place_rewriting_enabled_);
bool in_place_rewriting_enabled() const {
return CheckBandwidthOption(in_place_rewriting_enabled_);
void set_in_place_wait_for_optimized(bool x) {
set_option(x, &in_place_wait_for_optimized_);
bool in_place_wait_for_optimized() const {
return (in_place_wait_for_optimized_.value() ||
(in_place_rewrite_deadline_ms() < 0));
void set_in_place_rewrite_deadline_ms(int x) {
set_option(x, &in_place_rewrite_deadline_ms_);
int in_place_rewrite_deadline_ms() const {
return in_place_rewrite_deadline_ms_.value();
void set_in_place_s_maxage_sec(int x) {
set_option(x, &in_place_s_maxage_sec_);
int in_place_s_maxage_sec() const {
return in_place_s_maxage_sec_.value();
int EffectiveInPlaceSMaxAgeSec() const {
return modify_caching_headers() ? in_place_s_maxage_sec() : -1;
void set_in_place_preemptive_rewrite_css(bool x) {
set_option(x, &in_place_preemptive_rewrite_css_);
bool in_place_preemptive_rewrite_css() const {
return CheckBandwidthOption(in_place_preemptive_rewrite_css_);
void set_in_place_preemptive_rewrite_css_images(bool x) {
set_option(x, &in_place_preemptive_rewrite_css_images_);
bool in_place_preemptive_rewrite_css_images() const {
return CheckBandwidthOption(in_place_preemptive_rewrite_css_images_);
void set_in_place_preemptive_rewrite_images(bool x) {
set_option(x, &in_place_preemptive_rewrite_images_);
bool in_place_preemptive_rewrite_images() const {
return CheckBandwidthOption(in_place_preemptive_rewrite_images_);
void set_in_place_preemptive_rewrite_javascript(bool x) {
set_option(x, &in_place_preemptive_rewrite_javascript_);
bool in_place_preemptive_rewrite_javascript() const {
return CheckBandwidthOption(in_place_preemptive_rewrite_javascript_);
void set_private_not_vary_for_ie(bool x) {
set_option(x, &private_not_vary_for_ie_);
bool private_not_vary_for_ie() const {
return private_not_vary_for_ie_.value();
void set_combine_across_paths(bool x) {
set_option(x, &combine_across_paths_);
bool combine_across_paths() const { return combine_across_paths_.value(); }
void set_log_background_rewrites(bool x) {
set_option(x, &log_background_rewrites_);
bool log_background_rewrites() const {
return log_background_rewrites_.value();
void set_log_mobilization_samples(bool x) {
set_option(x, &log_mobilization_samples_);
bool log_mobilization_samples() const {
return log_mobilization_samples_.value();
void set_log_rewrite_timing(bool x) {
set_option(x, &log_rewrite_timing_);
bool log_rewrite_timing() const { return log_rewrite_timing_.value(); }
void set_log_url_indices(bool x) {
set_option(x, &log_url_indices_);
bool log_url_indices() const { return log_url_indices_.value(); }
void set_lowercase_html_names(bool x) {
set_option(x, &lowercase_html_names_);
bool lowercase_html_names() const { return lowercase_html_names_.value(); }
void set_always_rewrite_css(bool x) {
set_option(x, &always_rewrite_css_);
bool always_rewrite_css() const { return always_rewrite_css_.value(); }
void set_respect_vary(bool x) {
set_option(x, &respect_vary_);
bool respect_vary() const { return respect_vary_.value(); }
void set_respect_x_forwarded_proto(bool x) {
set_option(x, &respect_x_forwarded_proto_);
bool respect_x_forwarded_proto() const {
return respect_x_forwarded_proto_.value();
void set_flush_html(bool x) { set_option(x, &flush_html_); }
bool flush_html() const { return flush_html_.value(); }
void set_serve_stale_if_fetch_error(bool x) {
set_option(x, &serve_stale_if_fetch_error_);
bool serve_stale_if_fetch_error() const {
return serve_stale_if_fetch_error_.value();
void set_serve_xhr_access_control_headers(bool x) {
set_option(x, &serve_xhr_access_control_headers_);
bool serve_xhr_access_control_headers() const {
return serve_xhr_access_control_headers_.value();
void set_proactively_freshen_user_facing_request(bool x) {
set_option(x, &proactively_freshen_user_facing_request_);
bool proactively_freshen_user_facing_request() const {
return proactively_freshen_user_facing_request_.value();
void set_serve_stale_while_revalidate_threshold_sec(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &serve_stale_while_revalidate_threshold_sec_);
int64 serve_stale_while_revalidate_threshold_sec() const {
return serve_stale_while_revalidate_threshold_sec_.value();
void set_default_cache_html(bool x) { set_option(x, &default_cache_html_); }
bool default_cache_html() const { return default_cache_html_.value(); }
void set_modify_caching_headers(bool x) {
set_option(x, &modify_caching_headers_);
bool modify_caching_headers() const {
return modify_caching_headers_.value();
void set_inline_only_critical_images(bool x) {
set_option(x, &inline_only_critical_images_);
bool inline_only_critical_images() const {
return inline_only_critical_images_.value();
void set_critical_images_beacon_enabled(bool x) {
set_option(x, &critical_images_beacon_enabled_);
bool critical_images_beacon_enabled() const {
return critical_images_beacon_enabled_.value();
void set_beacon_reinstrument_time_sec(int x) {
set_option(x, &beacon_reinstrument_time_sec_);
int beacon_reinstrument_time_sec() const {
return beacon_reinstrument_time_sec_.value();
void set_accept_invalid_signatures(bool x) {
set_option(x, &accept_invalid_signatures_);
bool accept_invalid_signatures() const {
return accept_invalid_signatures_.value();
void set_remote_configuration_timeout_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &remote_configuration_timeout_ms_);
int64 remote_configuration_timeout_ms() const {
return remote_configuration_timeout_ms_.value();
void set_remote_configuration_url(StringPiece p) {
set_option(GoogleString(, p.size()), &remote_configuration_url_);
const GoogleString& remote_configuration_url() const {
return remote_configuration_url_.value();
void set_http_cache_compression_level(int x) {
set_option(x, &http_cache_compression_level_);
int http_cache_compression_level() const {
return http_cache_compression_level_.value();
void set_request_option_override(StringPiece p) {
set_option(GoogleString(, p.size()), &request_option_override_);
const GoogleString& request_option_override() const {
return request_option_override_.value();
void set_url_signing_key(StringPiece p) {
set_option(GoogleString(, p.size()), &url_signing_key_);
const GoogleString& url_signing_key() const {
return url_signing_key_.value();
void set_lazyload_images_after_onload(bool x) {
set_option(x, &lazyload_images_after_onload_);
bool lazyload_images_after_onload() const {
return lazyload_images_after_onload_.value();
void set_lazyload_images_blank_url(StringPiece p) {
set_option(GoogleString(, p.size()), &lazyload_images_blank_url_);
const GoogleString& lazyload_images_blank_url() const {
return lazyload_images_blank_url_.value();
void set_max_inlined_preview_images_index(int x) {
set_option(x, &max_inlined_preview_images_index_);
int max_inlined_preview_images_index() const {
return max_inlined_preview_images_index_.value();
void set_use_blank_image_for_inline_preview(bool x) {
set_option(x, &use_blank_image_for_inline_preview_);
bool use_blank_image_for_inline_preview() const {
return use_blank_image_for_inline_preview_.value();
void set_min_image_size_low_resolution_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &min_image_size_low_resolution_bytes_);
int64 min_image_size_low_resolution_bytes() const {
return min_image_size_low_resolution_bytes_.value();
void set_max_image_size_low_resolution_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &max_image_size_low_resolution_bytes_);
int64 max_image_size_low_resolution_bytes() const {
return max_image_size_low_resolution_bytes_.value();
void set_experiment_cookie_duration_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &experiment_cookie_duration_ms_);
int64 experiment_cookie_duration_ms() const {
return experiment_cookie_duration_ms_.value();
void set_finder_properties_cache_expiration_time_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &finder_properties_cache_expiration_time_ms_);
int64 finder_properties_cache_expiration_time_ms() const {
return finder_properties_cache_expiration_time_ms_.value();
void set_finder_properties_cache_refresh_time_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &finder_properties_cache_refresh_time_ms_);
int64 finder_properties_cache_refresh_time_ms() const {
return finder_properties_cache_refresh_time_ms_.value();
void set_rewrite_random_drop_percentage(int x) {
set_option(x, &rewrite_random_drop_percentage_);
int rewrite_random_drop_percentage() const {
return rewrite_random_drop_percentage_.value();
// css_preserve_urls() is determined by the following rules in order:
// 1. Value set by the user, if the user has explicitly set it.
// 2. Default value (true) for OptimizeForBandwidth, if this is the rewrite
// level.
// 3. Default value (true) for MobilizeFilters, if this is the rewrite level.
// 4. Default value (false) otherwise.
bool css_preserve_urls() const {
return (CheckBandwidthOption(css_preserve_urls_) ||
void set_css_preserve_urls(bool x) {
set_option(x, &css_preserve_urls_);
bool image_preserve_urls() const {
return CheckBandwidthOption(image_preserve_urls_);
void set_image_preserve_urls(bool x) {
set_option(x, &image_preserve_urls_);
bool js_preserve_urls() const {
return CheckBandwidthOption(js_preserve_urls_);
void set_js_preserve_urls(bool x) {
set_option(x, &js_preserve_urls_);
void set_metadata_cache_staleness_threshold_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &metadata_cache_staleness_threshold_ms_);
int64 metadata_cache_staleness_threshold_ms() const {
return metadata_cache_staleness_threshold_ms_.value();
void set_metadata_input_errors_cache_ttl_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &metadata_input_errors_cache_ttl_ms_);
int64 metadata_input_errors_cache_ttl_ms() const {
return metadata_input_errors_cache_ttl_ms_.value();
const GoogleString& downstream_cache_purge_method() const {
return downstream_cache_purge_method_.value();
void set_downstream_cache_purge_method(StringPiece p) {
set_option(p.as_string(), &downstream_cache_purge_method_);
const GoogleString& downstream_cache_purge_location_prefix() const {
return downstream_cache_purge_location_prefix_.value();
void set_downstream_cache_purge_location_prefix(StringPiece p) {
// Remove any trailing slashes. Leaving them in causes the request to have
// multiple trailing slashes.
while (p.ends_with("/")) {
set_option(p.as_string(), &downstream_cache_purge_location_prefix_);
bool IsDownstreamCacheIntegrationEnabled() const {
return !downstream_cache_purge_location_prefix().empty();
void set_downstream_cache_rebeaconing_key(StringPiece p) {
set_option(p.as_string(), &downstream_cache_rebeaconing_key_);
const GoogleString& downstream_cache_rebeaconing_key() const {
return downstream_cache_rebeaconing_key_.value();
bool IsDownstreamCacheRebeaconingKeyConfigured() const {
return !downstream_cache_rebeaconing_key().empty();
// Return true only if downstream cache rebeaconing key is configured and
// the key argument matches the configured key.
bool MatchesDownstreamCacheRebeaconingKey(StringPiece key) const {
if (!IsDownstreamCacheRebeaconingKeyConfigured()) {
return false;
return StringCaseEqual(key, downstream_cache_rebeaconing_key());
void set_downstream_cache_rewritten_percentage_threshold(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &downstream_cache_rewritten_percentage_threshold_);
int64 downstream_cache_rewritten_percentage_threshold() const {
return downstream_cache_rewritten_percentage_threshold_.value();
const BeaconUrl& beacon_url() const { return beacon_url_.value(); }
void set_beacon_url(const GoogleString& beacon_url) {
GoogleString ignored_error_detail;
beacon_url_.SetFromString(beacon_url, &ignored_error_detail);
// Return false in a subclass if you want to disallow all URL trimming in CSS.
virtual bool trim_urls_in_css() const { return true; }
void set_image_jpeg_recompress_quality(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &image_jpeg_recompress_quality_);
void set_image_jpeg_recompress_quality_for_small_screens(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &image_jpeg_recompress_quality_for_small_screens_);
void set_image_jpeg_quality_for_save_data(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &image_jpeg_quality_for_save_data_);
int64 image_recompress_quality() const {
return image_recompress_quality_.value();
void set_image_recompress_quality(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &image_recompress_quality_);
int image_limit_optimized_percent() const {
return image_limit_optimized_percent_.value();
void set_image_limit_optimized_percent(int x) {
set_option(x, &image_limit_optimized_percent_);
int image_limit_resize_area_percent() const {
return image_limit_resize_area_percent_.value();
void set_image_limit_resize_area_percent(int x) {
set_option(x, &image_limit_resize_area_percent_);
int image_limit_rendered_area_percent() const {
return image_limit_rendered_area_percent_.value();
void set_image_limit_rendered_area_percent(int x) {
set_option(x, &image_limit_rendered_area_percent_);
int64 image_jpeg_num_progressive_scans() const {
return image_jpeg_num_progressive_scans_.value();
void set_image_jpeg_num_progressive_scans(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &image_jpeg_num_progressive_scans_);
void set_image_jpeg_num_progressive_scans_for_small_screens(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &image_jpeg_num_progressive_scans_for_small_screens_);
void set_image_webp_recompress_quality(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &image_webp_recompress_quality_);
void set_image_webp_recompress_quality_for_small_screens(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &image_webp_recompress_quality_for_small_screens_);
void set_image_webp_animated_recompress_quality(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &image_webp_animated_recompress_quality_);
void set_image_webp_quality_for_save_data(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &image_webp_quality_for_save_data_);
int64 image_webp_timeout_ms() const {
return image_webp_timeout_ms_.value();
void set_image_webp_timeout_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &image_webp_timeout_ms_);
bool domain_rewrite_hyperlinks() const {
return CheckMobilizeFiltersOption(domain_rewrite_hyperlinks_);
void set_domain_rewrite_hyperlinks(bool x) {
set_option(x, &domain_rewrite_hyperlinks_);
bool domain_rewrite_cookies() const {
return CheckMobilizeFiltersOption(domain_rewrite_cookies_);
void set_domain_rewrite_cookies(bool x) {
set_option(x, &domain_rewrite_cookies_);
bool client_domain_rewrite() const {
return client_domain_rewrite_.value();
void set_client_domain_rewrite(bool x) {
set_option(x, &client_domain_rewrite_);
void set_follow_flushes(bool x) { set_option(x, &follow_flushes_); }
bool follow_flushes() const { return follow_flushes_.value(); }
void set_enable_defer_js_experimental(bool x) {
set_option(x, &enable_defer_js_experimental_);
bool enable_defer_js_experimental() const {
return enable_defer_js_experimental_.value();
void set_disable_rewrite_on_no_transform(bool x) {
set_option(x, &disable_rewrite_on_no_transform_);
bool disable_rewrite_on_no_transform() const {
return disable_rewrite_on_no_transform_.value();
void set_disable_background_fetches_for_bots(bool x) {
set_option(x, &disable_background_fetches_for_bots_);
bool disable_background_fetches_for_bots() const {
return disable_background_fetches_for_bots_.value();
void set_enable_cache_purge(bool x) {
set_option(x, &enable_cache_purge_);
bool enable_cache_purge() const {
return enable_cache_purge_.value();
void set_proactive_resource_freshening(bool x) {
set_option(x, &proactive_resource_freshening_);
bool proactive_resource_freshening() const {
return proactive_resource_freshening_.value();
void set_lazyload_highres_images(bool x) {
set_option(x, &lazyload_highres_images_);
bool lazyload_highres_images() const {
return lazyload_highres_images_.value();
void set_use_fallback_property_cache_values(bool x) {
set_option(x, &use_fallback_property_cache_values_);
bool use_fallback_property_cache_values() const {
return use_fallback_property_cache_values_.value();
void set_await_pcache_lookup(bool x) {
set_option(x, &await_pcache_lookup_);
bool await_pcache_lookup() const {
return await_pcache_lookup_.value();
void set_enable_prioritizing_scripts(bool x) {
set_option(x, &enable_prioritizing_scripts_);
bool enable_prioritizing_scripts() const {
return enable_prioritizing_scripts_.value();
const GoogleString& blocking_rewrite_key() const {
return blocking_rewrite_key_.value();
void set_blocking_rewrite_key(StringPiece p) {
set_option(p.as_string(), &blocking_rewrite_key_);
void EnableBlockingRewriteForRefererUrlPattern(
StringPiece url_pattern) {
bool IsBlockingRewriteEnabledForReferer(StringPiece url) const {
return blocking_rewrite_referer_urls_->Match(url, false);
bool IsBlockingRewriteRefererUrlPatternPresent() const {
return blocking_rewrite_referer_urls_->num_wildcards() > 0;
bool rewrite_uncacheable_resources() const {
return rewrite_uncacheable_resources_.value();
void set_rewrite_uncacheable_resources(bool x) {
set_option(x, &rewrite_uncacheable_resources_);
void set_running_experiment(bool x) {
set_option(x, &running_experiment_);
bool running_experiment() const {
return running_experiment_.value();
// x should be between 1 and 5 inclusive.
void set_experiment_ga_slot(int x) {
set_option(x, &experiment_ga_slot_);
int experiment_ga_slot() const { return experiment_ga_slot_.value(); }
void set_enroll_experiment_id(int x) {
set_option(x, &enroll_experiment_id_);
int enroll_experiment_id() const { return enroll_experiment_id_.value(); }
void set_report_unload_time(bool x) {
set_option(x, &report_unload_time_);
bool report_unload_time() const {
return report_unload_time_.value();
void set_implicit_cache_ttl_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &implicit_cache_ttl_ms_);
int64 implicit_cache_ttl_ms() const {
return implicit_cache_ttl_ms_.value();
void set_load_from_file_cache_ttl_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &load_from_file_cache_ttl_ms_);
int64 load_from_file_cache_ttl_ms() const {
return load_from_file_cache_ttl_ms_.value();
bool load_from_file_cache_ttl_ms_was_set() const {
return load_from_file_cache_ttl_ms_.was_set();
void set_x_header_value(StringPiece p) {
set_option(p.as_string(), &x_header_value_);
const GoogleString& x_header_value() const {
return x_header_value_.value();
void set_avoid_renaming_introspective_javascript(bool x) {
set_option(x, &avoid_renaming_introspective_javascript_);
bool avoid_renaming_introspective_javascript() const {
return avoid_renaming_introspective_javascript_.value();
void set_forbid_all_disabled_filters(bool x) {
set_option(x, &forbid_all_disabled_filters_);
bool forbid_all_disabled_filters() const {
return forbid_all_disabled_filters_.value();
bool reject_blacklisted() const { return reject_blacklisted_.value(); }
void set_reject_blacklisted(bool x) {
set_option(x, &reject_blacklisted_);
HttpStatus::Code reject_blacklisted_status_code() const {
return static_cast<HttpStatus::Code>(
void set_reject_blacklisted_status_code(HttpStatus::Code x) {
set_option(static_cast<int>(x), &reject_blacklisted_status_code_);
bool support_noscript_enabled() const {
return support_noscript_enabled_.value();
void set_support_noscript_enabled(bool x) {
set_option(x, &support_noscript_enabled_);
bool enable_extended_instrumentation() const {
return enable_extended_instrumentation_.value();
void set_enable_extended_instrumentation(bool x) {
set_option(x, &enable_extended_instrumentation_);
bool use_experimental_js_minifier() const {
return use_experimental_js_minifier_.value();
void set_use_experimental_js_minifier(bool x) {
set_option(x, &use_experimental_js_minifier_);
void set_max_combined_css_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &max_combined_css_bytes_);
int64 max_combined_css_bytes() const {
return max_combined_css_bytes_.value();
void set_max_combined_js_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &max_combined_js_bytes_);
int64 max_combined_js_bytes() const {
return max_combined_js_bytes_.value();
void set_pre_connect_url(StringPiece p) {
set_option(GoogleString(, p.size()), &pre_connect_url_);
const GoogleString& pre_connect_url() const {
return pre_connect_url_.value();
void set_property_cache_http_status_stability_threshold(int x) {
set_option(x, &property_cache_http_status_stability_threshold_);
int property_cache_http_status_stability_threshold() const {
return property_cache_http_status_stability_threshold_.value();
void set_max_rewrite_info_log_size(int x) {
set_option(x, &max_rewrite_info_log_size_);
int max_rewrite_info_log_size() const {
return max_rewrite_info_log_size_.value();
void set_enable_aggressive_rewriters_for_mobile(bool x) {
set_option(x, &enable_aggressive_rewriters_for_mobile_);
bool enable_aggressive_rewriters_for_mobile() const {
return enable_aggressive_rewriters_for_mobile_.value();
void set_allow_logging_urls_in_log_record(bool x) {
set_option(x, &allow_logging_urls_in_log_record_);
bool allow_logging_urls_in_log_record() const {
return allow_logging_urls_in_log_record_.value();
void set_allow_options_to_be_set_by_cookies(bool x) {
set_option(x, &allow_options_to_be_set_by_cookies_);
bool allow_options_to_be_set_by_cookies() const {
return allow_options_to_be_set_by_cookies_.value();
void set_non_cacheables_for_cache_partial_html(StringPiece p) {
set_option(p.as_string(), &non_cacheables_for_cache_partial_html_);
const GoogleString& non_cacheables_for_cache_partial_html() const {
return non_cacheables_for_cache_partial_html_.value();
void set_no_transform_optimized_images(bool x) {
set_option(x, &no_transform_optimized_images_);
bool no_transform_optimized_images() const {
return no_transform_optimized_images_.value();
void set_access_control_allow_origins(StringPiece p) {
set_option(p.as_string(), &access_control_allow_origins_);
const GoogleString& access_control_allow_origins() const {
return access_control_allow_origins_.value();
void set_hide_referer_using_meta(bool x) {
set_option(x, &hide_referer_using_meta_);
bool hide_referer_using_meta() const {
return hide_referer_using_meta_.value();
void set_max_low_res_image_size_bytes(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &max_low_res_image_size_bytes_);
int64 max_low_res_image_size_bytes() const {
return max_low_res_image_size_bytes_.value();
void set_max_low_res_to_full_res_image_size_percentage(int x) {
set_option(x, &max_low_res_to_full_res_image_size_percentage_);
int max_low_res_to_full_res_image_size_percentage() const {
return max_low_res_to_full_res_image_size_percentage_.value();
void set_serve_rewritten_webp_urls_to_any_agent(bool x) {
set_option(x, &serve_rewritten_webp_urls_to_any_agent_);
bool serve_rewritten_webp_urls_to_any_agent() const {
return serve_rewritten_webp_urls_to_any_agent_.value();
void set_cache_fragment(StringPiece p) {
set_option(p.as_string(), &cache_fragment_);
const GoogleString& cache_fragment() const {
return cache_fragment_.value();
void set_sticky_query_parameters(StringPiece p) {
set_option(p.as_string(), &sticky_query_parameters_);
const GoogleString& sticky_query_parameters() const {
return sticky_query_parameters_.value();
void set_option_cookies_duration_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &option_cookies_duration_ms_);
int64 option_cookies_duration_ms() const {
return option_cookies_duration_ms_.value();
void set_responsive_image_densities(const ResponsiveDensities& x) {
set_option(x, &responsive_image_densities_);
const ResponsiveDensities& responsive_image_densities() const {
return responsive_image_densities_.value();
const GoogleString& amp_link_pattern() const {
return amp_link_pattern_.value();
void set_amp_link_pattern(const GoogleString& id) {
set_option(id, &amp_link_pattern_);
bool honor_csp() const {
return honor_csp_.value();
void set_honor_csp(bool x) {
set_option(x, &honor_csp_);
virtual bool DisableDomainRewrite() const { return false; }
// Merge src into 'this'. Generally, options that are explicitly
// set in src will override those explicitly set in 'this' (except that
// filters forbidden in 'this' cannot be enabled by 'src'), although
// option Merge implementations can be redefined by specific Option
// class implementations (e.g. OptionInt64MergeWithMax). One
// semantic subject to interpretation is when a core-filter is
// disabled in the first set and not in the second. My judgement is
// that the 'disable' from 'this' should override the core-set
// membership in the 'src', but not an 'enable' in the 'src'.
// You can make an exact duplicate of RewriteOptions object 'src' via
// (new 'typeof src')->Merge(src), aka Clone().
// Merge expects that 'src' and 'this' are the same type. If that's
// not true, this function will DCHECK.
virtual void Merge(const RewriteOptions& src);
// Merge the process scope options (including strict ones) from src into
// this.
void MergeOnlyProcessScopeOptions(const RewriteOptions& src);
// Registers a wildcard pattern for to be allowed, potentially overriding
// previous Disallow wildcards.
void Allow(StringPiece wildcard_pattern) {
// Registers a wildcard pattern for to be disallowed, potentially overriding
// previous Allow wildcards.
void Disallow(StringPiece wildcard_pattern) {
// Like Allow(). See IsAllowedWhenInlining().
void AllowWhenInlining(StringPiece wildcard_pattern) {
// Helper function to Disallow something except when inlining. Useful for
// resources that you expect to be on good CDNs but may still be worth
// inlining if small enough.
void AllowOnlyWhenInlining(StringPiece wildcard_pattern) {
// Like Disallow(). See IsAllowedWhenInlining().
void DisallowWhenInlining(StringPiece wildcard_pattern) {
// Blacklist of javascript files that don't like their names changed.
// This should be called for root options to set defaults.
// TODO(sligocki): Rename to allow for more general initialization.
virtual void DisallowTroublesomeResources();
// Disallows resources that are served on well-distributed CDNs
// already, and are likely to be in browser-caches, or that are
// troublesome resources stored on external domains. Note: this is
// not currently called by mod_pagespeed.
virtual void DisallowResourcesForProxy();
// When someone asks for a readonly lawyer, we can return a pointer to
// the potentially shared DomainLawyer* object. But if you want a mutable
// one, we clone whatever Lawyer we had and detach it from the shared
// group. Here are several scenarios.
// 1. We are setting up the global_options() for a ServerContext on
// startup. There will be no concurrent access, and at this point
// there will be no sharing with other RewriteOptions.
// 2. We are merging down global_options() based on the
// vhost/directory/.htaccess data and need to update (among
// other things) the settings. This may happen concurrently for
// several different server-scoped, directory-scoped, or request-scoped
// RewriteOptions objects. Those will all be attached to their
// parent when the options get created. However writing to these
// will effectively detach them.
// One case that would be problematic is a mutation of a parent
// RewriteOptions->WriteableDomainLawyer() concurrent with instantiating
// a new child RewriteOptions. However this does not occur in our system.
// The only similar place this does occur is cache_invalidation_timestamp_
// which can be mutated when there are active children.
const DomainLawyer* domain_lawyer() const { return domain_lawyer_.get(); }
DomainLawyer* WriteableDomainLawyer();
FileLoadPolicy* file_load_policy() { return &file_load_policy_; }
const FileLoadPolicy* file_load_policy() const { return &file_load_policy_; }
// Determines, based on the sequence of Allow/Disallow calls above, whether
// a url is allowed.
bool IsAllowed(StringPiece url) const {
return allow_resources_->Match(url, true /* default allow */);
// Call this when:
// 1. IsAllowed() returns false and
// 2. The url is for a resource we're planning to inline if successful.
// If it returns true, it's ok to fetch, rewrite, and inline this resource as
// if IsAllowed() had returned true.
bool IsAllowedWhenInlining(StringPiece url) const {
return allow_when_inlining_resources_->Match(
url, false /* default disallow */);
// Adds a new comment wildcard pattern to be retained.
void RetainComment(StringPiece comment) {
// If enabled, the 'remove_comments' filter will remove all HTML comments.
// As discussed in Issue 237, some comments have semantic value and must
// be retained.
bool IsRetainedComment(StringPiece comment) const {
return retain_comments_->Match(comment, false);
// Adds a new class name for which lazyload should be disabled.
void DisableLazyloadForClassName(StringPiece class_name) {
// Checks if lazyload images is enabled for the specified class.
bool IsLazyloadEnabledForClassName(StringPiece class_name) const {
return lazyload_enabled_classes_->Match(class_name, true);
// Adds a new comment wildcard pattern to be retained.
void AddCssCombiningWildcard(StringPiece id_wildcard) {
bool IsAllowedIdForCssCombining(StringPiece id) const {
return css_combining_permitted_ids_->Match(id, false);
bool CssCombiningMayPermitIds() const {
return !css_combining_permitted_ids_->empty();
void set_override_caching_ttl_ms(int64 x) {
set_option(x, &override_caching_ttl_ms_);
int64 override_caching_ttl_ms() const {
return override_caching_ttl_ms_.value();
// Overrides the cache ttl for all urls matching the wildcard with
// override_caching_ttl_ms().
void AddOverrideCacheTtl(StringPiece wildcard) {
// Is the cache TTL overridden for the given url?
bool IsCacheTtlOverridden(StringPiece url) const {
return override_caching_wildcard_->Match(url, false);
void AddRejectedUrlWildcard(const GoogleString& wildcard) {
AddRejectedHeaderWildcard(kRejectedRequestUrlKeyName, wildcard);
void AddRejectedHeaderWildcard(StringPiece header_name,
const GoogleString& wildcard) {
std::pair<FastWildcardGroupMap::iterator, bool> insert_result =
header_name, static_cast<FastWildcardGroup*>(NULL)));
if (insert_result.second) {
insert_result.first->second = new FastWildcardGroup;
// Determine if the request url needs to be declined based on the url,
// request headers and rewrite options.
bool IsRequestDeclined(const GoogleString& url,
const RequestHeaders* request_headers) const;
// Make an identical copy of these options and return it. This does
// *not* copy the signature, and the returned options are not in
// a frozen state.
virtual RewriteOptions* Clone() const;
// Make an empty options object of the same type as this.
virtual RewriteOptions* NewOptions() const;
// Computes a signature for the RewriteOptions object, including all
// contained classes (DomainLawyer, FileLoadPolicy, WildCardGroups).
// Computing a signature "freezes" the class instance. Attempting
// to modify a RewriteOptions after freezing will DCHECK.
void ComputeSignature() LOCKS_EXCLUDED(cache_purge_mutex_.get());
void ComputeSignatureLockHeld() SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cache_purge_mutex_);
// If you subclass RewriteOptions and store any configuration data that's not
// an Option, use this hook to include the signature of your additional data.
virtual GoogleString SubclassSignatureLockHeld() { return ""; }
// Freeze a RewriteOptions so we can't modify it anymore and thus
// know that it's safe to read it from multiple threads, but don't
// bother calculating its signature since we will only be using this
// instance for merging and cloning.
void Freeze();
// Clears the computed signature, unfreezing the options object.
// Warning: Please note that using this method is extremely risky and should
// be avoided as much as possible. If you are planning to use this, please
// discuss this with your team-mates and ensure that you clearly understand
// its implications. Also, please do repeat this warning at every place you
// use this method.
// Returns true if the signature was previously computed, and thus should
// be recomputed after modification.
bool ClearSignatureWithCaution();
bool frozen() const { return frozen_; }
// Clears a computed signature, unfreezing the options object. This
// is intended for testing. Returns whether the options were frozen
// in the first place.
bool ClearSignatureForTesting() {
bool frozen = frozen_;
return frozen;
// Returns the computed signature.
const GoogleString& signature() const {
// We take a reader-lock because we may be looking at the
// global_options signature concurrent with updating it if someone
// flushes cache. Note that the default mutex implementation is
// NullRWLock, which isn't actually a mutex. Only (currently) for the
// Apache global_options() object do we create a real mutex. We
// don't expect contention here because we take a reader-lock and the
// only time we Write is if someone flushes the cache.
ThreadSystem::ScopedReader lock(cache_purge_mutex_.get());
return signature_;
virtual GoogleString OptionsToString() const;
GoogleString FilterSetToString(const FilterSet& filter_set) const;
GoogleString EnabledFiltersToString() const;
// Returns a string containing the enabled options which do not leak sensitive
// information about the server state.
GoogleString SafeEnabledOptionsToString() const;
// Returns a string identifying the currently running experiment to be used in
// tagging Google Analytics data.
virtual GoogleString ToExperimentString() const;
// Returns a string with more information about the currently running
// experiment. Primarily used for tagging Google Analytics data. This format
// is not at all specific to Google Analytics, however.
virtual GoogleString ToExperimentDebugString() const;
// Convert an id string like "ah" to a Filter enum like kAddHead.
// Returns kEndOfFilters if the id isn't known.
static Filter LookupFilterById(const StringPiece& filter_id);
// Convert the filter name to a Filter.
static Filter LookupFilter(const StringPiece& filter_name);
// Looks up an option id/name and returns the corresponding PropertyBase if
// found, or NULL if the id/name is not found.
static const PropertyBase* LookupOptionById(StringPiece option_id);
static const PropertyBase* LookupOptionByName(StringPiece option_name);
// Looks up an option id and returns the corresponding name, or kNullOption
// if the id is not found. Example: for "ii" it returns "ImageInlineMaxBytes".
static const StringPiece LookupOptionNameById(StringPiece option_id);
// Determine if the given option name is valid/known.
static bool IsValidOptionName(StringPiece name);
// Determine if this is an option name that used to do things, and which
// we may therefore want to accept w/a warning for backwards compatibility.
static bool IsDeprecatedOptionName(StringPiece option_name);
// Return the list of all options. Used to initialize the configuration
// vector to the Apache configuration system.
const OptionBaseVector& all_options() const {
return all_options_;
static const Properties* deprecated_properties() {
return deprecated_properties_;
// Determines whether this and that are the same. Uses the signature() to
// short-cut most of the deep comparisons, but then compares directly some
// options and other fields that are omitted from the signature.
bool IsEqual(const RewriteOptions& that) const;
// Returns the hasher used for signatures and URLs to purge.
const Hasher* hasher() const { return &hasher_; }
const SHA1Signature* sha1signature() const { return &sha1signature_; }
ThreadSystem* thread_system() const { return thread_system_; }
// Produces a new HttpOptions each time this is called, shouldn't be a big
// deal since we don't call it very often and HttpOptions are pretty light,
// but we might want to reconsider if those assumptions change.
HttpOptions ComputeHttpOptions() const;
// Returns true if this configuration turns on options that may need
// the dependencies cohort to operate.
bool NeedsDependenciesCohort() const;
// Helper class to represent an Option, whose value is held in some class T.
// An option is explicitly initialized with its default value, although the
// default value can be altered later. It keeps track of whether a
// value has been explicitly set (independent of whether that happens to
// coincide with the default value).
// It can use this knowledge to intelligently merge a 'base' option value
// into a 'new' option value, allowing explicitly set values from 'base'
// to override default values from 'new'.
template<class T> class OptionTemplateBase : public OptionBase {
typedef T ValueType;
OptionTemplateBase() : was_set_(false), property_(NULL) {}
virtual bool was_set() const { return was_set_; }
void set(const T& val) {
was_set_ = true;
value_ = val;
void set_default(const T& val) {
if (!was_set_) {
value_ = val;
const T& value() const { return value_; }
T& mutable_value() { was_set_ = true; return value_; }
// The signature of the Merge implementation must match the base-class. The
// caller is responsible for ensuring that only the same typed Options are
// compared. In RewriteOptions::Merge this is guaranteed because the
// vector<OptionBase*> all_options_ is sorted on option_name(). We DCHECK
// that the option_name of this and src are the same.
virtual void Merge(const OptionBase* src) {
DCHECK(option_name() == src->option_name());
MergeHelper(static_cast<const OptionTemplateBase*>(src));
void MergeHelper(const OptionTemplateBase* src) {
// Even if !src->was_set, the default value needs to be transferred
// over in case it was changed with set_default or SetDefaultRewriteLevel.
if (src->was_set_ || !was_set_) {
value_ = src->value_;
was_set_ = src->was_set_;
// The static properties of an Option are held in a Property<T>*.
void set_property(const Property<T>* property) {
property_ = property;
// Note that the copying of default values here is only required
// to support SetDefaultRewriteLevel, which it should be
// possible to remove. Otherwise we could just pull the
// default value out of properties_ when !was_set_;
value_ = property->default_value();
virtual const PropertyBase* property() const { return property_; }
// Sets a the option default value globally. This is thread-unsafe,
// and reaches into the option property_ field via a const-cast to
// mutate it. Note that this method does not affect the current value
// of the instantiated option.
// TODO(jmarantz): consider an alternate structure where the
// Property<T>* can be easily located programmatically
// rather than going through a dummy Option object.
void set_global_default(const T& val) {
Property<T>* property = const_cast<Property<T>*>(property_);
// Sets a the option's participation in Signatures globally. This
// is thread-unsafe, and reaches into the option property_ field
// via a const-cast to mutate it. Note that this method does not
// affect the current value of the instantiated option.
// TODO(jmarantz): consider an alternate structure where the
// Property<T>* can be easily located programmatically
// rather than going through a dummy Option object.
void DoNotUseForSignatureComputation() {
Property<T>* property = const_cast<Property<T>*>(property_);
bool was_set_;
T value_;
const Property<T>* property_;
// Subclassing OptionTemplateBase so that the conversion functions that need
// to invoke static overloaded functions are declared only here. Enables
// subclasses of RewriteOptions to override these in case they use Option
// types not visible here.
template<class T> class Option : public OptionTemplateBase<T> {
Option() {}
// Sets value_ from value_string.
virtual bool SetFromString(StringPiece value_string,
GoogleString* error_detail) {
T value;
bool success = RewriteOptions::ParseFromString(value_string, &value);
if (success) {
return success;
virtual GoogleString Signature(const Hasher* hasher) const {
return RewriteOptions::OptionSignature(this->value(), hasher);
virtual GoogleString ToString() const {
return RewriteOptions::ToString(this->value());
// Adds a new Property to 'properties' (the last argument).
template<class RewriteOptionsSubclass, class OptionClass>
static void AddProperty(
typename OptionClass::ValueType default_value,
OptionClass RewriteOptionsSubclass::*offset,
const char* id,
StringPiece option_name,
OptionScope scope,
const char* help_text,
bool safe_to_print,
Properties* properties) {
PropertyBase* property =
new PropertyLeaf<RewriteOptionsSubclass, OptionClass>(
default_value, offset, id, option_name);
static void AddDeprecatedProperty(StringPiece option_name,
OptionScope scope) {
new DeprecatedProperty(option_name, scope));
// Merges properties into all_properties so that
// RewriteOptions::Merge and SetOptionFromName can work across
// options from RewriteOptions and all relevant subclasses.
// Each RewriteOptions subclass keeps its own property lists using
// its own private Properties* member variables. The private lists
// are used for initialization of default-values during
// construction. We cannot initialize subclass default option
// values during RewriteOptions construction because options with
// non-POD ValueType (e.g. GoogleString) have not yet been
// initialized, so we have to keep separate per-class property-lists
// for use during construction. However, we use a global sorted
// list for fast merging and setting-by-option-name.
static void MergeSubclassProperties(Properties* properties);
// Populates all_options_, based on the passed-in index, which
// should correspond to the property index calculated after
// sorting all_properties_. This enables us to sort the all_properties_
// vector once, and use that to give us all_options_ that is sorted
// the same way.
void set_option_at(int index, OptionBase* option) {
all_options_[index] = option;
// When setting an option, however, we generally are doing so
// with a variable rather than a constant so it makes sense to pass
// it by reference.
template<class T>
void set_option(const T& new_value, OptionTemplateBase<T>* option) {
// Marks the config as modified.
void Modify();
// Sets the global default value for 'x_header_value'. Note that setting
// this Option reaches through to the underlying property and sets the
// default value there, and in fact does *not affect the value of the
// instantiated RewriteOptions object.
// TODO(jmarantz): Remove this method and make another one that operate
// directly on the Property.
void set_default_x_header_value(StringPiece x_header_value) {
// Enable/disable filters and set options according to the current
// ExperimentSpec that experiment_id_ matches. Returns true if the state was
// set successfully.
bool SetupExperimentRewriters();
// Enables filters needed by Experiment regardless of experiment.
virtual void SetRequiredExperimentFilters();
// Helper method to add pre-configured ExperimentSpec objects to the internal
// vector of ExperimentSpec's. Returns true if the experiment was added
// successfully. Takes ownership of (and may delete) spec.
bool InsertExperimentSpecInVector(ExperimentSpec* spec);
// Protected option values so that derived class can modify.
Option<BeaconUrl> beacon_url_;
// The value we put for the X-Mod-Pagespeed header. Default is our version.
Option<GoogleString> x_header_value_;
// Property representing options that got deprecated. Doesn't
// actually have a corresponding option.
class DeprecatedProperty : public PropertyBase {
explicit DeprecatedProperty(StringPiece option_name, OptionScope scope)
: PropertyBase("", option_name) {
set_help_text("Deprecated. Do not use");
void InitializeOption(RewriteOptions* options) const override {
CHECK(false) << "Deprecated properties shouldn't back options!";
// Type-specific class of Property. This subclass of PropertyBase
// knows what sort of value the Option will hold, and so we can put
// the default value here.
template<class ValueType>
class Property : public PropertyBase {
// When adding a new Property, we take the default_value by value,
// not const-reference. This is because when calling AddProperty
// we may want to use a compile-time constant
// (e.g. Timer::kHourMs) which does not have a linkable address.
Property(ValueType default_value,
const char* id,
StringPiece option_name)
: PropertyBase(id, option_name),
default_value_(default_value) {
void set_default(ValueType value) { default_value_ = value; }
const ValueType& default_value() const { return default_value_; }
ValueType default_value_;
// Leaf subclass of Property<ValueType>, which is templated on the class of
// the corresponding Option. The template parameters here are
// RewriteOptionsSubclass -- the subclass of RewriteOptions in which
// this option is instantiated, e.g. ApacheConfig.
// OptionClass -- the subclass of OptionBase that is being instantiated
// in each RewriteOptionsSubclass.
// These template parameters are generally automatically discovered by
// the compiler when AddProperty is called.
// TODO(jmarantz): It looks tempting to fold Property<T> and
// PropertyLeaf<T> together, but this is difficult because of the
// way that the Option class hiearchy is structured and the
// precision of C++ pointers-to-members. Attempting that is
// probably a worthwhile follow-up task.
template<class RewriteOptionsSubclass, class OptionClass>
class PropertyLeaf : public Property<typename OptionClass::ValueType> {
// Fancy C++ pointers to members; a typesafe version of offsetof. See
typedef OptionClass RewriteOptionsSubclass::*OptionOffset;
typedef typename OptionClass::ValueType ValueType;
PropertyLeaf(ValueType default_value,
OptionOffset offset,
const char* id,
StringPiece option_name)
: Property<ValueType>(default_value, id, option_name),
offset_(offset) {
virtual void InitializeOption(RewriteOptions* options) const {
RewriteOptionsSubclass* options_subclass =
OptionClass& option = options_subclass->*offset_;
DCHECK_NE(-1, this->index()) << "Call Property::set_index first.";
options->set_option_at(this->index(), &option);
OptionOffset offset_;
// We need to check for valid settings with CacheFragment.
class CacheFragmentOption : public Option<GoogleString> {
virtual bool SetFromString(StringPiece value_string,
GoogleString* error_detail);
struct OptionIdCompare;
// Enum type used to record what action must be taken to resolve conflicts
// between "preserve URLs" and "extend cache" directives at different levels
// of the merge. The lower priority wins. These must be calculated before
// option/filter merging, and then performed after option/filter merging.
enum MergeOverride { kNoAction, kDisablePreserve, kDisableFilter };
static Properties* properties_; // from RewriteOptions only
static Properties* all_properties_; // includes subclass properties
static Properties* deprecated_properties_;
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteOptionsTest, ExperimentMergeTest);
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteOptionsTest, LookupOptionByNameTest);
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteOptionsTest, ColorUtilTest);
FRIEND_TEST(RewriteOptionsTest, ParseFloats);
// Helper functions to check if given header need to be blocked.
bool HasRejectedHeader(const StringPiece& header_name,
const RequestHeaders* request_headers) const;
bool IsRejectedUrl(const GoogleString& url) const {
return IsRejectedRequest(kRejectedRequestUrlKeyName, url);
bool IsRejectedRequest(StringPiece header_name,
StringPiece value) const {
FastWildcardGroupMap::const_iterator it = rejected_request_map_.find(
if (it != rejected_request_map_.end()) {
return it->second->Match(value, false);
return false;
// Makes sure that javascript_library_identification_ points to an object
// owned only by us, so that we can modify it; and returns the pointer to it.
JavascriptLibraryIdentification* WriteableJavascriptLibraryIdentification();
// A family of urls for which prioritize_visible_content filter can be
// applied. url_pattern represents the actual set of urls,
// cache_time_ms is the duration for which the cacheable portions of pages of
// the family can be cached, and non_cacheable_elements is a comma-separated
// list of elements (e.g., "id:foo,class:bar") that cannot be cached for the
// family.
struct PrioritizeVisibleContentFamily {
PrioritizeVisibleContentFamily(StringPiece url_pattern_string,
int64 cache_time_ms_in,
StringPiece non_cacheable_elements_in)
: url_pattern(url_pattern_string),
non_cacheable_elements_in.size()) {}
PrioritizeVisibleContentFamily* Clone() const {
return new PrioritizeVisibleContentFamily(
url_pattern.spec(), cache_time_ms, non_cacheable_elements);
GoogleString ComputeSignature() const {
return StrCat(url_pattern.spec(), ";", Integer64ToString(cache_time_ms),
";", non_cacheable_elements);
GoogleString ToString() const {
return StrCat("URL pattern: ", url_pattern.spec(), ", Cache time (ms): ",
Integer64ToString(cache_time_ms), ", Non-cacheable: ",
Wildcard url_pattern;
int64 cache_time_ms;
GoogleString non_cacheable_elements;
// A URL pattern cache invalidation entry. All values cached for an URL that
// matches url_pattern before timestamp_ms should be evicted.
struct UrlCacheInvalidationEntry {
UrlCacheInvalidationEntry(StringPiece url_pattern_in,
int64 timestamp_ms_in,
bool ignores_metadata_and_pcache_in)
: url_pattern(url_pattern_in),
ignores_metadata_and_pcache(ignores_metadata_and_pcache_in) {}
UrlCacheInvalidationEntry* Clone() const {
return new UrlCacheInvalidationEntry(
url_pattern.spec(), timestamp_ms, ignores_metadata_and_pcache);
GoogleString ComputeSignature() const {
if (ignores_metadata_and_pcache) {
return "";
return StrCat(url_pattern.spec(), "@", Integer64ToString(timestamp_ms));
GoogleString ToString() const {
return StrCat(
url_pattern.spec(), ", ",
(ignores_metadata_and_pcache ? "STRICT" : "REFERENCE"), " @ ",
Wildcard url_pattern;
int64 timestamp_ms;
bool ignores_metadata_and_pcache;
typedef std::vector<UrlCacheInvalidationEntry*>
typedef dense_hash_map<GoogleString, int64> UrlCacheInvalidationMap;
// Sigh. The folding Hash struct is required so that we ignore case when
// inserting. The folding Equal struct is required for looking up. Damned
// if I know why one needs to specify both.
typedef rde::hash_map<StringPiece, const PropertyBase*,
CaseFoldStringPieceHash, /* TLoadFactor4 = */ 6,
CaseFoldStringPieceEqual> PropertyNameMap;
// Private methods to help add properties to
// RewriteOptions::properties_. Subclasses define their own
// versions of these to add to their own private property-lists, and
// subsequently merge them into RewriteOptions::all_properties_ via
// MergeSubclassProperties.
// This version is for a property without a unique option_name_ field.
// kNullOption will be used for the name, and thus SetOptionFromName cannot
// be used for options associated with such properties.
// TODO(jmarantz): This method should be removed and such properties
// should be moved into RequestContext.
template<class OptionClass>
static void AddRequestProperty(typename OptionClass::ValueType default_value,
OptionClass RewriteOptions::*offset,
const char* id, bool safe_to_print) {
AddProperty(default_value, offset, id, kNullOption, kProcessScopeStrict,
NULL, safe_to_print, properties_);
// Adds a property with a unique option_name_ field, allowing use of
// SetOptionFromName.
template<class OptionClass>
static void AddBaseProperty(typename OptionClass::ValueType default_value,
OptionClass RewriteOptions::*offset,
const char* id,
StringPiece option_name,
OptionScope scope,
const char* help,
bool safe_to_print) {
AddProperty(default_value, offset, id, option_name, scope, help,
safe_to_print, properties_);
static void AddProperties();
bool AddCommaSeparatedListToFilterSetState(
const StringPiece& filters, FilterSet* set, MessageHandler* handler);
static bool AddCommaSeparatedListToFilterSet(
const StringPiece& filters, FilterSet* set, MessageHandler* handler);
// Initialize the Filter id to enum reverse array used for fast lookups.
static void InitFilterIdToEnumArray();
static void InitOptionIdToPropertyArray();
static void InitOptionNameToPropertyArray();
// Inits fixed_resource_headers_ to a sorted list of headers not allowed in
// AddResourceHeader.
static void InitFixedResourceHeaders();
// Helper for converting the result of SetOptionFromNameInternal into
// a status/message pair. The returned result may be adjusted from the passed
// in one (in particular when option_name is kNullOption).
OptionSettingResult FormatSetOptionMessage(
OptionSettingResult result, StringPiece name, StringPiece value,
StringPiece error_detail, GoogleString* msg);
// Backend to SetOptionFromName that doesn't do full message
// formatting. *error_detail may not be always set.
OptionSettingResult SetOptionFromNameInternal(
StringPiece name, StringPiece value, OptionScope max_scope,
GoogleString* error_detail);
// These static methods enable us to generate signatures for all
// instantiated option-types from Option<T>::Signature().
static GoogleString OptionSignature(bool x, const Hasher* hasher) {
return x ? "T" : "F";
static GoogleString OptionSignature(int x, const Hasher* hasher) {
return IntegerToString(x);
static GoogleString OptionSignature(int64 x, const Hasher* hasher) {
return Integer64ToString(x);
static GoogleString OptionSignature(const GoogleString& x,
const Hasher* hasher);
static GoogleString OptionSignature(RewriteLevel x,
const Hasher* hasher);
static GoogleString OptionSignature(ResourceCategorySet x,
const Hasher* hasher);
static GoogleString OptionSignature(const BeaconUrl& beacon_url,
const Hasher* hasher);
static GoogleString OptionSignature(const MobTheme& mob_theme,
const Hasher* hasher);
static GoogleString OptionSignature(const ResponsiveDensities& densities,
const Hasher* hasher);
static GoogleString OptionSignature(const AllowVaryOn& allow_vary_on,
const Hasher* hasher);
static GoogleString OptionSignature(
const protobuf::MessageLite& proto,
const Hasher* hasher);
// These static methods enable us to generate strings for all
// instantiated option-types from Option<T>::Signature().
static GoogleString ToString(bool x) {
return x ? "True" : "False";
static GoogleString ToString(int x) {
return IntegerToString(x);
static GoogleString ToString(int64 x) {
return Integer64ToString(x);
static GoogleString ToString(const GoogleString& x) {
return x;
static GoogleString ToString(RewriteLevel x);
static GoogleString ToString(const ResourceCategorySet &x);
static GoogleString ToString(const BeaconUrl& beacon_url);
static GoogleString ToString(const MobTheme& mob_theme);
static GoogleString ToString(const Color& color);
static GoogleString ToString(const ResponsiveDensities& densities);
static GoogleString ToString(const protobuf::MessageLite& proto);
static GoogleString ToString(const AllowVaryOn& allow_vary_on);
// Returns true if p1's option_name is less than p2's. Used to order
// all_properties_ and all_options_.
static bool PropertyLessThanByOptionName(PropertyBase* p1, PropertyBase* p2) {
return StringCaseCompare(p1->option_name(), p2->option_name()) < 0;
// Returns true if option's name is less than arg.
static bool OptionNameLessThanArg(OptionBase* option, StringPiece arg) {
return StringCaseCompare(option->option_name(), arg) < 0;
// Returns true if e1's timestamp is less than e2's.
static bool CompareUrlCacheInvalidationEntry(UrlCacheInvalidationEntry* e1,
UrlCacheInvalidationEntry* e2) {
return e1->timestamp_ms < e2->timestamp_ms;
// Returns true if the first entry's id is less than the second's id.
static bool FilterEnumToIdAndNameEntryLessThanById(
const FilterEnumToIdAndNameEntry* e1,
const FilterEnumToIdAndNameEntry* e2) {
return strcmp(e1->filter_id, e2->filter_id) < 0;
// Return the effective option name. If the name is deprecated, the new name
// will be returned; otherwise the name will be returned as is.
static StringPiece GetEffectiveOptionName(StringPiece name);
// Returns value of this option if it has been set; otherwise, returns true
// if the rewrite level matches the argument. If nothing applies, returns
// false.
bool CheckLevelSpecificOption(RewriteLevel rewrite_level,
const Option<bool>& option) const;
// In OptimizeForBandwidth mode, this sets up certain default filters
// and options, which take effect only if not explicitly overridden.
bool CheckBandwidthOption(const Option<bool>& option) const {
return CheckLevelSpecificOption(kOptimizeForBandwidth, option);
// In MobilizeFilters mode, this sets up certain default filters and options,
// which take effect only if not explicitly overridden.
bool CheckMobilizeFiltersOption(const Option<bool>& option) const {
return CheckLevelSpecificOption(kMobilizeFilters, option);
// Helps resolve the conflict between explicit extend_cache filters and
// preserve settings, but does not perform the action itself. This is so
// that the standard option-merging and filter-merging that works over
// all filters can function. This function is called prior to merging
// options and filters. The resulting value is then passed to
// ApplyMergeOverride, which must be run after the filter/option merging.
MergeOverride ComputeMergeOverride(
Filter filter,
const Option<bool>& src_preserve_option,
const Option<bool>& preserve_option,
const RewriteOptions& src);
// Applies the results of ComputeMergeOverride.
void ApplyMergeOverride(
MergeOverride merge_override,
Filter filter,
Option<bool>* preserve_option);
bool modified_;
bool frozen_;
FilterSet enabled_filters_;
FilterSet disabled_filters_;
FilterSet forbidden_filters_;
// Note: using the template class Option here saves a lot of repeated
// and error-prone merging code. However, it is not space efficient as
// we are alternating int64s and bools in the structure. If we cared
// about that, then we would keep the bools in a bitmask. But since
// we don't really care we'll try to keep the code structured better.
Option<RewriteLevel> level_;
// List of URL wildcard patterns and timestamp for which it should be
// invalidated. In increasing order of timestamp.
UrlCacheInvalidationEntryVector url_cache_invalidation_entries_;
// Map of exact URLs to be invalidated; no wildcards. Note that the
// cache_purge_mutex_ is, by default, a NullRWLock. You must call
// set_cache_invalidation_timestamp_mutex to make it be a real mutex.
// This is generally done only for the global context for each server,
// so that we can atomically propagate cache flush updates into it while
// it's running.
CopyOnWrite<PurgeSet> purge_set_ GUARDED_BY(cache_purge_mutex_);
scoped_ptr<ThreadSystem::RWLock> cache_purge_mutex_;
Option<int64> css_flatten_max_bytes_;
Option<bool> cache_small_images_unrewritten_;
Option<bool> no_transform_optimized_images_;
// Sets limit for image optimization
Option<int64> image_resolution_limit_bytes_;
Option<int64> css_image_inline_max_bytes_;
Option<int64> css_inline_max_bytes_;
Option<int64> css_outline_min_bytes_;
Option<int64> google_font_css_inline_max_bytes_;
// Preserve URL options
Option<bool> css_preserve_urls_;
Option<bool> js_preserve_urls_;
Option<bool> image_preserve_urls_;
Option<int64> image_inline_max_bytes_;
Option<int64> js_inline_max_bytes_;
Option<int64> js_outline_min_bytes_;
Option<int64> progressive_jpeg_min_bytes_;
// The max Cache-Control TTL for HTML.
Option<int64> max_html_cache_time_ms_;
// The maximum number of bytes of HTML that we parse, before redirecting to
// ?ModPagespeed=off.
Option<int64> max_html_parse_bytes_;
// Resources with Cache-Control TTL less than this will not be rewritten.
Option<int64> min_resource_cache_time_to_rewrite_ms_;
Option<int64> idle_flush_time_ms_;
Option<int64> flush_buffer_limit_bytes_;
// How long to wait in blocking fetches before timing out.
// Applies to ResourceFetch::BlockingFetch() and class SyncFetcherAdapter.
// Does not apply to async fetches.
Option<int64> blocking_fetch_timeout_ms_;
// Option related to generic image quality. This is overridden by
// image(jpeg/webp) specific options.
Option<int64> image_recompress_quality_;
// Options related to jpeg compression.
Option<int64> image_jpeg_recompress_quality_;
Option<int64> image_jpeg_recompress_quality_for_small_screens_;
Option<int64> image_jpeg_quality_for_save_data_;
Option<int64> image_jpeg_num_progressive_scans_;
Option<int64> image_jpeg_num_progressive_scans_for_small_screens_;
// Options governing when to retain optimized images vs keep original
Option<int> image_limit_optimized_percent_;
Option<int> image_limit_resize_area_percent_;
Option<int> image_limit_rendered_area_percent_;
// Options related to webp compression.
Option<int64> image_webp_recompress_quality_;
Option<int64> image_webp_recompress_quality_for_small_screens_;
Option<int64> image_webp_animated_recompress_quality_;
Option<int64> image_webp_quality_for_save_data_;
Option<int64> image_webp_timeout_ms_;
Option<int> image_max_rewrites_at_once_;
Option<int> max_url_segment_size_; // For http://a/b/c.d, use strlen("c.d").
Option<int> max_url_size_; // This is strlen("http://a/b/c.d").
// The interval to wait for async rewrites to complete before flushing
// content. This deadline is per flush.
Option<int> rewrite_deadline_ms_;
// Maximum number of shards for rewritten resources in a directory.
Option<int> domain_shard_count_;
Option<EnabledEnum> enabled_;
// Encode relevant rewrite options as URL query-parameters so that resources
// can be reconstructed on servers without the same configuration file.
Option<bool> add_options_to_urls_;
// If this option is enabled, serves .pagespeed. resource URLs with
// mismatching hashes with the same cache expiration as the inputs.
// By default, we convert resources requests with the wrong hash to
// Cache-Control:private,max-age=300 to avoid caching stale content
// in proxies.
Option<bool> publicly_cache_mismatched_hashes_experimental_;
// Should in-place-resource-optimization(IPRO) be enabled?
Option<bool> in_place_rewriting_enabled_;
// Optimize before responding in in-place flow?
Option<bool> in_place_wait_for_optimized_;
// Interval to delay serving on the IPRO path while waiting for optimizations.
// After this interval, the unoptimized resource will be served.
Option<int> in_place_rewrite_deadline_ms_;
// When we have a resource that we haven't optimized in-place yet, we add
// s-maxage to the Cache-Control header until we get to optimizing it. This
// option controls how many seconds we set s-maxage to, and -1 disables
// setting s-maxage at all.
Option<int> in_place_s_maxage_sec_;
// If set, preemptively rewrite images in CSS files on the HTML serving path
// when IPRO of CSS is enabled.
Option<bool> in_place_preemptive_rewrite_css_;
// If set, preemptively rewrite images in CSS files on the IPRO serving path.
Option<bool> in_place_preemptive_rewrite_css_images_;
// If set, preemptively rewrite images in image files on the HTML serving path
// when IPRO of images is enabled.
Option<bool> in_place_preemptive_rewrite_images_;
// If set, preemptively rewrite images in JS files on the HTML serving path
// when IPRO of JS is enabled.
Option<bool> in_place_preemptive_rewrite_javascript_;
// Use cache-control:private rather than vary:accept when serving IPRO
// resources to IE. This avoids the need for an if-modified-since request
// from IE on each cache hit. The flip side is no proxy cache will store it
// (though few or no proxy caches will store Vary: accept data in any case
// unless they are specially configured to do so).
Option<bool> private_not_vary_for_ie_;
Option<bool> combine_across_paths_;
Option<bool> log_background_rewrites_;
Option<bool> log_mobilization_samples_;
Option<bool> log_rewrite_timing_; // Should we time HtmlParser?
Option<bool> log_url_indices_;
Option<bool> lowercase_html_names_;
Option<bool> always_rewrite_css_; // For tests/debugging.
Option<bool> respect_vary_;
Option<bool> respect_x_forwarded_proto_;
Option<bool> flush_html_;
// If set to true, ProxyFetch will request a flush on its RewriteDriver when
// Flush() is called on it.
Option<bool> follow_flushes_;
// Should we serve stale responses if the fetch results in a server side
// error.
Option<bool> serve_stale_if_fetch_error_;
// Should we serve access control headers in response headers.
Option<bool> serve_xhr_access_control_headers_;
// Proactively freshen user facing request if it is about to expire. So, that
// subsequent requests will experience a cache hit.
Option<bool> proactively_freshen_user_facing_request_;
// Threshold for serving stale responses while revalidating in background.
// 0 means don't serve stale content.
Option<int64> serve_stale_while_revalidate_threshold_sec_;
// When default_cache_html_ is false (default) we do not cache
// input HTML which lacks Cache-Control headers. But, when set true,
// we will cache those inputs for the implicit lifetime just like we
// do for resources.
Option<bool> default_cache_html_;
// In general, we rewrite Cache-Control headers for HTML. We do this
// for several reasons, but at least one is that our rewrites are not
// necessarily publicly cacheable.
// Some people don't like this, so we allow them to disable it.
Option<bool> modify_caching_headers_;
// In general, lazyload images loads images on scroll. However, some people
// may want to load images when the onload event is fired instead. If set to
// true, images are loaded when onload is fired.
Option<bool> lazyload_images_after_onload_;
// The initial image url to load in the lazyload images filter. If this is not
// specified, we use a 1x1 inlined image.
Option<GoogleString> lazyload_images_blank_url_;
// Whether inline preview should use a blank image instead of a low resolution
// version of the original image.
Option<bool> use_blank_image_for_inline_preview_;
// By default, inline_images will inline only critical images. However, some
// people may want to inline all images (both critical and non-critical). If
// set to false, all images will be inlined within the html.
Option<bool> inline_only_critical_images_;
// Indicates whether image rewriting filters should insert the critical images
// beacon code.
Option<bool> critical_images_beacon_enabled_;
// Indicates whether the DomainRewriteFilter should also do client side
// rewriting.
Option<bool> client_domain_rewrite_;
// Indicates whether DomainRewriteFilter should rewrite domain information
// in Set-Cookie: headers.
Option<bool> domain_rewrite_cookies_;
// Indicates whether the DomainRewriteFilter should rewrite all tags,
// including <a href> and <form action>.
Option<bool> domain_rewrite_hyperlinks_;
// Are we running the A/B experiment framework that uses cookies and Google
// Analytics to track page speed statistics with multiple sets of rewriters?
Option<bool> running_experiment_;
// The experiment framework reports to Google Analytice in a custom variable
// slot. Specify which one to use.
Option<int> experiment_ga_slot_;
// For testing purposes you can force users to be enrolled in a specific
// experiment. This makes most sense in a query param.
Option<int> enroll_experiment_id_;
// When running a content experiment, which IDs should we use when logging to
// Google Analytics?
Option<GoogleString> content_experiment_id_;
Option<GoogleString> content_experiment_variant_id_;
// Log to analytics.js instead of ga.js.
Option<bool> use_analytics_js_;
// Increase the percentage of hits to 10% (current max) that have
// site speed tracking in Google Analytics.
Option<bool> increase_speed_tracking_;
// If enabled we will report time taken before navigating to a new page. This
// won't have effect, if onload beacon is sent before unload event is
// trigggered.
Option<bool> report_unload_time_;
Option<bool> serve_rewritten_webp_urls_to_any_agent_;
// Enables experimental code in defer js.
Option<bool> enable_defer_js_experimental_;
// Option to disable rewrite optimizations on no-transform header.
Option<bool> disable_rewrite_on_no_transform_;
// Option to disable pre-emptive background fetches for bot requests.
Option<bool> disable_background_fetches_for_bots_;
// Enables the Cache Purge API. This is not on by default because
// it requires saving input URLs to each metadata cache entry to
// facilitate fast URL cache invalidation.
// Note that in the absence of this API, purging URLs can still
// work, but it will invalidate either the entire metadata cache
// (ignores_metadata_and_pcache==false in the call to
// AddUrlCacheInvalidationEntry) or will not invalidate the metadata
// cache entries at all (ignores_metadata_and_pcache==false).
Option<bool> enable_cache_purge_;
// If set, the urls of the inputs to the resource are saved in the metadata
// cache entry. This increases the size of the cache entry, but can be used in
// freshening of the embedded resources.
Option<bool> proactive_resource_freshening_;
// Enables the code to lazy load high res images.
Option<bool> lazyload_highres_images_;
// Some introspective javascript is very brittle and may break if we
// make any changes. Enables code to detect such cases and avoid renaming.
Option<bool> avoid_renaming_introspective_javascript_;
// Overrides the IE document mode to use the highest mode available.
Option<bool> override_ie_document_mode_;
// Test-only flag to get fetch deadlines to trigger instantly.
Option<bool> test_instant_fetch_rewrite_deadline_;
// Indicates whether the prioritize_critical_css filter should invoke its
// JavaScript function to load all the "hidden" CSS files at onload.
// Intended for testing only.
Option<bool> test_only_prioritize_critical_css_dont_apply_original_css_;
// Enables blocking rewrite of html. RewriteDriver provides a flag
// fully_rewrite_on_flush which makes sure that all rewrites are done before
// the response is flushed to the client. If the value of the
// X-PSA-Blocking-Rewrite header matches this key, the
// RewriteDriver::fully_rewrite_on_flush flag will be set.
Option<GoogleString> blocking_rewrite_key_;
// Indicates how often we should reinstrument pages with the critical images
// beacon, based on the time since the last write to the property cache by a
// beacon response.
Option<int> beacon_reinstrument_time_sec_;
// Number of first N images for which low res image is generated. Negative
// values will bypass image index check.
Option<int> max_inlined_preview_images_index_;
// Minimum image size above which low res image is generated.
Option<int64> min_image_size_low_resolution_bytes_;
// Maximum image size below which low res image is generated.
Option<int64> max_image_size_low_resolution_bytes_;
// Percentage (an integer between 0 and 100 inclusive) of images rewrites to
// drop.
Option<int> rewrite_random_drop_percentage_;
// For proxies operating in in-place mode this allows fetching optimized
// resources from sites that have MPS, etc configured.
Option<bool> oblivious_pagespeed_urls_;
// Cache expiration time in msec for properties of finders.
// Critical images /flush early information will be valid for the time
// specified.
Option<int64> finder_properties_cache_expiration_time_ms_;
// Cache refresh time in msec for properties of finders. The properties are
// refreshed when their age is larger than the specified value. However, the
// property will be used until finder_properties_cache_expiration_time_ms_.
Option<int64> finder_properties_cache_refresh_time_ms_;
// Duration after which the experiment cookie will expire on the user's
// browser (in msec).
Option<int64> experiment_cookie_duration_ms_;
// The maximum time beyond expiry for which a metadata cache entry may be
// used.
Option<int64> metadata_cache_staleness_threshold_ms_;
// The metadata cache ttl for input resources which are 4xx errors.
Option<int64> metadata_input_errors_cache_ttl_ms_;
// The HTTP method to use ("PURGE", "GET" etc.) for purge requests sent to
// downstream caches (e.g. proxy_cache, Varnish).
Option<GoogleString> downstream_cache_purge_method_;
// The host:port/path prefix to be used for purging the cached responses.
Option<GoogleString> downstream_cache_purge_location_prefix_;
// The webmaster-provided key used to authenticate rebeaconing requests from
// downstream caches.
Option<GoogleString> downstream_cache_rebeaconing_key_;
// Threshold for amount of rewriting finished before the response was served
// out (expressed as a percentage) and simultaneously stored in the downstream
// cache beyond which the response will not be purged from the cache even if
// more rewriting is possible now. If the threshold is exceeded, this means
// that the version in the cache is good enough and hence need not be purged.
Option<int64> downstream_cache_rewritten_percentage_threshold_;
// The number of milliseconds of cache TTL we assign to resources that
// are "likely cacheable" (e.g. images, js, css, not html) and have no
// explicit cache ttl or expiration date.
Option<int64> implicit_cache_ttl_ms_;
// The number of miliseconds of cache TTL we assign to resources that are
// loaded from file and "likely cacheable" and have no explicit cache ttl or
// expiration date. If this option is not set explicitly, fall back to using
// implicit_cache_ttl_ms for load from file cache ttl.
Option<int64> load_from_file_cache_ttl_ms_;
// Maximum length (in bytes) of response content.
Option<int64> max_cacheable_response_content_length_;
// Keep the original subresource hints
Option<bool> preserve_subresource_hints_;
// Keep rewritten URLs as relative as the original resource URL was.
// TODO(sligocki): Remove this option once we know it's always safe.
Option<bool> preserve_url_relativity_;
Option<GoogleString> ga_id_;
// Use fallback values from property cache.
Option<bool> use_fallback_property_cache_values_;
// Always wait for property cache lookup to finish.
Option<bool> await_pcache_lookup_;
// Enable Prioritizing of scripts in defer javascript.
Option<bool> enable_prioritizing_scripts_;
// Enables rewriting of uncacheable resources.
Option<bool> rewrite_uncacheable_resources_;
// Forbid turning on of any disabled (not enabled) filters either via query
// parameters or request headers or .htaccess for Directory. Note that this
// is a latch so that setting it at some directory level forces it on for
// that and all lower levels, as otherwise someone could just create a
// sub-directory and enable it in a .htaccess in there.
Option<bool> forbid_all_disabled_filters_;
// Enables aggressive rewriters for mobile user agents.
Option<bool> enable_aggressive_rewriters_for_mobile_;
// If this is true (it defaults to false) ProxyInterface frontend will
// reject requests where PSA is not enabled or URL is blacklisted with
// status code reject_blacklisted_status_code_ (default 403) rather than
// proxy them in passthrough mode. This does not affect behavior for
// resource rewriting.
Option<bool> reject_blacklisted_;
Option<int> reject_blacklisted_status_code_;
// Support handling of clients without javascript support. This is applicable
// only if any filter that inserts new javascript (e.g., lazyload_images) is
// enabled.
Option<bool> support_noscript_enabled_;
// If this set to true, we add additional instrumentation code to page that
// reports more information in the beacon.
Option<bool> enable_extended_instrumentation_;
Option<bool> use_experimental_js_minifier_;
// Maximum size allowed for the combined CSS resource.
// Negative value will bypass the size check.
Option<int64> max_combined_css_bytes_;
// Maximum size allowed for the combined js resource.
// Negative value will bypass the size check.
Option<int64> max_combined_js_bytes_;
// Url to which pre connect requests will be sent.
Option<GoogleString> pre_connect_url_;
// The number of requests for which the status code should remain same so that
// we consider it to be stable.
Option<int> property_cache_http_status_stability_threshold_;
// The maximum number of rewrite info logs stored for a single request.
Option<int> max_rewrite_info_log_size_;
// The cache TTL with which to override the urls matching the
// override_caching_ WildCardGroup. Note that we do not override the cache TTL
// for any urls if this value is negative. The same TTL value is used for all
// urls that match override_caching_wildcard_.
Option<int64> override_caching_ttl_ms_;
CopyOnWrite<FastWildcardGroup> override_caching_wildcard_;
// Whether to allow logging urls as part of LogRecord.
Option<bool> allow_logging_urls_in_log_record_;
// Whether to allow options to be set by cookies.
Option<bool> allow_options_to_be_set_by_cookies_;
// Non cacheables used when partial HTML is cached.
Option<GoogleString> non_cacheables_for_cache_partial_html_;
// Comma separated list of origins that are allowed to make cross-origin
// requests. These domain requests are served with
// Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
Option<GoogleString> access_control_allow_origins_;
// If set to true, hides the referer by adding meta tag to the HTML.
Option<bool> hide_referer_using_meta_;
// Options to control the edge-case behaviour of inline-previewed images. The
// idea is to avoid inline-previewing when:
// a. low-res image is large.
// b. low-res image is not small enough compared to the full-res version.
Option<int64> max_low_res_image_size_bytes_;
Option<int> max_low_res_to_full_res_image_size_percentage_;
// The URL from which to pull remote configurations.
Option<GoogleString> remote_configuration_url_;
// The timeout, in milliseconds for the remote configuration file fetch.
Option<int64> remote_configuration_timeout_ms_;
// The level to set the gzip compression of HTTPCache items.
Option<int> http_cache_compression_level_;
// Pass this string in url to allow for pagespeed options.
Option<GoogleString> request_option_override_;
// The key used to sign .pagespeed resources if URL signing is enabled.
Option<GoogleString> url_signing_key_;
// If set to true, accepts urls with invalid signatures.
Option<bool> accept_invalid_signatures_;
// sticky_query_parameters_ is the token specified in the configuration that
// must be specified in a request's query parameters/headers for the other
// options in the request to be converted to cookies.
// option_cookies_duration_ms_ is how long the cookie will live for when set.
Option<GoogleString> sticky_query_parameters_;
Option<int64> option_cookies_duration_ms_;
// Comma separated list of densities to use for responsive images.
Option<ResponsiveDensities> responsive_image_densities_;
// The pattern to use for generating the canonical AMP page link from
// the existing URL.
// TODO(sjnickerson): Make this Option<AmpLinkPattern> so that parsing and
// validation can happen up front.
Option<GoogleString> amp_link_pattern_;
// Whether our CSP support is on or not.
Option<bool> honor_csp_;
// If set, how to fragment the http cache. Otherwise the server's hostname,
// from the Host header, is used.
CacheFragmentOption cache_fragment_;
// Be sure to update constructor when new fields are added so that they are
// added to all_options_, which is used for Merge, and eventually, Compare.
OptionBaseVector all_options_;
size_t initialized_options_; // Counts number of options initialized so far.
// Reverse map from filter id string to corresponding Filter enum. Note
// that this is not indexed by filter enum; it's indexed alphabetically by id.
static const FilterEnumToIdAndNameEntry* filter_id_to_enum_array_[
// Reverse map from option name string to corresponding PropertyBase.
static PropertyNameMap* option_name_to_property_map_;
// Reverse map from option id string to corresponding PropertyBase.
static const PropertyBase** option_id_to_property_array_;
// When compiled for debug, we lazily check whether the all the Option<>
// member variables in all_options have unique IDs.
// Note that we include this member-variable in the structrue even under
// optimization as otherwise it might be very bad news indeed if someone
// mixed debug/opt object files in an executable.
bool options_uniqueness_checked_;
bool need_to_store_experiment_data_;
int experiment_id_; // Which experiment configuration are we in?
int experiment_percent_; // Total traffic going through experiments.
std::vector<ExperimentSpec*> experiment_specs_;
// Headers to add resource responses.
// TODO(oschaaf): Wrap this and custom_fetch_headers_ in CopyOnWrite through
// a new class. Move header validations over there as well so we can share
// them.
std::vector<NameValue*> resource_headers_;
// Headers to add to subresource requests.
std::vector<NameValue*> custom_fetch_headers_;
// If this is non-NULL it tells us additional attributes that should be
// interpreted as containing urls.
scoped_ptr<std::vector<ElementAttributeCategory> > url_valued_attributes_;
Option<ResourceCategorySet> inline_unauthorized_resource_types_;
Option<int64> noop_;
// Comma separated list of headers which we can vary-on, or "Auto", or "None".
Option<AllowVaryOn> allow_vary_on_;
CopyOnWrite<DomainLawyer> domain_lawyer_;
FileLoadPolicy file_load_policy_;
CopyOnWrite<FastWildcardGroup> allow_resources_;
CopyOnWrite<FastWildcardGroup> allow_when_inlining_resources_;
CopyOnWrite<FastWildcardGroup> retain_comments_;
CopyOnWrite<FastWildcardGroup> lazyload_enabled_classes_;
CopyOnWrite<FastWildcardGroup> css_combining_permitted_ids_;
// When certain url patterns are in the referer we want to do a blocking
// rewrite.
CopyOnWrite<FastWildcardGroup> blocking_rewrite_referer_urls_;
// Using StringPiece here is safe since all entries in this map have static
// strings as the key.
typedef std::map<StringPiece, FastWildcardGroup*> FastWildcardGroupMap;
FastWildcardGroupMap rejected_request_map_;
GoogleString signature_;
MD5Hasher hasher_; // Used to compute named signatures.
SHA1Signature sha1signature_;
ThreadSystem* thread_system_;
// When compiled for debug, keep track of the last thread to modify
// this object. If cloned or merged from prior to
// ComputeSignature(), we check that the thread doing the Merge is
// in the same thread that modified it.
// We also ensure that only one thread modifies a RewriteOptions
// object.
// Note: we don't ifdef the member variable declaration as having the
// structure-size dependent on debug-ifdef seems dangerous when used
// as a library against externally compiled code. We do ifdef its
// usage within the class implementation, however.
scoped_ptr<ThreadSystem::ThreadId> last_thread_id_;
} // namespace net_instaweb