blob: ec718647fa891c1faeae21f9b6b68114ae718d6a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Shawn Ligocki)
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "pagespeed/controller/central_controller.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/abstract_mutex.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/function.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/null_statistics.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/statistics.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/thread_system.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/thread/queued_worker_pool.h"
namespace pagespeed { namespace js { struct JsTokenizerPatterns; } }
namespace net_instaweb {
class CriticalImagesFinder;
class CriticalSelectorFinder;
class FileSystem;
class ExperimentMatcher;
class Hasher;
class MessageHandler;
class NamedLockManager;
class NonceGenerator;
class ProcessContext;
class ServerContext;
class RewriteDriver;
class RewriteOptions;
class RewriteOptionsManager;
class RewriteStats;
class SHA1Signature;
class Scheduler;
class StaticAssetManager;
class Timer;
class UrlAsyncFetcher;
class UrlNamer;
class UsageDataReporter;
class UserAgentMatcher;
class UserAgentNormalizer;
// Manages the construction and ownership of most objects needed to create
// RewriteDrivers. If you have your own versions of these classes (specific
// implementations of UrlAsyncFetcher, Hasher, etc.) you can make your own
// subclass of RewriteDriverFactory to use these by default.
class RewriteDriverFactory {
// Helper for users of defer_cleanup; see below.
template<class T> class Deleter;
enum WorkerPoolCategory {
// Make sure to insert new values above this line.
// Takes ownership of thread_system.
RewriteDriverFactory(const ProcessContext& process_context,
ThreadSystem* thread_system);
// Initializes default options we want to hard-code into the
// base-class to get consistency across deployments. Subclasses
// that override NewRewriteOptions() should call this method from
// their constructor. It is safe to call this multiple times.
void InitializeDefaultOptions();
// Static version of the above. If you are using that you may also need
// to call reset_default_options.
static void InitializeDefaultOptions(RewriteOptions* options);
virtual ~RewriteDriverFactory();
// The RewriteDriverFactory will create objects of default type through the
// New* method from drived classes. Here are the objects that can be
// replaced before creating the RewriteDriver.
// Note: RewriteDriver takes ownership of these.
void set_html_parse_message_handler(MessageHandler* message_handler);
void set_message_handler(MessageHandler* message_handler);
void set_file_system(FileSystem* file_system);
void set_hasher(Hasher* hasher);
void set_nonce_generator(NonceGenerator* nonce_generator);
void set_url_namer(UrlNamer* url_namer);
void set_signature(SHA1Signature* signature);
void set_timer(Timer* timer);
void set_usage_data_reporter(UsageDataReporter* reporter);
// Set up a directory for slurped files for HTML and resources. If
// read_only is true, then it will only read from these files, and
// this will eliminate the usage of any other url_fetcher. If
// read_only is false, then the existing url fetcher will be used as
// a fallback if the slurped file is not found, and slurped files will
// be subsequently written so they don't have to be fetched from
// the Internet again.
// You must set the slurp directory prior to calling ComputeUrlAsyncFetcher.
void set_slurp_directory(const StringPiece& directory);
void set_slurp_read_only(bool read_only);
void set_slurp_print_urls(bool read_only);
// Setting HTTP caching on causes both the fetcher and the async
// fecher to return cached versions.
void set_force_caching(bool u) { force_caching_ = u; }
// You can call set_base_url_async_fetcher to set up real async fetching
// for real serving or for modeling of live traffic.
// These fetchers may be used directly when serving traffic, or they
// may be aggregated with other fetchers (e.g. for slurping).
// You cannot set the base URL fetcher once ComputeUrlAsyncFetcher has
// been called.
void set_base_url_async_fetcher(UrlAsyncFetcher* url_fetcher);
bool set_filename_prefix(StringPiece p);
// Determines whether Slurping is enabled.
bool slurping_enabled() const { return !slurp_directory_.empty(); }
MessageHandler* html_parse_message_handler();
MessageHandler* message_handler();
FileSystem* file_system();
NonceGenerator* nonce_generator();
// TODO(sligocki): Remove hasher() and force people to make a NewHasher when
// they need one.
Hasher* hasher();
UrlNamer* url_namer();
UserAgentMatcher* user_agent_matcher();
StaticAssetManager* static_asset_manager();
SHA1Signature* signature();
RewriteOptions* default_options() { return default_options_.get(); }
virtual RewriteOptionsManager* NewRewriteOptionsManager();
// These accessors are *not* thread-safe until after the first call, as they
// do unlocked lazy initialization, so they must be called at least once prior
// to starting threads. Normally this is done by CreateServerContext() or
// InitServerContext().
Timer* timer();
NamedLockManager* lock_manager();
QueuedWorkerPool* WorkerPool(WorkerPoolCategory pool);
Scheduler* scheduler();
UsageDataReporter* usage_data_reporter();
const pagespeed::js::JsTokenizerPatterns* js_tokenizer_patterns() const {
return js_tokenizer_patterns_;
const std::vector<const UserAgentNormalizer*>& user_agent_normalizers();
// Computes URL fetchers using the base fetcher, and optionally,
// slurp_directory and slurp_read_only. These are not thread-safe;
// they must be called once prior to spawning threads, e.g. via
// CreateServerContext.
virtual UrlAsyncFetcher* ComputeUrlAsyncFetcher();
// Threadsafe mechanism to create a managed ServerContext. The
// ServerContext is owned by the factory, and should not be
// deleted directly. Currently it is not possible to delete a
// server context except by deleting the entire factory.
// Implemented in terms of NewServerContext().
// Note that this is a convenience wrapper only. In particular,
// SystemServerContext creates ServerContexts by calling New and Init
// separately.
ServerContext* CreateServerContext();
// Initializes a ServerContext that has been new'd directly. This
// allows 2-phase initialization if required. There is no need to
// call this if you use CreateServerContext.
void InitServerContext(ServerContext* server_context);
// Called from InitServerContext, but virtualized separately as it is
// platform-specific. This method must call on the server context:
// set_http_cache, set_metadata_cache, set_filesystem_metadata_cache, and
// MakePropertyCaches.
virtual void SetupCaches(ServerContext* server_context) = 0;
// Returns true if this platform uses beacon-based measurements to make
// run-time decisions. This is used to determine how to configure various
// beacon-based filters.
virtual bool UseBeaconResultsInFilters() const = 0;
// Provides an optional hook for adding rewrite passes to the HTML filter
// chain. This should be used for filters that are specific to a particular
// RewriteDriverFactory implementation.
virtual void AddPlatformSpecificRewritePasses(RewriteDriver* driver);
// Provides an optional hook for adding rewriters to the .pagespeed. resource
// decoding chain. This should be used for rewriters that are specific to a
// particular RewriteDriverFactory implementation. The caller should only use
// the resulting driver for reconstructing a .pagespeed. resource, not for
// transforming HTML. Therefore, implementations should add any
// platform-specific rewriter whose id might appear in a .pagespeed. URL.
// This should be done independent of RewriteOptions, since we only store
// a single decoding driver globally to save memory.
virtual void AddPlatformSpecificDecodingPasses(RewriteDriver* driver);
// Provides an optional hook for customizing the RewriteDriver object
// using the options set on it. This is called before
// RewriteDriver::AddFilters() and AddPlatformSpecificRewritePasses().
virtual void ApplyPlatformSpecificConfiguration(RewriteDriver* driver);
ThreadSystem* thread_system() { return thread_system_.get(); }
// Returns the set of directories that we (our our subclasses) have created
// thus far.
const StringSet& created_directories() const {
return created_directories_;
bool async_rewrites() { return true; }
// Collection of global statistics objects. This is thread-unsafe:
// it must be called prior to spawning threads, and after any calls
// to SetStatistics. Failing that, it will be initialized in the
// first call to InitServerContext(), which is thread-safe.
RewriteStats* rewrite_stats();
// Returns true if the server supports waveforms in its status page.
virtual bool HasWaveforms() const { return false; }
// statistics (default is NullStatistics). This can be overridden by calling
// SetStatistics, either from subclasses or externally.
Statistics* statistics() { return statistics_; }
// Initializes statistics variables. This must be done at process
// startup to enable shared memory segments in Apache to be set up.
static void InitStats(Statistics* statistics);
// Initializes static variables. Initialize/Terminate calls must be paired.
static void Initialize();
static void Terminate();
// Does *not* take ownership of Statistics.
void SetStatistics(Statistics* stats);
// Clean up all the factory-owned resources: fetchers, pools,
// Server Contexts, the Drivers owned by the Server Contexts,
// and worker threads.
virtual void ShutDown();
// Registers the directory as having been created by us.
void AddCreatedDirectory(const GoogleString& dir);
// Creates a new empty RewriteOptions object, with no default settings.
// Generally configurations go factory's default_options() ->
// ServerContext::global_options() -> RewriteDriverFactory,
// but this method just provides a blank set of options.
virtual RewriteOptions* NewRewriteOptions();
// Creates a new empty RewriteOptions object meant for use for
// custom options from queries or headers. Default implementation just
// forwards to NewRewriteOptions().
virtual RewriteOptions* NewRewriteOptionsForQuery();
// get/set the version placed into the X-[Mod-]Page(s|-S)peed header.
const GoogleString& version_string() const { return version_string_; }
void set_version_string(const StringPiece& version_string) {
// Causes the given function to be Run after all the threads are shutdown,
// in order to do any needed resource cleanups. The Deleter<T> template below
// may be useful for object deletion cleanups.
void defer_cleanup(Function* f) { deferred_cleanups_.push_back(f); }
// Queues an object for deletion at the last phase of RewriteDriverFactory
// destruction.
template<class T> void TakeOwnership(T* obj) {
defer_cleanup(new RewriteDriverFactory::Deleter<T>(obj));
// Base method that returns true if the given ip is a debug ip.
virtual bool IsDebugClient(const GoogleString& ip) const {
return false;
// Creates an ExperimentMatcher, which is used to match clients or sessions to
// a specific experiment.
virtual ExperimentMatcher* NewExperimentMatcher();
bool FetchersComputed() const;
virtual void StopCacheActivity();
StringPiece filename_prefix();
// Used by subclasses to indicate that a ServerContext has been
// terminated. Returns true if this was the last server context
// known to this factory.
bool TerminateServerContext(ServerContext* server_context);
// Implementors of RewriteDriverFactory must supply default definitions
// for each of these methods, although they may be overridden via set_
// methods above. These methods all instantiate objects and transfer
// ownership to the caller.
virtual UrlAsyncFetcher* DefaultAsyncUrlFetcher() = 0;
virtual MessageHandler* DefaultHtmlParseMessageHandler() = 0;
virtual MessageHandler* DefaultMessageHandler() = 0;
virtual FileSystem* DefaultFileSystem() = 0;
virtual NonceGenerator* DefaultNonceGenerator();
virtual Timer* DefaultTimer();
virtual SHA1Signature* DefaultSignature();
virtual Hasher* NewHasher() = 0;
// Creates a new ServerContext* object. ServerContext itself must be
// overridden per Factory as it has at least one pure virtual method.
virtual ServerContext* NewServerContext() = 0;
// Create a new ServerContext used for decoding only. Unlike NewServerContext,
// the resulting ServerContext should not be fresh, but should have some of
// its platform dependencies injected --- but just enough for decoding URLs,
// and not full operation. At the time of writing it needs the timer,
// url namer, hasher, message handler, and stats; expensive stuff like
// cache backends is not needed, however.
// You may find InitStubDecodingServerContext() useful for doing that, as it
// will inject all of these from what's available in 'this'.
virtual ServerContext* NewDecodingServerContext() = 0;
virtual CriticalImagesFinder* DefaultCriticalImagesFinder(
ServerContext* server_context);
virtual CriticalSelectorFinder* DefaultCriticalSelectorFinder(
ServerContext* server_context);
// They may also supply a custom lock manager. The default implementation
// will use the file system.
virtual NamedLockManager* DefaultLockManager();
// They may also supply a custom Url namer. The default implementation
// performs sharding and appends '.pagespeed.<filter>.<hash>.<extension>'.
virtual UrlNamer* DefaultUrlNamer();
virtual UserAgentMatcher* DefaultUserAgentMatcher();
virtual UsageDataReporter* DefaultUsageDataReporter();
// Provides an optional hook to add user-agent normalizers specific to
// needs of a specific RewriteDriverFactory implementation. The new entries
// should be appended to the end of *out (without clearing it), and should
// still be owned by the RewriteDriverFactory subclass.
// Default implementation does nothing.
virtual void AddPlatformSpecificUserAgentNormalizers(
std::vector<const UserAgentNormalizer*>* out);
// Subclasses can override this to create an appropriately-sized thread
// pool for their environment. The default implementation will always
// make one with a single thread.
virtual QueuedWorkerPool* CreateWorkerPool(WorkerPoolCategory pool,
StringPiece name);
// Subclasses can override this method to request load-shedding to happen
// if the low-priority work pool has too many inactive sequences queued up
// waiting (the returned value will be a threshold beyond which things
// will start getting dropped). The default implementation returns
// kNoLoadShedding, which disables the feature. See also
// QueuedWorkerPool::set_load_shedding_threshold
virtual int LowPriorityLoadSheddingThreshold() const;
// Subclasses can override this to create an appropriate Scheduler
// subclass if the default isn't acceptable.
virtual Scheduler* CreateScheduler();
// Called before creating the url fetchers.
virtual void FetcherSetupHooks();
// Override this if you want to change what directory locks go into
// when using the default filesystem-based lock manager. The default is
// filename_prefix()
virtual StringPiece LockFilePrefix();
// Initializes the StaticAssetManager.
virtual void InitStaticAssetManager(
StaticAssetManager* static_asset_manager) {}
// Sets up enough of platform dependencies in 'context' to be able to use
// it for decoding URLs, based on this object's values and some stubs.
void InitStubDecodingServerContext(ServerContext* context);
// Allow sub-classes to pick which CentralController they want to use.
// lock_manager is owned by the caller and must outlive the Controller.
// This uses shared_ptr to solve lifecycle differences among different
// implementations.
virtual std::shared_ptr<CentralController> GetCentralController(
NamedLockManager* lock_manager);
// For use in tests.
void RebuildDecodingDriverForTests(ServerContext* server_context);
void reset_default_options(RewriteOptions* new_defaults);
// Creates a StaticAssetManager instance. Default implementation creates an
// instance that disables serving of filter javascript via gstatic
// ( is the domain google uses for serving static content).
StaticAssetManager* DefaultStaticAssetManager();
void SetupSlurpDirectories();
void InitDecodingDriver(ServerContext* server_context);
scoped_ptr<MessageHandler> html_parse_message_handler_;
scoped_ptr<MessageHandler> message_handler_;
scoped_ptr<FileSystem> file_system_;
UrlAsyncFetcher* url_async_fetcher_;
scoped_ptr<UrlAsyncFetcher> base_url_async_fetcher_;
scoped_ptr<Hasher> hasher_;
scoped_ptr<NonceGenerator> nonce_generator_;
scoped_ptr<SHA1Signature> signature_;
scoped_ptr<UrlNamer> url_namer_;
scoped_ptr<UserAgentMatcher> user_agent_matcher_;
// Lazily filled-in list of UA normalizers, including the default ones
// this class adds, and any additional ones added by user_agent_normalizers()
// calling subclass' AddPlatformSpecificUserAgentNormalizers on this.
std::vector<const UserAgentNormalizer*> user_agent_normalizers_;
scoped_ptr<StaticAssetManager> static_asset_manager_;
scoped_ptr<Timer> timer_;
scoped_ptr<Scheduler> scheduler_;
scoped_ptr<UsageDataReporter> usage_data_reporter_;
// RE2 patterns needed for JsTokenizer.
const pagespeed::js::JsTokenizerPatterns* js_tokenizer_patterns_;
GoogleString filename_prefix_;
GoogleString slurp_directory_;
bool force_caching_;
bool slurp_read_only_;
bool slurp_print_urls_;
scoped_ptr<ThreadSystem> thread_system_;
// protected by server_context_mutex_;
typedef std::set<ServerContext*> ServerContextSet;
ServerContextSet server_contexts_;
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> server_context_mutex_;
// Stores options with hard-coded defaults and adjustments from
// the core system, subclasses, and command-line.
scoped_ptr<RewriteOptions> default_options_;
// Keep around a RewriteDriver just for decoding resource URLs, using
// the default options. This is possible because the id->RewriteFilter
// table is fully constructed independent of the options; we however
// still inject options into some of the Decode methods since we also
// need to honor things like forbids. We also have a special
// ServerContext just for it, to avoid connecting it to any particular
// pre-existing one.
scoped_ptr<ServerContext> decoding_server_context_;
scoped_ptr<RewriteDriver> decoding_driver_;
// Manage locks for output resources.
scoped_ptr<NamedLockManager> lock_manager_;
// Default statistics implementation which can be overridden by children
// by calling SetStatistics().
NullStatistics null_statistics_;
Statistics* statistics_;
StringSet created_directories_;
std::vector<QueuedWorkerPool*> worker_pools_;
// These must be initialized after the RewriteDriverFactory subclass has been
// constructed so it can use a the statistics() override.
scoped_ptr<RewriteStats> rewrite_stats_;
// To assist with subclass destruction-order, subclasses can register
// functions to run late in the destructor.
std::vector<Function*> deferred_cleanups_;
// Version string to put into HTTP response headers.
// TODO(sligocki): Remove. Redundant with RewriteOptions::x_header_value().
GoogleString version_string_;
// The hostname we're running on. Used to set the same field in ServerContext.
GoogleString hostname_;
// Helper for users of RewriterDriverFactory::defer_cleanup --- instantiates
// into objects that call the appropriate delete operator when Run.
template<class T> class RewriteDriverFactory::Deleter : public Function {
explicit Deleter(T* obj) : obj_(obj) {}
virtual void Run() { delete obj_; }
T* obj_;
} // namespace net_instaweb