blob: 9ffbf9b69910f8f9c4d75a28bcf01a603a9c20b7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Jan Maessen)
#include <cstddef>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/escaping.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/hasher.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/source_map.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/google_url.h"
namespace pagespeed { namespace js { struct JsTokenizerPatterns; } }
namespace net_instaweb {
class JavascriptLibraryIdentification;
class MessageHandler;
class Statistics;
class Variable;
// Class wrapping up configuration information for javascript
// rewriting, in order to minimize footprint of later changes
// to javascript rewriting.
class JavascriptRewriteConfig {
// Statistics names.
static const char kBlocksMinified[];
static const char kLibrariesIdentified[];
static const char kMinificationFailures[];
static const char kTotalBytesSaved[];
static const char kTotalOriginalBytes[];
static const char kMinifyUses[];
static const char kNumReducingMinifications[];
// Those are JS rewrite failure type statistics.
static const char kJSMinificationDisabled[];
static const char kJSDidNotShrink[];
static const char kJSFailedToWrite[];
Statistics* statistics, bool minify, bool use_experimental_minifier,
const JavascriptLibraryIdentification* identification,
const pagespeed::js::JsTokenizerPatterns* js_tokenizer_patterns);
static void InitStats(Statistics* statistics);
// Whether to minify javascript output.
bool minify() const { return minify_; }
// Whether to use the new JsTokenizer-based minifier.
// TODO(sligocki): Once that minifier has been around for a while, we
// should deprecate this option.
bool use_experimental_minifier() const { return use_experimental_minifier_; }
const JavascriptLibraryIdentification* library_identification() const {
return library_identification_;
const pagespeed::js::JsTokenizerPatterns* js_tokenizer_patterns() const {
return js_tokenizer_patterns_;
Variable* blocks_minified() { return blocks_minified_; }
Variable* libraries_identified() { return libraries_identified_; }
Variable* minification_failures() { return minification_failures_; }
Variable* total_bytes_saved() { return total_bytes_saved_; }
Variable* total_original_bytes() { return total_original_bytes_; }
Variable* num_uses() { return num_uses_; }
Variable* num_reducing_uses() { return num_reducing_minifications_; }
Variable* minification_disabled() { return minification_disabled_; }
Variable* did_not_shrink() { return did_not_shrink_; }
Variable* failed_to_write() { return failed_to_write_; }
bool minify_;
bool use_experimental_minifier_;
// Library identifier. NULL if library identification should be skipped.
const JavascriptLibraryIdentification* library_identification_;
const pagespeed::js::JsTokenizerPatterns* js_tokenizer_patterns_;
// Statistics
// # of JS blocks (JS files and <script> blocks) successfully minified:
// parsed, analyzed and serialized, not necessarily made smaller;
// num_reducing_minifications_ is counting those.
Variable* blocks_minified_;
// # of JS blocks that were identified as redirectable a known URL.
Variable* libraries_identified_;
// # of JS blocks we failed to minify.
Variable* minification_failures_;
// Sum of all bytes saved from minifying JS.
Variable* total_bytes_saved_;
// Sum of original bytes of all successfully minified JS blocks.
// total_bytes_saved_ / total_original_bytes_ should be the average
// percentage reduction of JS block size.
Variable* total_original_bytes_;
// # of uses of the minified JS (updating <script> src= attributes or
// contents).
Variable* num_uses_;
// Number of times we have successfully reduced the size of JS block.
Variable* num_reducing_minifications_;
// Failure metrics.
// Number of scripts we didn't rewrite JS because minification was disabled.
Variable* minification_disabled_;
// Number of scripts we didn't rewrite since JS didn't shrink.
Variable* did_not_shrink_;
// Number of scipts we failed to write out.
Variable* failed_to_write_;
// Object representing a block of Javascript code that might be a
// candidate for rewriting.
// TODO(jmaessen): Does this architecture make sense when we have
// multiple scripts on a page and the ability to move code around
// a bunch? How do we maintain JS context in that setting?
// For now, we're content just being able to pull data in and parse it at all.
class JavascriptCodeBlock {
// If debug_filter and AvoidRenamingIntrospectiveJavascript option are
// turned on, this comment will be injected right after the introspective
// Javascript context for debugging.
static const char kIntrospectionComment[];
JavascriptCodeBlock(const StringPiece& original_code,
JavascriptRewriteConfig* config,
const StringPiece& message_id,
MessageHandler* handler);
virtual ~JavascriptCodeBlock();
// Attempt to rewrite the file. Returns true if we should use the
// rewritten version. Must be called before successfully_rewritten(),
// rewritten_code() and ComputeJavascriptLibrary().
bool Rewrite();
// Should we use the rewritten version?
// PRECONDITION: Rewrite() must have been called first.
bool successfully_rewritten() const {
return successfully_rewritten_;
// PRECONDITION: Rewrite() must have been called first and
// successfully_rewritten() must be true.
StringPiece rewritten_code() const {
return rewritten_code_;
// Returns the contents of a source map from original to rewritten.
// PRECONDITION: Rewrite() must have been called first and
// successfully_rewritten() must be true.
const source_map::MappingVector& SourceMappings() const {
return source_mappings_;
// Annotate rewritten_code() with a source map URL.
// Call this after Rewrite() and before rewritten_code() if you want to
// append a comment to the minified JS indicating the URL for the source map.
// Note: Source map URL may not be appended if url is unsanitary, but
// this probably shouldn't happen in practice.
void AppendSourceMapUrl(StringPiece url);
// Is the current block a JS library that can be redirected to a canonical
// URL? If so, return that canonical URL (storage owned by the underlying
// config object passed in at construction), otherwise return an empty
// StringPiece.
// PRECONDITION: Rewrite() must have been called first.
StringPiece ComputeJavascriptLibrary() const;
// Swaps rewritten_code_ into *other. Afterward the JavascriptCodeBlock will
// be cleared and unusable.
// PRECONDITION: Rewrite() must have been called first and
// successfully_rewritten() must be true.
void SwapRewrittenString(GoogleString* other);
// Determines whether the javascript is brittle and will likely
// break if we alter its URL.
static bool UnsafeToRename(const StringPiece& script);
// Converts a regular string to what can be used in Javascript directly. Note
// that output also contains starting and ending quotes, to facilitate
// embedding.
static void ToJsStringLiteral(const StringPiece& original,
GoogleString* escaped) {
EscapeToJsStringLiteral(original, true /*add quotes*/, escaped);
// Generates a hash of a URL escaped to be safe to use in a Javascript
// identifier, so that variable names can be safely created that won't
// collide with other local Javascript.
static GoogleString JsUrlHash(const GoogleString &url, Hasher *hasher) {
GoogleString url_hash = hasher->Hash(GoogleUrl(url).PathAndLeaf());
// Hashes may contain '-', which isn't valid in a JavaScript name, so
// replace every '-' with '$'.
size_t pos = 0;
while ((pos = url_hash.find_first_of('-', pos)) != GoogleString::npos) {
url_hash[pos] = '$';
return url_hash;
// Get message id passed in at creation time, for external diagnostics.
const GoogleString& message_id() const { return message_id_; }
// Is this URL sanitary to be appended (in a line comment) to the JS doc?
static bool IsSanitarySourceMapUrl(StringPiece url);
// Temporary wrapper around calling new or old version of JS minifier.
bool MinifyJs(StringPiece input, GoogleString* output,
source_map::MappingVector* source_mappings);
JavascriptRewriteConfig* config_;
const GoogleString message_id_; // ID to stick at begining of message.
const GoogleString original_code_;
GoogleString rewritten_code_;
source_map::MappingVector source_mappings_;
// Used to make sure we don't rewrite twice and that results aren't looked at
// before produced.
bool rewritten_;
bool successfully_rewritten_;
MessageHandler* handler_;
} // namespace net_instaweb