blob: 1ab919859e1536abd3c64dcaedc3598e17bb58a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Nikhil Madan)
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/async_fetch.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/http_value.h"
#include "net/instaweb/http/public/http_value_writer.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/output_resource_kind.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/resource.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/resource_slot.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_context.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/server_context.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/single_rewrite_context.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/proto_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/content_type.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class CachedResult;
class CacheUrlAsyncFetcher;
class HtmlElement;
class InputInfo;
class MessageHandler;
class ResourceContext;
class ResponseHeaders;
class RewriteDriver;
class RewriteFilter;
class Statistics;
class Variable;
// A resource-slot created for an in-place rewrite. This has an empty render
// method. Note that this class is usually used as a RefCountedPtr and gets
// deleted when there are no references remaining.
class InPlaceRewriteResourceSlot : public ResourceSlot {
static const char kIproSlotLocation[];
explicit InPlaceRewriteResourceSlot(const ResourcePtr& resource);
virtual HtmlElement* element() const { return NULL; }
// Implements ResourceSlot::Render().
virtual void Render();
// Implements ResourceSlot::LocationString().
virtual GoogleString LocationString() const;
virtual ~InPlaceRewriteResourceSlot();
// Context that is used for an in-place rewrite.
class InPlaceRewriteContext : public SingleRewriteContext {
// Stats variable name to keep track of how often in-place falls back to
// stream (due to a large resource) when Options->in_place_wait_for_optimized
// is true.
static const char kInPlaceOversizedOptStream[];
static const char kInPlaceUncacheableRewrites[];
InPlaceRewriteContext(RewriteDriver* driver, const StringPiece& url);
virtual ~InPlaceRewriteContext();
// Implements SingleRewriteContext::RewriteSingle().
virtual void RewriteSingle(const ResourcePtr& input,
const OutputResourcePtr& output);
// Implements RewriteContext::id().
virtual const char* id() const { return RewriteOptions::kInPlaceRewriteId; }
// Implements RewriteContext::kind().
virtual OutputResourceKind kind() const { return kRewrittenResource; }
// Implements RewriteContext::DecodeFetchUrls().
virtual bool DecodeFetchUrls(const OutputResourcePtr& output_resource,
MessageHandler* message_handler,
GoogleUrlStarVector* url_vector);
// Implements RewriteContext::StartFetchReconstruction().
virtual void StartFetchReconstruction();
static void InitStats(Statistics* statistics);
bool proxy_mode() const { return proxy_mode_; }
void set_proxy_mode(bool x) { proxy_mode_ = x; }
virtual int64 GetRewriteDeadlineAlarmMs() const;
virtual GoogleString UserAgentCacheKey(
const ResourceContext* resource_context) const;
virtual void EncodeUserAgentIntoResourceContext(ResourceContext* context);
// We don't lock for IPRO because IPRO would rather stream back the original
// resource than wait for the optimization.
virtual bool CreationLockBeforeStartFetch() const { return false; }
// The context nested inside this context can be scheduled via the
// CentralController. See comment in RewriteContext::ObtainLockForCreation.
bool ScheduleNestedContextViaCentalController() const override {
return true;
friend class RecordingFetch;
bool PolicyPermitsRendering() const override;
// Implements RewriteContext::Harvest().
virtual void Harvest();
void StartFetchReconstructionParent();
// Implements RewriteContext::FixFetchFallbackHeaders().
virtual void FixFetchFallbackHeaders(const CachedResult& cached_result,
ResponseHeaders* headers);
// Implements RewriteContext::FetchTryFallback().
virtual void FetchTryFallback(const GoogleString& url,
const StringPiece& hash);
// Implements RewriteContext::FetchCallbackDone().
virtual void FetchCallbackDone(bool success);
RewriteFilter* GetRewriteFilter(const ContentType& type);
// Update the date and expiry time based on the InputInfo's.
void UpdateDateAndExpiry(const protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<InputInfo>& inputs,
int64* date_ms, int64* expiry_ms);
// Returns true if kInPlaceOptimizeForBrowser is enabled and we
// actually need to do browser specific rewriting based on options.
bool InPlaceOptimizeForBrowserEnabled() const;
// Add a Vary: user-agent or Vary: Accept header as appropriate
// if the fetch result may be browser dependent.
void AddVaryIfRequired(const CachedResult& cached_result,
ResponseHeaders* headers) const;
// Image rewriting adds a Link rel=canonical header. Because a single cached
// result can be served from multiple urls we do need to keep generating it.
// But when serving via IPRO we should remove it if the url hasn't changed.
void RemoveRedundantRelCanonicalHeader(const CachedResult& cached_result,
ResponseHeaders* headers);
// Returns true iff the single underlying resource is mapped by LoadFromFile.
bool IsLoadFromFileBased();
GoogleString url_;
// Boolean indicating whether or not the resource was rewritten successfully.
bool is_rewritten_;
// The hash of the rewritten resource. Note that this should only be used if
// is_rewritten_ is true. This may be empty.
GoogleString rewritten_hash_;
// Information needed for nested rewrites.
ResourcePtr input_resource_;
OutputResourcePtr output_resource_;
scoped_ptr<CacheUrlAsyncFetcher> cache_fetcher_;
// Are we in proxy mode?
// True means that we are acting as a proxy and the user is depending on us
// to serve them the resource, thus we will fetch the contents over HTTP if
// not found in cache and ignore kRecentFetchNotCacheable and
// kRecentFetchFailed since we'll have to fetch the resource for users anyway.
// False means we are running on the origin, so we respect kRecent* messages
// and let the origin itself serve the resource.
bool proxy_mode_;
// Records the fetch into the provided resource and passes through events to the
// underlying writer, response headers and callback.
class RecordingFetch : public SharedAsyncFetch {
RecordingFetch(bool proxy_mode,
AsyncFetch* async_fetch,
const ResourcePtr& resource,
InPlaceRewriteContext* context,
int desired_s_maxage_sec,
MessageHandler* handler);
virtual ~RecordingFetch();
// Implements SharedAsyncFetch::HandleHeadersComplete().
virtual void HandleHeadersComplete();
// Implements SharedAsyncFetch::HandleWrite().
virtual bool HandleWrite(const StringPiece& content, MessageHandler* handler);
// Implements SharedAsyncFetch::HandleFlush().
virtual bool HandleFlush(MessageHandler* handler);
// Implements SharedAsyncFetch::HandleDone().
virtual void HandleDone(bool success);
void FreeDriver();
bool CanInPlaceRewrite();
// By default RecordingFetch streams back the original content to the browser.
// If this returns false then the RecordingFetch should cache the original
// content but not stream it.
bool ShouldStream() const;
bool proxy_mode_;
MessageHandler* handler_;
ResourcePtr resource_;
InPlaceRewriteContext* context_;
// If this is set to something other than -1, use it to set "Cache-Control:
// s-maxage=..." on the unoptimized response we send back to the browser. See
// for the s-maxage
// specification.
int desired_s_maxage_sec_;
// True if resource is of rewritable type and is cacheable or if we're forcing
// rewriting of uncacheable resources.
bool can_in_place_rewrite_;
// True if we're streaming data as it is being fetched.
bool streaming_;
HTTPValue cache_value_;
HTTPValueWriter cache_value_writer_;
scoped_ptr<ResponseHeaders> saved_headers_;
Variable* in_place_oversized_opt_stream_;
Variable* in_place_uncacheable_rewrites_;
} // namespace net_instaweb