blob: dc4fd52f9abe57253007e226513e87ef11dd37a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Maksim Orlovich)
#include <vector>
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/resource_slot.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_filter.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_element.h"
namespace Css {
class Stylesheet;
} // namespace Css
namespace net_instaweb {
class AbstractMutex;
class HtmlCharactersNode;
class RewriteContext;
class RewriteDriver;
class Statistics;
class Variable;
// This class helps implement filters that try to compute some properties of all
// the screen-affecting CSS in the page except for scoped <style> blocks (which
// are left untouched). They are expected to override Summarize() to perform the
// per-CSS computation; then at SummariesDone() they can lookup summaries via
// NumStyles/GetSummaryForStyle.
class CssSummarizerBase : public RewriteFilter {
static const char kNumCssUsedForCriticalCssComputation[];
static const char kNumCssNotUsedForCriticalCssComputation[];
explicit CssSummarizerBase(RewriteDriver* driver);
virtual ~CssSummarizerBase();
static void InitStats(Statistics* statistics);
enum SummaryState {
// All OK!
// Computation/Fetches ongoing, we don't have a result yet.
// CSS parse error we can't recover from.
// Could not create the resource object, so its URL is malformed or we do
// not have permission to rewrite it.
// Fetch result unusable, either error or not cacheable.
// Slot got removed by an another optimization.
struct SummaryInfo {
: state(kSummaryStillPending),
is_inside_noscript(false) {}
// data actually computed by the subclass's Summarize method. Make sure to
// check state == kSummaryOk before using it.
GoogleString data;
// State of computation of 'data'.
SummaryState state;
// Human-readable description of the location of the CSS. For use in debug
// messages.
GoogleString location;
// Base to use for resolving links in the CSS resource.
GoogleString base;
// CSS media there were applied to the resource by the HTML.
GoogleString media_from_html;
// If it's an external stylesheet, the value of the rel attribute
GoogleString rel;
// True if it's a <link rel=stylesheet href=>, false for <style>
bool is_external;
// True if the style was included inside a noscript section.
bool is_inside_noscript;
// This method should be overridden in case the subclass's summary computation
// depends on things other than the input CSS.
virtual GoogleString CacheKeySuffix() const;
// This method should be overridden if some CSS should not go through the
// summarization process (eg because it uses an inapplicable media type and
// we'll just throw it away when we're done anyway). By default all CSS
// must be summarized.
virtual bool MustSummarize(HtmlElement* element) const {
return true;
// This should be overridden to compute a per-resource summary.
// The method should not modify the object state, and only
// put the result into *out as it may not be invoked in case of a
// cache hit. The subclass may mutate *stylesheet if it so wishes.
// Note: this is called on a rewrite thread, so it should not access
// HTML parser state.
virtual void Summarize(Css::Stylesheet* stylesheet,
GoogleString* out) const = 0;
// This can be optionally overridden to modify a CSS element based on a
// successfully computed summary. It might not be invoked if cached
// information is not readily available, and will not be invoked if CSS
// parsing failed or some other error occurred. Invocation occurs from a
// thread with HTML parser context state, so both DOM modification and
// GetSummaryForStyle() are safe to use. If invoked, the method will be called
// before SummariesDone().
// pos is the position of the element in the summary table.
// element points to the <link> or <style> element that was summarized.
// If the element was a <style>, char_node will also point to its contents
// node; otherwise it will be NULL. Overrides need to set is_element_deleted
// to true if they delete the element.
// The default implementation does nothing.
virtual void RenderSummary(int pos,
HtmlElement* element,
HtmlCharactersNode* char_node,
bool* is_element_deleted);
// Like RenderSummary, but called in cases where we're unable to render a
// summary for some reason (including not being able to compute one).
// Note: not called when we're canceled due to disable_further_processing.
// Like with RenderSummary, this corresponds to entry [pos] in the summary
// table, and elements points to the <link> or <style> containing CSS,
// with char_node being non-null in case it was a <style>.
virtual void WillNotRenderSummary(int pos,
HtmlElement* element,
HtmlCharactersNode* char_node);
// This is called at the end of the document when all outstanding summary
// computations have completed, regardless of whether successful or not. It
// will not be called at all if they are still ongoing, however.
// It's called from a context which allows HTML parser state access. You can
// insert things at end of document by constructing an HtmlNode* using the
// factories in HtmlParse and calling CommonFilter::InsertNodeAtBodyEnd(node).
// Note that the timing of this can vary widely --- it can occur during
// initial parse, during the render phase, or even at RenderDone, so
// implementors should not make assumptions about what other filters may have
// done to the DOM.
// Base version does nothing.
virtual void SummariesDone();
// Returns total number of <link> and <style> elements we encountered.
// This includes those for which we had problem computing summary information.
// Should be called from a thread context that has HTML parser state access.
int NumStyles() const { return static_cast<int>(summaries_.size()); }
// Returns summary computed for the pos'th style in the document.
// pos must be in [0, NumStyles())
// Should be called from a thread context that has HTML parser state access.
const SummaryInfo& GetSummaryForStyle(int pos) const {
// Overrides of the filter APIs. You MUST call through to this class's
// implementations if you override them.
virtual void StartDocumentImpl();
virtual void EndDocument();
virtual void StartElementImpl(HtmlElement* element);
virtual void Characters(HtmlCharactersNode* characters);
virtual void EndElementImpl(HtmlElement* element);
virtual void RenderDone();
virtual RewriteContext* MakeRewriteContext();
class Context;
// Clean out private data.
void Clear();
// Invokes SummariesDone and, if the debug filter is on, injects a comment
// describing what happened with every CSS resource.
void ReportSummariesDone();
// Starts the asynchronous rewrite process for inline CSS 'text', contained
// within the style element 'style'.
void StartInlineRewrite(HtmlElement* style, HtmlCharactersNode* text);
// Starts the asynchronous rewrite process for external CSS referenced by
// attribute 'src' of 'link', whose rel attribute is 'rel'.
void StartExternalRewrite(HtmlElement* link, HtmlElement::Attribute* src,
StringPiece rel);
// Creates our rewrite context for the given slot and registers it
// with the summaries_ vector, filling in the SummaryInfo struct in
// a pending state. The context will still need to have SetupInlineRewrite
// or SetupExternalRewrite and InitiateRewrite called on it.
// location is used to identify the resource in debug comments.
Context* CreateContextAndSummaryInfo(const HtmlElement* element,
bool external,
const ResourceSlotPtr& slot,
const GoogleString& location,
StringPiece base_for_resources,
StringPiece rel);
ResourceSlotPtr MakeSlotForInlineCss(HtmlCharactersNode* char_node);
// Stores all the computed summaries.
std::vector<SummaryInfo> summaries_;
scoped_ptr<AbstractMutex> progress_lock_;
int outstanding_rewrites_; // guarded by progress_lock_
bool saw_end_of_document_; // guarded by progress_lock_
// Lists indexes into summaries_ vector that got canceled due to
// disable_further_processing. It's written to in the Rewrite thread,
// and then pulled into summaries_ from an HTML thread.
std::vector<int> canceled_summaries_; // guarded by progress_lock_
HtmlElement* style_element_; // The element we are in, or NULL.
Variable* num_css_used_for_critical_css_computation_;
Variable* num_css_not_used_for_critical_css_computation_;
} // namespace net_instaweb