blob: a70c6a554b15393c7bfef1ef80a0a90618bca001 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Pulkit Goyal)
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/critical_images.pb.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/critical_finder_support_util.h"
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/property_cache.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/basictypes.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class GoogleUrl;
class RenderedImages;
class RewriteDriver;
class RewriteOptions;
class Statistics;
class Variable;
typedef std::map<GoogleString, std::pair<int32, int32> >
// The instantiated CriticalImagesFinder is held by ServerContext, meaning
// there is only 1 per server. CriticalImagesInfo stores all of the request
// specific data needed by CriticalImagesFinder, and is held by the
// RewriteDriver.
// TODO(jud): Instead of a separate CriticalImagesInfo that gets populated from
// the CriticalImages protobuf value, we could just store the protobuf value in
// RewriteDriver and eliminate CriticalImagesInfo. Revisit this when updating
// this class to support multiple beacon responses.
struct CriticalImagesInfo {
: is_critical_image_info_present(false) {}
StringSet html_critical_images;
StringSet css_critical_images;
CriticalImages proto;
bool is_critical_image_info_present;
RenderedImageDimensionsMap rendered_images_map;
// Finds critical images i.e. images which are above the fold for a given url.
// This information may be used by DelayImagesFilter.
class CriticalImagesFinder {
enum Availability {
kDisabled, // Data will never be forthcoming
kNoDataYet, // Data is expected but we don't have it yet
kAvailable, // Data is available
static const char kCriticalImagesValidCount[];
static const char kCriticalImagesExpiredCount[];
static const char kCriticalImagesNotFoundCount[];
static const char kCriticalImagesPropertyName[];
// Property name for the rendered image dimensions retreived from webkit
// render response for the page.
static const char kRenderedImageDimensionsProperty[];
CriticalImagesFinder(const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort, Statistics* stats);
virtual ~CriticalImagesFinder();
static void InitStats(Statistics* statistics);
// Checks whether IsHtmlCriticalImage will return meaningful results about
// critical images. Users of IsHtmlCriticalImage should check this function
// and supply default behaviors when Available != kAvailable.
virtual Availability Available(RewriteDriver* driver);
// In order to handle varying critical image sets returned by the beacon, we
// store a history of the last N critical images, and only declare an image
// critical if it appears critical in the last M out of N sets reported. This
// function returns what percentage of the sets need to include the image for
// it be considered critical.
virtual int PercentSeenForCritical() const {
return kDefaultPercentSeenForCritical;
// Minimum interval to store support for critical image results. This affects
// how long we keep around evidence that an image might be critical; we'll
// remember the fact for at least SupportInterval beacon insertions if it only
// occurs once, and we'll remember it longer if multiple beacons support image
// criticality. By default, SupportInteval() = 1 and we only store one beacon
// result. The beacon critical image finder should override this to store a
// larger number of sets.
virtual int SupportInterval() const {
return kDefaultImageSupportInterval;
// Checks whether the requested image is present in the critical set or not.
// Users of this function should also check Available() to see if the
// implementation of this function returns meaningful results and provide a
// default behavior if it does not. If no critical set value has been
// obtained, returns false (not critical).
// TODO(jud): It would be simpler to modify these interfaces to take
// HtmlElement* instead of GoogleStrings. This would move some complexity in
// getting the correct URL from the caller into this function. For instance,
// if an image has been modified by LazyloadImages then the actual src we want
// to check is in the data-pagespeed-lazy-src attribute, not in src.
bool IsHtmlCriticalImage(StringPiece image_url, RewriteDriver* driver);
bool IsCssCriticalImage(StringPiece image_url, RewriteDriver* driver);
// Returns true if rendered dimensions exist for the image_src_url and
// populates dimensions in the std::pair.
bool GetRenderedImageDimensions(
RewriteDriver* driver,
const GoogleUrl& image_src_gurl,
std::pair<int32, int32>* dimensions);
// Get the critical image sets. Returns an empty set if there is no critical
// image information.
const StringSet& GetHtmlCriticalImages(RewriteDriver* driver);
const StringSet& GetCssCriticalImages(RewriteDriver* driver);
// Utility functions for manually setting the critical image sets. These
// should only be used by unit tests that need to setup a specific set of
// critical images. For normal users of CriticalImagesFinder, the critical
// images will be populated from entries in the property cache. Note that
// these always return a non-NULL StringSet value (implying "beacon result
// received").
StringSet* mutable_html_critical_images(RewriteDriver* driver);
StringSet* mutable_css_critical_images(RewriteDriver* driver);
// Compute the critical images for the driver's url.
virtual void ComputeCriticalImages(RewriteDriver* driver) = 0;
// Identifies which cohort in the PropertyCache the critical image information
// is located in.
// TODO(jud): Make this protected. There is a lingering public usage in
const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort() const { return cohort_; }
// Updates the critical images property cache entry. Returns whether the
// update succeeded or not. Note that this base implementation does not call
// WriteCohort. This should be called in the subclass if the cohort is not
// written elsewhere. NULL is permitted for the critical image sets if only
// one of the html or css sets is being updated, but not the other.
bool UpdateCriticalImagesCacheEntryFromDriver(
const StringSet* html_critical_images_set,
const StringSet* css_critical_images_set,
RewriteDriver* driver);
// Setup the HTML and CSS critical image sets in critical_images_info from the
// property_value. Return true if property_value had a value, and
// deserialization of it succeeded. Here because helper code needs access to
// it.
static bool PopulateCriticalImagesFromPropertyValue(
const PropertyValue* property_value, CriticalImages* critical_images);
// Alternative interface to update the critical images cache entry. This is
// useful in contexts like the beacon handler where the RewriteDriver for the
// original request no longer exists.
static bool UpdateCriticalImagesCacheEntry(
const StringSet* html_critical_images_set,
const StringSet* css_critical_images_set,
const RenderedImages* rendered_images_set,
int support_interval,
const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort,
AbstractPropertyPage* page);
// Returns true if the critical images are available, false otherwise. This is
// virtual only to be overridden in tests.
virtual bool IsCriticalImageInfoPresent(RewriteDriver* driver);
// Extracts rendered images' dimensions from property cache.
virtual RenderedImages* ExtractRenderedImageDimensionsFromCache(
RewriteDriver* driver);
// Adds the given url to the html critical image set for the driver.
void AddHtmlCriticalImage(const GoogleString& url,
RewriteDriver* driver);
// Parses Json map returned from beacon js and populates RenderedImages proto.
// Caller takes ownership of the returned pointer.
RenderedImages* JsonMapToRenderedImagesMap(const GoogleString& str,
const RewriteOptions* options);
// Returns true if it's time to inject a beacon onto the page. The default
// finder doesn't use beaconing, so it always returns false.
virtual bool ShouldBeacon(RewriteDriver* driver) { return false; }
// Check property cache state and prepare to insert beacon. Returns the
// metadata where result.status == kDoNotBeacon if no beaconing should occur,
// and result.nonce contains the nonce if required (default implementation
// always beacons without a nonce).
virtual BeaconMetadata PrepareForBeaconInsertion(RewriteDriver* driver) {
BeaconMetadata result;
result.status = kBeaconNoNonce;
return result;
// For implementations that use beaconing, update the candidate images in the
// property cache. New images are a signal that we should beacon more often
// for a few requests. The beaconing argument should indicate if the current
// request is injecting a beacon. If so, we don't need to trigger a beacon on
// the next request even if the candidate images have changed.
virtual void UpdateCandidateImagesForBeaconing(const StringSet& images,
RewriteDriver* driver,
bool beaconing) {}
// Completes a critical image set update operation and writes the data back to
// the property cache.
static bool UpdateAndWriteBackCriticalImagesCacheEntry(
const StringSet* html_critical_images_set,
const StringSet* css_critical_images_set,
const RenderedImages* rendered_images_set,
int support_interval,
const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort,
AbstractPropertyPage* page,
CriticalImages* critical_images);
// Gets critical images if present in the property cache and updates the
// critical_images set in RewriteDriver with the obtained set. If you
// override this method, driver->critical_images_info() must not return NULL
// after this function has been called.
virtual void UpdateCriticalImagesSetInDriver(RewriteDriver* driver);
virtual GoogleString GetKeyForUrl(StringPiece url) { return url.as_string(); }
// Extracts the critical images from the given property_value into
// critical_images_info, after checking if the property value is still valid
// using the provided TTL. It also updates stats variables.
CriticalImagesInfo* ExtractCriticalImagesFromCache(
RewriteDriver* driver,
const PropertyValue* property_value);
friend class CriticalImagesFinderTestBase;
// Update a CriticalImages protobuf value with new critical image sets. If
// either of the html or css sets are NULL, those fields in critical_images
// will not be updated. Returns true if either of the critical image sets in
// critical_images was updated.
static bool UpdateCriticalImages(const StringSet* html_critical_images,
const StringSet* css_critical_images,
int support_interval,
CriticalImages* critical_images);
// By default, store 1 critical image set and require an image to be in that
// set for it to be critical.
static const int kDefaultPercentSeenForCritical = 100;
static const int kDefaultImageSupportInterval = 1;
const PropertyCache::Cohort* cohort_;
Variable* critical_images_valid_count_;
Variable* critical_images_expired_count_;
Variable* critical_images_not_found_count_;
} // namespace net_instaweb