blob: 4ee783ec9d209293b3130e503d8981725018a07f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Simon Nickerson)
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/insert_amp_link_filter.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_driver.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_element.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/html/html_name.h"
#include "pagespeed/kernel/http/google_url.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
namespace {
// Attribute name for the AMP <link> tag
const char kAmpHtmlAttributeName[] = "amphtml";
// URL fragment names for matching. These are case sensitive.
const char kAllExceptLeaf[] = "all_except_leaf";
const char kAllExceptQuery[] = "all_except_query";
const char kLeafSansQuery[] = "leaf_sans_query";
const char kLeafWithQuery[] = "leaf_with_query";
const char kPathNoTrailingSlash[] = "path_no_trailing_slash";
const char kMaybeTrailingSlash[] = "maybe_trailing_slash";
const char kMaybeQuery[] = "maybe_query";
const char kUrlPattern[] = "url";
const char kTrailingSlash[] = "/";
GoogleString PathNoTrailingSlash(const GoogleUrl& google_url);
GoogleString MaybeQuery(const GoogleUrl& google_url);
GoogleString MaybeTrailingSlash(const GoogleUrl& google_url);
void AppendUrlFragment(GoogleString* str, const GoogleUrl& google_url,
const StringPiece fragment_name);
} // namespace
InsertAmpLinkFilter::InsertAmpLinkFilter(RewriteDriver* rewrite_driver)
: CommonFilter(rewrite_driver), enabled_(false), amp_link_found_(false) {}
InsertAmpLinkFilter::~InsertAmpLinkFilter() {}
void InsertAmpLinkFilter::StartDocumentImpl() { amp_link_found_ = false; }
void InsertAmpLinkFilter::DetermineEnabled(GoogleString* disabled_reason) {
const RewriteOptions* options = driver()->options();
if (options->amp_link_pattern() != "") {
void InsertAmpLinkFilter::StartElementImpl(HtmlElement* element) {
if (element->keyword() == HtmlName::kLink &&
kAmpHtmlAttributeName)) {
amp_link_found_ = true;
void InsertAmpLinkFilter::EndElementImpl(HtmlElement* element) {
if (is_enabled() && !amp_link_found_ &&
element->keyword() == HtmlName::kHead) {
HtmlElement* linkAmphtml = driver()->NewElement(element, HtmlName::kLink);
driver()->AddAttribute(linkAmphtml, HtmlName::kRel, kAmpHtmlAttributeName);
driver()->AddAttribute(linkAmphtml, HtmlName::kHref, GetAmpUrl());
driver()->AppendChild(element, linkAmphtml);
// We don't want to insert AMP links if there are multiple <head> elements.
amp_link_found_ = true;
GoogleString InsertAmpLinkFilter::GetAmpUrl() {
const char* amp_pattern = driver()->options()->amp_link_pattern().c_str();
const GoogleUrl& google_url = driver()->google_url();
GoogleString amp_link;
// Populate amp_link by iterating through amp_pattern. Characters between "${"
// and "}" are URL fragment names. Other characters are just copied directly.
const char* fragment_name_start = nullptr;
for (const char* p = amp_pattern; *p != '\0'; p++) {
if (*p == '$' && *(p + 1) == '{') {
fragment_name_start = p + 2;
} else if (*p == '}' && fragment_name_start != nullptr) {
StringPiece fragment_name(fragment_name_start, p - fragment_name_start);
AppendUrlFragment(&amp_link, google_url, fragment_name);
fragment_name_start = nullptr;
} else if (fragment_name_start == nullptr) {
amp_link += *p;
if (fragment_name_start != nullptr) {
// Handle missing closing brace by appending the string literal.
// The "- 2" is to pick up the "${".
StrAppend(&amp_link, fragment_name_start - 2);
return amp_link;
namespace {
// Appends a fragment_name extracted from google_url to str.
void AppendUrlFragment(GoogleString* str, const GoogleUrl& google_url,
const StringPiece fragment_name) {
if (fragment_name == kUrlPattern) {
StrAppend(str, google_url.Spec());
} else if (fragment_name == kAllExceptQuery) {
StrAppend(str, google_url.AllExceptQuery());
} else if (fragment_name == kAllExceptLeaf) {
StrAppend(str, google_url.AllExceptLeaf());
} else if (fragment_name == kLeafSansQuery) {
StrAppend(str, google_url.LeafSansQuery());
} else if (fragment_name == kLeafWithQuery) {
StrAppend(str, google_url.LeafWithQuery());
} else if (fragment_name == kMaybeQuery) {
StrAppend(str, MaybeQuery(google_url));
} else if (fragment_name == kPathNoTrailingSlash) {
StrAppend(str, PathNoTrailingSlash(google_url));
} else if (fragment_name == kMaybeTrailingSlash) {
StrAppend(str, MaybeTrailingSlash(google_url));
} else {
// If we couldn't find a match, just append fragment_name between "${" and
// "}" as it would have appeared in the amp_link_pattern.
StrAppend(str, "${", fragment_name, "}");
// Returns the path from google_url without the trailing slash (if present).
// For example, "" -> "/a/b"
GoogleString PathNoTrailingSlash(const GoogleUrl& google_url) {
GoogleString path =
StrCat(google_url.PathSansLeaf(), google_url.LeafSansQuery());
if (EndsInSlash(path)) {
path.resize(path.size() - 1);
return path;
// Returns a trailing slash if the path in the google_url contains a trailing
// slash. For example, "" -> "/"
GoogleString MaybeQuery(const GoogleUrl& google_url) {
StringPiece query = google_url.Query();
GoogleString maybe_query = query.empty() ? "" : StrCat("?", query);
return maybe_query;
// Returns the query string including a "?" if present, or an empty string
// if not present. For example, "" -> "?p=3"
GoogleString MaybeTrailingSlash(const GoogleUrl& google_url) {
if (google_url.AllExceptQuery().ends_with(kTrailingSlash)) {
return kTrailingSlash;
} else {
return "";
} // namespace
} // namespace net_instaweb