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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Strip Scripts</title>
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<h1>Strip Scripts</h1> <h2>Configuration</h2>
The 'Strip Scripts' filter is enabled by specifying:
<dt>Apache:<dd><pre class="prettyprint"
>ModPagespeedEnableFilters strip_scripts</pre>
<dt>Nginx:<dd><pre class="prettyprint"
>pagespeed EnableFilters strip_scripts;</pre>
in the configuration file.
The <code>strip_scripts</code> filter completely removes scripts from a
page. Obviously this will break functionality, and is disabled by
default. This can be used to facilitate timing tests showing the
maximum possible benefit of improving a site's JavaScript performance.
All functionality and visual effects that are dependent on JavaScript
will not work.
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