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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Insert Google Analytics</title>
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<h1>Insert Google Analytics</h1>
The 'Insert Google Analytics' filter is enabled by specifying:
<dt>Apache:<dd><pre class="prettyprint">
ModPagespeedEnableFilters insert_ga
ModPagespeedAnalyticsID &lt;Analytics ID&gt;</pre>
<dt>Nginx:<dd><pre class="prettyprint">
pagespeed EnableFilters insert_ga;
pagespeed AnalyticsID &lt;Analytics ID&gt;;</pre>
in the configuration file. As of the default snippet is
now <code>analytics.js</code>. To insert <code>ga.js</code> instead, set:
<dt>Apache:<dd><pre class="prettyprint">
ModPagespeedUseAnalyticsJs false</pre>
<dt>Nginx:<dd><pre class="prettyprint">
pagespeed UseAnalyticsJs false;</pre>
The 'Insert Google Analytics' filter adds the basic Google Analytics javascript
snippet to each HTML page. If the page already has a Google Analytics snippet
inside <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> with the specified ID, then no additional
snippet will be added. If another Google Analytics snippet is on the page with
a <em>different</em> ID, then an additional snippet will be added with the ID
specified in with <code>AnalyticsID</code>. In order to avoid any
strange Google Analytics reporting, make sure that the ID specified in the
configuration file matches the one used on your site.
This filter does <em>not</em> require
the <code>make_google_analytics_async</code> filter. The Google Analytics
snippets inserted by <code>insert_ga</code> are already asynchronous.
See <a href="">this example</a> of this
filter in action.
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