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<title>Build mod_pagespeed From Source</title>
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<h1>Build mod_pagespeed From Source</h1>
<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong>
If you're using CentOS, Fedora, RHEL, Debian, Ubuntu, or any other Linux
distribution that uses RPM or DEB packages, we recommend that you install
mod_pagespeed from <a href="download">binary packages</a>.
The build has been tested on Ubuntu Lucid and CentOS 5.4. It should work
elsewhere; if you try it somewhere new, please send a note to
our <a href="mailing-lists#discussion">discussion group</a> with your success or
<h2 id="prerequisites">Prerequisites</h2>
We require Apache (>= 2.2), Python (>= 2.7), <code>g++</code> (>= 4.1),
<code>svn</code> (>= 1.8), <code>git</code> (>= 1.8), <code>gperf</code>, and <code>make</code>.
To install these on Debian or Ubuntu run:
sudo apt-get install apache2 g++ python subversion gperf make devscripts fakeroot git curl zlib1g-dev
On CentOS, run:
sudo yum install httpd gcc-c++ python subversion gperf make rpm-build git curl zlib-devel
CentOS 5 does not include git in its repositories. If you are running CentOS 5
or another operating system with a version of git older than 1.8,
to install git 1.8 or higher, you must build it from source.
sudo yum install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel perl-devel
tar -xf git-2.0.4.tar.gz
cd git-2.0.4/
sudo make install
To build on CentOS 5, or on older versions of Debian or Ubuntu, you can install
Python 2.7 from source.
tar xzf Python-2.7.tgz
cd Python-2.7
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make -j >make.log
sudo make install
<h3 id="depot-tools">Install the Chromium Depot Tools</h3>
We require the Chromium <code>depot_tools</code>, which are used to build
open-source projects with dependencies on other open-source projects. Download
it with:
mkdir -p ~/bin
cd ~/bin
git clone
You will need to add the <code>depot_tools</code> to your
path. In <code>bash</code> you would run:
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin/depot_tools
<h2 id="checkout">Check out mod_pagespeed and dependencies</h2>
<p>For building version 1.12 and later:</p>
git clone -b latest-stable --recursive
cd mod_pagespeed
python build/gyp_chromium --depth=.
make BUILDTYPE=Release mod_pagespeed_test pagespeed_automatic_test
<p>For version 1.11.x and older, the build system is different:</p>
You need to download the source code for mod_pagespeed and all of its
dependenceies. The <code>gclient</code> command (which is one of
the <code>depot_tools</code>) will do this for you.
mkdir ~/mod_pagespeed # Any directory is fine.
cd ~/mod_pagespeed
gclient config --unmanaged --name=src
git clone src
cd src
git checkout latest-stable
cd ..
gclient sync --force --jobs=1
cd src
make`pwd`/build/wrappers/`pwd`/build/wrappers/ \
BUILDTYPE=Release mod_pagespeed_test pagespeed_automatic_test
<h2 id="tests">Build &amp; Run Tests</h2>
To make sure mod_pagespeed will work on your system we provide some automated
tests. To run the tests:
To successfully pass the HTTPS fetching tests, you may need to first
set environment variables to find the certificate files. On Ubuntu,
the test binaries should have the correct paths by default. On
CentOS, these settings should work:
export SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/pki/tls/certs
export SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/pki/tls/cert.pem
If you get any other errors while running
tests, <a href="">report a
bug</a> or write to our <a href="mailing-lists#discussion">discussion group</a>.
<h2 id="compile">Compile</h2>
To compile mod_pagespeed, run the commands below. You should to omit the AR
arguments for latest-beta.
cd ~/mod_pagespeed/src
make`pwd`/build/wrappers/`pwd`/build/wrappers/ BUILDTYPE=Release
To see the actual <code>g++</code> commands, you can
add <code>V=1</code> to the above command. If you ran the tests
above, this step should complete quickly.
<h2 id="install">Install</h2>
For RPM/DEB platforms, you can use the packaging instructions in
the <a href="#build-packages">Building Packages</a>
section below. For other platforms you can use the custom installer documented
cd install
If you built and installed the Apache web server from source (as opposed to
installing using a RPM/DEB package manager), you can use
the <code></code> script:
The script will infer the proper installation locations for your system, based
on information gathered from the Apache <code>apxs</code> tool. These defaults
can be overridden on the command line by specifying environment variables. See
the contents of the <code></code> script for specific details on
these environment variables. If you installed Apache in a non-default location,
you may need to tell the script where to find the <code>apxs</code> tool, like
# Specify the path to your apxs binary
APXS_BIN=/usr/local/exampleapache/bin/apxs ./
Alternatively, if you already know all of the installation details for your
system, then you can run the Makefile with custom parameters for:
... # see Makefile for more options
make APACHE_ROOT=... ... staging
sudo make ... install # Use make ... -n install to see the commands without
sudo make ... stop start # Restart your apache server
For the common configurations of Ubuntu and CentOS, we have included simple
installer wrappers and for your convenience. You can use
these as examples to build scripts for your custom environment and then run them
./ staging
sudo ./ install
sudo ./ stop start
<h2 id="update">Update</h2>
You can repeat the install process at any time to re-install mod_pagespeed and
update it to the latest version.
To update to the latest version, first checkout the latest tag:
git pull --tags # pulls tags and all required commits
git checkout latest-beta
git cherry-pick 651a2503f81 # The gyp dependency moved after we released.
Then sync your client:
gclient sync --force --jobs=1
Now you can re-build and install using the <a href="#tests">instructions
<h2 id="build-packages">Build Packages</h2>
You can build RPM or DEB packages using the following commands:
python build/gyp_chromium -Dchannel=beta
make BUILDTYPE=Release`pwd`/build/wrappers/`pwd`/build/wrappers/ linux_package_rpm
python build/gyp_chromium -Dchannel=beta
make BUILDTYPE=Release`pwd`/build/wrappers/`pwd`/build/wrappers/ linux_package_deb
The resulting package file will be in the <code>out/Release</code> directory.
<p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> These packages will only work if you
installed Apache using RPM or DEB packages as well. Notably, if you installed
Apache using cPanel, these packages will not work. Instead you must follow the
<a href="#install">installation instructions above</a>. See also:
<a href="faq#cpanel-install">FAQ:
I installed Apache 2.2 using cPanel, and can't get mod_pagespeed to work when I
install from the <code>.deb</code> or <code>.rpm</code>.</a>
<h2 id="debug-css">Standalone CSS Minification</h2>
The PageSpeed CSS minifier can be built as a stand-alone command-line program.
To build it, in the same directory that you ran the other make commands above
(<code>~/mod_pagespeed/src</code> in the example), run:
make`pwd`/build/wrappers/`pwd`/build/wrappers/ BUILDTYPE=Release css_minify_main
You can run it as:
./out/Release/css_minify_main FILENAME.css > FILENAME-MINIFIED.css
Previously we recommended using the standlone CSS minifier for locating CSS
constructs that PageSpeed had difficulty handling, but as of we
recommend using the <a href="config_filters#debug">debug</a> filter instead.
This will print the parsing errors encountered
to <code>stderr</code>. <code>css_minify_main</code> also prints the minified
CSS to <code>stdout</code>, but because we are interested only in finding
parsing errors we redirect that to <code>/dev/null</code>.
<h2 id="js-minify">Standalone JS Minification</h2>
A command-line JavaScript minifier is now installed when you install
mod_pagespeed. This generates the same minified code as mod_pagespeed itself.
It can be used as follows:
pagespeed_js_minify myfile.js > myfile.min.js
The minifier can also be used to generate metadata for JavaScript library
canonicalization, as described in
the <a href="filter-canonicalize-js#sample">documentation</a> for that filter.
<h2 id="other-systems">Other Systems</h2>
<p> An installation guide for
for <a href="">mod_pagespeed
on Gentoo</a> was contributed by <code>nikola.derikonjic</code>,
and <a href="">openSUSE
packages</a> are maintained by Robert Munteanu. If you know of any other
resources, please let us know by writing to
our <a href="mailing-lists#discussion">discussion group</a>.
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