blob: e421dd7ec7e783c85186ad9b8841510a0c1411ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Daniel Peng)
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "strings/stringpiece.h"
#include "testing/production_stub/public/gunit_prod.h"
#include "util/utf8/public/unicodetext.h"
#include "webutil/css/property.h" // while these CSS includes can be
#include "webutil/css/selector.h" // forward-declared, who is really
#include "webutil/css/string.h"
#include "webutil/css/value.h" // going to want parser.h but not values.h?
#include "webutil/html/htmlcolor.h"
namespace Css {
// These are defined below Parser.
struct Import;
class Declaration;
class Declarations;
class Stylesheet;
class Ruleset;
// Recursive descent parser for CSS.
// Based on:
// Say you want to parse a fragment of CSS. Then construct a new
// Parser object (this is very lightweight) and pass in the fragment to parse.
// Then, call the top-level ParseXXX() function for what you want to parse.
// This parses the fragment and returns a pointer to the abstract syntax tree.
// You own this pointer and must delete it when you're done.
// The data structures comprising the abstract syntax tree are described in
// cssvalue.h, cssparser-inl.h, csscondition.h, and cssproperty.h.
// Essentially, each stylesheet is a collection of rulesets.
// Each ruleset has some selectors to describe what HTML elements it
// applies to and some declarations to describe how the HTML elements
// should be styled.
// The ruleset may apply to multiple comma-separated selectors, which
// means they apply to an element matching any of the selectors.
// Ex: h1, h2 > p, h3 { color: red; }
// Each selector consists of a chain of simple selectors, separated by
// combinators.
// Ex: h2 > p selects a P element that is a child of an H2 element.
// Each simple selector may have conditions which impose further
// restrictions, such as [foo], #id, .class, or :hover. We represent
// these as a list, which are semantically AND-ed together.
// Each declaration consists of a property and a list of values.
// Say, for example, you wish to parse a CSS declaration:
// Parser a("background: white; color: #333; line-height: 1.3;
// text-align: justify; font-family: \"Gill Sans MT\",
// \"Gill Sans\", GillSans, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif");
// scoped_ptr<Declarations> t(a.ParseDeclarations());
// See the 'declarations' unit test case for more details.
// We've made most of the recursive-descent ParseXXX functions private
// to shrink the size of the public interface. We expose
// ParseStylesheet() and ParseDeclarations() because those are the
// top-level functions necessary to parse stylesheets in HTML
// documents. And ParseSelectors is exposed to parse selectors. If it's
// useful to expose more of the functions, please just send a CL for approval,
// so we know what people depend on.
// The CSS parser runs in either quirks mode (the default) and standard
// compliant mode. The latter is stricter in many aspects. Currently, it
// affects color parsing (see below for details). Please refer to:
// for the difference in Mozilla browsers.
class Parser {
Parser(const char* utf8text, const char* textend);
explicit Parser(const char* utf8text);
explicit Parser(StringPiece s);
// ParseRawSytlesheet and ParseStylesheet consume the entire document and
// return a Stylesheet* containing all the imports and rulesets that it
// found. You must delete the return pointer.
// ParseRawStylesheet simply parses the document into an abstract syntax tree.
Stylesheet* ParseRawStylesheet();
// ParseStylesheet also runs a second pass to convert shorthand
// declarations such as background, font and font-family into sets of
// declarations that they represent.
Stylesheet* ParseStylesheet();
// ParserRawDeclarations and ParseDeclarations parse declarations like
// "background: white; color: #333; line-height: 1.3;", consuming until
// (but not including) the closing '}' or EOF. You must delete the return
// pointer.
// ParseRawDeclarations simply parses the declarations into an AST.
Declarations* ParseRawDeclarations();
// ParseDeclarations also runs a second pass to convert *some* syntactic
// sugar declarations such as background, font and font-family.
// Currently, both the expanded properties (such as background-color) and the
// original property (background) are stored because the impl. is incomplete.
// For details, see
Declarations* ParseDeclarations();
// Expand the values of shorthand declarations. Currently expands background
// and font. Clears (but does not delete) input orig_declarartions in the
// process. orig_declarations should be a std::vector of NULLs on exit.
Declarations* ExpandDeclarations(Declarations* orig_declarations);
// Starting at the first simple selector or whitespace, ParseSelectors parses
// a sequence of selectors. Return NULL if the parsing fails. The parser would
// consume anything up to the declaration starting '{' or the end of document.
Selectors* ParseSelectors();
// current position in the parse.
const char* getpos() const { return in_; }
// Done with the parse?
bool Done() const { return in_ == end_; }
// Whether quirks mode (the default) is used in parsing. Standard compliant
// (non-quirks) mode is stricter in color parsing, where a form of "rrgbbb"
// without a leading # is not allowed.
bool quirks_mode() const { return quirks_mode_; }
void set_quirks_mode(bool quirks_mode) { quirks_mode_ = quirks_mode; }
// This is a bitmask of errors seen during the parse. This is decidedly
// incomplete --- there are definitely many errors that are not reported here.
static const uint64 kNoError = 0;
static const uint64 kUtf8Error = 1ULL << 0;
static const uint64 kDeclarationError = 1ULL << 1;
static const uint64 kSelectorError = 1ULL << 2;
static const uint64 kFunctionError = 1ULL << 3;
static const uint64 kMediaError = 1ULL << 4;
uint64 errors_seen_mask() const { return errors_seen_mask_; }
friend class ParserTest; // we need to unit test private Parse functions.
// Syntactic methods
// SkipSpace() skips whitespace ([ \t\r\n\f]) and comments
// (/* .... */) until we reach a non-whitespace, non-comment
// character, or the end of the document.
void SkipSpace();
// Starting at /*, SkipComment() skips past the matching */ or to
// the end of the document.
void SkipComment();
// Skips following characters until delimiter delim or end is seen, delim is
// consumed if found. Be smart enough not to stop at character delim in
// comments. Returns whether delim is actually seen.
bool SkipPastDelimiter(char delim);
// Skips whitespace, comments, blocks ({..}), and @tokens, and returns true
// unless we are at the end of the document or the next character is a token
// ending delimiter ([;}!]).
bool SkipToNextToken();
// Parse functions.
// When the comment reads 'starting at foo', it's a dchecked runtime
// error to call the function if the input does not start with
// 'foo'.
// If a ParseXXX method returns a pointer, you own it and must
// delete it.
// 'leaves' of the parse tree: strings, urls, identifiers, numbers,
// etc
// ParseIdent() consumes the identifier and returns its unescaped
// representation. If we are at the end of the document, or if no
// identifier is found, ParseIdent() returns the empty string.
// In CSS2, identifiers (including element names, classes, and IDs in
// selectors) can contain only the characters [A-Za-z0-9] and ISO
// 10646 characters 161 and higher, plus the hyphen (-); they cannot
// start with a hyphen or a digit. They can also contain escaped
// characters and any ISO 10646 character as a numeric code (see next
// item). For instance, the identifier "B&W?" may be written as
// "B\&W\?" or "B\26 W\3F".
// We're a little more forgiving than the standard and permit hyphens
// and digits to start identifiers.
// This method does not skip spaces like most other methods do, because it
// may be used to identify things like "import" in "@import", which is
// different from "@ import".
UnicodeText ParseIdent(); // parse an identifier like justify
// Starting at \, parse the escape and return the corresponding
// unicode codepoint. If the \ is the last character in the
// document, we return '\'; there is no other malformed input. This
// implements the second and third types of character escapes at
// 2) It cancels the meaning of special CSS characters. Any
// character (except a hexadecimal digit) can be escaped with a
// backslash to remove its special meaning. For example,
// ParseEscape() returns 0x6240 for \所 and 71 for \G (but \C is a
// hex escape, treated below:)
// 3) Backslash escapes allow authors to refer to characters
// they can't easily put in a document. In this case, the backslash
// is followed by at most six hexadecimal digits (0..9A..Fa..f), which
// stand for the ISO 10646 ([ISO10646]) character with that
// number. If a digit or letter follows the hexadecimal number, the
// end of the number needs to be made clear. There are two ways to
// do that:
// 1. with a space (or other whitespace character): "\26 B" ("&B")
// 2. by providing exactly 6 hexadecimal digits: "\000026B" ("&B")
// So, if the escape sequence is a hex escape and the character following
// the last hex digit is a space, then ParseEscape() consumes it.
char32 ParseEscape(); // return the codepoint for the current escape \12a76f
// Starting at delim, ParseString<char delim>() consumes the string,
// including the matching end-delim, and returns its unescaped
// representation, without the delimiters. If we fail to find the
// matching delimiter, we consume the rest of the document and
// return it.
// Strings can either be written with double quotes or with single
// quotes. Double quotes cannot occur inside double quotes, unless
// escaped (as '\"' or as '\22'). Analogously for single quotes
// ("\'" or "\27"). A string cannot directly contain a newline,
// unless hex-escaped as "\A".
// It is possible to break strings over several lines, for aesthetic
// or other reasons, but in such a case the newline itself has to be
// escaped with a backslash (\). For instance, the following two
// selectors are exactly the same:
template<char delim> UnicodeText ParseString();
// If the current character is a string-delimiter (' or "),
// ParseStringOrIdent() parses a string and returns the contents.
// Otherwise, it tries to parse an identifier. We must not be at
// the end of the document.
UnicodeText ParseStringOrIdent();
// ParseNumber parses a number and an optional unit, consuming to
// the end of the number or unit and returning a Value*.
// Real numbers and integers are specified in decimal notation
// only. An <integer> consists of one or more digits "0" to "9". A
// <number> can either be an <integer>, or it can be zero or more
// digits followed by a dot (.) followed by one or more digits. Both
// integers and real numbers may be preceded by a "-" or "+" to
// indicate the sign.
// If no number is found, ParseNumber returns NULL.
Value* ParseNumber();
// ParseColor parses several different representations of colors:
// 1) rgb
// 2) #rgb
// 3) rrggbb
// 4) #rrggbb
// 5) The 16 HTML4 color names (aqua, black, blue,
// fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red,
// silver, teal, white, and yellow), with or without quotes (' or ").
// It's designed to handle all the ill-formed CSS color values out there.
// It consumes the color if it finds a valid color. Otherwise, it returns
// an undefined HtmlColor (HtmlColor::IsDefined()) and does not consume
// anything.
// However, if quirks_mode_ is false (standard compliant mode), forms 1 and 3
// (without #) would not be accepted.
HtmlColor ParseColor(); // parse a hex or named
// color like #fff, #bcdefa
// or black
// FUNCTION-like objects: rgb(), url(), rect()
// Converts a Value number or percentage to an RGB value.
static unsigned char ValueToRGB(Value* v);
// ParseRgbColor parsers the part between the parentheses of rgb( )
// according to .
// The format of an RGB value in the functional notation is 'rgb('
// followed by a comma-separated list of three numerical values
// (either three integer values or three percentage values)
// followed by ')'. The integer value 255 corresponds to 100%, and
// to F or FF in the hexadecimal notation: rgb(255,255,255) =
// rgb(100%,100%,100%) = #FFF. Whitespace characters are allowed
// around the numerical values.
// Starting just past 'rgb(', ParseColor() consumes up to (but not
// including) the closing ) and returns the color it finds.
// Returns NULL if mal-formed.
Value* ParseRgbColor(); // parse an rgbcolor like 125, 25, 12
// or 12%, 57%, 89%
// ParseUrl parses the part between the parentheses of url( )
// according to .
// The format of a URI value is 'url(' followed by optional
// whitespace followed by an optional single quote (') or double
// quote (") character followed by the URI itself, followed by an
// optional single quote (') or double quote (") character followed
// by optional whitespace followed by ')'. The two quote characters
// must be the same.
// Starting just past 'url(', ParseUrl() consumes the url as well as
// the optional whitespace. If the url is well-formed, the next
// character must be ')'.
// Returns NULL for mal-formed URLs.
Value* ParseUrl(); // parse a url like yellow.png or 'blah.png'
// Parses between the parentheses of rect(top, right, bottom, left).
// The contents should be a comma or space separated list of four numerical
// values or the keyword "auto". Note that spaces are allowed to separate
// values for historical reasons.
// Returns NULL if the contents is not well-formed.
Value* ParseRect(); // parse rect(top, right, bottom, left)
// Value and Values
// Parses a value which is expected to be color values. It can be
// different from ParseAny, for example, for black or ccddff, both
// are translated into color values here but are returned as idents
// in the latter case. We call this instead of ParseAny() after
// color, background-color, and background properties to accomodate bad CSS.
// If no value is found, ParseAnyExpectingColor returns NULL.
Value* ParseAnyExpectingColor();
// ParseAny() parses a css value and consumes it. It does not skip
// leading or trailing whitespace.
// If no value is found, ParseAny returns NULL and make sure at least one
// character is consumed (to make progress).
Value* ParseAny(); // parse a value, which is pretty much anything.
// Parse a list of values for the given property.
// We parse until we see a !, ;, or } delimiter. However, if there are any
// malformed values, stop parsing and return NULL immediately.
// For special shortcut properties, use the following specialized methods
// instead.
Values* ParseValues(Property::Prop prop);
// Expand a background property into all the sub-properties (background-color,
// background-image, etc.). Return false on malformed original_declaration.
static bool ExpandBackground(const Declaration& original_declaration,
Declarations* new_declarations);
// Parses FONT. Returnss NULL if malformed. Otherwise, the output is a tuple
// in the following order
// "font-style font-variant font-weight font-size line-height font-family+"
Values* ParseFont();
// Parses FONT-FAMILY and the tailing part in FONT and appends the results in
// values. Returns false if there are any malformed values.
// This interface is different from the others because it is also used by
// ParseFont(), where family names are appended to other CSS values.
bool ParseFontFamily(Values* values);
// Selectors and Rulesets
// ParseAttributeSelector() starts at [ and parses an attribute
// selector like [ foo ~= bar], consuming the final ]. Returns NULL
// on error but still consumes to the matching ].
// This method does not skip spaces like most other methods do.
// Whitespace is syntactically significant here, because a sequence of simple
// selectors contains no whitespace. 'div[align=center]' is a sequence of
// simple selectors, but 'div [align=center]' is a syntax error (though we
// will parse it as a selector, i.e., two simple selector sequences separated
// by a whitespace combinator).
SimpleSelector* ParseAttributeSelector();
// ParseSimpleSelector() parses one simple sector. Starts from
// anything and returns NULL if no simple selector found or parse error.
// This method does not skip spaces like most other methods do.
// See comment above.
SimpleSelector* ParseSimpleSelector();
// Checks if the parser stops at a character (or characters) that will
// legally terminate a SimpleSelectors. The checked characters are not eaten.
// Valid terminators are whitespaces, comments, combinators ('>', '+'), ','
// and '{'. A stop at the end is also considered valid.
bool AtValidSimpleSelectorsTerminator() const;
// Starting at whitespace, a combinator, or the first simple
// selector, ParseSimpleSelectors parses a sequence of simple
// selectors, i.e., a chain of simple selectors that are not
// separated by a combinator. The chain itself may be preceeded by
// a combinator, in which case you should pass true for
// expecting_combinator, and we will parse the combinator.
// Typically, when you're parsing a selector (i.e., a chain of
// sequences of simple selectors separated by combinators), you pass
// false on the first simple selector and true on the subsequent
// ones.
SimpleSelectors* ParseSimpleSelectors(bool expecting_combinator);
// ParseRuleset() starts from the first character of the first
// selector (note: it does not skip whitespace) and consumes the
// ruleset, including the closing '}'. Return NULL if the parsing fails.
// However, the parser would consume anything up to the closing '}', if any,
// even if it fails somehow in the middle, per CSS spec.
Ruleset* ParseRuleset();
// Miscellaneous
// Starting at whitespace or the first medium, ParseMediumList
// parses a medium list separated by commas and whitespace, stopping
// at (without consuming) ; or {. It adds each medium to the back of media.
void ParseMediumList(std::vector<UnicodeText>* media);
// ParseImport starts just after @import and consumes the import
// declaration, including the closing ;. It returns a Import*
// containing the imported name and the media.
Import* ParseImport();
// Starting at @, ParseAtrule parses @import, @charset, @medium, and
// @page declarations and adds the information to the stylesheet.
// Consumes the @-rule, including the closing ';' or '}'. Does not
// consume trailing whitespace.
void ParseAtrule(Stylesheet* stylesheet); // parse @ rules.
// Starting at '{', ParseBlock consumes to the matching '}', respecting
// nested blocks. We discard the result.
void ParseBlock();
const char *in_; // The current point in the parse.
const char *end_; // The end of the document to parse.
bool quirks_mode_; // Whether we are in quirks mode.
uint64 errors_seen_mask_;
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, color);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, url);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, rect);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, background);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, font_family);
friend void ParseFontFamily(Parser* parser);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, ParseBlock);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, font);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, values);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, declarations);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, universalselector);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, universalselectorcondition);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, comment_breaking_descendant_combinator);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, comment_breaking_child_combinator);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, simple_selectors);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, bad_simple_selectors);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, rulesets);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, ruleset_starts_with_combinator);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, atrules);
FRIEND_TEST(ParserTest, percentage_colors);
// Definitions of various data structures returned by the parser.
// More in selector.h and value.h.
// A single declaration such as font: 12pt Arial.
// A declaration consists of a property name (Property) and a list
// of values (Values*).
// It could also be important (font: 12pt Arial !important).
class Declaration {
// constructor. We take ownership of v.
Declaration(Property p, Values* v, bool important) :
property_(p), values_(v), important_(important) { }
// constructor with a single Value. We make a copy of the value.
Declaration(Property p, const Value& v, bool important)
: property_(p), values_(new Values), important_(important) {
values_->push_back(new Value(v));
// accessors
Property property() const { return property_; }
const Values* values() const { return values_.get(); }
bool IsImportant() const { return important_; }
// convenience accessors
Property::Prop prop() const { return property_.prop(); }
string prop_text() const { return property_.prop_text(); }
Values* mutable_values() { return values_.get(); }
void set_property(Property property) { property_ = property; }
// Takes ownership of values.
void set_values(Values* values) { values_.reset(values); }
void set_important(bool important) { important_ = important; }
string ToString() const;
Property property_;
scoped_ptr<Values> values_;
bool important_; // Whether !important is declared on this declaration.
// Declarations is a vector of Declaration*, which we own and
// will delete upon destruction. If you remove elements from
// Declarations, you are responsible for deleting them.
// Also, be careful --- there's no virtual destructor, so this must be
// deleted as a Declarations.
class Declarations : public std::vector<Declaration*> {
Declarations() : std::vector<Declaration*>() { }
// We provide syntactic sugar for accessing elements.
// declarations->get(i) looks better than (*declarations)[i])
const Declaration* get(int i) const { return (*this)[i]; }
string ToString() const;
// A ruleset consists of a list of selectors followed by a declaration block.
// It can also optionally include a list of medium description.
class Ruleset {
Ruleset() : selectors_(new Selectors), declarations_(new Declarations) { }
// Takes ownership of selectors and declarations.
Ruleset(Selectors* selectors, const std::vector<UnicodeText>& media,
Declarations* declarations)
: selectors_(selectors), media_(media), declarations_(declarations) { }
~Ruleset() { }
const Selectors& selectors() const { return *selectors_; }
const Selector& selector(int i) const { return *selectors_->at(i); }
const std::vector<UnicodeText>& media() const { return media_; }
const UnicodeText& medium(int i) const { return; }
const Declarations& declarations() const { return *declarations_; }
const Declaration& declaration(int i) const { return *declarations_->at(i); }
Selectors& mutable_selectors() { return *selectors_; }
Declarations& mutable_declarations() { return *declarations_; }
// set_media copies input media.
void set_media(const std::vector<UnicodeText>& media) {
media_.assign(media.begin(), media.end());
// set_selectors and _declarations take ownership of parameters.
void set_selectors(Selectors* selectors) { selectors_.reset(selectors); }
void set_declarations(Declarations* decls) { declarations_.reset(decls); }
string ToString() const;
scoped_ptr<Selectors> selectors_;
std::vector<UnicodeText> media_;
scoped_ptr<Declarations> declarations_;
class Rulesets : public std::vector<Css::Ruleset*> {
Rulesets() : std::vector<Css::Ruleset*>() { }
struct Import {
std::vector<UnicodeText> media;
UnicodeText link;
string ToString() const;
class Imports : public std::vector<Css::Import*> {
Imports() : std::vector<Css::Import*>() { }
// A stylesheet consists of a list of import information and a list of
// rulesets.
class Stylesheet {
Stylesheet() : type_(AUTHOR) {}
// USER is currently unused.
enum StylesheetType { AUTHOR, USER, SYSTEM };
StylesheetType type() const { return type_; }
const Imports& imports() const { return imports_; }
const Rulesets& rulesets() const { return rulesets_; }
const Import& import(int i) const { return *imports_[i]; }
const Ruleset& ruleset(int i) const { return *rulesets_[i]; }
void set_type(StylesheetType type) { type_ = type; }
Imports& mutable_imports() { return imports_; }
Rulesets& mutable_rulesets() { return rulesets_; }
string ToString() const;
StylesheetType type_;
Imports imports_;
Rulesets rulesets_;
} // namespace