blob: bb8b29eb8d06dab63ae24ffded11ca54700fe4b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
// and (Shawn Ligocki)
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/resource_manager_test_base.h"
#include "net/instaweb/htmlparse/public/empty_html_filter.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/css_tag_scanner.h"
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/url_multipart_encoder.h"
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/url_escaper.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
namespace {
const char kDomain[] = "http://combine_css.test/";
const char kYellow[] = ".yellow {background-color: yellow;}";
const char kBlue[] = ".blue {color: blue;}\n";
class CssCombineFilterTest : public ResourceManagerTestBase {
// Test spriting CSS with options to write headers and use a hasher.
void CombineCss(const StringPiece& id, Hasher* hasher,
const char* barrier_text, bool is_barrier) {
CombineCssWithNames(id, hasher, barrier_text, is_barrier, "a.css", "b.css");
void CombineCssWithNames(const StringPiece& id, Hasher* hasher,
const char* barrier_text, bool is_barrier,
const char* a_css_name,
const char* b_css_name) {
// URLs and content for HTML document and resources.
CHECK_EQ(StringPiece::npos, id.find("/"));
std::string html_url = StrCat(kDomain, id, ".html");
std::string a_css_url = StrCat(kDomain, a_css_name);
std::string b_css_url = StrCat(kDomain, b_css_name);
std::string c_css_url = StrCat(kDomain, "c.css");
static const char html_input_format[] =
" <link rel='stylesheet' href='%s' type='text/css'>\n"
" <link rel='stylesheet' href='%s' type='text/css'>\n"
" <title>Hello, Instaweb</title>\n"
" <div class=\"c1\">\n"
" <div class=\"c2\">\n"
" Yellow on Blue\n"
" </div>\n"
" </div>\n"
" <link rel='stylesheet' href='c.css' type='text/css'>\n"
std::string html_input =
StringPrintf(html_input_format, a_css_name, b_css_name, barrier_text);
const char a_css_body[] = ".c1 {\n background-color: blue;\n}\n";
const char b_css_body[] = ".c2 {\n color: yellow;\n}\n";
const char c_css_body[] = ".c3 {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n";
// Put original CSS files into our fetcher.
SimpleMetaData default_css_header;
resource_manager_->SetDefaultHeaders(&kContentTypeCss, &default_css_header);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(a_css_url, default_css_header, a_css_body);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(b_css_url, default_css_header, b_css_body);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(c_css_url, default_css_header, c_css_body);
ParseUrl(html_url, html_input);
std::string headers;
AppendDefaultHeaders(kContentTypeCss, resource_manager_, &headers);
// Check for CSS files in the rewritten page.
StringVector css_urls;
CollectCssLinks(id, output_buffer_, &css_urls);
EXPECT_LE(1UL, css_urls.size());
const std::string& combine_url = css_urls[0];
GURL gurl(combine_url);
std::string path = GoogleUrl::PathAndLeaf(gurl);
std::string combine_filename;
filename_encoder_.Encode(file_prefix_, combine_url, &combine_filename);
// Expected CSS combination.
// This syntax must match that in css_combine_filter
std::string expected_combination = StrCat(a_css_body, b_css_body);
if (!is_barrier) {
static const char expected_output_format[] =
" <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"%s\">\n"
" \n" // The whitespace from the original link is preserved here ...
" <title>Hello, Instaweb</title>\n"
" <div class=\"c1\">\n"
" <div class=\"c2\">\n"
" Yellow on Blue\n"
" </div>\n"
" </div>\n"
" %s\n"
std::string expected_output = StringPrintf(
expected_output_format, combine_url.c_str(), barrier_text,
is_barrier ? "<link rel='stylesheet' href='c.css' type='text/css'>"
: "");
EXPECT_EQ(AddHtmlBody(expected_output), output_buffer_);
std::string actual_combination;
&actual_combination, &message_handler_));
EXPECT_EQ(headers + expected_combination, actual_combination);
// Fetch the combination to make sure we can serve the result from above.
SimpleMetaData request_headers, response_headers;
std::string fetched_resource_content;
StringWriter writer(&fetched_resource_content);
DummyCallback dummy_callback(true);
rewrite_driver_.FetchResource(combine_url, request_headers,
&response_headers, &writer,
&message_handler_, &dummy_callback);
EXPECT_EQ(HttpStatus::kOK, response_headers.status_code()) << combine_url;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_combination, fetched_resource_content);
// Now try to fetch from another server (other_rewrite_driver_) that
// does not already have the combination cached.
// TODO(sligocki): This has too much shared state with the first server.
// See RewriteImage for details.
SimpleMetaData other_response_headers;
message_handler_.Message(kInfo, "Now with serving.");
other_rewrite_driver_.FetchResource(combine_url, request_headers,
&other_response_headers, &writer,
&message_handler_, &dummy_callback);
EXPECT_EQ(HttpStatus::kOK, other_response_headers.status_code());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_combination, fetched_resource_content);
// Try to fetch from an independent server.
ServeResourceFromManyContexts(combine_url, RewriteOptions::kCombineCss,
hasher, fetched_resource_content);
// Test what happens when CSS combine can't find a previously-rewritten
// resource during a subsequent resource fetch. This used to segfault.
void CssCombineMissingResource() {
std::string a_css_url = StrCat(kDomain, "a.css");
std::string c_css_url = StrCat(kDomain, "c.css");
const char a_css_body[] = ".c1 {\n background-color: blue;\n}\n";
const char c_css_body[] = ".c3 {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n";
std::string expected_combination = StrCat(a_css_body, c_css_body);
// Put original CSS files into our fetcher.
SimpleMetaData default_css_header;
resource_manager_->SetDefaultHeaders(&kContentTypeCss, &default_css_header);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(a_css_url, default_css_header, a_css_body);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(c_css_url, default_css_header, c_css_body);
// First make sure we can serve the combination of a & c. This is to avoid
// spurious test successes.
std::string kACUrl = Encode(kDomain, "cc", "0", "a.css+c.css", "css");
std::string kABCUrl = Encode(kDomain, "cc", "0", "a.css+bbb.css+c.css",
SimpleMetaData request_headers, response_headers;
std::string fetched_resource_content;
StringWriter writer(&fetched_resource_content);
DummyCallback dummy_callback(true);
// NOTE: This first fetch used to return status 0 because response_headers
// weren't initialized by the first resource fetch (but were cached
// correctly). Content was correct.
rewrite_driver_.FetchResource(kACUrl, request_headers,
&response_headers, &writer,
&message_handler_, &dummy_callback));
EXPECT_EQ(HttpStatus::kOK, response_headers.status_code());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_combination, fetched_resource_content);
// We repeat the fetch to prove that it succeeds from cache:
rewrite_driver_.FetchResource(kACUrl, request_headers,
&response_headers, &writer,
&message_handler_, &dummy_callback));
EXPECT_EQ(HttpStatus::kOK, response_headers.status_code());
EXPECT_EQ(expected_combination, fetched_resource_content);
// Now let's try fetching the url that references a missing resource
// (bbb.css) in addition to the two that do exist, a.css and c.css. Using
// an entirely non-existent resource appears to test a strict superset of
// filter code paths when compared with returning a 404 for the resource.
DummyCallback fail_callback(false);
rewrite_driver_.FetchResource(kABCUrl, request_headers,
&response_headers, &writer,
&message_handler_, &fail_callback));
EXPECT_EQ(HttpStatus::kNotFound, response_headers.status_code());
EXPECT_EQ("", fetched_resource_content);
// Representation for a CSS tag.
class CssLink {
CssLink(const StringPiece& url, const StringPiece& content,
const StringPiece& media, bool supply_mock)
: url_(, url.size()),
content_(, content.size()),
media_(, media.size()),
supply_mock_(supply_mock) {
// A vector of CssLink* should know how to accumulate and add.
class Vector : public std::vector<CssLink*> {
~Vector() {
void Add(const StringPiece& url, const StringPiece& content,
const StringPiece& media, bool supply_mock) {
push_back(new CssLink(url, content, media, supply_mock));
// Parses a combined CSS elementand provides the segments from which
// it came.
bool DecomposeCombinedUrl(std::string* base, StringVector* segments,
MessageHandler* handler) {
GURL gurl = GoogleUrl::Create(url_);
bool ret = false;
if (gurl.is_valid()) {
*base = GoogleUrl::AllExceptLeaf(gurl);
ResourceNamer namer;
if (namer.Decode(GoogleUrl::Leaf(gurl)) &&
( == "cc")) { // TODO(jmarantz): Share this literal
UrlEscaper escaper;
UrlMultipartEncoder multipart_encoder;
std::string segment;
if (escaper.DecodeFromUrlSegment(, &segment) &&
multipart_encoder.Decode(segment, handler)) {
ret = true;
for (int i = 0; i < multipart_encoder.num_urls(); ++i) {
return ret;
std::string url_;
std::string content_;
std::string media_;
bool supply_mock_;
// Helper class to collect CSS hrefs.
class CssCollector : public EmptyHtmlFilter {
CssCollector(HtmlParse* html_parse, CssLink::Vector* css_links)
: css_links_(css_links),
css_tag_scanner_(html_parse) {
virtual void EndElement(HtmlElement* element) {
HtmlElement::Attribute* href;
const char* media;
if (css_tag_scanner_.ParseCssElement(element, &href, &media)) {
// TODO(jmarantz): collect content of the CSS files, before and
// after combination, so we can diff.
const char* content = "";
css_links_->Add(href->value(), content, media, false);
virtual const char* Name() const { return "CssCollector"; }
CssLink::Vector* css_links_;
CssTagScanner css_tag_scanner_;
// Collects just the hrefs from CSS links into a string vector.
void CollectCssLinks(const StringPiece& id, const StringPiece& html,
StringVector* css_links) {
CssLink::Vector v;
CollectCssLinks(id, html, &v);
for (int i = 0, n = v.size(); i < n; ++i) {
// Collects all information about CSS links into a CssLink::Vector.
void CollectCssLinks(const StringPiece& id, const StringPiece& html,
CssLink::Vector* css_links) {
HtmlParse html_parse(&message_handler_);
CssCollector collector(&html_parse, css_links);
std::string dummy_url = StrCat("http://collect.css.links/", id, ".html");
html_parse.ParseText(, html.size());
// Common framework for testing barriers. A null-terminated set of css
// names is specified, with optional media tags. E.g.
// static const char* link[] {
// "a.css",
// "styles/b.css",
// "print.css media=print",
// }
// The output of this function is the collected CSS links after rewrite.
void BarrierTestHelper(
const StringPiece& id,
const CssLink::Vector& input_css_links,
CssLink::Vector* output_css_links) {
// TODO(sligocki): Allow other domains (this is constrained right now b/c
// of InitMetaData.
std::string html_url = StrCat("", id, ".html");
std::string html_input("<head>\n");
for (int i = 0, n = input_css_links.size(); i < n; ++i) {
const CssLink* link = input_css_links[i];
if (!link->url_.empty()) {
if (link->supply_mock_) {
// If the css-vector contains a 'true' for this, then we supply the
// mock fetcher with headers and content for the CSS file.
InitMetaData(link->url_, kContentTypeCss, link->content_, 600);
std::string style(" <");
style += StringPrintf("link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='%s'",
if (!link->media_.empty()) {
style += StrCat(" media='", link->media_, "'");
style += ">\n";
html_input += style;
} else {
html_input += link->content_;
html_input += "</head>\n<body>\n <div class='yellow'>\n";
html_input += " Hello, mod_pagespeed!\n </div>\n</body>\n";
ParseUrl(html_url, html_input);
CollectCssLinks("combine_css_missing_files", output_buffer_,
// TODO(jmarantz): fetch all content and provide output as text.
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCss) {
CombineCss("combine_css_no_hash", &mock_hasher_, "", false);
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssMD5) {
CombineCss("combine_css_md5", &md5_hasher_, "", false);
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, DealWithParams) {
CombineCssWithNames("deal_with_params", &mock_hasher_, "", false,
"a.css?U", "b.css?rev=138");
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssWithIEDirective) {
const char ie_directive_barrier[] =
"<!--[if IE]>\n"
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" "
CombineCss("combine_css_ie", &md5_hasher_, ie_directive_barrier, true);
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssWithStyle) {
const char style_barrier[] = "<style>a { color: red }</style>\n";
CombineCss("combine_css_style", &md5_hasher_, style_barrier, true);
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssWithBogusLink) {
const char bogus_barrier[] = "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' "
CombineCss("combine_css_bogus_link", &md5_hasher_, bogus_barrier, true);
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssWithImportInFirst) {
CssLink::Vector css_in, css_out;
css_in.Add("1.css", "@Import \"1a.css\"", "", true);
css_in.Add("2.css", kYellow, "", true);
css_in.Add("3.css", kYellow, "", true);
BarrierTestHelper("combine_css_with_import1", css_in, &css_out);
EXPECT_EQ(1, css_out.size());
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssWithImportInSecond) {
CssLink::Vector css_in, css_out;
css_in.Add("1.css", kYellow, "", true);
css_in.Add("2.css", "@Import \"2a.css\"", "", true);
css_in.Add("3.css", kYellow, "", true);
BarrierTestHelper("combine_css_with_import1", css_in, &css_out);
EXPECT_EQ("1.css", css_out[0]->url_);
EXPECT_EQ(2, css_out.size());
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssWithNoscriptBarrier) {
const char noscript_barrier[] =
" <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='d.css'>\n"
// Put this in the Test class to remove repetition here and below.
std::string d_css_url = StrCat(kDomain, "d.css");
const char d_css_body[] = ".c4 {\n color: green;\n}\n";
SimpleMetaData default_css_header;
resource_manager_->SetDefaultHeaders(&kContentTypeCss, &default_css_header);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(d_css_url, default_css_header, d_css_body);
CombineCss("combine_css_noscript", &md5_hasher_, noscript_barrier, true);
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssWithFakeNoscriptBarrier) {
const char non_barrier[] =
" <p>You have no scripts installed</p>\n"
CombineCss("combine_css_fake_noscript", &md5_hasher_, non_barrier, false);
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssWithMediaBarrier) {
const char media_barrier[] =
"<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='d.css' media='print'>\n";
std::string d_css_url = StrCat(kDomain, "d.css");
const char d_css_body[] = ".c4 {\n color: green;\n}\n";
SimpleMetaData default_css_header;
resource_manager_->SetDefaultHeaders(&kContentTypeCss, &default_css_header);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(d_css_url, default_css_header, d_css_body);
CombineCss("combine_css_media", &md5_hasher_, media_barrier, true);
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssWithNonMediaBarrier) {
// Put original CSS files into our fetcher.
std::string html_url = StrCat(kDomain, "no_media_barrier.html");
std::string a_css_url = StrCat(kDomain, "a.css");
std::string b_css_url = StrCat(kDomain, "b.css");
std::string c_css_url = StrCat(kDomain, "c.css");
std::string d_css_url = StrCat(kDomain, "d.css");
const char a_css_body[] = ".c1 {\n background-color: blue;\n}\n";
const char b_css_body[] = ".c2 {\n color: yellow;\n}\n";
const char c_css_body[] = ".c3 {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n";
const char d_css_body[] = ".c4 {\n color: green;\n}\n";
SimpleMetaData default_css_header;
resource_manager_->SetDefaultHeaders(&kContentTypeCss, &default_css_header);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(a_css_url, default_css_header, a_css_body);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(b_css_url, default_css_header, b_css_body);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(c_css_url, default_css_header, c_css_body);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(d_css_url, default_css_header, d_css_body);
// Only the first two CSS files should be combined.
const char html_input[] =
" <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='a.css' media='print'>\n"
" <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='b.css' media='print'>\n"
" <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='c.css'>\n"
" <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='d.css' media='print'>\n"
// Rewrite
ParseUrl(html_url, html_input);
// Check for CSS files in the rewritten page.
StringVector css_urls;
CollectCssLinks("combine_css_no_media-links", output_buffer_, &css_urls);
EXPECT_EQ(3UL, css_urls.size());
const std::string& combine_url = css_urls[0];
const char expected_output_format[] =
" <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"print\" "
" \n"
" <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='c.css'>\n"
" <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='d.css' media='print'>\n"
std::string expected_output = StringPrintf(expected_output_format,
EXPECT_EQ(AddHtmlBody(expected_output), output_buffer_);
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssBaseUrl) {
// Put original CSS files into our fetcher.
std::string html_url = StrCat(kDomain, "base_url.html");
std::string a_css_url = StrCat(kDomain, "a.css");
const char b_css_url[] = "http://other_domain.test/foo/b.css";
const char a_css_body[] = ".c1 {\n background-color: blue;\n}\n";
const char b_css_body[] = ".c2 {\n color: yellow;\n}\n";
SimpleMetaData default_css_header;
resource_manager_->SetDefaultHeaders(&kContentTypeCss, &default_css_header);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(a_css_url, default_css_header, a_css_body);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(b_css_url, default_css_header, b_css_body);
// Second stylesheet is on other domain.
const char html_input[] =
" <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='a.css'>\n"
" <base href='http://other_domain.test/foo/'>\n"
" <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='b.css'>\n"
// Rewrite
ParseUrl(html_url, html_input);
// Check for CSS files in the rewritten page.
StringVector css_urls;
CollectCssLinks("combine_css_no_media-links", output_buffer_, &css_urls);
EXPECT_EQ(1UL, css_urls.size());
const std::string& combine_url = css_urls[0];
const char expected_output_format[] =
" <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"%s\">\n"
" <base href='http://other_domain.test/foo/'>\n"
" \n"
std::string expected_output = StringPrintf(expected_output_format,
EXPECT_EQ(AddHtmlBody(expected_output), output_buffer_);
// TODO(jmaessen): Re-write for new sharding story when it exists.
// TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssShards) {
// num_shards_ = 10;
// url_prefix_ = "http://mysite%d/";
// CombineCss("combine_css_sha1", &mock_hasher_, "", false);
// }
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssNoInput) {
// TODO(sligocki): This is probably not working correctly, we need to put
// a_broken.css and b.css in mock_fetcher_ ... not sure why this isn't
// crashing right now.
static const char html_input[] =
" <link rel='stylesheet' href='a_broken.css' type='text/css'>\n"
" <link rel='stylesheet' href='b.css' type='text/css'>\n"
"<body><div class=\"c1\"><div class=\"c2\"><p>\n"
" Yellow on Blue</p></div></div></body>";
ValidateNoChanges("combine_css_missing_input", html_input);
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssMissingResource) {
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssManyFiles) {
// Prepare an HTML fragment with too many CSS files to combine,
// exceeding the 250 char limit currently the default in
// It looks like we can fit a limited number of encodings of
// "yellow%d.css" in the buffer. It might be more general to base
// this on the constant declared in RewriteOptions but I think it's
// easier to understand leaving these exposed as constants; we can
// abstract them later.
const int kNumCssLinks = 31;
const int kNumCssInCombination = 18; // based on how we encode "yellow%d.css"
CssLink::Vector css_in, css_out;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumCssLinks; ++i) {
css_in.Add(StringPrintf("styles/yellow%d.css", i),
kYellow, "", true);
BarrierTestHelper("combine_css_many_files", css_in, &css_out);
ASSERT_EQ(2, css_out.size());
// Check that the first element is really a combination.
std::string base;
StringVector segments;
ASSERT_TRUE(css_out[0]->DecomposeCombinedUrl(&base, &segments,
EXPECT_EQ("", base);
EXPECT_EQ(kNumCssInCombination, segments.size());
ASSERT_TRUE(css_out[1]->DecomposeCombinedUrl(&base, &segments,
EXPECT_EQ("", base);
EXPECT_EQ(kNumCssLinks - kNumCssInCombination, segments.size());
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssManyFilesOneOrphan) {
// This test differs from the previous test in we have exactly one CSS file
// that stays on its own.
const int kNumCssInCombination = 18; // based on how we encode "yellow%d.css"
const int kNumCssLinks = kNumCssInCombination + 1;
CssLink::Vector css_in, css_out;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumCssLinks - 1; ++i) {
css_in.Add(StringPrintf("styles/yellow%d.css", i),
kYellow, "", true);
kYellow, "", true);
BarrierTestHelper("combine_css_many_files", css_in, &css_out);
ASSERT_EQ(2, css_out.size());
// Check that the first element is really a combination.
std::string base;
StringVector segments;
ASSERT_TRUE(css_out[0]->DecomposeCombinedUrl(&base, &segments,
EXPECT_EQ("", base);
EXPECT_EQ(kNumCssInCombination, segments.size());
EXPECT_EQ("styles/last_one.css", css_out[1]->url_);
// Note -- this test is redundant with CombineCssMissingResource -- this
// is a taste test. This new mechanism is more code per test but I think
// the failures are more obvious and the expect/assert tests are in the
// top level of the test which might make it easier to debug.
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineCssNotCached) {
CssLink::Vector css_in, css_out;
css_in.Add("1.css", kYellow, "", true);
css_in.Add("2.css", kYellow, "", true);
css_in.Add("3.css", kYellow, "", false);
css_in.Add("4.css", kYellow, "", true);
BarrierTestHelper("combine_css_not_cached", css_in, &css_out);
EXPECT_EQ(3, css_out.size());
std::string base;
StringVector segments;
ASSERT_TRUE(css_out[0]->DecomposeCombinedUrl(&base, &segments,
EXPECT_EQ(2, segments.size());
EXPECT_EQ("1.css", segments[0]);
EXPECT_EQ("2.css", segments[1]);
EXPECT_EQ("3.css", css_out[1]->url_);
EXPECT_EQ("4.css", css_out[2]->url_);
// Note -- this test is redundant with CombineCssWithIEDirective -- this
// is a taste test.
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CombineStyleTag) {
CssLink::Vector css_in, css_out;
css_in.Add("1.css", kYellow, "", true);
css_in.Add("2.css", kYellow, "", true);
css_in.Add("", "<style>a { color: red }</style>\n", "", false);
css_in.Add("4.css", kYellow, "", true);
BarrierTestHelper("combine_css_with_style", css_in, &css_out);
EXPECT_EQ(2, css_out.size());
std::string base;
StringVector segments;
ASSERT_TRUE(css_out[0]->DecomposeCombinedUrl(&base, &segments,
EXPECT_EQ(2, segments.size());
EXPECT_EQ("1.css", segments[0]);
EXPECT_EQ("2.css", segments[1]);
EXPECT_EQ("4.css", css_out[1]->url_);
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, NoAbsolutifySameDir) {
CssLink::Vector css_in, css_out;
css_in.Add("1.css", ".yellow {background-image: url('1.png');}\n", "", true);
css_in.Add("2.css", ".yellow {background-image: url('2.png');}\n", "", true);
BarrierTestHelper("combine_css_with_style", css_in, &css_out);
EXPECT_EQ(1, css_out.size());
// Note: the urls are not absolutified.
std::string expected_combination =
".yellow {background-image: url('1.png');}\n"
".yellow {background-image: url('2.png');}\n";
// Check fetched resource.
std::string actual_combination;
EXPECT_TRUE(ServeResourceUrl(css_out[0]->url_, &actual_combination));
// TODO(sligocki): Check headers?
EXPECT_EQ(expected_combination, actual_combination);
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, DoAbsolutifyDifferentDir) {
CssLink::Vector css_in, css_out;
css_in.Add("1.css", ".yellow {background-image: url('1.png');}\n", "", true);
css_in.Add("foo/2.css", ".yellow {background-image: url('2.png');}\n",
"", true);
BarrierTestHelper("combine_css_with_style", css_in, &css_out);
EXPECT_EQ(1, css_out.size());
std::string expected_combination =
".yellow {background-image: url('1.png');}\n"
".yellow {background-image: url('');}\n";
// Check fetched resource.
std::string actual_combination;
EXPECT_TRUE(ServeResourceUrl(css_out[0]->url_, &actual_combination));
// TODO(sligocki): Check headers?
EXPECT_EQ(expected_combination, actual_combination);
// Verifies that when we combine across paths in a certain pattern we get
// the correct results.
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CrossAcrossPathsExceedingUrlSize) {
CssLink::Vector css_in, css_out;
css_in.Add("modules/acquia/fivestar/css/fivestar.css?3", "a", "", true);
css_in.Add("modules/node/node.css?3", "b", "", true);
css_in.Add("modules/poll/poll.css?3", "c", "", true);
css_in.Add("modules/system/defaults.css?3", "d", "", true);
css_in.Add("modules/system/system.css?3", "e", "", true);
css_in.Add("modules/system/system-menus.css?3", "f", "", true);
css_in.Add("modules/user/user.css?3", "g", "", true);
// This last 'Add' causes the resolved path to change from "/modules/" to "/".
css_in.Add("sites/all/modules/ckeditor/ckeditor.css?3", "h", "", true);
BarrierTestHelper("cross_paths", css_in, &css_out);
EXPECT_EQ(2, css_out.size());
std::string actual_combination;
EXPECT_TRUE(ServeResourceUrl(css_out[0]->url_, &actual_combination));
GURL gurl = GoogleUrl::Create(css_out[0]->url_);
EXPECT_EQ("/modules/", GoogleUrl::PathSansLeaf(gurl));
ResourceNamer namer;
EXPECT_EQ("abcdefg", actual_combination);
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CrossMappedDomain) {
CssLink::Vector css_in, css_out;
DomainLawyer* laywer = options_.domain_lawyer();
laywer->AddRewriteDomainMapping("", "", &message_handler_);
bool supply_mock = false;
css_in.Add("", kYellow, "", supply_mock);
css_in.Add("", kBlue, "", supply_mock);
SimpleMetaData default_css_header;
resource_manager_->SetDefaultHeaders(&kContentTypeCss, &default_css_header);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse("", default_css_header,
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse("", default_css_header,
BarrierTestHelper("combine_css_with_style", css_in, &css_out);
EXPECT_EQ(1, css_out.size());
std::string actual_combination;
EXPECT_TRUE(ServeResourceUrl(css_out[0]->url_, &actual_combination));
EXPECT_EQ(StrCat(kYellow, kBlue), actual_combination);
// Verifies that we cannot do the same cross-domain combo when we lack
// the domain mapping.
TEST_F(CssCombineFilterTest, CrossUnmappedDomain) {
CssLink::Vector css_in, css_out;
DomainLawyer* laywer = options_.domain_lawyer();
laywer->AddDomain("", &message_handler_);
laywer->AddDomain("", &message_handler_);
bool supply_mock = false;
const char kUrl1[] = "";
const char kUrl2[] = "";
css_in.Add(kUrl1, kYellow, "", supply_mock);
css_in.Add(kUrl2, kBlue, "", supply_mock);
SimpleMetaData default_css_header;
resource_manager_->SetDefaultHeaders(&kContentTypeCss, &default_css_header);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(kUrl1, default_css_header, kYellow);
mock_url_fetcher_.SetResponse(kUrl2, default_css_header, kBlue);
BarrierTestHelper("combine_css_with_style", css_in, &css_out);
EXPECT_EQ(2, css_out.size());
std::string actual_combination;
EXPECT_EQ(kUrl1, css_out[0]->url_);
EXPECT_EQ(kUrl2, css_out[1]->url_);
TODO(jmarantz): cover intervening FLUSH
TODO(jmarantz): consider converting some of the existing tests to this
format, covering
IE Directive
@Import in any css element except the first
link in noscript tag
change in 'media'
incompatible domain
intervening inline style tag (TODO: outline first?)
} // namespace
} // namespace net_instaweb