blob: 5b6d156c85b8317cb120ce1ff4798c13842d55f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/lru_cache.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/shared_string.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
LRUCache::~LRUCache() {
// Freshen a key-value pair by putting it in the front of the
// LRU list. Returns a ListNode to insert into the map so we
// can do fast lookup.
LRUCache::ListNode LRUCache::Freshen(KeyValuePair* key_value) {
return lru_ordered_list_.begin();
bool LRUCache::Get(const std::string& key, SharedString* value) {
Map::iterator p = map_.find(key);
bool ret = false;
if (p != map_.end()) {
ret = true;
ListNode cell = p->second;
KeyValuePair* key_value = *cell;
p->second = Freshen(key_value);
*value = key_value->second;
} else {
return ret;
void LRUCache::Put(const std::string& key, SharedString* new_value) {
// Just do one map operation, calling the awkward 'insert' which returns
// a pair. The bool indicates whether a new value was inserted, and the
// iterator provides access to the element, whether it's new or old.
// If the key is already in the map, this will give us access to the value
// cell, and the uninitialized cell will not be used.
ListNode cell;
std::pair<Map::iterator, bool> iter_found =
map_.insert(Map::value_type(key, cell));
bool found = !iter_found.second;
Map::iterator map_iter = iter_found.first;
bool need_to_insert = true;
if (found) {
cell = map_iter->second;
KeyValuePair* key_value = *cell;
// Protect the element that we are rewriting by erasing
// it from the entry_list prior to calling EvictIfNecessary,
// which can't find it if it isn't in the list.
if (**new_value == *(key_value->second)) {
map_iter->second = Freshen(key_value);
need_to_insert = false;
// TODO(jmarantz): count number of re-inserts of existing value?
} else {
current_bytes_in_cache_ -= entry_size(key_value);
delete key_value;
if (need_to_insert) {
// At this point, if we were doing a replacement, then the value
// is removed from the list, so we can treat replacements and new
// insertions the same way. In both cases, the new key is in the map
// as a result of the call to map_.insert above.
if (EvictIfNecessary(key.size() + (*new_value)->size())) {
// The new value fits. Put it in the LRU-list.
KeyValuePair* kvp = new KeyValuePair(&map_iter->first, *new_value);
map_iter->second = Freshen(kvp);
} else {
// The new value was too big to fit. Remove it from the map.
// it's already removed from the list. We have failed. We
// could potentially log this somewhere or keep a stat.
// Evicts enough items from the cache to allow an object of the
// specified bytes-size to be inserted. If successful, we assumes that
// the item will be inserted and current_bytes_in_cache_ is adjusted
// accordingly.
bool LRUCache::EvictIfNecessary(size_t bytes_needed) {
bool ret = false;
if (bytes_needed < max_bytes_in_cache_) {
while (bytes_needed + current_bytes_in_cache_ > max_bytes_in_cache_) {
KeyValuePair* key_value = lru_ordered_list_.back();
current_bytes_in_cache_ -= entry_size(key_value);
CHECK(current_bytes_in_cache_ >= 0);
delete key_value;
current_bytes_in_cache_ += bytes_needed;
ret = true;
return ret;
void LRUCache::Delete(const std::string& key) {
Map::iterator p = map_.find(key);
if (p != map_.end()) {
ListNode cell = p->second;
KeyValuePair* key_value = *cell;
current_bytes_in_cache_ -= entry_size(key_value);
delete key_value;
} else {
// TODO(jmarantz): count number of misses on a 'delete' request?
void LRUCache::SanityCheck() {
CHECK(map_.size() == lru_ordered_list_.size());
size_t count = 0;
size_t bytes_used = 0;
// Walk forward through the list, making sure the map and list elements
// point to each other correctly.
for (ListNode cell = lru_ordered_list_.begin(), e = lru_ordered_list_.end();
cell != e; ++cell, ++count) {
KeyValuePair* key_value = *cell;
Map::iterator map_iter = map_.find(*key_value->first);
CHECK(map_iter != map_.end());
CHECK(&map_iter->first == key_value->first);
CHECK(map_iter->second == cell);
bytes_used += entry_size(key_value);
CHECK(count == map_.size());
CHECK(current_bytes_in_cache_ == bytes_used);
CHECK(current_bytes_in_cache_ <= max_bytes_in_cache_);
// Walk backward through the list, making sure it's coherent as well.
count = 0;
for (EntryList::reverse_iterator cell = lru_ordered_list_.rbegin(),
e = lru_ordered_list_.rend(); cell != e; ++cell, ++count) {
CHECK(count == map_.size());
CacheInterface::KeyState LRUCache::Query(const std::string& key) {
Map::iterator p = map_.find(key);
KeyState state = kNotFound;
if (p != map_.end()) {
state = kAvailable;
return state;
// TODO(jmarantz): consider accounting for overhead for list cells, map
// cells, string objects, etc. Currently we are only accounting for the
// actual characters in the key and value.
int LRUCache::entry_size(KeyValuePair* kvp) const {
return kvp->first->size() + kvp->second->size();
void LRUCache::Clear() {
current_bytes_in_cache_ = 0;
for (ListNode p = lru_ordered_list_.begin(), e = lru_ordered_list_.end();
p != e; ++p) {
KeyValuePair* key_value = *p;
delete key_value;
void LRUCache::ClearStats() {
num_evictions_ = 0;
num_hits_ = 0;
num_misses_ = 0;
num_inserts_ = 0;
num_deletes_ = 0;
} // namespace net_instaweb