blob: edf43ce8ccefeaf37f75a1ac28d05ae4aba4546d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Shawn Ligocki)
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/domain_lawyer.h"
#include "net/instaweb/rewriter/public/rewrite_options.h"
#include <string>
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/string_util.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class AbstractMutex;
class CacheInterface;
class CacheUrlAsyncFetcher;
class CacheUrlFetcher;
class DelayController;
class FileDriver;
class FileSystem;
class FilenameEncoder;
class Hasher;
class HtmlParse;
class HTTPCache;
class LRUCache;
class MessageHandler;
class ResourceManager;
class RewriteDriver;
class Statistics;
class Timer;
class UrlAsyncFetcher;
class UrlFetcher;
class Variable;
// A base RewriteDriverFactory.
class RewriteDriverFactory {
virtual ~RewriteDriverFactory();
// The RewriteDriveFactory will create objects of default type through the
// New* method from drived classs. Here are the objects that can be
// replaced before creating the RewriteDriver.
// Note: RewriteDriver takes ownership of these.
void set_html_parse_message_handler(MessageHandler* message_handler);
void set_message_handler(MessageHandler* message_handler);
void set_file_system(FileSystem* file_system);
void set_hasher(Hasher* hasher);
void set_filename_encoder(FilenameEncoder* filename_encoder);
void set_timer(Timer* timer);
// Set up a directory for slurped files for HTML and resources. If
// read_only is true, then it will only read from these files, and
// this will eliminate the usage of any other url_fetcher. If
// read_only is false, then the existing url fetcher will be used as
// a fallback if the slurped file is not found, and slurped files will
// be subsequently written so they don't have to be fetched from
// the Internet again.
// You must set the slurp directory prior to calling ComputeUrlFetcher
// or ComputeUrlAsyncFetcher.
void set_slurp_directory(const StringPiece& directory);
void set_slurp_read_only(bool read_only);
// Determines whether Slurping is enabled.
bool slurping_enabled() const { return !slurp_directory_.empty(); }
// Setting HTTP caching on causes both the fetcher and the async
// fecher to return cached versions.
void set_force_caching(bool u) { force_caching_ = u; }
// You should either call set_base_url_fetcher,
// set_base_url_async_fetcher, or neither. Do not set both. If you
// want to enable real async fetching, because you are serving or
// want to model live traffic, then call set_base_url_async_fetcher
// before calling url_fetcher.
// These fetchers may be used directly when serving traffic, or they
// may be aggregated with other fetchers (e.g. for slurping).
// You cannot set either base URL fetcher once ComputeUrlFetcher has
// been called.
void set_base_url_fetcher(UrlFetcher* url_fetcher);
void set_base_url_async_fetcher(UrlAsyncFetcher* url_fetcher);
void set_filename_prefix(StringPiece p) { p.CopyToString(&filename_prefix_); }
void set_url_prefix(StringPiece p) { p.CopyToString(&url_prefix_); }
// TODO(jmarantz):
// Remove all these methods in favor of simply exposing the RewriteOptions*.
void set_num_shards(int num_shards) { options_.set_num_shards(num_shards); }
void set_css_outline_min_bytes(int64 t) {
void set_js_outline_min_bytes(int64 t) {
void set_img_inline_max_bytes(int64 x) {
void set_css_inline_max_bytes(int64 x) {
void set_js_inline_max_bytes(int64 x) {
void set_beacon_url(const StringPiece& p) {
MessageHandler* html_parse_message_handler();
MessageHandler* message_handler();
FileSystem* file_system();
// TODO(sligocki): Remove hasher() and force people to make a NewHasher when
// they need one.
Hasher* hasher();
FilenameEncoder* filename_encoder();
Timer* timer();
HTTPCache* http_cache();
StringPiece filename_prefix();
StringPiece url_prefix();
int num_shards() const { return options_.num_shards(); }
// Sets the rewrite level.
void SetRewriteLevel(RewriteOptions::RewriteLevel level);
// Adds an additional set of filters the enabled set. Returns false
// if any of the filter names are invalid, but all the valid ones
// will be added anyway.
bool AddEnabledFilters(const StringPiece& filter_names);
// Adds an additional set of filters the disabled set. Returns false
// if any of the filter names are invalid, but all the valid ones
// will be added anyway.
bool AddDisabledFilters(const StringPiece& filter_names);
// Computes URL fetchers using the based fetcher, and optionally,
// slurp_directory and slurp_read_only.
virtual UrlFetcher* ComputeUrlFetcher();
virtual UrlAsyncFetcher* ComputeUrlAsyncFetcher();
ResourceManager* ComputeResourceManager();
// Generates a new mutex, hasher.
virtual AbstractMutex* NewMutex() = 0;
virtual Hasher* NewHasher() = 0;
// Generates a new managed RewriteDriver using the RewriteOptions
// managed by this class. Each RewriteDriver is not thread-safe,
// but you can generate a RewriteDriver* for each thread. The
// returned drivers are deleted by the factory; they do not need to
// be deleted by the allocator.
RewriteDriver* NewRewriteDriver();
// Generates a custom RewriteDriver using the passed-in options. This
// driver is *not* managed by the factory: you must delete it after
// you are done with it.
RewriteDriver* NewCustomRewriteDriver(const RewriteOptions& options);
// Initialize statistics variables for 404 responses.
static void Initialize(Statistics* statistics);
// Increment the count of resource returning 404.
void Increment404Count();
// Increment the cournt of slurp returning 404.
void IncrementSlurpCount();
DomainLawyer* domain_lawyer() { return &domain_lawyer_; }
const DomainLawyer* domain_lawyer() const { return &domain_lawyer_; }
virtual void AddPlatformSpecificRewritePasses(RewriteDriver* driver);
bool FetchersComputed() const;
// Implementors of RewriteDriverFactory must supply default definitions
// for each of these methods, although they may be overridden via set_
// methods above
virtual UrlFetcher* DefaultUrlFetcher() = 0;
virtual UrlAsyncFetcher* DefaultAsyncUrlFetcher() = 0;
virtual MessageHandler* DefaultHtmlParseMessageHandler() = 0;
virtual MessageHandler* DefaultMessageHandler() = 0;
virtual FileSystem* DefaultFileSystem() = 0;
virtual Timer* DefaultTimer() = 0;
virtual CacheInterface* DefaultCacheInterface() = 0;
// Implementors of RewriteDriverFactory must supply two mutexes.
virtual AbstractMutex* cache_mutex() = 0;
virtual AbstractMutex* rewrite_drivers_mutex() = 0;
// Clean up all the resources. When shutdown Apache, and destroy the process
// sub-pool. The RewriteDriverFactory owns some elements that were created
// from that sub-pool. The sub-pool is destroyed in ApacheRewriteFactory,
// which happens before the destruction of the base class. When the base class
// destroys, the sub-pool has been destroyed, but the elements in base class
// are still trying to destroy the sub-pool of the sub-pool. Call this
// function before destroying the process sub-pool.
void ShutDown();
// Called before creating the url fetchers.
virtual void FetcherSetupHooks();
// Override this to return false if you don't want the resource
// manager to write resources to the filesystem.
virtual bool ShouldWriteResourcesToFileSystem() { return true; }
void SetupSlurpDirectories();
scoped_ptr<MessageHandler> html_parse_message_handler_;
scoped_ptr<MessageHandler> message_handler_;
scoped_ptr<FileSystem> file_system_;
UrlFetcher* url_fetcher_;
UrlAsyncFetcher* url_async_fetcher_;
scoped_ptr<UrlFetcher> base_url_fetcher_;
scoped_ptr<UrlAsyncFetcher> base_url_async_fetcher_;
scoped_ptr<Hasher> hasher_;
scoped_ptr<FilenameEncoder> filename_encoder_;
scoped_ptr<Timer> timer_;
HtmlParse* html_parse_;
std::string filename_prefix_;
std::string url_prefix_;
std::string slurp_directory_;
RewriteOptions options_;
bool force_caching_;
bool slurp_read_only_;
scoped_ptr<ResourceManager> resource_manager_;
std::vector<RewriteDriver*> rewrite_drivers_;
// Caching support
scoped_ptr<HTTPCache> http_cache_;
scoped_ptr<CacheUrlFetcher> cache_fetcher_;
scoped_ptr<CacheUrlAsyncFetcher> cache_async_fetcher_;
Variable* resource_404_count_;
Variable* slurp_404_count_;
// Keep track of authorized domains, sharding, and mappings.
DomainLawyer domain_lawyer_;
} // namespace net_instaweb