blob: 11888d766322e94b256f4ab79a11c36d6e7a2e47 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Author: (Joshua Marantz)
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "net/instaweb/htmlparse/public/html_node.h"
#include "net/instaweb/htmlparse/public/html_parser_types.h"
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/atom.h"
#include <string>
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/string_util.h"
#include "net/instaweb/util/public/symbol_table.h"
namespace net_instaweb {
class HtmlElement : public HtmlNode {
// Tags can be closed in three ways: implicitly (e.g. <img ..>),
// briefly (e.g. <br/>), or explicitly (<a...>...</a>). The
// Lexer will always record the way it parsed a tag, but synthesized
// elements will have AUTO_CLOSE, and rewritten elements may
// no longer qualify for the closing style with which they were
// parsed.
enum CloseStyle {
AUTO_CLOSE, // synthesized tag, or not yet closed in source
IMPLICIT_CLOSE, // E.g. <img...> <meta...> <link...> <br...> <input...>
EXPLICIT_CLOSE, // E.g. <a href=...>anchor</a>
BRIEF_CLOSE, // E.g. <head/>
UNCLOSED // Was never closed in source
class Attribute {
// A large quantity of HTML in the wild has attributes that are
// improperly escaped. Browsers are generally tolerant of this.
// But we want to avoid corrupting pages we do not understand.
// The result of value() and escaped_value() is still owned by this, and
// will be invalidated by a subsequent call to SetValue() or
// SetUnescapedValue
Atom name() const { return name_; }
void set_name(Atom name) { name_ = name; }
// Returns the value in its original directly from the HTML source.
// This may have HTML escapes in it, such as "&amp;".
const char* escaped_value() const { return escaped_value_.get(); }
// The result of value() is still owned by this, and will be invalidated by
// a subsequent call to set_value().
// The result will be a NUL-terminated string containing the value of the
// attribute, or NULL if the attribute has no value at all (this is
// distinct from having the empty string for a value).
// Returns the unescaped value, suitable for directly operating on
// in filters as URLs or other data.
const char* value() const { return value_.get(); }
// See comment about quote on constructor for Attribute.
// Returns the quotation mark associated with this URL, typically
// ", ', or an empty string.
const char* quote() const { return quote_; }
// Two related methods to modify the value of attribute (eg to rewrite
// dest of src or href). As with the constructor, copies the string in,
// so caller retains ownership of value.
// A StringPiece pointing to an empty string (that is, a char array {'\0'})
// indicates that the attribute value is the empty string (e.g. <foo
// bar="">); however, a StringPiece with a data() pointer of NULL indicates
// that the attribute has no value at all (e.g. <foo bar>). This is an
// important distinction.
// Note that passing a value containing NULs in the middle will cause
// breakage, but this isn't currently checked for.
// TODO(mdsteele): Perhaps we should check for this?
// Sets the value of the attribute. No HTML escaping is expected.
// This call causes the HTML-escaped value to be automatically computed
// by scanning the value and escaping any characters required in HTML
// attributes.
void SetValue(const StringPiece& value);
// Sets the escaped value. This is intended to be called from the HTML
// Lexer, and results in the Value being computed automatically by
// scanning the value for escape sequences.
void SetEscapedValue(const StringPiece& value);
// See comment about quote on constructor for Attribute.
void set_quote(const char *quote) {
quote_ = quote;
friend class HtmlElement;
// TODO(jmarantz): arg 'quote' must be a static string, or NULL,
// if quoting is not yet known (e.g. this is a synthesized attribute.
// This is hard-to-describe and we should probably use an Atom for
// the quote, and decide how to handle NULL.
// This should only be called from AddAttribute
Attribute(Atom name, const StringPiece& value,
const StringPiece& escaped_value, const char* quote);
static inline void CopyValue(const StringPiece& src,
scoped_array<char>* dst);
Atom name_;
scoped_array<char> escaped_value_;
scoped_array<char> value_;
const char* quote_;
virtual ~HtmlElement();
// Add a copy of an attribute to this element. The attribute may come
// from this element, or another one.
void AddAttribute(const Attribute& attr);
// Unconditionally add attribute, copying value.
// Quote is assumed to be a static const char *.
// Doesn't check for attribute duplication (which is illegal in html).
// The value, if non-null, is assumed to be unescaped. See also
// AddEscapedAttribute.
void AddAttribute(Atom name, const StringPiece& value, const char* quote);
// Unconditionally add attribute with int value.
void AddAttribute(Atom name, int value);
// As AddAttribute, but assumes value has been escaped for html output.
void AddEscapedAttribute(Atom name, const StringPiece& escaped_value,
const char* quote);
// Removes the attribute at the given index, shifting higher-indexed
// attributes down. Note that this operation is linear in the number of
// attributes.
void DeleteAttribute(int i);
// Remove the attribute with the given name. Return true if the attribute
// was deleted, false if it wasn't there to begin with.
bool DeleteAttribute(Atom name);
// Look up attribute by name. NULL if no attribute exists.
// Use this for attributes whose value you might want to change
// after lookup.
const Attribute* FindAttribute(Atom name) const;
Attribute* FindAttribute(Atom name) {
const HtmlElement* const_this = this;
const Attribute* result = const_this->FindAttribute(name);
return const_cast<Attribute*>(result);
// Look up attribute value by name. NULL if no attribute exists.
// Use this only if you don't intend to change the attribute value;
// if you might change the attribute value, use FindAttribute instead
// (this avoids a double lookup).
const char* AttributeValue(Atom name) const {
const Attribute* attribute = FindAttribute(name);
if (attribute != NULL) {
return attribute->value();
return NULL;
// Look up attribute value by name. false if no attribute exists,
// or attribute value cannot be converted to int. Otherwise
// sets *value.
bool IntAttributeValue(Atom name, int* value) const {
const Attribute* attribute = FindAttribute(name);
if (attribute != NULL) {
return StringToInt(attribute->value(), value);
return false;
// Small integer uniquely identifying the HTML element, primarily
// for debugging.
void set_sequence(int sequence) { sequence_ = sequence; }
Atom tag() const {return tag_;}
// Changing that tag of an element should only occur if the caller knows
// that the old attributes make sense for the new tag. E.g. a div could
// be changed to a span.
void set_tag(Atom new_tag) { tag_ = new_tag; }
int attribute_size() const {return attributes_.size(); }
const Attribute& attribute(int i) const { return *attributes_[i]; }
Attribute& attribute(int i) { return *attributes_[i]; }
friend class HtmlParse;
friend class HtmlLexer;
CloseStyle close_style() const { return close_style_; }
void set_close_style(CloseStyle style) { close_style_ = style; }
// Render an element as a string for debugging. This is not
// intended as a fully legal serialization.
void ToString(std::string* buf) const;
void DebugPrint() const;
int begin_line_number() const { return begin_line_number_; }
int end_line_number() const { return end_line_number_; }
virtual void SynthesizeEvents(const HtmlEventListIterator& iter,
HtmlEventList* queue);
virtual void InvalidateIterators(const HtmlEventListIterator& end);
virtual HtmlEventListIterator begin() const { return begin_; }
virtual HtmlEventListIterator end() const { return end_; }
// Begin/end event iterators are used by HtmlParse to keep track
// of the span of events underneath an element. This is primarily to
// help delete the element. Events are not public.
void set_begin(const HtmlEventListIterator& begin) { begin_ = begin; }
void set_end(const HtmlEventListIterator& end) { end_ = end; }
void set_begin_line_number(int line) { begin_line_number_ = line; }
void set_end_line_number(int line) { end_line_number_ = line; }
// construct via HtmlParse::NewElement
HtmlElement(HtmlElement* parent, Atom tag, const HtmlEventListIterator& begin,
const HtmlEventListIterator& end);
int sequence_;
Atom tag_;
std::vector<Attribute*> attributes_;
HtmlEventListIterator begin_;
HtmlEventListIterator end_;
CloseStyle close_style_;
int begin_line_number_;
int end_line_number_;
} // namespace net_instaweb